Blood and silt (OC)
It was days like this when you wished that the local petrol station had survived the apocalypse. It wasn’t even awful in terms of weather but you hadn’t seen the sun for days, the air having grown stale and cold, as slightly bitter wind brushing against your skin as you walked around what was left of the villages. Cars would lay by the pavements, broken and rusting away as relics of what was once an actual society, the buildings lying unoccupied except by those who had brought the world down. You’d look around for a moment to see if you could see anything living around you, the low light of the sun meaning that everything was given this dark haze and the shadows being black enough so that you couldn't see anything within them. You’d decided that you might as well relax for a moment, moving over to one of the rusted shells on the street and sitting down. As you got out a can of tuna and a knife and started cutting away at the cans top you’d think about how humanity got itself into this dire situation in the first place, humming to yourself.
It all started when what would come to be known as the Random Evolutionary Virus, Or R.E.V for short, was released onto the populace, spreading as rapidly as it mutate. It would spread far before it eventually activated the Random mutation, turning those who were injected into mutants soon afterward which would then cause havoc to spread across the world. Airports were on fire, cities were reduced to nothing but rubble and dirt, roads were practically filled with bodies to the point they were repurposed as mass graves. After a while only the most powerful and rich cities survived, walls being erected around them to keep the beasts from coming inside with you having come to City-8 for the purpose of seeking refuge when it first opened which was when you were brought to virus testing.
You had done your best to get there and avoid getting infected only for the blood test to reveal that you were a carrier to the virus, the infection having latched onto your very DNA. Thankfully you weren’t shot on sight as it was soon decided that you were merely a carrier, a person that had the disease but who’s mutation hadn’t triggered. The good news is that you weren’t killed and dumped in an incinerator but the bad news was that you could no longer stay in the city proper, being an infection risk to everyone around you but they did state they would supply you as long as you made a deal with them. Having nothing else to do, rapidly running out of supplies and figuring you wouldn’t survive out there on your own, you accepted the deal and asked what they wanted.
That’s when you became a scouter and that’s how you were running around the ruins of humanity, trying to get some data for those inside the city. That data was the traits and behaviors of the mutated and, the more info you provided on the beasts, the better rewards you would receive. You looked down at your can to see that it was finished before you threw it to your side and got up, wondering what you’d do next before you suddenly heard the sound of something clattering within the building next to you. With hope that you were about to find something juicy to give to the city folk, you grabbed ahold of your camera and walked inside, getting ready to see what was within as you treaded carefully, not wanting to be seen and ripped apart.
You’d slowly make your way into the room, hearing the sound of clattering metal and grunting with you being sure that there was something happening within this building. You also started to hear the sound of wet, deep breathing, the sound having long wheezes followed by a wet liquid sliding across itself which meant there were Male mutants hiding within the building. This meant that,assumingly ,a bunch that had collegiate together inside when they sensed something resembling food or sex. You’d eventually find yourself heading towards a balcony, hearing the sounds grow louder and louder as you reached the edge, getting ready to prime your camera for the perfect shot, poking your head and camera out to see what was happening within the darkness.
You’d look around to see several mutants standing in a circle before you’d look to the middle to see what was known as a runner mutant, a female one at that. The first place that you looked was her face to see that it was harsh and skeletal, the woman’s glowing orange eyes contrasting with the green hair that clung to the top of her head in a mohawk style cut. The woman’s nose had become somewhat more tube-like and her lips were gone, replaced with sharp and jagged teeth. Your eyes then moved down the rest of her grey skimmed body, the woman wearing some clothes like a tight blue shirt but having no sense for modesty, the shirt being so short it exposed half her breasts and her engorged nipples pushed through it. You eyes would move down her abs and to her waist where you’d see a pair of panties clinging to her underside. The woman was wearing some kind of leggings and boots whilst her hands were wrapped up, the woman's sharp fingernails and the spikes on her arms poking out right through the bandages.
You look around at the males, seeing that they resembled humans much less then she did, their heads becoming tumorous masses with said growths travelling down their bodies. They were also naked, seemingly aroused by the woman that they were surrounding as she stood there, letting out a series of growls and groans into the air as you wondered how this situation even occurred. The runner zombies were a more evolved strain of the virus, having more intelligence than the other types you had seen and also travelling in packs which raised the question of how she had managed to become separated from her group. Then you’d start seeing movements in the doorway before the mutant raised her hand into the air and flipped the bird, snarling as her pack mates descended on the less intelligent mutants.
The room was soon alight with screams from the moment she raised her fingers, her fellow mutants, tackling several of the tumorous type and ripping them apart. Claws dug into rubbery, twisted flesh, tearing and ripping at it as various limbs were torn off with you seeing one particularly proud runner mutant having ripped the head of one of the lesser beasts abs practically bathing in the blood. The runners didn’t have it all their own way, you could see one having been pinned to the wall and being facefucked but it was carnage regardless with all but the mutant in the middle participating. She seemed to be staring at you with you taking a photo of the scene and running, deciding to go back to your hideout so that you didn’t get caught up in the chaos.
You would run all the way back home but you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched by something as you ran, as if you were being stalked through the night. It was the way that the runner mutant had stared at you as if she knew exactly what you were and why you were there that did it for you although you made it back home in the end, jumping through the broken window and going to the deepest reaches of the house. You’d move to your bedroom and lay on the old mattress that you had set up, feeling shattered as you had run across half the city at this point, your eyes growing heavier and heavier before they would shut. Of course, what you didn’t know was that you were very much being watched and the watcher was coming to take her prey real soon.
You didn’t know how much time had passed when you were woken up by the sounds of a can hitting against the ground, your eyes slowly drifting open. You’d look around in your half dazed and half blurred vision, seeing that there seemed to be a figure standing before you which you didn’t react in a way that was surprised purely on the basis that you were tired enough that it hasn’t shocked you just yet. As you’d open your eyes more you’d see that the figure was the runner mutant from the city, the woman’s body shifting from side to side as she drooled onto the floor, making you realise what had just happened. You then proceeded to jump up only for the woman to get on all fours and jump at you, her hands clutching against your shoulders as she growled at you.
You’d attempt to scream only for the woman to slam her head into your own, the woman’s mouth opening up and letting her long tongue slither out of her jaw. It would then push itself inside of your mouth, the tongue slithering around your mouth before pushing the wet organ against your teeth before she wrapped it around your tongue, locking you in the kiss as her hand moved down to your trousers. You then felt as she would drag the trousers down your legs before she would start humping against your bare cock, feeling as it got harder and harder against her body before you would go and try and push her from your body. This would allow your cock to move right under her pussy which she then thrusted into, a moan escaping your mouth.
The woman’s tongue would writhe inside of your mouth as you felt her hips press against your own, the woman shifting her hips from side to side as she groaned. The pleasure soon got too much for her as she would pull her head upwards into the air, the woman’s tongue hanging out of her mouth as she’d let out that howling scream, spit dripping down from the sides of her mouth. Her hips soon started moving upwards,quickly gliding across your cock before ending up right at your tip as she’d unsteadily stay there for several moments, the woman’s fingers making scratch marks in the flooring. She would then let her hips fall down, the woman moving just as fast as before although this time she only rested against your hips for a moment before she moved herself back up.
The mutant would repeat this process several times over, moving up and down your cock as she panted across the air, drool dripping down her sides all the while. You noticed that her arms and legs were getting more and more restless, the claws drifting ever closer to your flesh before she raised her arms upwards into the air before wrapping themselves around your back as if she was hugging you. The woman’s sharp tipped fingers would find themselves at your shoulders, digging into them as her breasts pushed against your chest with you feeling her heart beating somewhat as the hug went on. You then watched as her legs would move,sliding down before hopping up and wrapping around your waist, making it so that she had more leverage against your body.
You’d feel as her hips would start to move quickly against your cock, the grey skin that clung to her hips beginning to blur in the air as she rammed her hips into you. The woman’s pussy would start clenching at your member, the inner walls grasping and rubbing across your cock and causing you to moan into the air some more, her teeth starting to grind against one another as her orange eyes bore into your skull. You could tell that she was going to open her mouth again although you didn’t have a clue for what, wondering if she was going in for a kiss or if she was letting out another screech into the air. Then you’d watch as her head would descend, the jaw slowly falling open before it would impact with your neck, grasping ahold of it as you realized what was about to happen.
You felt the woman’s razor-like teeth starting to dig into your skin, slowly pushing itself into your flesh and almost certainly leaving its mark, the pain mixing with the pleasure you were feeling. You looked down to see how deeply the woman’s sharp, unequal teeth dug into your skin, blood starting to drip past her teeth and onto your tongue as you felt her pussy clench particularly hard against your member, making you look upwards into the air. The woman was panting against your skin, sweat beads starting to appear on your skin as you’d look over to her, seeing that she was still staring into your soul. The woman then would let her hips get slower for a brief moment before you’d feel as she went even faster, the woman letting out a moan into your skin as you let out a groan.
You’d watch as the woman’s hips went into overdrive, the woman hitting against you at such a rapid rate that you could almost feel your hips bruising from it all. The lewd sounds of the woman’s wet pussy ramming against your crotch, echoing around the rooms and snuffing the noises of your moans as she’d let out another gargle into your neck, her breathing being laborious and long. You’d feel as her fluids would overflow across your body, the fluids dripping down your balls and legs, pooling up on the floor as you’d feel her claws dig into your skin even deeper then before. You tried to wiggle out of a grasp, something that was rather futile given the fact that all that achieved was driving her fangs even deeper inside of your neck, catching your flesh some more.
You’d then feel as you started to throb inside of her, your cock pushing against her inner walls, of which would wrap against them once again, increasing the pleasure. You’d then feel the pressure arrive, starting to push and throb inside of it as it would slowly crawl down your member, eventually getting consumed by the pleasure as you’d hear as she let out a few whines as if she was desperate to have cum. Given how fast that she was going she would probably get what she wanted soon enough, a couple of groans escaping your mouth before you started to cum inside of her. She would respond by slamming her hips downwards into your waist, clashing with it as she clenched her pussy to make sure that not a single drop of cum would escape her.
The first few ropes would escape your cock and spread across the woman’s inner walls, coating them white before they'd start pushing deeper inside of her. Soon you’d reach the ends of her womb, the ropes shooting out and getting closer and closer with each rope that you shot out, both you and her waiting for your orgasm would peak. Eventually it would hit that peak, a massive amount of cum escaping your member and pushing deep into her womb, filling her to the brim as she would unlatch from your neck and gasp out into the air. After that your orgasm would come to a end, the ropes growing smaller and smaller before being reduced to nothing at all, the last couple drops sliding inside of her.
After that you thought that it was over only for that not to be the case, the woman staring at you for a moment before you saw a massive grin on her face. She then proceeded to drive her head down into your shoulder, biting it again as her hips would start back up, the woman soon going at full speed as you’d hear her desperate panting echo out across the air. The woman would ride you for god knows how long, your skin dripping with sweat as you felt pleasure push across your member, your mind getting more and more hazed by the moment. Eventually you’d feel yourself slipping out of consciousness, noises muffling and your eyes growing heavy before you fell unconscious, the woman slamming her hips against you more and more.
After a while you’d wake up to the feeling of warmth dripping down your member, your eyes slowly opening up to see that you were in an entirely different location to where you slept. You looked to your left to see the runner that was laying next to you, the woman’s mouth open and lapping away at the wounds that she caused with you being almost thankful she had some remorse for that. You then looked down to see more runners, all of which were female, lapping away at your cum covered cock with you quickly realising that they didn’t view you as prey but as a mate and they seemed to all want to get their share. As you watched them you’d smile, knowing one thing was for sure :
You were going to have a lot of pictures to show.
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