Fruits of your labour (Various machines)

 One of the good things about the apocalypse was that there wasn’t any calendars which meant you didn’t have to worry about what day it was. The bad thing was that meant you didn’t get the weekends off anymore, the grind going on and on as you tried to make something of the ruined state that had been left behind when the bombs dropped. You had sided with the minutemen, figuring that they were the most rational bet given the other option were the armour clad maniacs and the people trying to populate the world with synths and since your involvement you had made your way up their ranks. You had also helped them innovate, the taming of beasts from the rad scorpion to the feral ghouls meaning that they had additional combat capabilities to the, as well as better defence of logistical veins. Currently the highest priority of the minutemen was food stability, the high command figuring that a better fed populace would be better at fighting raiders and other enemies which meant you were wandering around the wasteland, kicking up sand as you walked.

You were going far off the beaten path this time around, salvaging an old map from the pre war days to see if you could find the rusted remains of any garden centres. You had found none other then the occasional seed packet but you were now heading to a place called Greygarden and, if the name was correct, you hoped that they were actually growing something. You weren’t going alone either, taking Gracie with you since you were going into disputed territory, knowing the super mutant would be able to maul anything that was in the way. Of course, she wasn’t the only line of Defense with you taking your trusty pistol with you to make sure that any raiders that were around got their heads turned into mush although you haven't seen any of those savages around here yet.

You looked at the map and then looked up to see if there were any landmarks you could see that would indicate that you were close, only seeing the road and a few wilted trees. You would keep glancing around for anything that could appear from around any corners, being unable to help but feel like there was something watching you. You’d keep your finger on the trigger, rubbing your finger up and down it before you’d come to a turn in the road, the road having a fresh coating of dust on it but still being mostly intact. You could see a couple of cars piled up at the edge of the road, the rusted hulls being salvaged of anything that could be useful nowadays as you would turn the corner. With that you’d see a ridge at the edge of the road with a settlement beneath it and, as such,you went to investigate.

As you would get closer you’d hear the sound of something robotic moving, gears shifting across the air as you readied yourself for a fight. You’d then hear the sound of repulsers humming through the air which seemed to indicate the fact that there were Mr Handys running around which raised the question of what they were doing in the middle of nowhere. As you kept walking towards the ridge you’d see more and more of the settlement reveal itself to you, a rusted roof poking above the ridge as you got ready to deal with the machines that were underneath it. You’d eventually reach the end of the ridge, crouching down to make sure nothing could see you before you looked over, your eyes widening and a smirk building on your face when you realized that the machine weren't ready for combat.

In fact, it seemed like they were built for gardening instead, the machines carefully cutting fruits from branches and placing them down before moving on. With that you jumped down from the ledge and onto the floor, Gracie following forward in a less graceful manner and hitting the ground with a slight thump, although this didn’t seem like the machines noticed. You walked closer and closer to them  with you noticing that they weren’t paying attention at all before you looked over to what fruit they were harvesting. It seemed to be a typical mutfruit,seeing that it was apple-like with a rather hard skin and yellow leaves sprouting from its top, perfect for not just increasing food diversity in the minutemen controlled areas but also good food for the animals you were breeding.

You’d try and attract the attention of the machines only to be stone walled, with it seeming that the robots existed to farm, nothing less and nothing more. You’d walk past the crop, seeing the fruit on the ground as you would reach the entrance of what was a greenhouse although most of the windows had been smashed and the metal was draped in rust. You would wait outside of the building for several moments, looking around it to see no beings, human or otherwise, lurking inside of it, which is when you knocked on the side of the building. “Coming!” Shouted a voice, one that was bathed inside of a metallic tone to it, the shuddering of repulsion jets echoing out across the air as three robots would expose themselves to you, leading to you looking at all three of them to analyse them.

All three of them seemed to have the typical Mister handy body type which was a round orb with a hole at the bottom for the repulser jet to come out off and allow movement from A to B. Below the body there were three arms, one of which being a traditional claw, another of which was a buzzsaw blade and the other a boring tool which you  couldn’t have imagined had much use back in the pre war days. Your eyes would briefly focus on the heat generated by the jets before looking back up at their eyes of which were three cameras placed on top of robotic limbs, the eyes having a shutter to make sure the robots were able to focus onto something. The most curious parts of the robots were their colour schemes which, despite the fact that they were dust worn and scratched, were still clearly visible after all this time. One of the robots was painted a white, the second a navy green and the third a dark brown, all three of them now staring right at you. 

“Please identify yourself.” The white one said,of which you assumed to be the farms leader given she was the one addressing you.

“I’m Anon. I’m from the Minutemen, if that rings a bell to any of you. Who are you three supposed to be then?” You asked, resting your gun by your side as Gracie would obediently sir next to you, watching the machines.

“Nice to meet you, Anon. I am supervisor White, I am the leader of this place. Ladies, introduce yourselves, if you may.” She said, confirming that they were all women which is a relief because you couldn’t tell what they were just from looking at them.

“I am supervisor Greene. I am the merchant of this place. So if you wish to purchase, then you are free to do so.” She explained, pointing at the fruits with her claw arm as the other machine spoke.

“And I am supervisor Brown. If you desire to work here, please tell me and it can be arranged.” She offered with you wondering why the fully automated farm would need human workers in the first place.

“Nice to meet you all but I am not here to buy or to work. I’d actually like to offer you something.” You explained, the robots looking at one another rapidly before looking back at you.

“Before we hear your offer, we may have to ask you to do something, Stranger.” She said as you gave her a nod to try and let her tell you about just what she wanted from you. “Well for the past few days the water treatment plant had been cut off. We can’t get anything but sludge out of the pipes nowadays.” She explained with you knowing just what she wanted you to do.

“So, you’re wanting me to go up and fix it then?” 

“Exactly. We do it ourselves but the supermutants have taken over it and there’s something in the lower floors.” They explained with you assuming it had to something like a Mirelurk down there given it was a water treatment plant. “After that is done, we will listen to your offer.” She said as you’d consider if you should take the deal or just leave but you figured that taking the farm intact would be better.

“You’ve got a deal. Tell me where the water treatment plant is and I’ll go and sort it for you.” You said, the three robots humming in delight as Greene would go to speak.

“Excellent. It’s just south of here, down the road that you came here on, stranger.” She explained and with that you were on your way to the plant, briskly jogging down the road as not to waste time. The water plant was way more noticeable the the farm was, the rusted facility standing out due to the oasis of radiation filled water that had submerged it, the combination of nuclear fallout and water damage clearly having its effects. As you would approach the water treatment plant you would take out your gun, making sure that it was fully loaded as you’d see the large figures of the super mutants in the distance. You’d line up your shot at the closest one, taking in the grotesque muscles that bulged out of their skin and the sickly green skin before pulling the trigger.

The bullet slammed into his chest, knocking him to the ground with a second bullet pushing right through his forehead soon afterwards as the other super mutants would take notice. You’d walk onto the walkway and start blasting the beast's brains out,bullets flying through the air before slamming into the metal that surrounded you or the mutants themselves. You’d move from platform to platform, ducking behind anything and everything that you could as you crossed the areas, hearing as bullets would clatter around you. As you killed more and more mutants you’d see one heading towards you with a mini nuke chained to his arm, a slight bit of panic moving through you as you backed away and shot right at the nuke, covering your face as it was set off and killing the remaining mutants.

You’d take in a couple of deep breaths before you would hear the sound of something roaring from inside of the facility, that thing coming to face you right now. It would crawl out of the building and reveal itself to be a Mirelurk with you attempting to go with a headshot before you realized you had just ran out of ammo. You looked over to one of the shotguns that were clenched in an super mutants now cold hands, your eyes running over it as the Mirelurk scuttled across the ground. You leaned down and grabbed ahold of the shotgun, picking it up and lifting the gun into the air before firing it, a thunderous bang echoing across the air as a massive amount of crustacean flesh sprayed out across the air, parts of it hitting the fall but most running in the water.

With that you’d take the shotgun, scavenge any ammo that was left on the supermutant and start to scout the insides of the facility, glancing around it. From there you wouldn’t find anything with it seeming that the Mirelurks had been eaten by the supermutants which was a relief as you didn’t know how much fighting you could do in these corridors. Either way you would then get to repairing the plant which mainly consisted off trying to make sure that whatever the super mutants had jammed into the gears had been removed. After getting rid of the mutants modifications you’d restart the plant, hearing the hum of the machines as it would whirl to life, waiting for a few moments to make sure something else didn’t break before you walked back down the street.

You would return to the farm, seeing the three drone handy working on picking the fruits with you seeing supervisor brown in the distance, the robot moving one of her eyestalks to look at you as you approached. “Ah, stranger! It seems that you’ve turned the water treatment back on, Greene and White are just doing some tests now.” She Said, the woman clearly having a happy tone within her voice.

“And the test indicates that you have been very much successful in your mission, Stranger.” White said as she hovered from a backroom somewhere, Greene following along with her before she spoke again. “So, What was that offer you were wanting to talk about, Stranger?” She asked with you happily resting against the wall before you made it.

“Well, we’re wondering if you’re wanting to join minuteman territory. We’re willing to pay whatever you want for the fruits, we’ll even get you some spare parts for you once we capture some institute industry. We need the fruits not just for feeding our people but also our menagerie. You’ll even get protection, I bet raiders are a real pain out here, huh? ” You asked, the machines glancing between one another for several moments before they spoke.

“Oh, and how do you go about taming these beasts then?” Asked Greene with you figuring that she wanted in on the business and that you might as well tell them the truth, it’s not like you had any shame about it anymore.

“Well, I gather these machines known as Beta Ray emitters which relaxes the animal before I have sent with them to establish some sort of bond between me and the beast.” You explained as the three machines seemed shocked, looking to one another.

“Wow, sounds like a rather intensive technique, Stranger.” Greene said as White would follow.

“It certainly does. Seems like a good offer to us, we’ll have to consider it. But, for now, why don’t we give you your reward for helping us.” She said as she and her fellow machines would stick their claws out into the air with you hearing a hiss as the claws would pop out. They would then move to the side of the room and let the claws drop onto a table with a clatter, the arms then moving to a different set of claws at the end of the table. These claws were placed and sealed onto the arms, being raised up into the air which would reveal that they had rubber fingers presumably for jobs that requested a more gentle hand. “Please, Stranger take your trousers off.” White instructed as she would make her claw over to a jaw and stuck it inside, slowly covering it in fluid.

You would heed her instructions, grabbing your trousers and taking them off before throwing them to the ground, your cock now on full display. The machines appeared to have finished their preparations, all hovering towards you at a steady rate before stopping just before  your feet, their claws dripping with the lube which glistened in the air. You then watched as they would all stare at one another, seemingly trying to figure out which one out of the three of them was going to get the first stroke. Eventually white would move her arm out, the other two watching in eager anticipation for what was going to happen as it would move closer and closer to your member, eventually sliding your cock into it, clamping down tightly but not enough to cause any discomfort.

You’d then feel as the woman’s hand would slowly move itself down your cock, dragging across your member as you’d let out a long and satisfied groan into the air. You’d watch as the hand would slowly creep down to the base of your cock, sliding down it until it would reach your balls and would rest there for a couple moments. She then started to move her arm upwards, dragging and spreading the lube across your member before she’d reach the tip, resting there before moving back down again, the tightness of her hand around your member making you groan. Eventually the other two would start watching intently, moving their still lube-covered hands closer to your cock as she would let out a few robotic hisses into the air, her joints grinding against one another.

The two of them went in opposite directions to one another, Greene moving upwards whilst supervisor Brown would move downwards towards your balls. You’d then feel as Browns claws would move over to your balls, cradling them within their traps before starting to rub her fingers up and down your balls, smearing them with lube. Meanwhile Green would latch onto the head of your member, the three claws jamming into the glands that surrounded the tip and started to rub against it, dragging the claws from side to side around your tip. You’d groan out as the three pronged assault would continue onwards, the sound of your moans echoing out across the air as the three machines would murmur to themselves, their camera eyes staring right at you and analysing you eagerly.

After a few minutes of sustained pleasure Supervisor White would start to speed up against your member, the woman’s hand moving up and down your cock eagerly and quickly. You’d feel as the hand would slap against your balls due to how fast she was going, the lube that was on the balls making a slight clapping sound before it got pulled up and hit against the hand massaging your base. The other two would soon start moving quicker and harder as well, supervisor Brown's claw clutching at your balls, massaging them much harder then she had done beforehand whereas Greene would start using her robotic form to her advantage. She would start moving her hand in circles around your tip,slowly spinning around and pleasuring your glands much more rapidly.

You’d move your hands to the floor, clutching ahold of the dirt and taking it up in tuffs as you’d feel as sweat would drip down your body, gasps escaping your mouth as you did so. You’d see them still pleasuring you, a slight puddle of lube dripping onto the floor as they'd hum to themselves, seeming eager to do the job of milking your cock. You’d see as one of Whites eyestalks would move upwards to stare at your face, the woman’s cameras focusing on your face before she proceeded to chuckle to herself, the woman’s jets letting out a couple of humming sounds. “Let’s finish the job, shall we?” She Said as the other machines looked at her and agreed, shaking their eyestalks in something that could be best described as a nod as she would let out another chuckle.

With that, all three of the machines would start to move insanely quickly across your member, a loud groan escaping your mouth as your fingers would scratch the ground. You’d feel as Whites hand would tighten and run across your length, going from tip to base to tip again and doing so in a matter of moments, your veins flaring as her fingers would move past them. Meanwhile Greenes hand would start moving faster and faster, the digits drifting across your glands and making it so pre was spraying all over her hand, the robot letting out a couple of groans as she kept moving her limbs. Eventually the last robot would start moving faster, the fingers drifting and massaging each ball in an almost kneading gesture, pushing down on them and causing more pleasure to flare up.

That was when you felt yourself start to throb inside of their grasps, pushing against the rubber coated metal of which would clench back around your member, pleasuring rushing through you. You’d then feel as pressure would start to build up at the tip of your member, growing subtly at first but growing more and more intolerable as time would go on to the point that it has completely consumed your entire  member. You’d feel every single movement that their claws made against your member, the metal hands drifting across it before you eventually couldn’t take it anymore. With that you started to cum, the machines not stopping their movements as ropes escaped from your member although they all let out a rather elated ooohing noise when they saw it happen.

Ropes would spray out of your cock and cover the rubber claw that was rubbing against your cock, a couple of ropes covering the ground as she kept moving. More and more ropes would spray out of your cock, the ropes growing thicker and more plentiful by the moment,coating the metal with your cum as you’d eventually reach your peak. A massive amount of cum would spray out of your cock, an entire series of ropes coming out and lathering against the metal, a couple bits of cup dripping across the metal and onto the floor. That was when the orgasm began to come to an end, less and less ropes coming out of your cock and, of those, they were much smaller and slower then the previous rounds before becoming mere drops and then becoming nothing at all.

The hands were soon removed from your member, the mechanical movements echoing slightly as you’d hear a familiar snarl move across the air. You looked down to see that it was Gracie, the beast seemingly having watched the entire thing occur, drool dripping across the sides of the beast's face before she jumped at you, pushing her paws into your waist. You were pushed to the ground, your cock raised up into the air as the dog moved between your legs, the robots watching in shock at what was happening to you. It then would start sniffing at your cock, the smell of cum and the lube that was being used by the machines being virtually irresistible to the dog, its tongue moving out of its mouth before it would push against your cock, starting to clean you off

You’d groan out as your overstimulated cock felt its warm tongue start drifting around your member, slowly licking up all of the cum that was on it as she gasped eagerly. You’d hear we snort as her tongue would drift across the centre of your member, the woman feeling as your veins would start surging around it, although she wasn’t aware of it like the machines were. You'd watch as drool dripped from both the side of its mouth and it’s tongue, the liquid dripping all over the place including your balls, your legs and the floor as her read would wag from side to side. The beast would stare at you as you moaned, your eyes staring right back at her to see that there was a distinct hunger that was moving across her body, the taste of the lube only making it more appetizing to her.

The dogs lapping would continue as you would move your hand up to her head, feeling as the green, leathery skin would rub and push against your fingers. You’d hear as the dog would let out a few grunts across the air, clearly enjoying your patting but not enjoying it enough to stop lapping away at your rapidly hardening cock, her claws stuck into  the ground to make sure that she couldn’t be moved. You’d look up to see the robots watching eagerly, the group whispering to themselves as you figured that they must have been happy to see what your taming methods were actually like as the dog began to move up your member. She would move up to the tip of your member, panting there for several moments before her tongue escaped her mouth and hit your cock again.

The dog would start lapping away at the tip of your member, grinding its tongue against your tip and rubbing up against your glands more and more by the moment. As she would cover your member in drool she lapped against the tip of your cock, pre-starting to drip down her tongue and adding another taste to the concoction that had slathered your cock. It wouldn’t help that the tip was the most sensitive area of your cock, your member practically throbbing in pleasure  as she would lap away at it, the warm breath that was coming out of her mouth covering your member even more. You’d also watch as the dogs head would grow closer and closer  to your member as if she was about to suck on your tip, the pre that was coming out of it clearly being very attractive to the dog.

From there she would start to suckle on the tip of your member, the thin lips starting to push against it as you’d let out a series of moans against the air. You could feel as the drool would be pushed up against your member, drifting upwards from it as her tongue would rub against the bottom of your dick, beads of precum dripping out of your cock and against her tastebuds. You’d once again move your hand to her head although this time it was to try and get the mutt to slow itself down somewhat. She did not and the increased stimulation that she had on your member, the suction growing more and more intense by the moment as you groaned out across the air as the robots giggled.

That was when you felt yourself start to throb inside of her, your cock starting to push against her tongue which would wiggle against it, causing more and more pleasure pushing through you.  You’d feel as the pressure would surge through your member, slowly rising through you until it would consume the rest of your cock, causing the veins to flare out and the glands to grow more sensitive, your teeth grinding against one another as you tried to not to cum inside of her. Eventually you would reach your breaking point, letting out a loud groan into the air before you proceeded to cum, the ropes escaping your cock as her ears shot up and her eyes widened at the feeling.

Ropes started to spray out of your member once again, covering her tongue with the first volley and hitting against the back of her throat with the second. The mutt would start swallowing down your ropes as they grew larger and larger, the ropes growing thicker and thicker as she would have a struggle pushing it down her throat. After a while a massive amount of ropes sprayed out of your member, the peak of your orgasming going and flooding down her throat, making her let out a couple of chokes and gasps as she took it. Eventually your orgasm would start to wind down, the ropes growing weaker and weaker before turning into a couple of drops before becoming nothing at all, the muzzle popping off your member as she had successfully cleaned your cock.

She would pant to herself a couple of times before she walked away, leaving you on your own before the robots would hover over you, watching you get up off the ground and pull your trousers up. “Well, it seems that your taming methods work well, Stranger.” White said as the others chuckled, the robot's arms flicking around before she would speak again. “Your deal has been accepted, Anon. If you wish to come and collect some fruit for your animals. That or to drop off any seed that you may be wanting to deposit here. Now, we need to go and monitor the water supply, see you soon, Stranger,” She said as she would hover away from you, leaving you on your own.  With that you couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction to move across your body,not just sexually, but also a sense of satisfaction of getting a job done, feeling you were closer and closer to fixing turning the wasteland into less of a waste.


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