Down where it’s wetter (Dagon)
You could hear the sound of the waves lashing and hitting against the cliffs, a soft hum escaping your lips as you’d walk. You had always found the coast much more comforting than in the night then in the day, the lack of seagulls screeching out across the air and the much reduced traffic of ferries and haulers meaning that you could wander around with your own thoughts for once. You’d look over to the water, seeing as the darkness would shift up and down slowly like a chest moving up and down when it breathed, the waves lashing against the side wall and letting out a few noises that comforted instead of annoyed. Your eyes would trace the water, slowly moving across the waves before you’d see a yellow bead in the middle of the water with you recognising that as one of the coastal research vessels that they had brought over from the north. You had heard on the news that they were there to track a reported whale sighting in the area which they had thought was bizarre as it was both the wrong climate and general location for the whales.
You’d feel a chill move over your skin before you moved your head over to see the docking terminal looming over you, the mass of concrete and steel sticking out the side of the water. The lights that were pushing out of the building had withered in age, a ghostly aura surrounding it with the clocktower being the most ghostly,the numbers having long since blurred into nothingness. Overall the sea had made the building dirtier, large stains drifting across the concrete which you assumed to be either salt or water damage, a large border drifting across the bottom because that was the only part that had been cleaned. Eventually you’d reach the doors and enter inside, hearing the joints creak as you would feel as the harsh light would hit your eyes.
You’d hear the chiptune sound of music coming out of aging speakers, the sounds echoing out the hollowed room as you walked around the area. You would briefly look at the seats, all of them being of the metal varieties with holes in the bottom which you viewed as both a way to stop the homeless sleeping there and to punish anyone actually wanting to use the ferry. Either way, you figured that you might as well buy a packet of crisps before you left, especially since it was so late you wouldn’t be bothered to cook something when you got home. You’d eventually reach the vending machine, deciding that prawn cocktail would be your choice for today and slipping the change inside, hearing as it would hit the mechanism as you got your crisps, opening them and taking a bite.
Your snack would soon be interrupted by the roof of the terminal smashing with half a crisp falling out of your hand as you dodged out of the way of the glass falling from above. A deafening slam echoed out across the air as you’d a sudden bundle of smoke and dust pushed against your face, the smoke clearing to reveal the research vessel had been thrown out of the water, reduced to a yellow and grey pile of twisted metal. You’d back away and threw your crisps to the ground as you ran towards the dock, wondering if there had been some kind of explosion that tossed the ship out of the water. A siren would start sounding across the terminal, signalling that you should get the hell out of there as you moved to the dock, hoping the moonlight would reveal the cause.
Instead you wouldn’t see a moon, only the outline of something massive blocking the moon, a noise deeper than anything you’d ever heard echoing out as the outline grew. With that you figured that there was no way you were able to do anything to something that size, turning around and promptly running away as the sound of water parting echoed out across the air. You’d manage to exit the building, seeing that car’s were left discarded as they ran away from whatever the hell was coming out of the water with you eventually stopping and turning around to see what direction it was heading out of the water. For a moment you’d feel as everything would go silent around you as the aura of the terminal revealed what had emerged from the water.
It was a fish woman, able to loom over every building around you with ease as your eyes would try and figure out what part of the beast to focus on first. Your eyes would lock onto your own with you noticing that she was staring right at you, her eyes being milky and empty, frills of fins pushing out from the sides of her face. Your eyes then moved down to her mouth, seeing the sharp teeth grinding against one another before your eyes moved down her wet green skin as she kept staring at you. You then moved to her chest, seeing the woman’s large rack on full display with the woman’s large fins being dragged down her back, seeing just how muscular her arms were as her sharp claws would drag against the wall, taking chunks of it along with it. You’d then look at her lower half, seeing that it was must less human then the rest from her as you saw as the snake-like bottom would move into the dark abyss of the water with you being able to see the way the hips were highlighted due to the bones sticking out from the flesh that surrounded them.
With that she’d look down at you and started moving towards you, the woman growling out into the air as she would give chase of which you responded by running even faster. Luckily for you she was at least somewhat slow, meaning that you could zig zag your way around buildings as you’d hear the sound of concrete being crushed and glass smashing. Eventually you’d find yourself at the market, seeing the darkness shrouded sign above you before you’d dive inside, praying that her glance would have been somewhere else as you’d proceed to run yourself underneath one of the stores. You’d feel as the ground would start bending underneath you, the woman seemingly searching for you before you would hear as concrete would start being torn apart above you.
You’d look up to see that the woman was looming over you, throwing the roof over into the building behind her and causing a lot of property damage in the process. You’d then watch as she would place one of her hands down into the market, crushing a few stalls as she moved her face closer to you, the air coming warmer and wetter as she would breath down against you. You stared at her and she’d stare at you with you having no idea to what she was trying to do now, the woman letting out a couple of chitters out into the air, drool dripping down the sides of her mouth. The woman then seemed to withdraw her face somewhat and would start speaking to you, the woman’s language sounding more like guttural groans and snarls than anything that resembled an actual language.
You’d just stare up at the woman, both incapable of talking to her and understanding her, the woman seemingly not aware of this as she would keep talking. Eventually you’d see as her body would shift in such a way that her chest and crotch were fully exposed to you, her hand moving to her head and resting it against it as she would attempt to speak again. It was only when she shot a wink your way was when you realized that she was flirting with you, your eyes glancing up and down her body as you didn’t really know how to react to this. After a minute or more of awkward flirting she would realize that you weren't understanding a word that she was saying, your hand reaching down and clutching ahold of your body, dragging you to her.
The woman would stare at you for a couple of moments, hearing the sound of her attempting to tell you something as you stared into her large, empty eyes. That’s when you’d feel as her hands would move you over to her pussy, seeing as it would open up to reveal her much whiter insides, the liquids dripping out of her pussy and all over the floor. Soon you would find yourself placed right next to her walls before you realized what she was planning to do to you with you starting to push your hands against her fingers, attempting to wiggle your way out of your grasp. These attempts to escape would prove to be useless, the woman moving your head to the edge of her pussy, your face being covered in pussy juices before she proceeded to ram you right into her cunt, your body now being inside of her depths.
You’d grunt out in disbelief as the fingers would briefly nudge you in deeper, going about as gentle as one could be when they’re a giant sea monster. Her fingers would then withdraw, leaving you in the wet and slick walls of her pussy as she would then start moving with you feeling the woman’s heavy body shifting around you, the woman seemingly heading backwards towards the water. The sound of water parting around you would revertate through the woman’s body as you’d feel her go deeper into the water, the sounds of the world you knew growing quieter and quieter before you’d realise there was salt water brushing against your foot. You’d soon realise that she was not water tight, the ocean water pooling up inside of her which would mean you could only go one way.
With that you’d start crawling deeper into her body, your fingers digging into her spongy flesh as the woman’s fluids would drip all over your body, making you slicker. Despite the fact that you assumed that you shouldn’t be able to live inside of this woman, it was surprisingly rather hospitable with you being able to breath and not be cursed by her inner walls although they were clenching and rubbing against you as you crawled. Eventually you’d see a hole in the distance, the lack of light meaning you couldn't see what was inside of it but you figured it was safer than being outside of it. You’d crawl even faster towards the hole, seeing it twitch as you were able to grab ahold of the edge, using your upper body strength to hoist yourself inside of the hole.
You’d look to see that you were in a dark cavern, the walls being darker than the ones inside of her pussy proper although they were still dripping with fluids. That was when you saw what else was attached to the wall which revealed that this place was much more than just her womb with you being able to see various limbs coming off the wall, some of them being straight up tentacles, the limbs being long and thick and dripping with the same substance coming off the walls. You’d also see a second type of tendril sticking out from the wall, seeing that it was thick and bulbous with a hole at the end that was clenching and dripping, the limbs idly twitching as you would take a step forward which was when they all suddenly stopped moving, pointing towards you.
The normal tendrils quickly pick you up off the ground, slathering your body with their fluids with you feeling as if they would heat up your skin on contact. Then a flurry of the orifice baring tendrils would attach to your body, starting to suck up your clothing into their grasp, making your clothes tighter and tighter against your body, the fabric tearing apart in some areas as you’d squirm. They would pull themselves backwards, letting the fabric tear apart and fall to the floor of her womb, the holes droppin the clothing to the floor before all but one of them would withdraw from the scene. That one would move over your member, letting a large portion of fluids leak out of it before it would open itself up as wide as it could go and rammed down, consuming your member.
You’d groan out into the air as you’d feel your entire body would heat up, the fluids that were being rubbed against your skin making your body warmer and warmer. You then felt as the orifice would eventually seal against your member, the woman’s inner walls clenching around your cock before starting to drag against your cock, the tendril starting to move upwards,exposing your cock to the steamy air. You’d then feel as the tendril would stay at the tip of your member, the fluids oozing against it as they rubbed against your tip before it stopped moving for a brief moment. After a few seconds the tendril would drop, the darkness being lit up by your groans as she would hit the base of your member with a loud clap, fluids dripping down your balls as you felt your head start to haze.
Your heart was racing inside of your chest, beating at a mile a minute as you felt your thoughts slow more and more, a scream trying to escape your mouth but staying slack on the tongue. You’d groan out each time you felt the tendril slam against your cock, jamming and pushing against it as your fingers scratched at the tentacles holding your arms in place, not doing any damage to the fish women due to how naturally strong she seemed. Everything felt like it hurt but everything felt like it was pleasurable right at the same time, your throat and lungs burning up from breathing in the hot humid air. You’d try and escape again, moving your legs this time of which she responded by yanking them straight so that you had no chance of escaping her.
That was when you felt as the tendril started to go faster against your member, ramming against your waist so quickly as you’d feel your body burning more and more. The woman’s insides clenched around your member, twisting and pushing across your veins and glands, making them flair up and making it so that pre was pooling up at the tip of your cock, slowly dripping out inside of her as she kept attempting to milk you. Your head felt hazy but not in the tired away, instead feeling like someone was holding your hand under the water, all sounds being muffled and all sights being obscured by a blur. You could also hear a voice, feminine and deep, around you but you knew that it couldn’t since there was nothing around you, the words muffled but they made sense to you, in a strange way.
The pleasure would ooze across your member as you started to realise that you were completely fucked, having no way of escaping this in the slightest. You’d feel a tendril move across your chest, tracing your heart and no doubt feeling how face it was racing in your chest as you’d hear the voice whisper in your ears. You’d try to respond but your mouth was only capable of moaning, any coherent words that came out of your mouth being smothered by the pleasure that was being thrusted against your body. You’d hear the voices words get more and more clear as you asked yourself a question, wondering why she would desire to do this, for what purpose this entire thing would occur before you'd get an answer implanted right inside of your brain.
There was no reason for any of this. There was no need for her to come out from the dark depths of the ocean and take you. The stars had not aligned, there was no ritual or any other gesture that would require her to do this, she simply chose to do it because she would enjoy it and, if the loud noises echoing from around you were her moans, she was enjoying it quite a bit. You then came to another realization as pleasure surged across your cock and pushed against your already breaking mind and that was that, despite the screaming and your heart beating wildly, you were enjoying this too. It was almost like it was all that you ever wanted,your body having pleasure dragged across it as you’d stop resisting her and started to embrace the brutal milking that was occurring.
That was when you felt yourself starting to throb inside of your grasp, your cock pushing up against her inner walls of which clenched back with brutal effect. You’d feel as pressure would start pushing against the tip of your member, feeling as though your cum would start pooling at your cockhead as you’d feel as if it would start drifting down your member, making the throbbing even more intense. It would get to the point where it would grow unbearable, the throbbing getting to the point where you couldn’t hold it in anymore, your teeth digging down into your lips as you started to cum inside of her. She would ram her tendril down onto the base of your member, wrapping around your cock and making an almost airtight seal as ropes escaped from your dick.
You’d feel as the ropes would start spraying out of your cock and covering her inner walls, the fleshy hole still moving to suck it to god knows where inside the woman. Your orgasm would grow more and more intense by the moment,the ropes growing larger and thicker by the moment, giving her more of what she watched as your cock kept twitching inside of her hole. Your orgasm would reach its peak a moment later, a massive volley of cum pushing out of your cum and into her which made your orgasm take your breath somewhat. After that the ropes would start to grow slower, still covering her inner walls but covering them with less cum eventually getting to the point that drops were dripping from your member, your entire body burning from the pleasure of it all.
That was when everything stopped for a brief moment, the haziness that was around your head lifting and the hole that was wrapped around your cock having relaxed. Your heart rate dropped as you’d feel as if she was trying to relax her body against you, maybe even considering letting you go before you realized that you never wanted to leave her side. You wanted to be her’s and hers alone, to her husband, her lover and the father of her future children and you wanted to see her milking your body again. She would seem to hear your plea and reacted accordingly, starting to move her tendril up and down your member once again as you groaned into to air, embracing your fate.
This was when time would start to become a blur. You knew that she kept milking you, brutally slamming against your hips and pleasuring your cock, sweat dripping across your body and onto the floor. It could have been hours or days, you didn’t know but you quickly realized that it didn’t matter anymore, none of it mattered anymore. You had talked with her in your head as she fucked you, you knew she called herself Dagon now and you knew that you loved her. When it was all over you were allowed out of her depths, you could feel water enter your lungs like it was oxygen, it felt natural, like it was meant to be. Your home was no longer what was above but the grand city of Y'ha-nthlei nor did you have any care or love for anyone else up on the surface. There was only Dagon now, your bride, the bearer of the your children, the god your beloved wife and you her beloved husband. There was only one way you could imagine that you would go back to the surface.
And that was if it was drowned under the water.
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