
Showing posts from January, 2025

My Nosferatu GF can't be this cute! (Nosferatu girl)

  You’d hum to yourself as you had your morning coffee, the sound of the radio pushing out across the air as you let the light of the TV illuminate the room. You hadn’t opened the curtains in months and you probably would have got rid of the windows if the council allowed you to actually do anything to your home even though your girlfriend didn’t like the light of the sun to put it gently. Still, the house was dark enough for her which was the only thing that mattered at the end of the day with you taking another sip of the coffee as you’d hear your girlfriend putting on some clothes, fabric rubbing against itself as you’d hear the sound of a box falling and her letting out a slight gasp making you chuckle. “Is Everything alright in there, honey?” You asked as you took another sip of your coffee before you heard the door open, a pair of dark eyes staring back out at you before she spoke. “Everything’s fine, I just dropped something! Don’t come in yet, I’m done finishing this outfit...

Blood and silt (OC)

  It was days like this when you wished that the local petrol station had survived the apocalypse. It wasn’t even awful in terms of weather but you hadn’t seen the sun for days, the air having grown stale and cold, as slightly bitter wind brushing against your skin as you walked around what was left of the villages. Cars would lay by the pavements, broken and rusting away as relics of what was once an actual society, the buildings lying unoccupied except by those who had brought the world down.  You’d look around for a moment to see if you could see anything living around you, the low light of the sun meaning that everything was given this dark haze and the shadows being black enough so that you couldn't see anything within them. You’d decided that you might as well relax for a moment, moving over to one of the rusted shells on the street and sitting down. As you got out a can of tuna and a knife and started cutting away at the cans top you’d think about how humanity got itsel...

Hail to the Queen (Mirelurk Queen)

  You always enjoyed being sent to the ocean areas especially given your home was in the middle of a desert where water was annoyingly sparse. You guess you can’t be too picky, you were lucky that the atom bomb didn’t completely destroy everything but you had managed to make it work at the red rocket, the rusted holes being repaired rather well especially now you had some help. The operation that you had been running had been successful, your meringue growing larger by the day and your disruption network slowly growing more by the moment with you sending all sorts of ghouls and insects around in order to act as guards. You even managed to gain a companion with Curie which meant that you weren’t the only one testing the animals and it also meant that you could be away from the Red Rocket more often since she could feed the animals. This attracted the attention of the higher ups of the Minutemen who soon arrived at the Rocket to ask you to take another creature that had managed to ne...

Nightstalker (OC)

  There was something in this house with you. You didn’t know what it was, you didn’t know who it was, you just knew that it was here and it was watching.  It made you wonder why you even moved into the mansion in the first place and why you didn’t just sell the thing whilst you had the chance before you realized that no one else would be willing to sleep here other than you. You had looked in every closet, opened every door, you even tore out a couple of floorboards in the more run down areas to see if there was anything underneath only to see that there wasn’t. There were still places to hide, the mansion was massive compared to any house that you had lived in beforehand, the basement being one of those places and a couple of the  locked doors being the other. Currently you were sitting on your bed, the moonlight pushing through the windows as you’d look over to the door, seeing that it was thankfully still shut before you considered that you should probably buy a lock ...