Hail to the Queen (Mirelurk Queen)
You always enjoyed being sent to the ocean areas especially given your home was in the middle of a desert where water was annoyingly sparse. You guess you can’t be too picky, you were lucky that the atom bomb didn’t completely destroy everything but you had managed to make it work at the red rocket, the rusted holes being repaired rather well especially now you had some help. The operation that you had been running had been successful, your meringue growing larger by the day and your disruption network slowly growing more by the moment with you sending all sorts of ghouls and insects around in order to act as guards. You even managed to gain a companion with Curie which meant that you weren’t the only one testing the animals and it also meant that you could be away from the Red Rocket more often since she could feed the animals. This attracted the attention of the higher ups of the Minutemen who soon arrived at the Rocket to ask you to take another creature that had managed to nest itself within an old pre war base.
You asked him more about the story where he told you that this beast, larger than anything they could have known of which they were unable to fight at the time. You were told that they hadn’t been there since,mainly because it was crawling with mirelurks but they figured, with your beta ray emitter, that you could tame the large beast which would make the mirelurks stop attacking. You accepted the deal being more than happy with the challenge but you had a feeling you’d need more than the emitters to get close especially with the pure size and assumed mass that the beast had. Thankfully you had a friend who was more then happy to help with that, the machine beast that had been tending to the animals now making theories about how you could go about doing this.
She would eventually focus on your syringe gun after several hours of theorising where she would go and concoct something she called “hormone injections”. They were exactly what they said on the tin, injections of hormones made to increase the urge to have sex within the animal with you just hoping what you were sent to hunt actually had hormones to manipulate. After telling Curie to look after the base whilst you were gone, which she said she would more than happily do. With that you loaded your syringe gun with the hormone injections, placing the gun onto your back, gathered up a lot of beta ray emitters and walked to the Castle, feeling the warm air brush across your face until you’re feel the air get thicker, as if there was something being carried by the wind.
That was the salt, something you could both smell and taste in the air as you walked, eventually reaching what was once the Boston seafront, looking down at it as the waves hit. You were shocked to look down to see that there were fish in the water although you couldn’t see just how riddled with radiation they were, almost wondering if you could make an aquarium. You then turned to your right and walked across the side of the mountain, hearing the calming sound of the water hitting the rocks before you’d start seeing these black dots in the distance. More and more would appear as you see a couple of the dots move, your hand reaching down and grabbing ahold of the emitter, turning it on as you would head over to a building bordering the area, looking down at what the dots actually were.
They were the mirelurks, crab-like creatures that flicked to areas like this and beings that you were more than prepared for, grabbing ahold of one of your emitters and throwing it downwards. It hit the ground, stabbing into the dirt and slowly going fully active, stopping the crabs in their tracks as the radiation would soak into their ganglia, the nerves all being stimulated at once, signals flying all around the body. With that started the long process of you walking over to the castle, throwing emitters to the floor and calming the crustaceans to make sure that you weren’t ripped apart by crabs at any point. Eventually you reached the castle, it’s brutalist form looming over you before you’d go inside, wondering what the hell the beast could possibly be given the mirelurks seemed calm before you showed up.
You walked forward inside of the building, hearing the sound of water dripping off the walls, the salt having covered the wall like chitin would an insect. You’d hear the sounds of things moving in the walls, trying to see if there was something staring at you only to see that there was nothing staring back with you slowly heading towards the back of the building. You’d then make your way there, looking around to see a massive hole in the wall overlooking the ocean and the beast not being on site although you still started to place the emitters down, being sure not to make a sound. After placing the emitters down and feeling the buzz of the rays against your already radiation infused body, you took out your revolver, pointed it into the air and shot three times.
You’d wait for a couple of seconds, watching the smoke ooze out of the barrel as you placed the gun back into your belt, silence moving across the air. You’d then hear the sound of a roar echoing out across the air, one that was deep and bassey, your hand moving to the syringe gun, feeling that it would clatter in your hand before you got ready to fire. You’d start to hear the sound of clicking echoing across the air as rubble would fall from the cliff, the beast seemingly being massive as it would crawl towards the hole in the wall. Eventually you’d see a massive legs come up from the sun draped sky before seeing as it stabbed into the ground, another leg doing the same before the beast wrenched itself up into the building, revealing itself to be the Mirelurk Queen.
The beast seemed to be stunned by the emitters for several moments which gave you a chance to look at just what you had to deal with. The first place you looked was the head, a pair of eyes sticking out from just under the bulky and spiked armoured Carapace that shielded most of the beast's back with your eyes then slowly moved down the rest of the body. You would move your eyes to the arms of the creature, a pair of smaller, Mantis-like limbs sticking out from under the head with spiked points at the end. The larger pair of the arms were further down, seeing that they seemed to span the length of a pre-war car, the claws looking like they could cleave your body in half lengthwise due to their size. Your eyes moved further down, seeing the semi armoured stomach of the beast before you reached the legs of which there were six, two more than the usual mirelurks, the sharp ends of the feet digging down into the ground. The backend of the Queen had a tail-like bundle of shell sticking out of it, acting as additional armour, as if it didn’t have enough.
You look at her and she would look vaguely in your direction before you would pull up the syringe gun and shoot an injector right into one of the soft parts of her body. You’d make an impact, the needle pushing inside and letting the hormones push into the bloodstream, the creature letting out a roar into the air. She would start to pace around the room, the radiation seemingly having an impact on how she could move as you would attempt to take another shot, the syringe missing and bouncing off the armour. This would cause her to charge at you, a quick roll out of the way meant that you could lift the gun upwards into the air and shoot the beast right into the beast's neck, an injector working its magic as it would let out another grunt.
Eventually the beast would stop moving, much like all the others that you had managed to take and as such you would walk over to work your magic on the beast. You’d look up and down the creature, trying to figure out where to start with the creature before you kneeled down to see there was some kind of hole there. You’d move your hand down and rub it, watching as fluids push out of Said orifice which made you think you’d found the right one, grabbing hold of your trousers and pulling them down to your ankles. Your cock was hard and ready to go, grabbing hold of the beast's side and moving your cock over to her hole, rubbing against it before you slammed yourself inside of her, the beast letting out a gargle into the air as she would clack her claws together.
You groaned as you felt her hole strain against your cock, clutching at it a few items before you pushed yourself as deep as you could go inside of her. Her fluids spread across your halls, dripping against them before you pulled your hips backwards, moving your hands and resting them over her plated stomach as you would do so, hearing a gargle escape from her mouth. You’d drag yourself from her pussy, moving inch by inch until only your tip was inside of her, resting against the smooth sides of her hole and feeling as she would try and clench to keep you inside of her, the hormones flowing through her clearly working well. You would then take a deep breath and ram yourself back inside of her, feeling as your cock was surrounded by her warmth once again.
You’d repeat this process several times over, thrusting inside of her pussy before slowly pulling out, relishing in the pleasure that was moving through her. You’d look at her mouth, seeing all of the segments opening and flicking against one another and the drool sticking them them, the strands being thick and nearly dripping onto your head. You’d also hear her claws clacking against the air, grinding against one another as you watched one of the claws move down and latch ahold of your shoulder with you feeling a slight sting as it pushed against you. You’d note that it seemed like she was showing some restraint, not taking off your shoulder and as such you would reward her by moving your fingers between the gaps in her armour and starting to move faster.
You’d feel as her legs would start scraping against the floor, hitting and slapping against it as you'd increase the speed that the hips would ram against your own. The beast’s pussy would clench even more than it had done beforehand, the wet and smooth walls pushing across your glands as you’d not stop inside of her anymore, compounding the pleasure more and more as she moved her other claw downwards. That claw would wrap around your torso, the sharp edges brushing across your skin as you rested your hands onto the edge of two slits of armour. The only ways that you knew that she was as pleased as she seemed was the amount of fluids that were flowing out of your cock and the groans that were coming from her mouth which sounded deep and beastial.
The beast’s pleasure was moving across her hormone infused blood, making her flare up with warmth which made it feel like your cock was going to melt inside her. Her drool had increased in quantity, a massive amount being sown against her mandibles before they would start dropping from her mouth and all over her body, a couple bits of spit dripping against your fingers in the process. You decided that she wanted even more pleasure then she already had and, a such, you’d push her over onto her back which made her react in a surprisingly subdued manner as she would let her front legs rest upon your back. Now that she was on the floor you were on top of her, your weight resting against her body as you started to use gravity to make your hips move even faster.
Your hips were now battering against her soft skin, the pillowy flesh slapping against your own and jiggling slightly with each slam against her. Now that she was on the ground and in better light, you could see more of her face, seeing how the components of her face would come together with it, reminding you of some kind of machine due to just how robotic they were despite being made of flesh. The beast’s walls had stopped trying to have any rhythm to her clenches instead just spasming at random meaning she had no issue grinding against your most sensitive areas. It seems like she was trying to milk your cum out of your cock, the beast’s moans growing louder and louder as if there was fire that could only be sated by your cum.
Thankfully she would get what she wanted soon enough, the feeling of your cock throbbing making you gasp out into the air eagerly. You’d feel the pressure come almost immediately , the feeling of your tip throbbing growing even more extreme due to it as it pushed down the rest of your body like rain down a window. By the time that it consumed the entirety of your cock you’d groan out into the air, feeling as the pressure was getting harder and harder for you to take to the point where your orgasm was ensured. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and you proceeded to cum inside of her, bringing yourself as deep inside of her as you could as her hoke would clench around your member, making sure that you couldn’t spray your cum anywhere that wasn’t in her.
The first couple of ropes sprayed inside of her pussy, covering her inner walls with your cum with the ropes proceeding it pushing deeper inside. The ropes would also increase in speed and thickness, coating her pussy in your cum before you eventually reached your peak, a massive amount of cum pushing out of your member and deep inside of her womb, filling it to the brim as she let out a cry of pleasure. From there your orgasm would start to wind down, the ropes growing smaller and smaller by the second before stopping in its entirety, the late couple of drops dripping down onto her inner walls. You’d collapse on top of her and she would rest against the ground, panting heavily into the air as her mandibles would push and rub against one another.
You’d eventually pull out of her body, feeling as the cum oozed down her legs and crotch as you would do so, looking down at your dick and getting hard again. With that you looked at her heads seeing all those mandibles flicking around and collecting drool within them and that gave you an idea as you got up the ground and walked towards her. You would look over her head and grab ahold of it, stroking it somewhat as you would watch as her eyes would flick around, the beast clearly enjoying themselves. You would then start to move your hips closer to her face, the beast seeming to detect the taste of your cum in the air and moving towards it, the beast’s mouth opening and drool dripping out of it before you thrusted inside, grunting at the warmth.
You’d feel as your fingers would twitch when you felt how tight her throat was, the beast's orifice clenching around your member immediately. The mirelurk seemed to have some sort of routine to it, moving from your base to your tip as if she was swallowing your cock, the drool dripping down your shoulders due it going out of her mouth then down her throat. The beasts mandibles would massage at your base,rubbing against it and teasing the areas around it with a couple of the mandibles, even teasing your balls, coating them with a firm glaze of spit. After bathing yourself in the feeling as you would start to move your cock out of her mouth, feeling as the mandibles rub and push against it as you slowly got to the point where only your tip was in her mouth.
Eventually you felt as the mandibles would start kneading and pushing away at your cock, letting the pre drip out into whatever taste buds that she had. You’d grab ahold of her head and take a deep breath before you rammed yourself inside of her again, hearing a slight choking sound come out of her when then initial thrust occurred followed by the feeling of her throat moving into the swallowing motions once again. You’d repeat the motions, hearing as you both moaned and groaned, the way the castle was built meaning that each thrust would produce a noticeable echo across the room. Eventually you decided that you might as well go a bit rough on her, given how big she was, she could almost certainly take it, and as such you started thrusting against her harder.
You would speed up rapidly against her, the beast letting out a few sputters out of her mouth as you’d feel as the spit would push down your legs. The beasts mandibles would also start twisting around your member, the beast clearly not knowing how to cope with your speed before she relaxed her throat, letting herself grow used to the new speed as she would do so. Eventually her throat would resume the swallowing motions that she was used to doing although she was now swallowing much faster then before, making the massage that was pushing across your cock even more pleasurable. After that the mandibles would start moving although this time they moved from side to side instead of up and down, meaning that you could feel the pleasure drag across your cock as you thrusted.
The beast’s eyes would keep looking at you as she would groan out into the air, the lewd sounds of you having sex with her throat echoing out across the air. You’d feel as the beast’s throat still clenching and grasping at your member, rubbing against your veins and making them swell up, the spit that was drooling out of her mouth squirting up and out of her mouth, dripping down your legs. You’d feel as the claw would reach out across the air and wrap around your waist, making sure that you didn’t stop thrusting inside of her as she would look up at you, the beast clearly still feel the effects of the hormones moving inside of her. You didn’t know why she did as you had no intention of pulling out of her mouth to fill her and her throat with your cum.
That’s when you felt your cock start throbbing inside of her, pushing against the sides of her throat of which struggled again for a brief moment before regaining composure. You then felt as the pressure would return, starting at the tip once again and digging into itself more and more, the sensitivity meaning that the pressure was even more unbearable then it was the first time around. The pressure moved across your cock and strangled it, making your orgasm both come much faster and be much harder to hold in, the beast letting out a few anticipatory growl into the air as you throatfucked her. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and slammed inside of her, making sure your tip was right at the base of her throat so she got all the cum that she desired.
A massive amount of ropes sprayed out of your member, pushing down her mouth and directly into her stomach, the beast chugging it down eagerly. More and more ropes came out of your cock, the ropes being thick so that she could feel as the cum would slide down your mouth, the mirelurk letting out a few growls as your orgasm would suddenly reach its peak, a massive amount of ropes pushing inside of her. It would even clog up her throat for a brief moment, the ropes having to be swallowed down with immense force as your orgasm started to wind down, the ropes growing smaller and smaller by the moment. Eventually the last couple drops pushed out from your member and down her throat with you pulling yourself out of her mandibles soon afterward.
You’d back away and try to gain your breath back before you heard a growl echo out across the air, the sound making you look up to see that the beast was getting back up again. With that you’d watch as she’d run towards you at a speed that you wouldn’t think be possible for something her size before you were grabbed and slammed down against the ground, the claws ensuring there was no escape. She would then move her wet, drooling maw over your member again, the spit dripping down onto the already spit covered organ as you realized that you hadn’t sated her just yet. You would place your hands out in a futile attempt to stop what was coming before she would let her head fall back down onto your cock, the warmth returning as you groaned out in slight pain and immense pleasure.
Your half hard cock would instantly get fully hard inside of her throat, slowly starting to grind against the sides of her throat as she embraced the feeling of your cock inside her. With both your cock and your legs firmly in her grasp, she would proceed to start moving up and down your cock at a merciless speed,going much faster than your hips could hope to muster as she would glance up and down your body. You’d then watch as the mandibles would start massaging your cock, pushing heavier against it and kneading your member, the plentiful amounts of drool slathering across your member dripping across your balls. The mirelurks throat would start clenching around your member as well although it had seemed to have lost its rhythm somewhat.
You’d feel as the beast would let out a series of groans across the air, some of them being deeper and some of them being somewhat less deep as the Mirelurk Queen kept sucking. You’d feel the drool dripping and pushing off your balls, watching as it would hit the rock and slide down it as you finally got an idea of the new movements of her throat despite the pleasure interrupting your train of thought somewhat. The muscles were clenching at a most pleasurable areas of your cock, running down your veins and your glands and making sure that you would cum as quickly as possible. You’d stretch your legs out which the Queen took as an attempt to escape from her grasp, the Mirelurk pulling your legs backwards so that her face was resting right in your waist.
She would then start to go even faster against your cock, the Mirelurks laying against your body which meant that she had much more leverage against your body. The Mirelurks mandibles ramming and pushing against your waist, the hitting against your most sensitive areas making your cock twitch inside of her even more, much to her eager glee as she thought that an orgasm was coming. The beast’s mandibles would also knead against your balls, rubbing and pushing against them, causing pleasure to move through them as she kept a firm grip on your legs like you were some kind of prey. You would look into her inky eyes for a moment, attempting to see something inside of her and eventually you did and that thing was what could be best described as pure lust.
The Mirelurks head would drift up and down your member, the Mirelurks spit dripping down your cock as you'd let her let out a couple of chokes out into the air. You’d feel as the Mirelurks inner walls would start spasming so rapidly that it was choking your pleasure in its entirety, the beast’s mandibles now opened up fully for the purpose of moving down your cock as fast as possible. With that you could hear the sound of wet slapping echoing out across the air, spit flying all over the place and covering the rocks around you, the beast’s legs adjusting themselves to make things more comfortable for her. You moved your hands outwards into the air to clutch ahold of her claws, the feeling of the hard shell brushing against your skin as she would keep sucking away at your cock.
That was when you felt yourself start to throb against her inner walls, all of which would clench back in response as she would feel her prize quickly approaching. The pressure would approach in the same way that it always did, moving fast and feeling intense with you deciding to try and hold it in one last time, clenching your teeth as her head would drift faster up and down your member. The beast’s eyes would then proceed to lock onto you as if to look into your eye, the Mirelurk gargling on your dick more and more until it got to the point where the pressure was too much for you to handle anymore. With that you proceeded to cum inside of her throat, the Mirelurk feeling the ropes start to fall out before she rammed herself down to your base.
Ropes started to spray deep inside of her throat for a second time, coating her throat walls with your cum for a second time, something she swallowed down eagerly. Each swallow would invite another, larger load inside of her, the Mirelurks mandibles falling limp slightly with each swallow before you felt the mandibles come together again as if to make sure that the cum didn’t escape from her grasp. Your orgasm soon reached its peak, a sizeable amount of cum pushing inside her and clogging up her throat again, the beast struggling before she managed to get it down her. After that less and less cum would escape your cock with you assuming that your balls had been thoroughly drained at this point, the last drops pushing against whatever her tastebuds were.
With that it would seem she calmed herself down somewhat which allowed you to push her off your body, hearing as the woman would let out a slight gargle. With the beast successfully tamed, you’d get up off the ground, watching as your cock would drip with her fluids as you figured the base would be safe now especially with all the crustaceans had been tamed at this point. As you got up you figured that you really should go about making sure that this wasteland rebuilt itself, to stabilize so there weren't three or so factions coming after your head. You even heard there were some robots running around at ease, attacking those who came by, even your customers, so you wondered if the minutemen wouldn’t mind expanding out a slight bit.
Either way, you certainly had a lot of work to do.
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