Going feral (A pack of Feral Ghouls)

 You had always been proud of your handiwork and you were even happier with it now that you were trying to survive in the wasteland. The current subject of your work was the Red Rocket gas station, a relic of the bygone age before the bombs hit, its rusted frame still standing proud in the dust and overgrown grass that surrounded it. There wasn’t much use to the building since there were no cars in the wasteland let alone any way to actually fuel them in the first place, leaving the building about as useful as any other pre war structure in that you could only use it as storage and living space. The good thing is that staying at these settlements was actually a valid option as you had allied yourself with the minutemen, pretty much the only group that wanted to make some kind of competent society despite the many flaws that came with it. They also allowed you to work on a pet project of yours of which was your menagerie of various creatures that you had managed to tame with a few beta radiation emitters and a lot of food and luck.

You’d argue that building the various pens and troughs for the many beasts was harder than actually taming the beasts, especially with the love of radiation that the insects had. You had managed to acquire quite a few beasts as you built up the menagerie of which included some Radscorpions, several bloatflies and a couple of bloodworms, all of which were comforted by the emitter. As such you had several installed into the building proper, making sure that all of the occupants were comforted even if they didn’t have enough brains about them to know why they were so comfortable. However, you found yourself getting tired of catching bugs and you also needed something that would impress the rest of the minutemen and you had figured out what they had to be : Feral ghouls.

Ghouls were much like the Red Rocket in several ways in that they were relics of when the bombs dropped, having rotted along with the buildings that surrounded them. Despite their origins it could be argued that the radiation that had inflicted the ghouls had turned them into something else of which several people did, viewing all Ghouls as zombies that couldn’t ever be considered to be human. You cared not for the beasts, not knowing any as friends yet not being prejudiced towards them and trading with them when it was practical to do so although you have to stand the stench of the stagnant rotting flesh that was attached to the bone. The insides of the beasts still stayed somewhat functional and some even kept their full higher functions which made the feral ghouls more of an anomaly.

Feral ghouls were ghouls reduced to a primal, brutal state, not unlike that of an ape or a dog, the beasts attacking anything that wasn’t them in a desperate attempt to gain food. No one exactly knew how the feral ghouls came to be although you had heard theories that those ghouls had stayed in places with more irritated areas, causing the degradation of the mind and transforming them into feral monsters. They were mostly seen as mere animals, another beast that roamed the wasteland which meant that you assumed that the emitter would work fine against them, allowing you to tame them and train them up. From there the possibilities were endless both for the goals of the minutemen and your more intimate goals with the creatures that you tamed.

Now you were wandering around the wasteland and searching for the beasts although you hadn’t gone without protection. You’d taken some Rad-x before you came here, making sure that your radiation immunity was strong enough you wouldn’t die by standing next to them. You also brought some Rad away with you just in case there were some highly radiated one and, despite the fact that it burnt your veins on entry to your system, it was invaluable given the state the world was in. You had searched around several places for the beasts, looking around in large yet isolated buildings for them although you hadn’t found anything yet. That was until you looked down at the ground to see that there were footsteps in the ground, the feet lacking fingers and one set lacking the left heel.

You smiled, priming the emitter to make sure that you’d be able to daze them immediately as you’d follow the footsteps, already being able to figure out where they were going by looking into the horizon. There was a large building in the distance, one that was cuboid in nature and one that had weathered the wasteland although it was just as rusted as everything else in the wasteland. You moved closer and closer until you passed a sign that advertised that it was some sort of meat processing plant although you didn’t know for what company since the paint had been eroded away. With that you kept walking, now knowing why the ghouls had gone to this place before you found yourself at the front door, seeing that the footsteps led you to within the building.

You entered the building, being greeted by the smell of damp and rust as well as the unmistakable scent of rotting flesh permuting through the halls. You’d grab a weapon in one hand, making sure the revolver was primed and ready to go if the ghouls decided that you were an enemy, walking into the dark depths of the meat packing plant after the fact. The floor creaked underneath you, the sound of the metal flexing against the floor being near deafening especially given that you didn’t want to alert the ferals to your presence. You’d eventually hear something else echoing through the air although you couldn’t tell what it was until you got closer, hearing that the sound was that of flesh ripping apart although you had a feeling that it wasn’t by hand.

You’d get closer and closer to the sound, hearing as the ripping got more and more ferocious as you’d turn the emitter on, knowing that you’ll be needing it in just a moment. You’d eventually come to one of the backrooms, seeing that it was clearly a freezer in the pre-war days before you’d throw the emitter inside of it, hearing it clatter around as the various ghouls would react in shock before you’d wait for a moment. The room fell silent for several moments before you’d hear a few groans escape their mouths, knowing that they were seemingly entranced by the radioactive emitter. You then took a deep breath, getting your gun ready to go before you pulled yourself past the doorway to see the four ghouls huddling around the area, taking in the sight of them as you breathed a sigh of relief.

This was also the first time that you had ever really stopped to look at a feral ghoul before because most of the time you’d have blown their heads off by now. The first place you looked was said head, seeing that it was hairless as well as lacking in nose and lips and that even the eyes, which were intact in most ghouls, had fallen into their skulls somewhat, giving them a half lidded look. Your eyes looked down to the chest regions to see that all the ghouls were actually female, a pair of breasts being attached to each one of their chests although some were larger than others. Their skin was mostly still attached to their bones but had begun to blacken and rip around the joints, the hand and the feet, the rest of the skin being a semi-rotting cream color, almost like the sands that surrounded you. Their hands had been mutated as well, each of their fingers having been sharpened into claws that stuck out from each finger, their teeth having half rotted away as they were bared at you.

You didn’t really know what you were going to do next, seeing as the radiation seemed to work fine on them given they weren’t tearing you apart on sight. You moved closer to the irritated Ghouls, the Ghouls not running away from you yet not seeming like they were ready to follow your orders just yet which meant that you would reach into your bag and grab some jerky that you had made out of a mole rat. The jerky didn’t exactly taste good nor was it all that edible but it was more than enough for beings that didn’t seem to have fully functioning stomachs and as such you would grab the jerky and stretch it out in front of them. They would stare at it for several moments before one snatched a bit of jerky out your hand and devoured it, the others watching her as she ate.

The others would soon snatch away at the remaining jerky that you had, devouring it easily as you would see as they would look at you for more. With that you realized that this was a good chance to actually lead the ferals back and with that you would point to them and then to you, the beasts still having vacant eyes before you’d say something to the feral group. “Follow. Me.” You’d say, hoping that whatever part of the brain that controlled language hadn’t turned into radioactive mush yet, the ferals were seemingly waiting for you to do something as you grabbed ahold of the emitter and started walking. With that you’d watch as they would start to follow you, a couple of the ghouls wandering towards you faster than some of the others would and as such you started the slow trip home.

Thankfully the journey was uneventful with you not encountering any raiders or any particularly dangerous wildlife and the rotting ghouls seemed to keep the insects away. Eventually you’d reach the Garage of the Red Rocket, grabbing ahold of the door and opening it to see the Garage come taming shed, seeing that the rubber ground that you had put in to cushion your knees when you were fucking the scorpions was still intact along with the sofa and varying other bits of furniture that were around the areas. You’d move inside of the garage and the Ghouls would follow, seeing as the would wander inside of the garage before you shut the metal door behind them, placing the emitter down and watching as they would become still and doctile just on the edge of the room. 

You then turned to the ghouls, seeing as they would stare at you, seemingly waiting for your commands as you decided to start the taming process of the beasts. You grabbed ahold of your belt and took it off, throwing it into the sofa before slipping off your trousers and doing the same thing, leaving your erect cock pointing at the Ghouls, the eyes all staring at it as you’d clear your throat to catch their attention. “Knell.” You said, tapping at your knees and pointing to the ground to give their ruined brains some direction. It would take a few seconds but they’d eventually get the hint, the undead falling to the ground, their knees being rested against the rubber ground. You’d walk to the one closest to you, hearing as she would let out a groan into the air you grabbed hold her bald scalp, feeling the dryness of her skin against your fingertips.

With that you’d place your cock right against her face, hearing another snarl out into the air before you started to rub it against her face, staining her in your scent like you would an animal. It took a minute or so for this process to be completed, the ghoul not lashing out or fighting back against this before you pulled away from her and moved onto the beast beside her, doing the same to it as you did to her. You’d repeat this process of marking them as your own, becoming the master of their pack, with you eventually finishing with the last one as you looked to the sofa. You walked over to it and sat down, feeling the warm fabric against your half naked body as the Ghouls would follow you as two of them collapsed onto the sofa, sitting down almost like a puppet would as the other pair would stand idly in front of you.

“Kneel,you two.” You said as you’d point at the two standing Ghouls, the pair doing as you would watch them still focused on your cock with it being clear some breeding instinct was still intact. You were nervous, partially because you didn’t want your dick to be on the receiving end of a bite but you swallowed down your nerves and pointed to your cock, running your finger down your length to your balls. “Suck this.” You said bluntly, the two ghouls by your side having no reaction which seemed to indicate a slight bit of intelligence. The other pair would take a moment to get what you were asking them but soon you’d feel those clawed hands against your thighs as one head drifted towards the tip of your member whilst the other moved to your balls, drool dripping out of their mouths.

The one that went to suck your cock would be the first to make contact with you, her worn away lips pushing against your tip before she began to push down your member. You got the sense that the ghoul wasn’t going slowly out of a sense of foreplay but instead because she was still processing what to do with the cock she was pushing inside her. As she slid down to the base you’d feel as her companion would place your balls into her open mouth, the Ghouls jaw hanging half open as she placed them inside, running a distorted tongue across them, much to your pleasure. Meanwhile the other ghoul would reach the base of your member, letting it linger in her throat before she pulled upwards, going a lot faster this time as she reached the tip, her tongue running around it before she rammed back down again.

The curiosity of an animal has quickly become the feral eagerness to breed, her eyes being vacant of any thoughts other than lustful ones. She’d move in two quick motions, one moving up and one coming down, with no need to worry about breathing or gag reflex, the ghoul only letting out a few moans in pleasure with each moment. Meanwhile you’d move your hands to the side of the Ghoul sitting to the left of you, dragging her towards your side so that your face was right next to her own. You’d proceed to push your lips to her own, feeling as they pushed against the shallow things as you’d move your tongue against her ruined teeth, feeling how rough they were as you looked into the irradiated eyes, being able to peek behind the swollen eyelids.

You pulled your mouth away from her own for a brief moment, turning your  head to one of the Ghouls and brushing against her cheek to get your attention, seeing as she pulled off your cock in response. As she did this you’d grab hold of the other Ghoul and dragged her to your side, starting to grope at her tits, hearing a few gasps escape her as you groped. “Come up here.” You said as you tapped against your thighs, a couple seconds passing as she would follow the command proper. Her legs would spread as she would fall against your hips, letting her body rest against your chest before she’d pull her head upwards, the Ghoul’s hips travelling upwards. Eventually she’d stop moving, processing that she was in the right place for a moment before her hips would fall down onto your cock, enveloping it in her inner walls.

She would take to riding you much faster then she had done when she was sucking your cock, the Ghoul letting out a couple of groans as she would start going through the motions. You’d feel as her inner walls twitched around your member somewhat, rubbing against your cock as she drifted up your cock before sitting right down it again, her hips against you with a loud plapping sound each time she’d do it. You’d feel as she got more used to herself inside of you, going faster and faster by the moment as her hands reached up and wrapped around your neck giving her some kind of support against you. Meanwhile,the Ghoul that was lapping away at your balls and occasionally sucking them, drool dripping out either side of her mouth.  

You’d also feel as your hands would grow more and more restless as you moved your head over to the Ghouls who’s breasts you were groping,pushing your tongue into her mouth when your lips touched. Your other hand would move across the other ghouls hips before finding themselves at her lower lips, rubbing against them before the fingers would push right inside of her pussy. A moan escaped her mouth as you rubbed your fingers against her clit, hearing as she groaned out into the air, joining your own moans as the ghoul that was riding you would start going faster once again. The Ghoul would dig her fingers right into your back, the claws slowly being dragged down your skin as she would go faster to the point that her hips were mere blurs in the air.

Soon the feral beast would get exactly what she wanted, then Ghoul’s hips growing faster and faster as your cock throbbed inside of her, pushing against her walls eagerly. The pressure started oozing across your member, starting to drift against the tip of your cock and slowly starting to drag down your cock as you’d clutch against the Ghoul in your arms, your fingers pushing into the worn flesh. Meanwhile the suckling on your balls had slowed down slightly, seemingly trying to watch the spectacle that was occurring above her head. Eventually you couldn’t take the ghouls feral thrusting anymore, letting out a loud groan into the air before you started to cum inside of her, the Ghoul’s hips failing to stop to try and keep the cum inside of her.

The first ropes sprayed from your cock and nestled inside of her radiation laden womb, spraying across her inner walls and slowly travelling even deeper inside. More and more cum would escape your cock, the ropes growing thicker and faster as you’d feel her fingers twitching across your back, her teeth grinding and rubbing against one another as drool oozed out of her mouth and onto you. Your orgasm would soon reach it’s peak as the drool would start flowing,a massive amount of ropes pushing from your member and nestling deep inside of her as she groaned loudly. With that it would all come to an end, the ropes first growing slower and then growing weaker and, eventually, becoming mere drops inside of her walls, staining them in the process.

The ghouls body would go limp out of exhaustion, her body falling against your own like she was a rag doll, the only thing that would tell you she was still alive was her quietly groaning. You’d moved your hands and lifted her off your cock, cum dripping from her pussy and onto the floor as the ghoul that was sucking your balls would unlatch from them, all four of the ghouls staring at your cock where you’d move your finger to it and tapped. “Clean.” You would say as the pack would take a moment to comprehend the command before they would all fall to the floor. Eventually the crowd would end up below your cock and, with a few more seconds, they would start licking away at your cock, cleaning your member of your cum as you’d start thinking about what was ahead.

You thought about how successful this project was, knowing now that you could tame as many feral ghouls that you could get your hands on and send them across the wasteland. You wondered if they could get pregnant or not, staring at the feral beast that you had filled with your cum and imaging her radiation worn body with a stomach that was bloated with your child although you didn’t know how valid the child would be in the eyes of anyone. Eventually you figured that you should get some armour for the later batches, knowing how fragile the beasts could be before you decided that those questions were for the future you.

It was time to get back to work.


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