In the palm of her hand (SCP-401)

 The US government has many secrets that most people didn’t know about but the most well hidden was the fact that death row never actually put anyone to death and that all those executions that you had seen since the 1970s were simply faked to avoid the truth getting out to the public. You knew first hand about this as you had been sentenced to death a couple of months ago due to the fact you were part of a robbery that had gone horribly wrong, accidentally ramming into a oil tanker that was coming out of a intersection and blowing up a entire section of the highway, killing a dozen and a half people and leaving you the only survivor of the group which meant you were a scapegoat for the entire thing. After a long trail you were put to death and moved to the local holding facility before a group of men who resembled a highly militarized riot police who took you into a windowless van and shutting the door behind you, leading you on a several hour drive back to the new location which you assumed to Be some new death row facility until it turned out to be so much more.

As it turned out, they weren’t being taken to death row but instead some kind of black site owned by people known as the SCP foundation who seemed to be collecting any prisoners on death row and taking them in. You’d soon figure out that you had been taken away to essentially become a lab rat for the other prisoners that they kept at the facility, the beings known as SCPs, anomalies that acted in ways that should be utterly impossible and could risk humanity's entire existence if they had gotten out. Still you hadn’t really been tested too much yet and overall the cells weren’t that bad, there’s four walls and a roof, you didn’t have to share a cell with a cell mate due to fear of anomalous reactions and you got three hot and almost edible meals a day from them as well.

Currently you were staring at the roof, wondering what would have happened if you didn’t take that wrong turn into the oil rig before you’d hear the sound of someone knocking on the door before the slat in the door was opened. “D-8542555, please come with us. The doctors need you immediately.” The guard said with you letting out a slight groan and getting out of bed, the mattress creaking somewhat as you heard the door unlock and open, seeing the faceless guards in front of you as you did so. With that you’d step out and place your hands behind your back where they were then locked into cuffs before you were walked down the halls, hoping to god that you weren’t dealing with one of the keter scps that they had on the lower levels of the facility.

You breathed a sigh of relief when they moved you into the elevator and went to take you to one of the Euclid floors, the sound of the elevator shifting downwards as you’d wait get out into a place that was more spacious. There was one time where you had got stuck in the elevator due to a containment breach locking you inside of one with even the guard growing somewhat tired of it all and talking to you like a person for a once even though they soon stopped when the base's power was turned back on again. Thankfully for everyone involved the elevator ride went off without a hitch with the elevator hitting the floor with a thump before you were taken out to it and led to one of the changing rooms with you as a woman with black hair and glasses emerged from a doorway.

“Ah, D-8542555! It’s good to see that you’re here on time.” She said with you having no idea why she would say that especially given that you didn’t really have a choice in the matter since you couldn’t escape the place. “Anyways, what we need you to do is for you to strip naked in the changing rooms and then go into SCP-401s cell. We will leave as you do this to maintain modesty.” She explained with you wondering what the hell this scp was if you had to strip naked in order to be tested by the thing. “Anyways we’ll leave it to you and we’ll talk once you’re in the cell. See you in the moment, D-8542555.” She explained as she would then leave with you walking into the room and wondering what the hell they were planning as you’d move your hands to the jumpsuit.

With that you’d start taking off your outfit, curling your clothes out in your hands before dumping them on the floor, taking the rest of your clothes off and letting them hit the floor as you keep wondering what was going to happen to you. With that she would move out of the changing room and to the door entitled “SCP-401”,your eyes looking down at the doorknob before you clutched it, starting to twist it and hearing the sound of the lock slowly click open as you would do so. Eventually you moved over to the doorway and started to open it, slowly pushing the door aside and letting it scrape against the ground, the sound echoing across the air before you moved through the door before hearing it shut behind you, your eyes looking around the room before you saw the scp itself.

The first place that you looked wa the stump of the tree to see that it was a deep black, having rotted with age due to being here for years before your eyes slowly moved up the brown tree length, seeing that the bark itself looked a awful lot like dry and dying skin before you saw where it’s organs were located. The tree had a pair of what you assumed to be hearts sticking out of it, the flesh fusing with the bark in a way that looked disgusting to you, the organs pulsing away in sacks of pink skin said sacks looking wet to the touch with a clear liquid with you   dreading to think what that could be before you looked up at the branches that the tree had, the branches winding against one each other in a leafless mass. That was when you looked at the ends of the branch and looking at the hands, seeing that the fingers were long somewhat with a large eye being placed at the end of each finger and a varying holes moving against the palms with some of them being mouths whilst some of the others being vaginas, dripping down the bark in the process.

You’d watch as the several trees moved their arms forward so that they were facing you, the eyes glancing up and down your naked body as the hearts would beat into the air, an electric tone escaping through the air in the process. “D-8542555, I see that you and 401 have become more acquainted with one another.”  Said the researcher as you would look at the tree, not really knowing how or if you could even become acquainted with it, the researcher seemingly meaning it in that it knew you existed now. “So, your task today is to fertilize several of the palms that the tree provides you. Please be cautious with her and breed several palms, for evidence gathering reasons.” The voice explained before the speaker would hiss off with you not really knowing how to go about fucking a somewhat sentient tree.

You spent a while trying to get the tree to be attracted to you, the being making sure to treat you with suspicion, the hands moving away from them as you’d try and get her to be more and more into you. She didn’t like you touching her bark, the woman swinging one of her fists down to stop you before you decided to respect boundaries for several moments, the wooden hands starting to relax and moving closer to grab you somewhat as you would let them, the mouths and other holes dripping all over your skin. Eventually it would proceeded to start drifting its fingers up and down your skin,the eyeballs feeling almost rubbery against your back, the eyes not leaking any substance as she’d proceed to make a grab at your dick, giving it a grope before moving away as you’d then look at her hand, figuring she was ready.

You’d outstretched your hands for a few seconds before you grabbed ahold of one of the branches,the woman letting you grab ahold of it as you’d look at her palm pussy, seeing as it would drip all over the floor in the process. With that you’d move her hands so that her fingers were bent away from your cock slightly before you’d see her hole opening up for you, your hips moving backwards as you’d hear the woods creaking and groaning to themselves, twisting from side to side as you did so. Eventually you’d stop moving backwards, waiting for a couple moments before closing your eyes before figuring that you  may as well just hold your eyes and hope for the best, two of the many hands resting against your shoulders before you rammed inside of her.

You’d moan out as you’d feel your base brushing against your palm as she would clench her many fingers somewhat, her hearts skipping a couple of beats in the process before you rested inside of her for a moment. You’d feel her warmth clenching and rubbing against your cock before you start pulling out of her, a waterfall of pussy fluids dripping out from her palm and down her wrist as you’d move further and further out from them until you reached your tip, a gasp escaping your mouth as you felt her hole clench down upon you. With that you’d wait for a couple moments, feeling as the holes clenching and rubbing across your member would cause pleasure to move across it before ramming back down onto her palm again, feeling her clench as you went down to the base. 

With that you repeat the process several times over, moving your hips backwards and forwards as you’d hear the tree making vague noises of pleasure although none of them could be related to anything particularly human. You’d find your hands needing something to grab ahold of, the woman’s many other hands being away from the action before you’d proceed to move your hands outwards, both of them grabbing ahold of the thick branch as you would do so, hearing as she would rustle against the air some more as you did so. Eventually you’d feel as a couple more hands would join the fray, the woman’s hands clutching ahold of your back and your shoulders as she would let out rub her various holes and mouths across your body as you’d clench your teeth down somewhat.

With that you figured that the woman wanted some more of the action and now you were going to go ahead and give her more, starting to move your hips faster against her as you’d see the woman’s trunk bend ever so slightly. You’d no longer bathe in the pleasure of her warm insides clenching around your member nor would you let her inner lips pushing and rubbing against your tip, instead simply ramming inside of her and pulling back out again as she would try and adapt, the woman’s fingers flicking around the air as you did so. Her fluids would drool around your cock and down your balls with the thickness of the liquid almost feeling like they were sap dripping down your members, the mouths that were attached to her hands letting out breathing sounds of assumed pleasure.

With that you’d feel as she would get more hands on with you, one of her hands moving down to play with your balls, moving right between your legs and starting to stroke what you assumed to be one of her mouths across it. You’d feel as the drool would drip  down then as you placed your hands further up her long branches, feeling the skin get rougher and rougher the further you went up the body, feeling as her hands would clutch ahold of your arms as if to make sure that you were steady against her. You looked to the organs that were hanging off the trees trunk to see that they were beating against the air, pumping whatever this thing needed to keep itself alive around it, the rate of the pumps growing faster by the moment as you’d decide to make them go even faster. 

That was when you decided to go even faster against her body, the woman’s fingers outstretching into the air in shock as you did so,the mouths that the creature had groaned out into the air in the process. You’d feel as it’s inner walls would start going nuts around your member, twisting and pushing against it much more rapidly than before as well as feeling as more and more fluids escaped your member and dripped down your thighs, the tree shifting more and more by the second. You’d also feel as the woman’s lips would wrap around your base pretty hard whenever they hit against it, bouncing off somewhat as you’d do so, feeling as she’d cling to you before she eventually let you go, the woman’s other branches lifting up against the air in the process.

With that you would start throbbing inside of her, your cock pushing against her inner walls of which responded by clenching back around your member, the woman clearly wanting to have cum pushed deep inside of her. That was when you felt as the pressure would keep pushing and pushing through your member, the tip having the most pressure digging into your member as you’d try and hold on, not wanting to disappoint the tree despite the fact that you had no idea a tree could be disappointed. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, hearing as you’d groan into the air and rammed yourself deep inside of her, your inner walls clenching against your base as her fingers pushed against your waist, the woman wanting your cum as much as you wanted to cum inside of her.

You felt as ropes started to spray out of your cock and covered her inner walls with your cum, the woman’s insides being painted white as more and more ropes poured out one, each one growing larger and larger than the last. Eventually your orgasm would reach its peak, a massive amount of ropes spraying out all over her, pushing into her deepest reaches as her entire body would twitch somewhat as if it was drinking your cum, a couple of her hands letting go of your body in the process. Your orgasm would come to a end soon after that, the woman’s hands twitching as she felt the ropes grow smaller and smaller by the moments, turning into emerge drops within her inner walls before stopping in its entirety with you knowing that this was the first of many palms you had to fuck.

You had fucked around four or five of her palms before you were done, massaging her hands in order to make sure that the holes were nice and open for you before shoving it inside of her surprisingly red insides. You’d feel as she would clench and push around your members, grinding around your most sensitive areas as pussy fluids dripped against your balls and your legs, the woman occasionally using one of her mouth hands to lick at your neck and chest as she would do so. After five or so loads being pumped inside of her, you’d pull out one last time, feeling as she would gently tug herself away before you’d start walking backwards, assuming that would be the last time that you would cum inside of her until she would clutch ahold of your shoulder.

After that a series of arms would shoot out across the air, each of her arms grabbing ahold of your arms and legs as she would drag his back and slammed you back down into the ground as her hand moved over your member. With that she would proceed to start winding the tongue out of the mouth in the hand, spit covering the floor as it outstretched as she massaged her own palm, somewhat before she would proceed to move it over your cock, the tongue lashing against your tip as she would do so. Eventually she winded her arm backwards before pushing it downward, the woman’s mouth pushing against your cock and struggling to move down your member succeeding,  ramming right down to the base of your member as she would do so, drool dripping down your balls.

With that she would start lathering her tongue across your balls and the base of your cock, the woman staying there for several moments and letting out a few gargles out into the air as she would do so. After a while she’d start moving her arm backwards across your cock, her tongue starting to wind around your member, the tongue itself being long and sort of angular in a strange way, the woman eventually getting up to the tip of your member and stopping there for several moments as she would do so. She would tease the tip again, suckling away at the tip of your member and making pleasure drive through it, the pre dripping it into her tongue and across her taste buds before she’d slammed herself back down onto the base of your cock, drool dripping down your balls as she did so.

She would keep moving up and down your member in this fashion, clearly taking plenty of time to make sure that she’d pleasure you throughout the process, the drool both covering your balls and her hands as she did so. You’d feel as more of her arms would start moving across your body, grabbing ahold of your legs and wrenching them apart so that she could have a better right of way to your legs, another hand slowly driving down the room before you proceeded to move her hand over to your balls. She would start massaging them as she would do so, the tree woman shifting her entire body towards you slightly, using her branches to weigh herself that way as her hearts would start racing again, the drool dripping from several of her other hands as she did so.

She would start moving faster as a result of this, the woman deciding that teasing the tip and the base as stopping her from getting her form what she wanted and as such she started moving up and down your member in a couple of clean movements. The inner walls of her throat would start clenching around your member, pushing up against your member and kneading against them, causing you to groan out and gasp out into the air as she would do so, drool and spit dripping all over the wooden body that she had. Meanwhile her tongue would would start moving faster against your members, staying firmly inside of her mouth as she lapped away at the underside of your cock, brushing and pushing against the bottom of your member as she would do so.

You’d feel as your hands groped against your balls even more, massaging across your palm mouth as she would do so, managing to both fondle your balls and sucking on them at the same time. Her hands would grow more ravenous as she got faster and faster by the moment, her fingers digging into your thighs and rubbing against them, a few more of them rubbing against your back and a couple of them resting against your shoulders, the mouths that were attached to them panting all the while. You’d look to her hearts and seeing that they were beating faster and faster by the moment, the woman’s eroticism and heat moving through her body, the woman’s body shifting around the area, the woman’s roots even flicking and flexing somewhat as he did so.

That was when you felt as your cock would start throbbing inside of her mouth again, pushing and rubbing against the throat, the throat muscles clenching around your member more and more by the moment. The pressure was getting more intense by the moment, the pressure starting at your tip and slowly starting to across the length of your member, getting to the point that it was getting more and more intolerable for you, your legs attempting to twitch against the air as she kept her hands clutched against them. Eventually you’d get to the point where you’d cum inside of her mouth, the woman ramming against you once again and letting out a groan into the air as she would seal her hands lips around your cock, making sure not a single drop escaped her grasp.

This orgasm was somehow much stronger than the last several that you had, a massive fountain of ropes spraying all over her insides as she would let her heart skip a beat somewhat as she did so. The ropes would grow more and more intense until they would reach their peak, a massive explosion of cum spraying across her inner walls which she would seemingly swallow down, a squelching noise echoing out across the air as your orgasm would start to wane somewhat as she did so. Eventually the orgasm would come to a end, the last couple of ropes escaping your cock and the last few drops dripping onto the throat before she yanked her hands away from your member, your cock covered in a variety of fluids which dripped onto the floor  as your cock started to go limp.

With that you’d watch as her entire body would move back into it’s more tree-like position, the trunk straightening upwards before her branches moved up into the her, her fluid covered hands and fluid filled holes being on full display as you decided that you really needed to lie down, sweat dripping down your body in the process. You’d sigh softly as you’d feel as the tiles would push against your skin, looking up in the slightly too bright eyes as your hands moved against your head, wondering what the hell else could be lurking within the facility that you hadn’t seen and wondering if they were just as horny as they were as you heard the sound of the speaker turning back on again.

“Test completed, D-8542555.”


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