Heart to heart (Jaggia)

 You’d feel as the sand would brush across your skin, causing it to start itching as you’d walked across the long and mostly devoid of life Sandy Plains, your hands scratching at your skin a couple of times before you decided to have a drink of water, swallowing it down eagerly as you would do so. The water quenched your thrust yet it wasn’t exactly refreshing due to having heated up in the flask, a sigh escaping your mouth as you kept walking forward, the wind being a slight comfort due even if it was causing sand to lash away at your skin, your eyes glancing around the desert to see if there were any structures in the distance and you could actually see a couple, mostly just rockfronts that hadn’t been eroded into dust and ruins from times where the sands were a lot more prosperous. You were looking for these areas for two reasons, one of which being that you watched to have some shade in order to take off the machines that you were carrying around and letting the sweat drip down from your skin and onto the same and so that you could find the one being that  you had been sent here to actually research, a being known as the Jaggia.

The Jaggia were the females of the Jaggi species and you had been sent to get as much info about them as possible due to the fact that there was a information blank page on the Jaggia purely because they were larger, stronger and harder to catch than their Male counterparts which is why they called you. You had made some demands that they were willing to accept, mainly building a lab right at the edge of where the grass ended and the sand began so you didn’t have to walk miles through mud to get to the main base, and as such you were on board for the project. With a few pictures of the beast to compare to make sure you wouldn’t go about stalking any males around the area as well as the general idea that they tended to sleep in shaded areas so that they didn’t get burnt  in the sun as they slept which gave you a decent idea about what you were looking for.

Now you had been walking along the plains for a couple of hours and you had now encountered a few areas of shade, mostly ruins with sand caked walls and rough floors you could barely step on without it shifting under you. This would mostly reveal either nothing at all or Male Jaggi running around the place, flicking their tables at you before you were able to scare them by throwing a brick into the sand, marking each one off your map although there was one detail of note that would indicate there were females in the area. That detail was the fact that you had seen several juveniles running around, growling out into the air and flicking their tails against the sand as they’d travel with their fathers which meant there had to be some Jaggia around the desert somewhere. 

Now you were heading towards another set of ruins, the lack of clouds in the blue sky causing the sun to beat down on you, your hand blocking the sun as you would keep walking forward so that it wouldn’t completely blind you. You’d feel the strain on your back from the machine growing as you moved closer and closer, sweat pooling in your skin as you’d eventually get to the point that you’d see the cracks in the bricks shimmering, your legs kicking up sand with each step that you’d take. Finally you managed to get to the entrance of the ruins, placing your shoulder against the wall before taking your bag off, yanking up your shirt to let the relatively cold air in and let the sweat drip out before you grabbed your bag and dragged it into the shade away from the demanding sun.

As soon as you got far enough away from the sunlight you’d collapse against one of the walls, grabbing ahold of your flash and flicking it Open before taking several more gulps of it, staring at the machine that was in front of you as you did so. You wondered why you had to haul such a heavy machine around instead of carrying around a simple heart rate monitor especially given you didn’t know how to do half of the medical diagnostic tests and you probably didn’t have time to do the rest of the other tests. That was when you heard the sound of a whine echoing across the air, sounding like it was coming from a juvenile Jaggi before you heard a lower and deeper huff in response, a smile moving across your face as you lept off the makeshift chair you built out of rocks.

You’d grab a hold of your machinery bag and then gently start to move towards the sound, making sure to move as slowly and as softly as possible as to not spook the beasts that were lurking around the area. You’d hear as the sounds would grow louder and louder by the moment as well as growing more varied as if the beasts that were making them were talking to one another which you also being able to glean that you had found out that there were two juveniles that were running around. Eventually you’d find your way to a opening into a very shaded area of the room, your hands clutching ahold of the wall as you’d peak through it, smirking to yourself as you had finally found what you had wanted which was the Jaggia in all of her glory, laying there in the shade.

The first place that you looked was her face, the woman’s skull shape being long and thin with feminine eyes, the woman’s snout having a long, snake-like tongue inside of it as well as a flurry of sharp teeth hiding within, the long and floppy ears of the beast flicking against her face somewhat as you’d move down the rest of her body. You watched as the scales that were covering their backs were a dark purplish blue, the womans front having a fluffy chest crest above her rather massive tits, the woman having both of her children suckling away at your breasts, the children clearly enjoying themselves as the woman’s clawed hands dragged across the sand somewhat as you did so. Your eyes then moved down to her waist before you moved over to the legs, the woman having a really thick set of thighs, her clawed legs clutching at the sand as she would do so, the woman’s tail also being a thick mass of flesh as well, flicking and flapping against the sand in the process.

It wasn’t long before you would realize that seemed to be getting some kind of sexual attraction out of getting breastfed, her pussy looking wet and the woman herself seeming rather hot and bothered, making you want to investigate. Since it was your job to do so, you’d move backwards and rubbed ahold of your machine again, pulling the machine up into the air and walking towards the woman slowly as to not startle her, the woman staring at you for a couple moments as they would suckle away at her tits. Eventually you’d watch as the children would latch away from her breasts and wander elsewhere,clearly taking no interest in humans as they would do so, the beasts groaning and gasping out into the air as you looked at the Jaggia that was in front of you.

With that you figured that you might as well go about testing if she does get aroused by stimuli to her breasts or not, opening up the heart monitoring section of the machine, taking out the tube that held the register for her heart rate. With that you’d gently move the tube between the woman’s breasts, making sure to go slow so as to not cause any discomfort, the woman looking down at you and the tube in a slightly confused manner although she didn’t really seem to mind, more so wondering what you were going to do next. With that you’d move your hand to the machine and turn it on, the sound of a slight humming coming from both the tube and the machine before it was overwhelmed by the woman’s rhythmic heart rate, the beeping almost carrying itself a tune.

With that you decided that you should go about starting the breast exam, your hands reaching up to her tits, hearing a slight grunt echo out across the air before you’d hear as her heartbeat would go faster , moving at a couple more ticks then before. You’d grope her breasts somewhat, hearing as moans would escape her mouth, drool dripping down the side of her mouth as her legs flexed around the air somewhat as you did so before you’d move your hands off for a couple moments, hearing as she would let out a couple more groans. With that you moved her nipples between your fingers, the woman looking at you again with a slight sense of confusion before you’d decide to pinch them, the pinch itself being delicate yet strong enough to get a reaction out of her.

That reaction was a resounding moan, the woman gasping out into the air and starting to pant into the air somewhat, drool pooling at the tip of her tongue as you’d hear as the heart rate machine went faster and faster. You’d look to see that the heart rate was certainly that of someone in heightened simulation but not fast enough that you would consider it a concrete piece of evidence so you removed your fingers from her nipples, letting her pant as you’d opened up another part of the machine. You’d take out two tubes with cups on them, knowing that these were the tubes to extracts breast milk from any creature with a set of mammaries and you proceeded to set them down on her nipples, watching as the suction pushed against her nipples and caused her to let out a hum.

You’d then move your fingers over to the machine and pressed the on button, figuring that you’d go about extracting her milk to both test the sensation and see if you could get some milk for  you to analyze back at the labs. You watched as the second part of the machine hummed to life, the sound of the tubes suckling away at her nipples only being beaten by the sound of her moaning, the woman’s moans getting so loud they echoed across the ruined room slightly in the process. You’d also hear the sound of a high pitched beeping move across the air and looked to the machine to see that her heart rate had grown way faster than it was beforehand, especially since the patterns that you saw on the machine were the same ones that you had seen in moments of arousal.

 After a few more moments the small vials that the machine used to collect its milk would be filled and the machine would turn off, leaving you to take off the tubes, including the one that was monitoring her heart,  as the woman would pant away in relief. With that you’d look at the time and realized that it was time that you started heading back, packing up the machine as you thought about the research that you had just conducted, figuring it was rather strange to have an arousal reaction  but you figured it must have some purpose to it. With that you'd go to leave the ruins but not before noting where the area was, knowing that now that you had proof that there was a Jaggia there, you could finally go and get a van needed to transport more equipment over to there.

After a few hours of lab work to try and figure out what the milk was composed off and why the hell that she was getting aroused by getting her breasts sucked but eventually you’d go to bed, knowing that you were going to be getting the requested van in the morning. That morning you were awoken to the sound of the horn of the van arriving with you signing the paperwork saying you had to pay for any damages before they left you with the keys and, since you didn’t want to waste any time, you figured you may as well get in and drive. With that you loaded the machinery into the back of the van, turned the key, cranked up the air conditioning and started to drive through the desert, the sound of dust and sand kicking up from your wheels echoing out across the air.

Driving through the desert was a hell of a lot better than simply walking through it, least of all because you didn’t have the sun beating down at your neck for several hours as you got to the ruins, watching the other structures pass you by. After a while you’d get to the ruins that housed the Jaggia with you taking several moments to park the van since you weren’t exactly used to parking on sand especially given how the tires were sinking into it slightly but eventually you managed to do it. You got out of the car and entered the ruins as you’d hear noises coming from the Jaggias children again but, instead of the contented sounds you usually heard, you heard the sound of wailing coming from the children which caused you to run to see what was going on with their mother.

You’d turn several corners before you managed to get to them, seeing the children crowded around their mother on her side, looking rather tired with highly dilated eyes which certainly meant that there was something wrong with her. You’d walk up next to her, her two children running down to their mothers thighs so that they could stay with her as you’d canvas her body for any wounds, figuring that she may have been injured and succumbed to infection but you didn’t see any injuries on her at all. That’s when you realized that there were reports of a fruit somewhere on the desert horizon that was poisonous, fatality so, which was when you realized that you had to do something quickly and, as such, you ran back to the van to get the heart rate monitoring machine to see how close she was.

You’d grab ahold of the tube and you’d jam it between her breasts again when you came back, hurriedly going to turn it on and hearing the hum from the machine as the children hissed at it somewhat as if they thought it was hurting her. With that you’d hear the sound of the machine's heart rate monitor beeping again but this time it went about beating against the air at a much slower pace with you watching as the spaces between each peak in the cardiogram grew larger and larger as you knew you had to work fast. You grabbed ahold of the machine and shoved it back into the van before you went back to the Jaggia with a metal wheeled table, placing the woman on it and running back to the van, the woman’s children running alongside her as she would do so, wanting to be with their mother. 

You’d load the Jaggia into the van and the children would jump in along with her before you jumped in the van and sped away from the ruins, knowing that you couldn’t go about wasting time given the situation. You got back to the lab way faster than you had gotten to the ruins,your hand flinging open the doors before you clutched ahold of the table and started running her into the lab, the woman’s children following her inside as they would chitter away into the air in the process. You’d wheel her into the central lab area and place her onto the table before clutching ahold of a heart rate monitor, moving the tube between her breasts again and flicking it back on as you as her heart rate would sound out across the room, the beating moving painfully slow for your liking.

With that you’d leave the groaning woman to herself to grab ahold of the infusion pump and the antidote to the poison, taking the syringe with you as you’d move the machine back to the lethargic woman, seeing as she shifted around slightly in the lab table. Your hands first moved to the machine proper, injecting the antidote into the fluids that were in the machine by default before grabbing ahold of the injector tube as you attempted to find a vein on the woman which was easier said than done due to the scales on her top side. Eventually you’d find a vein within her bird-link arms, rubbing against it slightly as you’d see the vein bulge up before you pushed the injector inside, the woman letting out a slight hiss into the air before you’d turn the machine on so infusion could begin.

You’d watch her body for a few tension-filled minutes, the sound of the machine attempting to pump the antidote inside of her only adding to the tension as you’d wait to see if the poison's effects would go away that easily or not. You’d hear a gasp escape her mouth as the one sound that you didn’t want to hear was pushed across the lab, the sound of the woman’s flatlining heart echoing out across the room, your eyes locked to the machine before you stared back at the woman. You’d see as she would start writing around the table, rubbing and hitting against the table as you would hear the sounds of her pained yelps and agonized groans echoed out across the air as you knew that you had to work quickly, less anything more horrible happen to the woman.

With that you would proceed to mount the woman’s body somewhat,making sure that you were looming over her chest as you dragged the heart rate monitor next to you, seeing the zeros on the screen as you would do with you knowing you needed it closer since the defibrillator was built into it. You grabbed the gel that you needed for the defibrillator to work and smeared it across her chest before grabbing ahold of the tube and slowly taking it off her arm, doing it as gently as you possibly could as you would do so. With that you placed your hands over one another and moved them between her breasts and then took a deep breath, hearing her groans move out into the air as the defibrillator slowly got itself ready in the machine as you started to pump her chest.

You would push down on her chest, feeling as if would shift downwards in the process, her soft skin pushing against your palms as her ribs would rub against  your palms somewhat as you pump her chest to a rhythm. You’d put your entire body to it, routing your legs into the ground so that you wouldn’t fall off the table and making sure to that you used all your weight and muscles to make sure that the chest pumps actually counted, the woman’s pained groans still echoing out across the air in the process. You’d look to her tits for a brief moment to see that they were squirting with milk somewhat, seeing that the thick fluids dripped from her nipples and down her breast as you’d see that the defibrillator was at fully charged, your hands moving away from her chest and grabbing ahold of the pads.

“Clear.” The machine would blurt out before you jammed the pads to her chest, hearing the sound of buzzing before a shock ran through her body, causing her to jolt up and let out another pained groan before a second jolt hit, another clear being spoken before it happened. You still heard that beeping moving across the air, pushing your hands down to her heart again and ramming yourself into her sternum in an attempt to get her heart beating again, sweat forming across your hands in the process. You’d pant and gasp out into the air as you’d hear her cries, looking at the defibrillator once again to see that it had fully changed, doing so a lot faster then beforehand as you grabbed ahold of the defibrillator and pressed the triggers, waiting for the voice to sound out.

“Clear.” The voice said as you slammed it down into her chest again, let the electric run through her heart before you heard nothing come out of the heart rate monitor, your fears growing and growing by the moment. “Clear.” The machine hummed out again before you slammed the machine into her body, hearing the howl escape across the air followed by a mechanical slam with you hearing her yelp out one more time as the room filled with the sound of that of a heartbeat. You looked to the machine to see that the woman’s heart rate would move up and down on the machine, the number going from zero to that of a good relaxed heart rate, your hands going to slot the pads back inside the machine before you decided to monitor the heart beat for a few moments.

Eventually you managed to ensure yourself that she would be fine and moved the tube from her breasts, turning off the machine and placing yourself next to the woman, seeing that she was quietly snoring into the air as she passed out on the table, the woman seemingly much more comfortable now that she had her heart rate back. With that you’d place her onto the ground gently and wheeled the table out of the room, her children giving her a few sniffs where the IV line had gone into her arm before pushing their heads into their chest, their posture becoming a lot more comfortable as they went to snuggle up with their sleeping mother with you letting out a sigh of relief as you exited the room. With that you wondered what tests you’d do next on the beings especially since you intended to keep her here for a couple day’s anyway to make sure there was nothing else in her system but for now you decided that getting some food was the best bet.

Saving a life was a hard task, after all.


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