Deep underground (OC)

 There had been many things that could wake you up in the countryside, the calls of wild birds squawking through the air, livestock being herded or the occasional fae beast that would come and try and mess around with you but today was the first day that you awoken by an earthquake hitting your home. You recalled how you had spent the first couple seconds of the quake being none the wiser of the tremors, your eyes flicking from side to side before you realized that the entire room was shaking around you, books and various bits of cutlery falling off tables and onto the floor before you’d figure that you should probably get under a door frame, moving yourself under it as you would do so. The tremors went on for a couple more minutes, the entire house vibrating before they would start to calm down somewhat, the feeling of the walls shifting around and the floorboards popping out somewhat echoed out across the air, a silence falling across the entire building as it would come to an end.

You waited for a minute more, just in case it hadn't ended yet, before you would lift yourself up off the ground,looking at the dislodged floorboards that had been popped out, a few nails littering the floor along with the books that had fallen onto the floor. You then moved over to the window, drifting past the various items that littered the floor to look outside the window to see what the state of it was out there, your eyes still getting used to the light that was pushing through the  windows before you got a look outside. The earth had been cut into slits, entire seconds of the earth pushed upwards whilst other parts of the dirt floor had been pushed downwards, a couple of dazed animals laying around the place as you figured you should see what was going on in the rest of the house.

You walked out of your room into the hallway, pictures fell to the ground and a couple of the roof columns had been dislodged and were resting with their nails snapped in two which meant you had to travel extra carefully. With that you had moved into the kitchen which seemed to have been hit worse then the bedroom had been, the light fixture having smashed against the table and varying plates having fallen from the drawers and onto the floor, covering the floor in a thick layer of shattered porcelain that cracked under your step. That’s were you saw the entrance to the basement with you figuring that you should go there next, your hands grabbing ahold of the basement door and opening it, jumping down to see what was going on down there to see the place destroyed.

There was varying bits of furniture that littered the floor, shattered wood and metal knobs littering the floor whilst varying bits of fabric and roofing were littered across the floor as well before you noticed something in the distance. You walked over to it to see that there was now a massive hole in the wall, one that didn’t seem like it was made by just an earthquake but instead seemingly made by someone’s hand, having been revealed to you by the earthquake tearing the entrance back apart again. You’d stare at the hole for several moments, wondering what the hell it was there but why before you would proceed to start walking inside of it, hearing the sounds of something moving around in the darkness as you would do so but you couldn’t tell if some rocks had just fallen or not.

You’d find yourself moving deeper and deeper inside of the cave, the light of the house leaving you the deeper you had gone down with you noticing that the hole seemed to have been way, way deeper than you could have imagined. You eventually got to the point where you were inside of a bit of the cave that was unchiseled, the feeling of the jagged rocks stabbing against your feet as you looked around the area, the sounds of breathing echoing out around you as you would do so. You’d still be unable to hear the source of the building, grabbing ahold of the rocks before you proceeded to throw it at a wall, the sounds of the rock snapping out across the air and causing the sounds of movements to echo out across the air which confused you even more than beforehand.

With that you’d start looking around the area for where the hell the breathing was coming from before more sounds would escape across the rooms, the sounds being somewhat slimy in nature as you looked around some more. Suddenly you’d hear the sounds of running again, the being that had run into your legs being a bit faster than you could look down, forcing you down the ground as you hit the floor,a jagged rock hitting against your head and making your vision blur in the process. You feel a heat move down your head, , your hand rubbing it as you’d open your eyes and feel as if they would slowly unblur, revealing splotches of color in the dark before you saw more and more details of the figures, your eyes blurring to eventually reveal something entirely inhuman.

The first and more alien part of the beast was it’s head which had the appearance of a squid, a bulbous head that would shudder and ungulate in the air and a pair of pupuless yellow eyes, a mass of tendrils spanning from the face, a mouth being nested right in the middle of it with the tongue seeming to be a special adapted tendril. Your eyes would look down the rest of the body, seeing that the creature was covered in blue and rubbery skin, a large set of tits appearing on their small bodies with a pair of appropriately small wings clinging to the back with you seeing that resembled bat wings more then anything else before you looked down to the lower half of the small creatures body. You’d see that the creature had a massive ass, easily larger then your head was by quite a large rear end as well as a pair of thick thighs, your eyes eventually focusing on the one in the middle of which you assumed to be the eldest there with you noting the woman seemed angry at your presence there.

“At last, after hundreds of years, our magic has worked! We are now free to go to the upperlands at long last.” She said as she would move her tendrils across the air, her eyes widening as she twisted her head sideways somewhat. “Your blood, it tastes familiar in the air. You are of the bloodline of the sealer, aren’t you?” She would ask, the other beings around you chattering to one another in speculation as you shrugged, not really knowing what she was talking about as she would get angrier. “You lie! Your blood betrays you! I can taste it, the legacy of magic within your veins! And now you shall be punished!” She screamed out into the air as the varying beasts cheered out in vengeance.

“As the leader of these people, I feel it is only right that I give you your punishment!” She shouted out as you would try and get up, the beings letting out a series of hisses which led to you sitting back down again. “Due to the fact that your bloodline has denied us several generations of children, it is only fair that you are to GIVE us the children we have had, to find the lost generations again!” She would exclaim, the woman walking between your legs as more of the beings would howl out into the air. “However, first you must be tested! To see if you are suitable to be used to BREED!” She shouted, more cheering and howling into the air  as the eldest would move closer to you, the woman’s small hands grabbing ahold of your belt as she would let out a guttural sound.

You’d then feel as her hands would proceed to yank your belt off your waist, throwing the belt across the room and hitting one of her children with a wet slap before grabbing ahold of your trousers and starting to fiddle with the buttons. With several moments of fiddling and twisting later she’d finally figure out how the buttons worked, the woman then grabbing hold of your waistbands and yanking your trousers and underwear down to your angles, your cock springing out into the air as she would do so. You’d then feel as her hands would grab ahold of your thighs, the woman’s tendrils quickly unfurling in the air, a drooling wet hole dripping all over your cock as she’d stop moving for a brief moment, bringing her head down like a hammer and enveloping your cock in the process.

You let out a loud groan into the air as you felt the warmth envelop your member, the feeling of drool dripping down your balls as her tendrils flicking around your thighs and balls before she gained enough strength to go upwards. With that you’d hear a brief pop and a massive amount of drool that fell down your cock before she’d tighten her mouth again, rubbing her slick inner walls across your cock as she eventually reached the tip of your member, her tongue soon coming into play. You’d feel as the thick and wet organ flicked around the tip of your cock, pushing up against it and tasting the pre that was dripping out of your cock before she’d move her tongue away and then slammed herself down into your waist again, groaning eagerly as she did so.

With that she would start an almost mechanical process of drifting up your cock and moving back down it, her tongue always being there to tease your tip when she needed to, a few moans escaping across the air as she did so. She would also proceed to start moving her tendrils around your body, wrapping two of them around your thighs whilst a couple would play with your shirt somewhat, another tendril moving across your balls and gently cradling them inside of her tentacles as she did so. After a few more minutes she seemed to decide to stop pacing herself, the woman letting out a couple of gasps across the air as she would move her body closer to your own, her ass being poked further up into the air as you’d see a both malicious and happy look in her eyes. 

You’d feel as the drifting against your cock would go faster and faster against you, the slick inner walls clenching and pushing across your member as she did so, changing her tactics and leaving out the stops at the tip and the base of your member. She’d also use her tongue to start wrapping around your member, the woman slowly slithering around the tip and base of your member, the slithering making you gasp out into the air as you would stick your hands in the Stone , grasping at the rocks as you did so. The woman would allocate another tentacle would move over to your balls, starting to massage and cradle them, covering them in some kind of slimy substance as she did so, the drops dripping onto the ground,creating a shimmering pool of drool as she did so.

Meanwhile you'd feel as her throat would start moving in a milking style motion, the walls drifting up and down your cock as she would do so, localizing at the base of your cock before slowly moving up to the tip of your member. Whilst she was suckling away at your member the other members of her species would start talking to each other, whispering about what they were planning to do to you as their leader enjoyed herself with you wondering if the woman was sucking you off so that you could go first. Talking about the woman, it seemed like that she was growing tired of the speed that she was going as well, the woman nearly mounting your legs as she would start going even faster against you, making you cry out into the air as she would do so.

At this point the woman’s head was going faster than you even figured her neck would be able to take, the woman moving up and down your member so fast that her head was blurring in the air somewhat as she did so. You could feel as her inner walls would spasm rapidly against your member, twisting and clenching around it and causing pleasure to ooze out across your member, the warmth and the spit she was producing dripping and splashing across your thighs and your waist. Her tendrils would wiggle across your legs and your hips as she would do so, more and more slime moving across your body as you dug your foot into the ground, wondering if she was ever going to stop as you’d feel her still massaging your balls, only doing it faster this time around.

That was when you felt yourself starting to throb inside of her, pushing against her inner walls which would clench back hopelessly around you, the pre splattering her insides as you got closer and closer to orgasming. With that  you felt as the pressure started to appear in your cock, slowly building up at the tip before starting to move down your cock, the pressure getting more and more intense by the moment as you’d hear her gargling in pleasure, her yellow eyes staring right into your own as she did so. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, everything getting too much for you before you started to cum inside of her throat, the woman slamming her mouth down onto your cock as the tendrils would wrap around your hips, making sure you couldn’t escape her as she did so.

With that you’d feel as ropes would start spraying inside of her mouth, a massive wave of cum pushing into her throat and covering her inner walls with your cum, more and more coming out of your member by the second. After a while your orgasm would reach its peak, a massive series of ropes spraying inside of her and hitting against the back of her throat, causing her to choke out into the air as a couple of drops spraying out of the sides of her mouth, the woman clamping against your member as she did so. After that the last couple ropes would decrease in size and speed, getting smaller and smaller by the second before it stopped in its entirety, the last drops pushing into her throat as you imagined that this would be over soon since you had proven your worth.

Unfortunately for you, you hadn’t proven your worth just yet and that one orgasm became one of many, the woman suckling on your cock and not removing herself from your crotch as she did so, her tongue curling around your bare to make sure you couldn’t escape. She’d milk load after load out of you with you trying to do everything you could do to escape from her from pushing her away to moving your hips but the suction was simply too much for you to get out of, trapping you with her for as long as she wanted. Eventually it would hit midnight, slight whisps of moonlight pushing through the stones as you’d spray whatever was left of the contents of your balls inside of her mouth, the woman latching off your cock and nearly falling to the ground as she breathed some fresh air in.

You’d watch as she would keep panting into the air, feeling the cold air enter her mouth as the other beings would start crowding around you, waiting for the signal from their matriarch to jump and use you to breed, the woman taking a couple more breathes as she cleared her throat somewhat. “Well then, young ones! Let the breeding begin!” She said with a cackle unlike anything that you had heard beforehand, the other beings descended down from all angles, fighting over your cock and, if anyone were to go inside of your house, they’d be able to hear the sounds of moaning and the lewd sounds of flesh against flesh echoing out from deep, deep underground.


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