Secure contain procreate (Mal0 X SCP-682)

 Deep within the middle of America, between large plains of desert and towns that had long since died,there lies a building that’s around 2 stories high, it’s white paneling having been eroded by sand and sun, the doors firmly locked with no windows peering inside, to keep prying eyes from looking within. This same building is surrounded by varying walls of wire and concrete, all to ensure that no one would ever be able to get to the doors who wasn’t able to even if they were able to ram through the thinner fences, for what hid within this building was something not for the eyes of the public with some things hidden within being something that no eyes should ever see again. If you were one of the chosen few that were able to get into the building without either being shot or being captured then you’d be taken to a elevator where the true facility was, deep underground where a labyrinth of testing chambers, research facilities and various other rooms were located with this facility being knows as site-55, belong to the SCP foundation.

There were a variety of beasts trapped within the facility, growing bored of being locked inside of their cages but no one was growing more bored than SCP-1471, being stuck within the bottom end of the Euclid section of the building. He had been captured a couple of years ago, the app that he had been attached to briefly managing to make its way onto a bootleg App Store,catching the attention of the foundation when many people found themselves being stalked by a rather feminine entity. After a few months of constantly escaping the foundations clutches as they closed in, something rather easy to do when you were invisible, the foundation eventually outpaced him, placing up some field around the house that would allow him to become both visible and tangible which was when they captured him.

After going through some tests and getting his classification and number, he was sent to a cell which was where the furry being had been waiting for something to happen for quite a while now, least of all so he could leave his cell for once. He also wished they would call him his actual name for once,which was Mal0, instead of the number he had been assigned, the feminine boy staring at the scientists with his deep black eyes and rolling them wherever they refused to call him his actual name. Still, it wasn’t all bad, it had been two or so months since the last person had screamed about seeing his skull face poking out from behind the corner, instead treating him with little surprise and more bored compliance which meant he wasn’t getting screamed at constantly which was always a bonus, the ghostly being currently looking at himself in the mirror that came preinstalled into his room.

The first place that he looked was his face, the bone face that he had standing out  from the black fur that covered the most of his body, his white irises standing out in his blackened eyes as he moved one of his hands over to his long, shaggy hair, the hair curling against itself somewhat, running down his back and shoulders in the process. He’d move his clawed hand across your hair before glancing down at the rest of his body, his frame being thin but no way lander since he had some form of visible muscles in his arms and chest, even if they were more streamlined then someone who was larger than him especially since he was rather short in stature compared to humans, let alone other SCPs. His lower half was equally feminine, his legs being thin with some muscles across his thighs which made them rather thicker than the rest of his body, his cock and balls being hidden by some fur that barely did enough to hide it with his tail pushing against the top of his ass, swinging it around accidentally whenever he moved around.

Suddenly he’d hear the sound of the doors unlocking,the furry turning his head around to see that his door was slowly opening, the man wondering if there was something happening that caused the door to get unlocked again. “SCP-1471, please may you proceed to test chamber 8527770 immediately.” Said the voice, the furry grumbling to himself as he said his own make under his breath as he would start walking down the corridors, hearing the sounds of the various other prisoners as he would do so. After several minutes of wandering around he find himself at a metal door, way thicker than his own and seemingly much more secure when it was locked, the man grabbing ahold of the door and opening it, walking in and turning his head to see quite the sight at the other end of the room.

It was SCP-621 herself, the first place that the feminine males eyes landed was her face, her own skeletal head staring back at him, her eyes hidden somewhat by the black hair running down at her face, the woman letting out a growl and licking her teeth with her tongue, spit dripping onto the floor as she did so. She was around one and a half times larger than he was,  this eye dropping past the scars that were moving across her arms and shoulders before he found himself staring at her tits quite a bit, seeing that they seemed to be bigger than his head was, her nipples being slightly darker then the rest of her dark gray skin, the skin itself being surprisingly smooth despite the fact that she was a lizard. He then looked down at her hips, ones that were much thicker than your own, the woman’s pussy resting between her legs in full view of everyone, the woman’s thick tail staying slammed into the ground before she would speak to him.

“Oh great, they’ve locked me in with some fucking queer, how excellent.” She Said in her typical tone of rage infused annoyance, the feminine man letting out a slight groan as he crossed his arms somewhat as he did so.

“Firstly, I’m not gay, secondly, I didn’t choose to even be here, they told me to come here.” He said as she would roll her eyes, letting out a huff and looking away as she tapped her foot onto the ground. “So, do you know WHY we’re in here or not?” Asked the man, the lizard woman turning her head towards him with a growl.

“Of course I fucking don’t, you moron. I just woke up ten minutes ago, an acid bath tends to take a lot out of you.” She would shout, the woman swinging her tail into the wall as Mal0 felt himself getting rapidly fed up with her screaming at him.

“I’m not even supposed to be in this plain of reality and I can stand here just fine.” He responded, a growl coming from her mouth as she would do so.

“Shut it, jackass. Before I rip your little twinky body in two.” She threatened, the digital being groaning to himself as he walked over to the door, seeing that it was locked and that he was stuck in here with her. That is when he started to hear a hissing sound echo out across the air, his ears flicking around before he would figure out that the hissing was coming from above, looking up to see some kind of pink gas escaping the roof from the sprinklers, his eyes widening as he did so.

“Oh shit… got any clue what this is?” He asked as she would look at him and shrugged, clearly not knowing much about it which annoyed the furry even more than he was before, the gas having filled the room slightly. Despite this he didn’t really feel anything particularly bad other then feeling somewhat warm, his hand moving over his arm and scratching it somewhat as he found himself looking at the lizard women but instead of contempt and general annoyance that he was feeling before he was feeling some kind of attraction. Between her massive tits and somewhat larger hips and thighs, she was a rather attractive woman, the man letting thoughts about her overrun his brain before he realized who he was having thoughts about, snapping out of it when he realized who he was fantasizing about.

Unfortunately for him his body didn’t seem to snap out of it quite as easily, the man glancing down to see his cock getting harder and harder by the moment, slowly coming out of its fluffy hiding place and getting harder with each pump of his heart. “Oh god, please go down, please go down.” He whispered to himself as he tried to think of something, anything that would encourage him to not get hard, nothing seeming to work as he looked up to see that the lizard was staring back at him. “It’s...uh… not what it looks like?” He said with the woman not really responding to the blatant lie that he was telling her as she would wander towards it, slowly cornering him to the wall as he would let out a slight whimper, figuring he was about to get torn apart limb by limb.

She would place her hand on his chest, the woman letting out a slight hiss as Mal0s heart raced inside of his chest, before she would start stroking it, moving her hand around it as she leant down somewhat so that her face was next to his own. With that she’d more her head to the side somewhat, letting her tongue hang out as her other hand moved over to his thighs, groping away at the limb before she proceeded to start lapping away at his neck, the woman letting out a growl as she would do so. “Seems like I was wrong,you ain’t a  queer after all.” She said with you being shocked that she would admit wrongdoing as well as the fact that she seemed to have a tone of arousal in her voice, her hand massaging  your thigh a bit more as she would do so.

“Look at you, you’re so hard for me, aren’t you?” She said as her had moved down from his thigh and onto his cock, the feminine man started to growl out into the air as he felt her hand gliding up and down his cock eagerly. Meanwhile  she would keep licking away at his body, her tongue drifting away from his neck and to his chest, the wet tongue pushing against the muscles in them before she moved closer and closer to his cock, a mixture of fear and arousal moving across his body. “Let’s have some fun.” She said before she moved between his legs, a grim pushed across her face before she spread his legs with her hands, opening her mouth and licking her jaw one more time before pushing her snout across his cock, a groan escaping his mouth as she did so.

He would look down to see the larger woman push against the base of his cock, her tongue curling around the base of his member as she would start pulling backwards, the tongue staying wrapped around his base as she did so. She would keep pulling and pulling her tongue around your cock, drool dripping down from his cock and her teeth as she eventually reached the tip of his cock, keeping it resting inside of her mouth as the wet, thick organ would proceed to slither up your cock to his tip again. She would tease the tip for several moments, the drool dripping all over his member as she tasted the precum dripping from it, a slight moan escaping her mouth before she proceeded to ram herself down his cock again, causing the man to moan as she would do so.

She’d repeat this procedure several times over, gliding up his cock before proceeding to glide right down again after a few moments of teasing your tip, the woman letting out growls and moans as she would go about doing it. Meanwhile Mal0 could feel as his hand would grow more and more restless, his hands clutching against the wall before he reached out and grabbed ahold of her head, the woman letting out a slightly confused groan as she saw this happen before he realized she was getting an idea. She then grabbed ahold of his arm, keeping it clutched within her hand as she would suddenly fall backwards, causing the feminine boy to stumble and fall onto her chest, the woman growing as he would fall so his cock would be pushed right into her tits.

With that it was clear what she would want the man to do and Mal0 had no intent on disobeying the woman as he would grab hold of her tits, feeling the warmth of her breasts against  his hands as he’d start to move his hips. Mal0 growled out as he felt the softness of her tits rubbing against his member, feeling the warmth flowing through them as he dragged his cock backwards, the veins on his member growing more prominent as he felt the breasts rubbing against his tip. He waited for a moment before thrusting, the man not knowing if it was out of fear or out of hype for his own arousal, the man’s hips ramming against her breasts, causing her to let out a low sultry groan into the air as he would wait against her mouth for a brief moment, her warm breathes pushing against his tip and he would do so.

With that he would keep thrusting against her rack, starting off at the same pace of his initial thrust but slowly starting to quicken as he got more and more aroused by the entire thing, his mouth opening slightly so his tongue could push out into the air. The sound of his hips slamming against her breasts would start echoing out across the room, the plapping noises growing stronger and stronger as his hand would find them themselves starting to push against her breasts even more than beforehand. Eventually the hands would start groping against her breasts, his fingers digging into the breasts easily, starting to drift his hands up and down to add some more bounce of her tits, the woman herself starting to open up her mouth some more as his tip started to push into her mouth.

The man groaned as he felt her tongue make its welcome return to his tip, his tongue starting to lash away as he’d let out a few moans into the air, his heart racing inside of his currently physical body. Pre would drip into her mouth as he felt himself getting more and more into it by the moment, feeling the restraint that had been plaguing this first encounter slowly melting away like they were made of butter, his hips growing faster and faster as his tail would start wagging against the air. The woman’s soft breasts would jiggle with each thrust that he caused, his teeth grinding against themselves as his tongue would attempt to escape his mouth, the woman’s own tongue attempting to slither out but was unable too due to how fast the feminine man was moving his hips.

That was when he felt himself starting to throb against her tits and mouth, the woman’s mouth slowly opening upwards to welcome the throbbing tip inside, her tongue playing with it as the pre lathered her tongue. He could feel himself growing closer and closer to cumming by the moment, the feeling of throbbing moving from his tip and across the man’s entire cock, his moans being laced with a sense that he was holding his orgasm back, as if he didn’t want this to ever really end. “Mph, take this!” He moaned out as he would proceed to ram his cock as deep into her mouth as he could, his head craining upwards against the air and a tongue lolling out his mouth as ropes escaped into her mouth, her hands clutching ahold of his waist so he couldn’t pull out.

The first volley of ropes would spray out all over the place,covering her teeth and jaw alike as more and more cum would cover her tongue and mouth, pushing deeper and deeper inside of his mouth and he would do so. These ropes would grow until they would reach its peak, a massive amount of ropes escaping his member and spraying right down her throat, letting out a cough somewhat as she groaned out, his balls tensing and untensing slightly as he would do so. With that his orgasm would start to end, the ropes growing weaker and weaker before stopping in its entirety, the ropes turning into drops that would push against her thick tongue as he pulled out of her mouth, watching the drool drip onto the floor as his cock twitched into the air somewhat.

With that he would still feel as the lust would keep moving through him, his cock still being as hard as bone as his eyes focused on her drooling pussy, the hole engorged with lust and practically begging to be fucked by him. With that he’d let out a growl before moving over to the larger woman, his hands grabbing hold of her thighs and spreading them aside, the woman letting out a moan as he watched her pussy push against the air, the feminine boy moving his hips back as he would speak. “You better be ready for round two, Lizard!” He groaned out as he would proceed to twist his hips backwards before he would then slam himself inside of her pussy, both of the beasts groaning out across the air as he would hilt his cock, feeling the fluids dripped down his balls as he did so.

He’d let his cock rest inside of her pussy for a couple of moments, getting used to the feeling of warmth that was around him before he started to pull out, letting out a sigh as he’d feel the fluids against his member. As he pulled out he would feel as her pussy would start clenching and rubbing against his member, dragging across his most pleasurable areas as fluids dripped down his thighs, eventually moving over to the tip of his member where she would clench her lower lips around it, ensuring that he couldn’t escape her. He chuckled, knowing that he never intended to pull out of her anyways before he rammed his hips downwards again, a wet slap echoing out across the air as flesh would clash against flesh before he would start pulling away from her again.

He could feel his back shiver with each thrust, the feeling of the cold being pushed away and replaced with the pure warmth of her pussy, whatever the hell that gas was causing their bodies to burn up with a oozing, pleasurable heat. He could feel her body start shifting and shifting around on the floor as he thrusted into her, the man groaning and gasping out into the air as he realized that she was about to do something as she made her entire body shift upwards, forcing the feminine man down to the ground as she did so. “Not so fast,skinny!” She shouted as she clutched ahold of his chest as he realized what was about to happen, the woman now being in control as he would push his hands against her thighs as she lifted herself up and slammed herself down his member.

With that she would begin to ride the furry furiously, the woman’s hips hitting against his crotch so fast that her hips were blurring in the air somewhat, the woman moaning and growling out into the air as she would do so. Mal0 would feel an impossible amount of pleasure running across his body, his cock being constantly clenched and slammed against, his legs twitching as he moved his hands over to the thighs of the woman, trying to push her off his body as he would do so. “Mmmph, slow down, you’re gonna break my pelvis!” He shouted as he’d keep pushing against her body, his hands starting to spark with some kind of staticky light, the sound of buzzing coming from them before they’d proceed to spark and a massive flash moved across the air.

When the light cleared there was a new figure standing in the room with him, Mal0s eyes taking a couple of seconds to adjust before he realized that it was another him standing there, the hair seeming slightly longer on this copy of himself. His eyes widened as the clone just stood there, seemingly waiting for his command as he would realize what he could do, the man taking advantage of the fact that she was thinking about sexy before he proceeded to press his hands again and started to let them spark. He would watch as another burning light pushed out into the air, the furry setting off the clones a couple more times until there were three of them in the room with him, the digital being smiling as he realized that the gas was taking effect and they were about to descend on the women.

One would move behind her, wrapping his hands around the woman’s large waist and proceeding to lift his hips up and slamming it into her ass, causing her to groan out into the air and making her snout one wide. With that another of the clones stuck it in her mouth, the woman groaning as she felt a pair of small hands dig into her head before they started thrusting, the third jumping up and clutching ahold of her tits,groping away eagerly as he looked up at the woman. The woman would move one of her hands away from the main Mal0s body before clutching ahold of the groping clones, the woman stroking away at the cock as she was fucked by him and the clones, the entire thing becoming a rather immense gangbang as Mal0 groaned eagerly into the air.

The lewd sounds of flesh hitting against flesh and muffled moans of the woman getting fucked would echo out across the air, the woman clearly enjoying herself as she felt the many cocks rub and out inside of her. The clones were also enjoying themselves quite a lot as well, their eyes practically radiating pleasure as Mal0 himself was clutching her thighs, feeling as her fluids would get more and more plentiful as him and his own clones fucked the lizard, the lust having overtaking the entire room now. He could also feel her pussy clenching growing more and more erratic by the moment, the inner walls pushing and rubbing against your cock which seemed to indicate that she was getting closer to orgasming by the moment, her eager moans being loud even with a cock in her mouth.

It seemed like Mal0 and co were also growing close to orgasming, the feminine males cock throbbing against her inner walls, pushing and teasing her clenching inner walls which were responding by milking away at his dick. The furry and his many clones would feel as the pressure would start moving down their cocks, all four of them wanting to orgasm more and more by the second, going faster against her body, groping hands and moaning mouths joining the fray in the lust filled event. Eventually Mal0, the clones and SCP-682 couldn’t take it anymore, the pleasure getting too much for each and every one of them before she slammed down on the main Mal0s dick, squirting all over it as men would all groan out and orgasm in unison.

Mal0 would feel as a wave of pussy fluids covered his cock before a massive amount of ropes would start spraying out of his cock, covering her inner walls as the other clothes would cover her body and slathering her other two holes as she would groan. More and more ropes would be pumped inside of her in tandem, swelling her body up as everything would reach its peak,a massive set of ropes spraying all over her body and pumping deep inside of her in the process, filling her to the absolute brim. Eventually the affair would come to a end soon after, the orgasms slowly reducing themselves before stopping entirely, the last drops dripping against the woman’s body and the clones disappearing a moment later, leaving Mal0 alone with the beast as they did so, figuring the researchers must be rather happy to see that there program not only worked by they also found some new powers that Mal0 had.

She collapsed by his side , letting out a couple of sighs before he was grabbed and dragged closer to her, the woman letting out a few sighs and showing signs of affection that was rather uncommon from her, something that Mal0 almost found adorable as the woman would start whispering things in her life filed stupor. “I won’t let them take you from me… I’ll destroy this entire facility if they do…” she groaned out as Mal0 would find himself kept within her grasp on the floor on the test chamber as he figured that he might as well embrace the role that had been quite literally thrust upon him, figuring that if he was going to spend all his life in this facility he might as well spend it with someone.


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