Romance in the pool (Sea Emperor Leviathan)

 It had seemingly been a long, long time since the Aurora had crashed on this watery planet but overall you felt like you had done a rather great job at surviving at what you assumed to be a watery grave by the time that you woke up in a cabin of the wrecked ship, escaping to the small bit of land the planet had as you’d do so. After that you were now determined to keep yourself alive, swimming around for several moments and gathering some resources and slowly building your base, feeding off whatever you could find as your base would grow and grow and your equipment strikes would also grow with you even crafting a submarine after a long, long while of collecting resources. You had decided to go about making sure that you could escape the building but that was when you noticed these boils starting to ooze across your skin, slowly bloating and bloating around your hands and body before they’d start glowing as you tried to figure out just what this was.

This turned out to be something known as the Kharaa bacterium, a bacteria that seemed to have killed  the precursor race on the planet and was seemingly coming to kill you given the boils and the feeling of pain drifting across your stomach. You had to figure out a cure and there was one being worked on somewhat within one of the dead outposts with you going deeper and searching and searching and searching until you found what could be a cure with that cure being enzyme 42. Enzyme 42 was something that seemed to break down the bacterium although it seemed like it needed a concentrated dose to kill it although you had passively having this enzyme inside you the whole time, bringing the infection to a slow crawl as it told you the enzyme only came from Sea emperor Leviathans.

Thankfully you didn't have to do much searching to find new ones this time around, finding the coordinates on the architect's computer to the location and, as such, you got into your submarine and moved on. You got to the facility, hearing the roars escaping from the ruined place, the building being made out of a almost limestone material, thick and hard and painted green, rocks eroding away and leaving you in a half ruined place, the roars of what you were searching for echoing out down the halls. Eventually you’d find yourself growing closer and closer to the sounds before you got into the container chamber, looking at the massive beast, it’s blue eyes staring back at you as you let it escape, harvesting the cure from the beast as you’d do so.

Then you’d hear another sound echo out of the water, coming from deeper inside of the facility and as such you’d start diving down into the water, feeling as the cold water drifting across your skin as you would do so. Eventually you’d find another Leviathan deeper in the building, this one seeming heavy mutated from the original form as well as somewhat smaller, the woman seeming to chitter and growl out into the air as if she was politely asking to be let go, your hands grabbing ahold of the console and opening it up in the process. With that the Leviathan was allowed to be let go, the beast swimming out into the water and enjoying her newfound freedom as you swam into the building to get a backup for a cure but you weren’t aware this wouldn’t be the last time you’d see her.

In fact, you didn’t have to wait that long at all as she would go about following you back at first like a lost puppy, the woman clicking and growling out against the sea until you got to the base where she would make her new habitat. There she would seemingly become your protector, leaving you be whilst she’d attack anything that would attack you or your base, the woman taking bone sharks and biting them right in half, corpses drifting against the water as it would turn a rather red color. Not only that but you’d also find a massive amount of fish around it every once and a while, seemingly to make sure you were well fed, and for a month now you’d been living with her, doing pretty well for yourself as you were brought to now, welding a panel into the wall as you did so.

You’d finish welding the panel into the wall as you’d move back into the main area of the room, taking your helmet off and breathing some fresh air into the air as you walked inside, hearing the sound of something shifting outside. That would be the Leviathans, hearing the sound of her groaning and roaring out into the air with you having growing way more used to the noises then you had ever had beforehand, the woman drifting closer and closer to you by the sounds of it as you moved into the glass corridor you’d built before she got there. Suddenly you had heard the sound of her slamming against the glass, the clunking sound echoing out across the air as you turned around to  see her nudging against the glass, her breasts pushed up against it as you would start analyzing her body.

The first place that your eyes had looked was her face, the woman’s head being a mixture of that of a sharks and a eels in terms of shape, a series of sharp teeth, two pair of black eyes staring back at you as you’d look at the mandibles flicking against the water as her single red horn moved to the sky. Your eyes would then look down to the main event which was her breasts, the massive pair of tits squeezing against the glass, her white skin contrasting well with the blue across the rest of her lower skin, the back of the woman being covered in strips of red whilst her arms were bathed in the red, hanging limply from her arms as she would do so, the woman gargling against the air as she did so. Your eyes moved down from her hard nipples and her soft stomach before moving your eyes down to her hips, seeing the rather plump waistline push out against the water before you looked at her tail, seeing as it would flail across the water as you’d also see her pussy lips nestled between what seemed to be fused together thighs in the process.

You could feel yourself harden inside of your diving suit before you decided to look away from the woman and started to walk away from her and over to the moon pool in order to make sure that you were ready for your next tasks. One of the arms needed reconstructing,the motors breaking down beforehand as you would walk over with the new part in hand, playing with it in your fingers somewhat before you got into the pool and pushed the arm down, looking over to the motor and trying to install it in. You said trying since you were grabbed ahold of, a hand clutching ahold of your leg before yanking you down into  the water, pulling you deeper until you were far below the pool which is where you came face to face with the Leviathan woman, hearing her growl as she did so.

You’d look her in the eyes for several moments before her hands grabbed ahold of your wetsuit,slowly tearing it apart before she would do so, the cold water hitting against your body as she would do so. With that you’d feel as she would proceed to push you out of the water,leaving you dazed and confused somewhat as you would do so, the woman pulling herself out of the water a moment later and looming over you, the warmth of her pussy fluids dripping onto your member making you groan as she did so. Eventually she would proceed to slowly lower her hips down onto your cock, moving further and further down to your warm lips, feeling as they would ooze out against your member before they slammed down, fully submerging you in her warmth.

You’d groan out into the air as you felt her inner walls wrap around your member, slamming into your hips as you’d groan out into the air as you felt her arms wrap around your body, making sure you couldn’t escape her. With that she would start moving upwards after a couple of moments, the woman’s walls still not willing to let your cock go and as such you’d feel her walls grinding across your member, her mouth opening and moaning into the air, something presumably quite new to her given she was ocean based. Eventually she would reach the tip of your cock, clenching around it a couple more times as if she was questioning herself about what to do next, ramming herself down onto your cock a moment later and winding you once again as she did so.

She would repeat this process several times over, moving large hips upwards across your member before slamming down into you, the water shifting underneath the both of you as you would do so. As this encounter continued you’d feel as her face mandibles would wrap against your head, slowly pushing down against your skin and breathing against your face as she did so, the woman bringing your head closer and closer to her own as she would do so, her mouth starting to emerge from her mouth as she would do so. Eventually she would proceed to slowly push her tongue inside of your mouth, starting by pushing and pushing against your lips before she would jam her tongue inside your mouth, trapping her tongue inside of it as she would do so, letting out a beastial groan as she did so.

As the kiss would grow deeper and deeper, drool dripping down the sides of her mouth as she would start to quicken her hips against your member, the sounds of her hips ramming against your own echoing out across the air as she would do so. She’d no longer stop at the tip or the base of your cock, drifting up and down your cock at a much rapid pace then you had felt her going beforehand, the brief slams of pleasure that were moving across your cock becoming a series of immensely pleasurable waves. You could also feel as her inner walls would clench and unclench across your member now that she was ramming against your hips, the way she was twitching and grasping against your member being immense, making herself groan in the process.  

With that you’d feel as her tongue would start to push down inside of your mouth, slowly lashing against your teeth and your gums before she would proceed to start wrapping her tongue around your own as she did so. You could hear the sound of the woman groaning into your mouth as you would moan back, her tongue wrapping laps around your own as she would do so until she had it entire trapped within her maw, choking you somewhat as she would do so, drool dripping down into her throat as she did so. Eventually it got to the point where you’d cough more and more, spitting up against her and making your body twitch against her own, something that clearly turned her on by the feel of her heartbeat speeding up against your hands as she did so.

With the passion increasing by the moment she would start to go even faster against your waist, ramming her hips against you at such speed that she was nearly pushing you under the water, your legs twitching all the while. You’d also feel as she walls would spasm some more, clenching and wrapping against your member, the wet inner walls nuzzling around your member as she would do so, grinding against every spot that you considered pleasurable as she would do so, panting into your mouth all the while. You could also feel her pussy fluids dripping onto your thighs and would then move down your skin eventually moving down to the water and mixing it, the temperature feeling almost relaxing as such a large woman rode your cock like there was no tomorrow.

That was when you started to feel yourself throb inside of her, your cock pushing out against her inner walls before she would clench back, both of you moaning each other more and more by the second. You could also feel that familiar pressure starting to build up at the tip of your member, growing more and more intense by the moment as you’d fell her chest pushing against your own with you struggling to keep the pressure inside as her heavy hips rammed against you and pushed you into the water somewhat. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, groaning out against the air before ropes would start to escape your member, the woman proceeding to ram her hips downwards to keep you pinned to her, the woman clenching her pussy shut to make sure not a single drop of cum came out of it.

You could feel a rope would start shooting out of your member, several ropes shooting out of your member and covering her inner walls before more and more ropes would escape out and coat new areas of her insides. More and more cum would shoot out of your member and move deeper inside of her until your orgasm would suddenly reach its peak, a massive amount of cum spraying out of your cock head and pushing into the deepest reaches, the woman feeling as the ropes pierced her womb somewhat. Your orgasm would eventually come to an end, ropes growing weaker and weaker before stopping, both of you being exhausted as the last couple of drops of cum dripped onto her inner walls, the woman pulling out of your mouth as she would do so.

With that she would move herself off your cock would just sit there, resting against the water somewhat before you got out of the pool and into your bedroom, exhausted after the ride that had been given to you as she did so. However, the next day was a weird one as she was now noticeably absent from your life, not appearing around the base nor around anywhere that you had been the entire day, a deep sense of concern moving across your entire body as you tried to figure out what was going on. You’d go to sleep that night feeling concerned that the one bit of positive interaction that you had in this entire place had left you, falling asleep and waking up a few hours later to the sound of something knocking on your window, looking up to see that it was her, staring back at you.

She would proceed to gesture downward, hinting that you should follow her and with that you’d place your diving suit on and went down to the depths to see what it was, being led to a small cave which was pitch black, the woman dragging you inside and showing you what she has spent the last day doing as she did so. It was hundred upon hundreds of eggs moving down the cave walls, stacked on top each one and all of them being a ivory white, the woman quickly hugging you as you’d look over them, her head moving up to your own and rubbing against the diving helmet you were wearing, looking proud at the fruits of her labor as you figured that you had another reason to stay on the planet other then ensuring that you and everything on it was free of the bacterium.


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