The Lamb (Mastêmâ)

(Update 2/8/24 - Chapter 2 has been added.)

Chapter 1 : Arrival of Judgment

 “And the chief of the spirits, Mastêmâ, came and said: 'Lord, Creator, let some of them remain before me, and let them harken to my voice, and do all that I shall say unto them; for if some of them are not left to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons of men; for these are for corruption and leading astray before my judgment, for great is the wickedness of the sons of men.' - Jubilees 10:8.

You stood before the first site of what would be many, your eyes glancing up at the doors and windows from where you were standing, your heart beating in your chest in a way that you could only fault the instincts of your body then the feelings of your soul which were concrete that what you’d do tonight would be the will of the divine. For years how you had been trying to find out the reason why that gun jammed the one night that you had put it to the head, why god's hands would reach out and change your fate in such a drastic manner but a couple of nights ago you had fallen asleep in your bed, ready to drift away again only for you to wake instead of sleeping but you didn’t wake in your home. You awoke in a field, grass reeds moving up across your torso and reeds of lathander swinging around the skyline, the sky being a near blinding golden yellow yet you did not feel hot nor did you feel particularly cold before you noticed something appearing within the sky, slowly flying her way down before you as you realized that she was a angel, one the priests in your hometown never spoke off.

Her name was Mastêmâ and she was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen in your life, from her wings, tips blackened by age or blood that seemed to span the sky to her hair, long and dirty and yet strangely mesmerizing. Her voice was like honey, slowly moving across your audio palette until you were like butter in her arms, the woman telling you that she had saved you, begging the lord to save your life in order to deliver you the repentance that you had yearned for. You were no longer just a man anymore but a soldier of her holy judgment upon the planet, ruling that parts of humanity had failed the test that she had set out long ago and the only way for them to repent for their crimes would be through shedding their blood in her name and the name of god.

You asked her how and if you should use a gun for this quest which was where she then proceeded to place a finger to your lips, allowing you to see into her gray coloured eyes, filled with a maddening, almost agonizing anger. She explained to you that all the tools would be provided to you when you would wake up properly and that you’d know, by holy conviction, of what to do with them, which is when she commanded you to wake up, which you did, seeing quite a sight indeed. There were your tools laying on the ground, several of them clearly having been provided whilst you were asleep given there was still blood attached to them as well as a name of a house and an address burnt into the side of your wall, making it clear what had to be done.

You were wearing the now cleaned items now, as she commanded, the lamb's wool warming your chest and the stretched out skin that  was tanned and worn across your fingers and hands to protect your identity on your quest. Your feet were clad in a pair of boots that had been modified to have the sheep’s hooves implanted onto the front and back ends of your boots whilst your head was covered in a sheep’s face, it’s eyes now your eyes as you’d feel the inner flesh move across your skin somewhat. Blades were slotted into either side of your gauntlets, running across the sides of your arm, feeling heavy upon them, the weight of retribution laying fully on your arms as you would knock upon the door, waiting for them to arrive to you and, by extension, the hands of the lord.

Each second felt agonizing, almost like time had slowed down to taunt you as you waited, knowing that your hands would have no choice but to shed blood in the name of the lord, the act of murder almost making your heart race. But you were a soldier and soldiers killed, not because you were commanded to by a state or by a government but by an angel of the holy himself, knowing that what had been done today had been done with the consent of the trinity as you hoped for someone to arrive at the door. Soon someone did with you watching as the doorknob would twist before opening up, a man a few inches taller than you were looking down at you, being unaware about what was going to happen to him as you put your arms behind your back, hiding the blades.

“What the fuck ar-“ He said with you not giving him much time to speak before you had plunged your blades right into his eyes, blood running down his face as you pulled out of his eyesockets,freezing for couple seconds as he backed away. He covered his face with his hands and let out a scream, something that made you snap out of your trance before you dived forwards to swing your arms outward, cutting his throat clean in half, hearing the scream turn into a gurgle before he fell on the ground. You walked over his dying body, there was no need to mourn or pray as he would be sent to heaven and a soldier does not relish in the blood that they had spilled, as you saw someone turn a corner, his words blurring due to the adrenaline that was running through your system.

He’d react to you and go to pull something out of his pocket before you plunged your blade into him and stabbed him with you being unable to tell if it was five or ten wounds you inflicted on him, not even aiming for a particular area or organ as you did it. You heard noises again, turning your head to the right to see a pair of men standing before you, one of them holding a knife and one of them watching as the knife wielder would run towards you swinging aimlessly as he would do so. You dodged out the way, maybe a bit too far as you would proceed to have to step forward and swing your knife down to your back and sliced at it, blood oozing out as the man as you turned to his accomplice who was currently screaming for people and running away from you. 

You sprinted towards him and grabbed him by his reasonably long hair before dragging him backwards and slitting his throat with you hearing the sounds of him choking and screaming as the wound would work its magic with you seeming to not have cut deep enough to make this as quick as you would have liked. You then felt as you were slammed into and pinned against the countertop, the man’s who’s back you slashed seemingly coming for round two as you would feel his blade ram through the area between your neck and your shoulder, cutting it and causing blood to leak down the wool. You’d swing your arms around for a few moments, cutting the wire of a nearby microwave as you would do and scratching the counter as the bleeding would continue from the both of you with the blood loss seeming to make the man feel ill and as such make him weaker.

You’d use this to your advantage, flicking his arm away and stabbing him in the side, kicking him off you and the blade as you did so, seeing him still alive on the floor and grunting in pain as you wondered how you’d put him down for good. In a mixture of pain and fear you’d pick up the microwave you had just cut the cord off and throw it down right into his skull, making a direct and rather powerful hit as his entire face would explode into a pile of blood and viscera in the process. Bone fragments, teeth, blood and even a eyeball flew out and splattered all over the place as the microwave bounced across the ground as you looked into the cavity that what was once a face, the bottom jaw hanging limp as you saw bits of brain matter drip out into the rapidly pooling blood.

A door would open, causing you to twist your head somewhat so you could see who was coming through, seeing that it was a pair of men, one with a machete and one with a metal pipe, the man with the machete already moving. He would swing towards you, a series of close calls occurring as the man with the metal pipe tried to get involved by the slashing was simply too dangerous to get close to as you tried to figure out a way to attach the man, moving your fist back and slamming the blade into his face with a punching motion. This worked a little too well, the blade having pushed right through the man’s nose and lodging right into his skull to the point that you had to work to get it out, attempting to shimmy it out before a metal bar would slam right into the side of your head.

This would bring you down to the ground, the pain tremendous and the fact that you hadn’t been knocked out due to a miracle as you’d watch the pipe fall again, moving your slightly so the pipe would only slam right next to you, breaking the tiles. With that he would walk towards you before would proceed to dive onto his leg, ramming against it slightly before he jammed the blade right into the back of his heels, cutting the tendons within before the man’s legs would crumble, screaming all the while as you would pick yourself off the ground somewhat. The pain hurt like hell, making your vision blurred as you rammed the blade down, stabbing him right into his leg, watching as the blood would pool up between your blade before you yanked yourself upwards to his stomach. 

You’d raise your hand up into the air before you proceeded to ram the blade right into the man’s intestines, watching the blood squirt out slightly as you heard him scream some more, pulling the blade out and seeing his intestines writhe slightly as you did so. You’d pull yourself upward again, looking him in the eyes to see that he looked half dead already, moving your hand upwards into the air before slamming the blade right into his skull, the blade ending up moving right through his forehead as you would do so. You’d pull the blade out of his skull, watching as the blood would flow out of his head before the head would move the blade out of his head, the bits of brain that were dripping off your blade ending up on the ground as you would feel your vision blur and your stomach turn.

It was all hitting you now, the sounds, the sights, the smell of blood and flesh, it hit you like a truck, the sensations invading your body like you were having metal rods jammed into your skull and face. You felt like you were about to vomit, not wanting to take the mask off so you closed your eyes and proceeded to clutch your mouth shut, humming a prayer to yourself as you would do so with you trying to relax your stomach desperately so that you wouldn’t spew all over the floor and the corpses around you. “My, my, haven’t you done well, my Lamb.” A voice would say, a warm and beautiful voice as you pulled your head up into the air before you looked to your side, your eyes widening somewhat before you realized that you saw her standing before you, the Angel Mastêmâ in her full glory.

“Such brutality.” She would say as she would grab a body off the ground, looking at the man’s ruined skull for several moments which allowed you to look at her face, her long black hair still being as clumped together and as dirty as ever, her eyes being obscured somewhat as she would smile with her chapped lips that were coloured dark gray. “I admit, I didn’t expect you to throw the microwave at him. I’m glad that you did, however.” She said as she would trace her finger across the hole with you looking at her sharpened black nail as she would do so before you would look down at the rest of her body, her torso being covered in a black gown, the material thin and being rather short for that of a angel, her legs and feet being bare of anything other then some fairly deep scars. “I am so proud of you, my Lamb.” She would say as she would drop the body to the ground, walking over the corpses as you looked at her wings that were all clumped up against her back, the feathers dense by plentiful feathers, some of which were still blackened as she would move her hand to your face, speaking once again as she did so.

“You will be their salvation. I can feel your emotions, the illness that your actions have caused and I want you to ignore it.” She said as she would cup your chin in her hand slightly before she withdrew it as you looked into her eyes again. “These people were the creators and peddlers of drugs, not just creating sin but forcing sin down peoples veins, ruining them. You have saved hundreds of souls, not just a mere six.” She explained as you would try and find the words, wondering what you could say to her.

“What now?” You blurted out, the woman chuckling somewhat as she would trail your arm with her hand somewhat.

“Nothing much really, I just want to talk to my Lamb. I also want you to keep this a secret between you and us, tell no man, no spirit, no angel other than me.” She commanded as you would speak again.

“I suppose that can be done but why? Do the others not know?” You asked, the confusion clearly being evident in your voice judging by the way she looked into your eyes, seeing that her eyes were soft with rage but not exactly directed at you.

 “None of them do, no one but me and god knows of our mission, my Lamb. The council has decided to invoke a rule that states they must make no contact with the mortal world. I have chosen to… abstain from that rule.” She would say as she would hear you about to come out with a question, her finger being placed onto your lips. “They’ve lost touch with humanities needs, my Lamb. Besides,they’ve never liked me to begin with, especially Gabriel.” She would explain.

“Gabriel? Gabriel’s a woman this entire time? And why are you so mad at her?” You explained, the woman chuckling somewhat as she would do so.

“Oh,it happens all the time, things get written and transferred into different languages and the like. Heavens, my book is pseudepigrapha, after all. However, seeing a newly deceased pope at the gates and telling him my name makes up for it, face is a picture.” She said, chuckling as she would go back into staring into your eyes. “Book of Jubilees, by the way, that’s my book. Anyways, Gabriel, she’s a very, very straight edged woman, hardly wanting to break the rules or bend them. She believes that they can be saved with prayers and a little bit of belief.” She said before chuckling again but this one was way darker as if she was forcing it out of her. “She’s like a teenager in a white dress and a ponytail. She can’t see that they have already failed the lord.” She would explain as she would put her hand right down onto the cut, making you grunt out in pain as she did so. 

The hand would withdraw as she would look down at her fingers, looking down at the blood and proceeding to outstretch her tongue, lapping up the blood across her fingers as she would do so, looking at you with lidded eyes. “I wasn’t aware that the wound was that deep. Did you know that all angel fluids are healing, My Lamb? Our blood, Our tears…” She would say as she would slowly stretch your arm out to the side, making sure it was fully straight so the wound was fully open for her. “Our spit. Stay still for me and I shall heal your wounds, my Lamb.” She explained to you as she would slowly move her hand over to your neck, her nose seemingly sniffing the air somewhat as she would do so before her tongue would impact with the wound, blood hitting her tongue.

The woman would start kissing your wound, lapping away with the wound brushing her lips as she would do so, the feeling only being painful for a moment only to become pleasurable a moment later. The woman would lap and lap away at it like she was a dog that was desperate for water, the blood catching onto her lips somewhat as you felt yourself grow more and more aroused by the moment before suddenly feeling nothing at all, the woman pulling away to reveal that the wound had now healed. You’d look at her for a moment before she would glance down at your crotch, very clearly seeing the bulge that had formed within your jeans as she would then proceed to glance back up at you, a smile creeping across her face somewhat as her eyes stared into your own.

“Are you aroused, my Lamb?” She asked you and, since you decided that you would not lie to her, you told her the truth.

“Y-yes.” You responded, trying to figure out what you’d say next before she would speak to you again.

“Well, I suppose we must do something about that,my Lamb. Take off your trousers for me.” She would command as she would proceed to back away from you with you being shocked that she allowed for such a thing.

“B-but isn’t premarital sex a crime?” You asked as the woman wouldn’t really react at all to what you said, staying almost deathly still as she would go and speak to you again.

“Not to Angels. As divine beings I can sanction that this action is necessary and as such is not a sin. Besides, humans aren’t allowed to breed with angels, it never mentioned anything about having sex.” She explained as she could almost sense another question coming along, speaking as if to respond. “How will I ensure that my womb will remain empty? Simple, this form I take right now is a form that you are comfortable with and the form we usually take whenever we do anything,it adjusts our body to be biologically identical to that of humans with some obvious exceptions. But, I can convert myself back into my purely angelic form and that would mean we are incompatible, therefore unable to breed. I will start in this form and convert halfway through. Now take off your trousers for me, my Lamb.” She said as you would do as she would command.

You would proceed to grab ahold of your belt and would take it off, throwing the belt to the kitchen counter before you would slip your trousers down to your boots, your cock bulging away at your underwear in the process. You then proceeded to look into her eyes, looking at her tiny pupils before you pulled  them down, your cock coming out of its fabric prison and twitching in the air slightly as she would proceed to move her hand into the air and would click her fingers as she flapped her wings slightly. You’d then watch as the dress would glow brightly in a golden light before the light would vanish for a moment, your eyes glancing to the side to see that the dress was now folded up neatly there before you looked back at her,  seeing her entirely naked in front of you as you did so.

Her body was covered in scars, some of them in her ribs, some of them going down her stomach and some still covering the top of her thighs as the woman would walk towards you, her feet digging into the ground with each step. “Like it, my Lamb? Let’s begin, post haste.” She would grab you and push you to the floor, your back bouncing against the ground before she would kick a corpse over to her side, the body bouncing a couple of feet away from you both before she would move herself downwards onto your hips, your cock brushing against her ass somewhat as you would do so. She would then proceed to start moving herself upwards, her hips pushing further and further into the air before she would slam herself right down onto your cock, gasping out and out stretching her wings into the air as she would do so, the light cascading against them somewhat.

She would let out a gasp as she would move herself down to the base of your cock, tapping her hips against your own as she dug her hands into your shoulders with you being glad that the wound on your shoulder was healed up. She would start lifting herself upwards across your member, going slowly and surprisingly gently for a woman with has intense and violent eyes that she had, eventually getting to the tip of your cock which would cause her to stop, her wings stretching slightly as she would move her back. She then proceeded to ram her hips against your own again, a grin moving across the woman’s face as she would see your reaction, her eyes having a ever so slight glow to them as she would proceed to speak to you, her tongue clashing with her teeth slightly.

“God, this feels good, doesn’t it? No wonder they had to outlaw us breeding, we’d never create any new angels otherwise!” She would explain as she groaned out into the air, her fingers dragging down your shoulders and into the wool that she had given you. “It’ll feel even better when I’m in my true form, my Lamb. Do you want to see it?” She asked you as she kept moving up and down your cock, gasping and grunting out into the air before you’d feel her grab ahold of your head and yank it up somewhat. “Do you want to SEE it, my Lamb?” She asked again, clearly expecting an answer and as such you’d give her a nod, the woman letting go of your head as her entire body would start to glow, the heat of her around your member growing  as she would do so.

“Excellent. Let's begin.” She said as she would start transforming her body, her arms splitting into two, the newfound arms splitting and ending up hanging over her scar covered stomach, her legs stretching out somewhat, digging into the concrete and taking parts out of it as you’d watch as her wings would extend out into the air. These wings would also extend out into the air, two more wings appearing across the top of the original wings and two appearing at the bottom of the original wings,her wings now being adored with various eyes and the feathers now having various implements stuffed inside of them such as scalpels and various things that looked like they would be torture implements. Eventually the rest of her face would stop glowing, revealing that her neck had elongated somewhat , her black hair made longer to fall down her neck, her face being split into four parts with it being clear she could split her jaw open if she wanted to, a massive eye appearing just underneath her neck before she would start to speak to you again, a sigh escaping before she did.

“Impressed? Excellent because the fun has just begun.” She would growl out as she would proceed to start moving faster against your cock, moving faster by the second as her second set of hands would move and grab ahold of your waist. You could feel as the woman would clench around your cock, the woman really having no rhythm to her clenching other than making sure that your member was bathed in pleasure, her mouth splitting apart somewhat as she would look down at you again, those angry eyes now alight with energy. You’d feel as one of her hands would move up your shoulders and grab ahold of your head again, this time attempting to he softer as she peeled your mask back slightly so that she could see your lips, licking her own as she did so. 

You’d then feel as her breath would move across your lips, the breath being warm as you’d hear as she would open her mouth up, her jaw moving to the side before her tongue would wiggle itself  out from between the two of them. She would then start moving her tongue inside of your mouth, forcing your mouth open before her lips would impact your own, the woman moaning into your mouth as you’d feel her tongue pushing itself down against your own, eventually curling around it as she did so. You could feel the texture of her tongue as if moved across your mouth, the texture itself being inhumanly smooth as she would keep drifting across your mouth as her eyes would keep locked with yours, the woman not seeming to need to blink given she hadn’t blinked once at this point.

She’d eventually pull herself out of your mouth and cover your mouth up with the mask again, the woman’s jaw clicking back together as she would go even faster against you, her hips hitting you like a hurricane as she would speak to you. “You’re the start of m-many great things, my Lamb! Remember what I tell you this day…” She said as if it seemed that you hit a sweet spot, hearing her grunt out into the air, her wings flapping in the air for a couple moments before she would calm herself down somewhat as she would do so. “If all goes to plan then you will be the first soldier in a great and powerful army, an army of our creator!” She screamed out into the air as she clutched your body in her arms , the woman breathing heavily as her hips became a blur around your cock.

You’d then feel as you’d start throbbing inside of her, her inner walls pushing up against them as they clenched which made the entire feeling more pleasurable for you, her neck bending upwards as she would gaze into your eyes again. “You’re close, I can feel it. Cum inside me, my Lamb. Cum inside me and take your holy reward for spearing those sinners upon your blades!” She shouted out, her fingers digging into your flesh at this point that it was somewhat painful as her grin stretched across her entire face. She would get what she wanted when you started cumming inside of her, the woman ramming against you one more time before clenching around your cock and letting her wings unfurl into the air, covering the light from above as she would do so.

You’d feel as ropes would start to push inside of her, the ropes covering her inner walls with your cum as she would moan away into the air, the many eyes that were placed onto her wings and the one below her neck now looking right at you. Your ropes would simply keep shooting and shooting out, getting more and more intense by the moment before you’d shoot out a rather breathtaking  amount of cum inside of her, her wings flicking around a couple times, nearly hitting the lights as she would do so. Your ropes would grow smaller and smaller after that, eventually reducing in power before a few drops dripped down against her walls, the woman collapsing against your body and breathing heavily as she would do so, her hands balled into your chest.

After a few moments she would tip herself backwards and would pull herself off your cock eventually taking her human form again as she would do so, hitting the ground with a small thump as she did so. She would take a couple more breaths into the air as you would pick yourself off the ground with you assuming that having her fluids drenching your lower half and her spin in your mouth had cured your headache and, most likely, whatever Injury was caused no it in the first place. “That was great, my Lamb.” She said as she eventually picked herself off the ground and let herself stand up for several moments, the woman rubbing her head before she clicked her fingers and let her dress be placed back onto her body, the woman glancing at you before she spoke.

“You’re so loyal to me, my Lamb. I could have hardly been provided with a better soldier than you.” She said, cupping your cheeks much more softly with her face looking somewhat less aggressive despite her eyes being the exact same. “I must leave you now since you can’t just dally here any longer,can you? You’re hardly of use to god locked up in a jail cell.” Said,the woman stepping back from you a couple steps, her wings moving outwards somewhat as she would do so. “See you soon, my Lamb. Your next order will come soon enough.” She said with you blinking and seeing her be gone, your eyes moving across the corpses before you would run out of the room, thinking about what you had to do as you moved down into the dark and empty street as you’d do so.

Everything you had done, you had the holy on your side from when you caved in that man’s face with a microwave to stabbing the first man in the eyes, they were sinners and they were going to go to hell before you had bathed them in their own blood, a final baptism to clean them of all sin they had beforehand. The violence was all a blur to you in the moment yet every single moment Mastêmâ was by your side made everything feel so clear, the weight of the knives that were weighing down on your arms feeling like that of feathers now as you would keep running down the street, breathing heavily into the air as you’d make a decree to yourself as you ran, panting and gasping as you did so. You decreed, in the name of the holy, that you would remove the sin from this word, man by man, body by body, willing to smite whole populations like god had done to Egypt and, when everything was done, you would be no longer human but a lamb of the lord himself.


Mastêmâ always desired the way that things used to be before the intervention accords were signed, back when angels were allowed to descend and raise their flaming blades above their heads and cast them down upon the heads of the sinners that had failed her divine tests, a baptism of fire and steel that they wouldn’t forget for eternity. She would be lying to herself to say that she didn’t relish in slaughtering them all, feeling as the blood would soak the fire as she slaughtered both them and the nephilim that didn’t join her army, the horrors of the wars that she had been through not exactly being horrors for her, only showing why the world needed her form of judgment. But times had changed, everyone around her knew that and god knows that she did, her horde of nephilim being cast down into purgatory and locked away forever, any chance of getting the demons on her side destroyed and now being relegated to the role of a simple soldier, the excuse being that she was simply too dangerous and bloodthirsty for new recruits to learn from.

She was standing in a balcony of one of heaven's many, many towers, gold plating the entire thing as she wrapped her hands around one of the rails, looking down at the angels that flew by her, chatting idly to each other. She then looked at the sun, it’s light eternal, as she wondered if the angels had lost their place in the world or if she had simply lost her place in heaven,anger starting to pump through her veins as she would wonder if they would case her out like they did with her original group or Lucifer. The redeemed were down below all of them  it she had wondered just how many were truly repentant for their crimes or if they had just said the right words, knowing that if she was able to go into one human prison and cut them down like the sinful monsters they are, they would be able to-

“Mastêmâ, are you alright?” Said a voice as she would turn her head to see a woman of pale complexion standing before her, her long blonde hair weaved into an extravagant ponytail,her white Dress moving down her body and a pair of gloriously white wings being clenched against her back. 

“Of course I am, Gabriel.” She would say, not actually meaning anything that she was saying, her tone coming out somewhat cold as she would unflex her hands, glancing down to see that she had nearly crushed the handrail in her hands. 

“Are you sure? You don’t need to hide that you’re angry, Mastêmâ.” She would explain in that same quiet, sweet tone that was ever so genuine in the way that she spoke, something the darker haired angel despised. She hated lots about Gabriel, from her eagerness to talk to her despite the fact that they held little in common with anything as that her had nothing to tell her about her life that she desired to tell,to the way that she would always have that slight skip in her step wherever she walked anywhere, she had no idea how a woman that went through all the same things that she had done could turn out to be so innocent and naive.

“I’m fine, like I said.” She Said, sounding a bit snappier now then she had done beforehand as Gabriel would speak again, the woman leaning herself onto the railing herself, now noticing the bent rail that Mastêmâ had created.

“I’ll have to take your word for it then.” The blonde would respond, looking around for something to talk about from above before she would end up laying her eyes on a monument to the original founding of the council, a couple of names having been scratched off. “I was looking for you anyways, Mastêmâ, I had something to ask you.” She Said, Mastêmâ’s eyes meeting hers again, the glowing golden tinge that hers had perfectly contrasting with the dull gray eyes that she had on her. “We’re thinking about expanding the council. We feel that everything has… stagnated for lack of better words, we need new blood, fresh opinions. And I was thinking, who better than you to come and give those fresh opinions.” She would say, Mastêmâ’s eyes widening as she thought for a moment.

She couldn’t believe the gall of the woman that was standing before her, the fact that she would dare ask her that after everything that her and that wretched council had done to her was something she was impressed with. They had taken away her job to watch and test the humans, they had taken her right to destroy the other beings that stood in their way of being divine savors,they had casted her army into an empty void to rest and linger and left her with nothing but to live amongst the other angels. “No.” She growled out, any attempt at hiding her disgust having long since flown out of the window at this point as she would look at Gabriel’s face, seeing one of concern for a couple moments before she would speak again, this time trying to sound nicer.

“Sorry, I can’t. I think my opinions on how we should be nurturing humanity isn’t exactly something you want on the council.” She would follow up, trying to sound slightly upbeat yet disappointed as Gabriel would move herself slightly closer to her.

“I wouldn’t have come to you if I didn’t think you were. Besides, you’re nothing like him, we already-“

“Lucifer?” Mastêmâ Asked, the woman already knowing the answer but she did always note just how the blonde cringed when she said that name. She may have healed from the war in heaven but knew Mastêmâ knew the wounds still stung.

“Yes, him.” Gabriel would respond, the woman looking to her side as thoughts about the first fallen angel would move through her mind. “I know we have had our differences with the watchers and some of the accords but I think you could really be a voice to point us in the right direction.” She explained, the other angel staying silent as she would gaze upon the sun. “Listen, the offer will always be open. Just go to Lucin if you change your mind, he’ll set up all the documents for you. See you soon, Mastêma, I’ll be out of your hair.” She would explain as she proceeded to jump up and started flying away, the black haired woman just having to get the last word in.

“Gabriel.” The woman said, the other angel turned around with a smile on her face as if she was hoping Mastêmâ had accepted her offer which wouldn’t be the case as the dark haired angel spoke. “I really think that this year is gonna be a big one for heaven. A lot of souls saved, you know?” The woman asked, the trusting angel above her seeming genuinely happy to hear a rare bit of optimism from Mastêmâ although the black haired woman wasn’t putting it on as she was excited that those people were going to be redeemed, just not in the way that her blonde “friend” was expecting.

“Oh, that’s wonderful to hear! Let’s pray to the lord that it’s so!” Gabriel said as she flew away with a surprising amount of speed as the black haired woman rested her hands against the metal bars, smirking to herself as she gazed upon the angels below her and knowing that everyone would be bearing witness to her plans soon enough.

Chapter 2 : Blood upon the Lintel

“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12.13.

A organ droned at the front end of the church as you would glance down at the church pew before glancing up at the cross that was at the end of the room, the priest seemingly readying his sermon as you say right at the back, away from everyone else as you waited for this Sunday meeting to be over. You could hardly have believed that it had been one week since you had been having your nightly outings to the streets of this half broken down Mississippi town and the adjacent areas that were around you, the houses and sometimes random alleyways that you had to go too being burnt into the same walls of your house and each day you managed to carry each and every one of them out for your Lord. They had been mostly drug dealers and creators and as such made them pretty easy to catch especially since you weren’t going full in and killing entire gangs in one fight like you had done your first night, with you having even caught a couple of them dealing which made it really easy to just walk behind them and deliver one quick, deep slash to the throat.

The organ would stop and the priest would start to speak although this did nothing to really halt your train of thought as you would then think about your holy help on the other side, the angel Mastêmâ who seemed to have the same righteous anger that you did. She was hauntingly beautiful, certainly befitting a being as holy as her, but yet she seemed rather terrifying with there something being rather off about her even when she was in her humanoid form which you assumed to be the effects of you viewing her as a mortal. You hadn’t seen her in a while now but you knew that she had been watching you, guiding you from above so you could carry out your mission and your purpose before you looked down at your hands,flexing them in the air as you did so.

You had mostly sat at the back of the church so that you could be on your own but you had also sat back there because you were looking awfully tired, black rings circling your eyes like you hadn’t slept in months. You’d also remembered how much your arms hurt after the first night of running around the city, strapping a pair of knives onto your wrists would tend to do that to your arms but you had slowly grown better and better at handling, your arms not even aching that much when you woke up this morning. You’d be broken out of your thoughts when you heard the church doors open,the metal creek screeching out across the air due to how old the place was, turning your head to see who had walked in and smiling when you saw that your friend had just walked in.

Her name was Louise, a woman who was just your age with you being older than her by a couple of months,her black hair riding down her neck and slight parts of her back and a pair of rectangular glasses that highlighted her eyes more than she would ever admit. She’d come stumbling across the pew that you were in, the women's jeans highlighting how long and thin her legs were as she tried to avoid any attention with you noticing that she seemed to have something inside her right jacket pocket due to a few slips of paper being hidden within. As she continued to awkwardly shuffle through the pew to sit next to you, you couldn’t help but imagine her to be almost doe like, her legs shuffling around unsteadily like a newborn fawn before she eventually sat down next to you.

“Hey. Sorry I’m late, I just had to get something. Did I miss anything?” She asked as she would point her head up to look right at the priest, the whispers going unheard due to how far away you both were from him.

“Nothing much, the usual stuff we’ve already read.” You’d explain, lying somewhat since you weren’t actually listening to what the priest had to say before she had entered as you glanced at her pocket again. “What did you get then?” You questioned, the woman tapping her thigh slightly as she did so.

“Just a couple more things on that guy, “Reverent Alex Pernov”. Mostly finance stuff on that new car he just brought.” She said with a certain contempt in her voice for the man which she certainly shared with you. Alex Pernov was a con-man in the cloak of the religious man,a man who had afforded himself enough money to be able to slap himself on TV every couple of ad breaks to promote the latest “miracle” that he could promote to promise perfect health or instant wealth. Of course, he had to be given money for these miracles, something that disgusted you since you couldn’t recall anytime where Jesus starting charging people for the fish and bread he had delivered unto them, which was when you decided he had worshiped the god of the tithe rather then the holy lord himself.

Louise had a certain hatred for the televangelist types, rather having the money they reaped spent on helping the less fortunate than buying private jets,dedicating a good chunk of her free time to gathering evidence to take him down permanently. However, with your newfound mission in mind and the fact that everything that you’d have done now would be endorsed by god, you couldn’t help but imagine giving him a truly permanent ending to his time in the mortal realm. You didn’t think that it would even be that hard once you got to him, he was sixty something years old, it would probably take one slash to the chest to finish the job and that would be it with you just imagining looking down upon him as he bled before you suddenly felt something shake your arm, looking over to see Louise’s concerned face looking over you as you did so.

“There you are, you really just wentinto your own world there.”She said before you’d notice her stare right into your eyes again with you wondering what she was going to say before she would say it. “Those are some pretty heavy bags under your eyes, it looks like you haven’t slept.” She would say as you’d chuckle somewhat, trying to dissolve her concern somewhat as you’d do so.

“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine. I’ve just not been able to sleep too much these past couple days, I’m too busy thinking about… stuff.” You explained, figuring that everything had been going well up until that last segment.

“Are you sure? You can tell me about anything, y’know? I remember how you were like when your mother had some complications, you were a mess.” She would say, your eyes glancing away as you thought about that time. Your mother was a wheelchair bound woman, having severely torn several of the muscles she had in her legs and waist area when she had a rather traumatic birth of her seventh child due to untreated complications of her sixth birth which left her in the chair. A year or so ago she managed to gain a blood clot in one of her unused legs and had to undergo a surgery that could have killed her, leaving you unable to sleep for days on end with you looking undead after a while which was when Louise intervened and calmed you down about it.

“Oh yeah, I called her on Friday, she’s fine. Seemingly really into talking about her interpretations of the book of Romans but fine.” You explained, the woman chuckling as she did so.

“Could be worse, you could have her be really into Revelations.” She said with you chuckling back, looking back at the priest as you did so.

“Let’s pray it doesn’t come to that. Anyways, let’s watch the priest speak before people start staring.” You said, Louise simply nodding before she turned her head to look at the priest as you kept thinking to yourself about being the avenging hand of god. The priest would keep talking, you had heard these verses before, you had heard every verse that the man could ever speak, the words melding into one another before the organ would sound again, signaling that the service was over. With that you’d get up, being careful as not to stare into the bright lights of the Church too much as you make sure that you eyes didn’t strain before you looked down at Louise, watching as she would stumble back up to her feet before she’d start speaking to you again.

“Right, so I’ll look through all the numbers, if you want then you can come around mine tomorrow and take a look at what I found?” She asked with you, figuring that it would be a good idea to go and see what was going on with her investigation.

“Sure, sounds like a plan to me. Now, I better get going but I’ll see you soon, got it?” You said as she would smile at you slightly.

“Gotcha!” She said with a chuckle as you’d turn around and walk away, putting your hands into your pockets as you got ready to experience the cold of the outside world as you then suddenly heard her shouting for you. “Wait! I-I forgot to say but please be careful out there, I’ve heard about all those killings that are going on.” She would explain with you suppressing a smile somewhat when she said that.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take extra care. See you soon, Louise.” You said as you walked out the door, knowing that you had a lot of work to be doing tonight.


Mastêmâ had lived long enough to the point where there were very few things she feared, fighting in a war and raising a army of monstrous half breeds of angel and man would do that to a angel, but there was one rank of angel that she did fear and it was hovering right above the area she was in right now. It flew without wings and it breathed without breathing, it’s humanoid form replaced by a forever rotating mass of circles, shifting and brushing together in perfect harmony whilst dozens of eyes looked down from above, scanning the area for anything that would be considered a fallen angel with these angels simply being known as the Thrones, a appropriately inorganic name for such a unnatural being. She remembered a time before the war where she didn’t risk seeing them in the sky but they had been built in response to the war by heaven’s smartest inventors and by god did they work well at what they were built to do which was protecting heaven from itself.

That’s one of the reasons that she feared them so much, they were simply so extremely strong that there was only one angel that was able to fight a Throne one on one and win and that was Abaddon, although Abaddon was no ordinary angel. Any other angels either had to gang up on them to attempt to defeat one or the angel was simply destroyed by the intense spiritual energy beam the Thrones were equipped with that she had seen obliterate a angel first hand, the only thing being left was his charred bones and his wings and that was because the wings had been blasted off. A Throne was also built to be sentient,at least sentient enough to be spoken to like another angel, yet lacked any method of communication nor did a Throne hold any opinions on anything, it was built to enforce the law and it did so, to a terrifying and completely robotic extent.

That thought about the Law made her think back to her new plan down below on Earth, looking away from the Throne and back down to the ground as she walked, thinking about how her Lamb was doing down below. She had watched from afar as her Lamb would diligently follow every order that she set out for him, watching him cut down those sinners like they were reeds in the grass, sullying his blades in the blood of sin and purifying it, making it fit to walk around heaven with her and the other, more well tested redeemed. This may have been the most early of stages for her plan yet she felt like things were going off without a hitch, awaiting the times that she was in the final stages of her plan and everyone in heaven, especially Gabriel, would see she was right.

She was going to make Gabriel say it, she was going to hear those words as every single principle that golden haired fool had collapsed around her, she would relish in the despondence that would be present in every last syllable. Maybe Gabriel would even shed some tears, she was the emotional type, after all and simply leave her be to do as she wished, to mould heaven back into the old ways again and reveal themselves to the humans once again, to have direct control over them. Suddenly Mastêmâ would realize that she was getting ahead of herself again, shaking the thought on her head as she would eventually find herself thinking about her Lamb again, her desire to meet him and praise him for how well he was moving through her again.

She looked up at the air again to see that there wasn’t a Throne in sight, sighing in relief that the many eyed thing had seemingly moved somewhere else , her eyes looking down to see a poster for the new council places, the smiling faces of the members placed upon them. She felt that rage move through her again, the anger that she always had squirming around inside of her soul now burning her veins as she would crush the poster in her hands, feeling as her own sprout all energy ran through her hands, slowly kindling the poster as she would think about what they had taken from her and what they had taken from heaven. She thought about the number of the redeemed who had just been let in because they said the right words, still being unrepentant murderers or sex pests or drug addicts, and she saw that heaven had lost its way, knowing there was only one truly holy human that she could trust.

And she would be seeing him tonight.


You looked up into the Sky to see that the moon was high and full, it’s bright light covering the entire area as you brought your attention to the matter that was at hand, the cold that was attempting to attack your body being blocked away by the woolen jacket you were wearing as well as the lamb skin you were wearing as a mask. Tonight was another night where there was only one target for you to attack although this time it wasn’t just a house but it was instead the local garbage dump and disposal area with you imagine that the criminals must have been going here to deal drugs since no one would find them, no one except for your all seeing eye that was above you. They were in the first warehouse, an area where all the skips and rubbish that hadn’t been sorted was left at the end of the day with you having wondered how to get in since you first looked up where the place was, fighting that the knocking on the front door trick would only work once.

You had briefly wondered if you could crawl through the air vents to get into the building but, when you went to look at them, it turned out that they were way too small for you to get in which left you wondering about what you would be able to do next. Then you walked over to the backend of the facility, an area that was covered in mud and broken bottles that were left from the local homeless population, which was when you saw that the site had a loading bay and that the bay door didn’t shut all the way. With that you would walk over to the door, getting on your hands and knees and crawling underneath, making sure to go as slow and silently as possible as you went inside, looking down to see parts of the concrete sticking to your wool somewhat as you did so.

You heard the sounds of idle chattering above you, glancing up to see the ones who would soon be redeemed were resting up above you and above the dumpsters that formed the perfect covering of shadows for you to hide under. You moved across the dumpsters, hearing the sounds of chattering growing louder and louder before you came across a metal stairwell, moving over to it and starting to climb it, going as slow as possible before you managed to get up to the top. With that you’d find the two voices that you were hearing above you, seeing them entirely unaware of your presence as you decided to take your chances and run at them, time suddenly feeling like it was moving faster and faster the closer that you got to them, their eyes widening as they noticed you moving towards them.

You’d feel as your blades cut through both of them, managing to grab the rail that kept you from running off the platform before you turned around to see what you had managed to do to them, your heart racing in your chest. The one of the left of you was on the floor seizing, blood seeping out his ruined neck as the other clutched his throat, screaming something at you but you couldn’t tell what, your eyes focusing as he attempted to pull a pocket knife out of his pocket, a action that you would deny him when you plunged your blade into his guts. You would watch as he froze before you pulled the blade out, watching as he fell to the ground and started to rapidly bleed out on the floor, vague shuffling sounds echoing out as you turned to see several silhouettes standing at the door behind you.

They’d say things to one another although all of these words were as blurred as ever before you’d start running towards you, one of the criminals running at you with a wrench before you’d meet in the middle of the platform, dumpsters surrounding you and a few smaller containers that were attached to the platform. Your blade and his wrench would clash in the air with you raising up the other blade and stabbing him in the arm, the man withdrawing as you’d suddenly see another man head towards you with a fire extinguisher, swinging it at your head like a mess. You dodged out the way as he changed course, swinging it underarm and hitting you square in the chest.

You felt the pain run through it followed by a slight sensation of breathlessness before you slashed back, watching your blade slash clean through his jaw, teeth flying out from the newly made holes as you grabbed ahold of the extinguisher and threw it down the platform, hitting a third man in the process which brought him to a ground. The fourth and final man would follow, passing by his wounded comrades at great speed, one of your blades slamming into his arm as you’d swing him around before going to throw him at one of the rails. He would leave your blade and slammed into the rail, a metallic sound escaping through the air as he fell backwards right into the metal item dumpster, the sound of metal hitting flesh followed by a scream turned gargle echoing out through the air in the process.

You’d look over to see that the man was now impaled on a series of metal railings that someone had left there, his chest being absolutely destroyed by the metal, chunks of his organs laying impaled on the metal as blood ran down his still twitching body like a waterfall with you seeing that even his rib cage was now poking out his torso. You’d quickly be taken surprised by a fist flying into your face, knocking you back somewhat as you saw the man's who jaw you’d slashed through had gotten ready to fight again, the blood running down his face making him look like a rabid animal. He’d punch again, missing this time as you would deliver a kick to the chest, pushing him to the ground before you’d swing your leg around and kicked him right in the jaw with you watching as was was left of the joint in in the right hand side of it would collapse under your hoofed boots.

You’d watch as the jaw slowly ripped off the right side of his head, skin and muscle unraveling and hanging from his face as the jaw fell, blood spraying all over the floor as the man tried to stabilize himself which was all for nothing as he fell down dead a couple moments later, before an ax was swung right next to your head. You stumbled away to see the ax coming at you again, dodging it and turning to see the man who you threw the extinguisher at, blood running from his nose and left eye socket as you watched as he kept swinging. You’d then see that the ax handle seemed to be made out of a thin bit of wood, your hand swinging through the air and striking the wood, splitting it in two with the ax head hitting the floor, the man adapting quickly as he went to stab you with the fractured handle.

He then picked up the wood that was still a part of the head and swung it at you, cutting down your arm as the pain would sweep through your arm as you’d dodge another attempted stab with the handle with you staring at his arms as you’d do so, trying to center your vision so you could focus on them, eventually being able to do so. You’d then jam your knife through his wrist, his hand opening out of instinct as you grabbed the fractured handle, raised it up in the air and rammed it into the eye and completely emptying out the eye socket of what should be within it, jamming it in reasonably far inside as he’d pull back, clutching at the wooden implement as he swung the ax segment in the air aimlessly as you’d wound your arm back and jammed the blade into his heart, yanking it out as he froze and fell down to the ground.

You looked up to see that the one with the wrench was standing there, clutching his bleeding arm as blood would run across the metal, gray turning to red as he would start to back away from you, throwing the pipe to the ground as he did so. He’d say things to you but you were unable to hear what he was actually saying, just the vague mumbled suggestions of what he was explaining before you would dive forwards, causing him to turn around and run to the door, pushing your blades right in front of you in the process. You slammed your blades right into his back just as he reached the door, ramming him against it and slamming the blades right through him and into the door, just the tips digging into it as the man squirmed for a few moments, dying as you pulled out the blades.

It would hit you like it always hit you, you’d finally see the details of the people you killed from watching where muscles met fat and where fat met skin in some of the wounds you had caused, being able to identify a part of a lung that was sticking out of the impaled man’s chest. You didn't feel ill anymore when you looked upon the corpses of those you had just sent to be redeemed, perhaps having been given a stronger stomach by God so you could set out his holy order together as you heard something behind you. You turned around, dragging the body out of the way of the door as you’d put your ear to the door, hearing the sounds of someone walking around before you grabbed the door and swung it open, looking around at what seemed like a break room before you saw a certain woman standing at the water cooler.

“I must say, my Lamb, you continue to impress me.” Mastêmâ said, the woman’s raven black hair shifting against her shoulders as she would walk over to you, moving so that she was looming over you before she placed one of her fingers on the door. She then flicked the door open, watching as the door swung back to its limits as she would appreciate the sight of what you had done with you seeing her gray eyes dart across the scene, the woman then walking out onto the pathway. “My, my, impalement, how wonderfully barbaric of you, my Lamb. Certainly brings me back, that’s for sure.” She would say before she turned around and walked back to you, shutting the door behind her as you would go to speak, her black nailed hands resting against her thighs.

“Brings you back to what?” You asked as she would chuckle to herself, turning her head so she was facing you with you being to see that ever present anger lurking around her eyes, the woman’s irises seeming to be constantly small and never relaxing.

“The war in heaven,my Lamb.” She Said, your attention being brought to that with your posture changing, something that the angel noticed which caused her to chuckle slightly, her wings twitching as she would do so. “Oh yeah, I fought against Lucifer's armies myself with the 12th Contingent of Lentaft. I remember getting behind one of them and cutting right through the base of their wing.” She Said, mimicking the slashing movement with her arm as she did so, a grin plastered across her face. “I watched them plummet down and they fell right onto the spires of one of the churches, impaling him right through the leg and right out through the shoulder. It was a much longer death than him out there, healing blood and all.” She explained as she looked into your eyes, her smile fading slightly as she did so.

“That other kill, the one you impaled on the door, that reminded me of something from the good book. Do you know anything that would relate to lambs and doors, my Lamb?” She asked with you thinking for a couple of seconds before you came up with the answer.

“ It’s Exodus, isn’t it? When the 10th plague was placed upon Egypt, God told his followers to slaughter a lamb and spread its blood across the lambert to stop death from claiming their firstborns.” You would explain, the angel nodding as she would go to speak again.

“That’s right although I wouldn’t say that was the work of a plague, my Lamb. That was the work of two Angels, me and the angel of death.” She would explain as she would wrap her hand around your shoulder, chuckling as she spoke. “We used to have so much in common, me and Azrael. We both wanted to spread holy retribution across the world like you’re doing now, we both courted death to be our weapon, both of our works are even considered apocryphal.” She would explain, the woman seeming to sense some confusion from you as she would start to elaborate. “The Apocalypse of Peter, that’s where he came from, in case you were wondering. It’s a shame that we… drifted apart, as such.” She continued with you finally going to say something in this process.

“What made you drift away?” You asked, the woman sighing slightly as she would go to speak to you again.

“We had differences about how to go about the 10th plague. Azrael wanted to do as was commanded and kill the firstborns and I, well, I decided to raise Egypt to the ground.” She said, clenching her fist as if she was crushing something as she did so. “The argument would escalate and he would chain me to the ground as he went and did his duty. It didn’t stop me, I soon broke the chains but by the time I got up the 10th plague had begun, the sound of wailing echoing out across the air.” She said as she would seemingly gaze off to the distance, the hatred in her eyes growing and growing. “But then I saw the parted Red Sea and the soldiers within which was when I descended upon them. I slaughtered them like the animals they were, my Lamb, cutting them down limb from limb before Moses dropped the Red Sea on the rest of them.” Mastêmâ explained, the woman turning around to you as you would want to speak again.

“After that, I suppose things were fractured. He saw your slaughter of the soldiers and felt how people I know feel about what I have done.” She Said, the woman’s eyes focusing on you like a tiger would focus on prey as she walked over to you.

“Correct, my Lamb. Now, who else knows about what you have done?” She asked, sounding somewhat antagonistic before you spoke.

“No one knows it was truly me,it just seems people know someone is killing people. I was talking to someone about it in church today, she warned me to be careful, she talked about murders in the area.” You explained, the woman notably relaxing after you said that as she moved her arms around your body somewhat.

“Oh, well at least our gospel of bloodshed is beginning to be heard, My Lamb. Although they are not murders but simply righteous killings.” She said, a slight bit of concern about what the world may think of you and the fact that they don't understand your methods coming through in your posture which she seemed to pick up on. “Worry not about the actions the others may take on you, my Lamb.” She Said as she took your chin in her hand somewhat and moved your head up so you could look into her eyes. “For you are not the Lamb whose blood is placed upon the door to spare humanity but the angel of death. My angel of death.” She would say, the idea of being her divine soldier making you feel calmed somewhat as a thought would cross your kind.

“Mastêmâ, May I ask you a question?It’s not about heaven for one but it’s about my duties.” You asked, a slight smile moving across her face as you did so.

“Of course you can,my Lamb.”

“It’s about a target. I was wondering if you could send Alex Pernov to God’s holy Judgment. He’s a preacher of lies, he preaches for the sake of money and not for the sake of the word of god.” You explained, letting out a breath before you spoke again. “I have a desire to kill him, to show him judgment. Is there a way for you to bring him here, to allow me to be his repentance.” You asked, the woman thinking for a moment before she spoke.

“Well, I’m not God, I can’t simply control him to bring him here but, if God desires it and he does arrive here, then his address will be written on your wall and your method of transport will be given to you.” She Said, filling you with both sadness that you couldn’t do it now and faith that you would be able to get what you want later.

“Wonderful to hear. Shall I go now? You talked about how bad it would be if I got caught.” You would say as she would chuckle, grabbing ahold of your shoulder and dragging you closer to her as she would do so.

“Not so fast, my Lamb. I’ve yet to give you your reward.” She said with a grin as she stepped away, clicking her fingers so that she dress would disappear, your eyes glancing up and down her scarred body before you spoke.

“What are we going to do this time?” She asked, the woman stretching her wings somewhat as she moved as close to your body as she could get, her warm breath pushing against your head as she would do so.

“Well, let’s just say getting down on your knees isn’t just for praying, my Lamb.” She would say, smiling at you as she would drag her hands down your body as she got onto her knees, looking up at you with a rather aroused way as her hand moved to your belt. She would take it off, the woman moving her hands elegantly before throwing it down to the ground,hearing as it would bounce slightly against the ground before your trousers would be put to your ankles, her hands then moving up her thighs, her nails scratching against your thighs slightly as she did so. Eventually she’d move up to the strap of your underwear, placing her fingers into it before that was brought down to your angels, your cock flicking out in front of her face, the woman’s eyes focusing on it before she grinned.

She grabbed your cock in her hand and would start to stoke your cock, gliding her hand up and down your member as her eyes slowly creeped up to you, the woman licking her lips before showing off her teeth somewhat as she did so. “Now, I just want to say before we start, my Lamb, that you can go as hard on me as you like. I don’t hurt easily, after all.” She Said, the woman sounding more like she was commanding you to go hard on her as she would look back at your member again, her fingers digging into your waist as she would do so. “Anyways, enough talk, let’s do this.” She said before she proceeded to push her lips onto your cock, the woman teasing your tip with her tongue for a couple moments before pushing all the way down your cock.

She did not splutter nor did she gag, mostly because you imagined that she didn’t have either reflex, as you felt her tongue flicking across your base, the woman groaning into your member as she would do so. You’d moan as well under your mask, your tongue hitting against your teeth as one of your hands reached down and clutched ahold of her hair, your fingers pushing down into her hair and onto her scalp, her raven black hair curving around them as you’d proceed to drag her backwards off your cock. You could feel the woman relax her neck somewhat, allowing you to take control of the situation as you’d feel her tongue brushed against your until you reached your tip which was when you slammed her down again, feeling as her nose pushed against your base in the process.

You’d repeat this process of driving her up and down your member, hearing her groans as her hands would relax somewhat and go and grab ahold of your thighs, seemingly giving you even more control of her body as you would slowly build up speed. You’d feel as the woman would seem to start making swallowing motions as you moved her head, the angel making it so each of those clenches were targeting your cock right when you slammed her down into your base,making sure a wave of pleasure from base to tip as you’d do so. As you’d start to move her head faster and faster she would glance up at you, a slight light appearing in her eyes before her entire form would begin to change, your hands moving away from her body as she would start changing into her true form.

You’d watch her silhouette shift in the light, the wings and arms spitting as well as her face slowly transforming before the light from her body would disappear, her wings flapping around in the air somewhat , the various metal implements that were part of the limbs shining in the light. The feeling of your cock inside of her mouth would change with, thanks to the fact that she could split her jaw apart now, there seemed to be much more room, the woman’s elongated neck also being somewhat thinner than before meaning you could see your cock bulging out her throat. Not that she would mind as she would let her tongue get to work once again, the organ now seeming longer and now fully curling around your member like a snake around a meal, the tip tapping and pushing down on one of your veins as she did so.

You were unsure about what to do next, the woman’s true form still being stunning in a righteously terrifying way, but you’d then watch as her many, many eyes would glance up at you in an almost challenging manner. With that you’d clutch her hair haired and started moving her head extremely rapidly across your member,her tight throat clenching around your member as much as she desired it too, your fingers clawing at her dirty hair as you would do so as you’d notice her second pair of arms would start to move. These hands moved over to your ankles, clutching ahold of them to both root you to the ground and make sure she didn’t fall over at any point, the woman being slammed into your crotch constantly as drool dripped down from your thighs and onto the floor.

The lewd sounds of wet fleshing hitting against wet flesh moved out across the air, your fingers grinding into her scalp as her nose burrowed down onto your waist, the woman’s jaw splitting slightly as her tongue would move over to your balls. She would start lapping against your balls, covering them in her drool before you would pull away from her member, her hungry, almost tiger-like eyes staring right up at you before she would speak to you, her speech half muffled due to your cock plunging into her mouth. “Keep me at your base, my Lamb. Choke me on your dick!” She said eagerly, the gap in the bottom of her jaw making her voice more audible then it would be as you decided to do as she said, slamming her down right to the base of your member as she groaned into your waist.

You could feel as her drool dripped down your balls as her tongue moved inside of her throat and pushed against your tip, starting to wrap around your cock until she managed to reach your balls so the tongue wrapped around your balls as well. With that you'd kept her pushed up against your member, her throats walls massaging your cock to make sure that pleasure was running across every single inch of your body, the woman’s fingers digging into you more and more as she’d eagerly deepthroat your member. You could see her wings stretch and unstretch somewhat as the implements that were in her wings would jangle somewhat, the woman growing slightly resting as you’d feel her let out a couple of deliberate and very aggressive gulps in the process.

That was when you felt yourself throb inside of her throat again, drool dripping against your cock and the floor as you could see that she realized that you were close to her, the woman winking at you as she would do so. You’d get closer to cumming with each twitch of her inner walls, pressure starting to build up inside of the tip of your cock as her tongue ran across it, pushing deeper and deeper into your glands to make it get to the point where holding in the pleasure was unbearably pleasurable for you. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, groaning out into the air as you’d start to cum inside of her throat, the woman clamping her mouth shut to make sure that nothing would drip out of her, her eyes being filled with excitement and rage as she would do so.

She would feel as a massive set of ropes pushed out from your cock and onto her inner walls, slowly coating them before more and more ropes pushed inside of her, the woman swallowing them down eagerly as she did so. The ropes would grow thicker and larger by the moment, causing the throat to bulge up somewhat before she would swallow it down, your orgasm then reached its peak, a massive volley of cum pushing inside of her and pushing into her stomach, the woman grunting out eagerly as she did so. Your orgasm would come to an end soon after that, the last few ropes shooting out of your member and into her as she would smile slightly, swallowing a couple of times as you’d feel your hands loosen from her matted hair, various strands sticking out slightly in the process.

You’d eventually let go of her head and would watch her swing her neck backward, your cock flopping out of her mouth as drool dripped down from it, a bright light coming from her body as she changed back to her human form, a slight bit of cum dripping down her cheeks as she did so, her dress also forming on her body in the process. “Seems you taste as good as you look, my Lamb.” She said as she would wipe the cum from her mouth with her forearm, smiling at you and giving you a wink as she would do so before she cleared her throat. “Well, I suppose that this is where I shall depart, my Lamb. I’ll Be seeing you soon and remember, never lose faith in my plan.” She said before she would walk away, a flash of light moving across the entire room as she left you alone, the woman seeming to have sensed you were running out of time before someone arrived.

As such you left, running out of the room and back from where you came from, moving past the bodies you had left strewn around the place before looking at the garage door again, smiling as you did so. Everything was going to be fine, you hadn’t murdered anyone, after all, just sent them to where they belonged and, besides, these people were never liked by anyone and the drug addicts that they peddled too were most likely better off than they ever were before you had slaughtered the suppliers of sin. As the cold air of the outside hit you, you wondered what it was like up in heaven, a world maybe not unlike your own but maybe something out of your wildest imagination but you know that, if you kept going, obeying your angels every command, then you’ll be seeing it soon enough.


Meanwhile, up in heaven, where the sun is always shining and the sky is almost perfectly clear, Mastêmâ had managed to land back in her home, the cold of earth being replaced with the comfortable warmth that heaven would bring, the woman letting out a relieved sigh to herself. This relief was quicker interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on her door, someone clearly wanting to see her judging by how much they were knocking, the woman moving realizing how much of a mess she looked as she did so. “I’m coming, just give me a moment!” She shouted as she would pat down her hair, the woman slowly walking to the doorway as she wiped her face off and corrected her dress, making sure that there weren't any traces of her Lamb on her mouth as she did so before she grabbed the door and opened it with more force then she really should off.

“M-Mastêmâ! Sorry if I’m interrupting anything, I can go if you want!” Said Lucin, Gabriel’s own lamb although he was an actual sheep although less braindead looking then the ones on earth since he was more anthropomorphic then his ilk although he still had those distinctly floppy ears that pointed to the ground that sheep tended to have. He had his wool so that it more fluffy at the top then it was down the side, the wool on his chest taking up his entire torso although she had to admit if the carpet matches the drapes in this regard despite his arms and legs not having a ounce of wool on them, your eyes briefly looking down to his feet to see that he wasn’t wearing any shoes. Instead he had a pair of hooves, both of them digging into the ground somewhat as she briefly observed what he was wearing which was a knitted fleece and a pair of trousers before her eyes would move to look at the papers he had in his hand and then up to his face, a slight nervousness in his eyes.

“Oh, I’m not busy at all, Lucin. Now, what have you got in your hands?” She asked as she wondered how the sheep managed to get into the position that he did when he was so nervous about everything. Lucin was a concepicalis, a being that was created out of the remnants of Eden before Eden became purgatory, the concept of a sheep made into a walking talking being that were allowed to live in heaven among the angels and the redeemed although, much like the redeemed, they usually didn’t take jobs that the angels did, let alone gain as high a ranked position as he did. She would be lying if she said she didn’t look down her nose at the concepicalis somewhat, they were born from man’s first sin after all and so worthy of being tested, but they were more tolerable than those who came to heaven after Gabriel’s little redemption rule.

“It’s a briefing of topics that will be at the council's next meeting. G-Gabriel wanted you to take it.” He said, the nervousness in him coming out again when he saw the angels face darkness somewhat, her eyes growing more angry then they usually were. Of course Gabriel’s little lapsheep would come to try and get her on the council, why was she even entertaining the fact that he would be here for anything else, he probably lapped everything that the woman had said with an eagerly nervous fervor. She almost felt sorry for the poor lamb, sat at a desk and having to work for the council for no reward at all whilst her lamb got to reap all of the rewards that he wanted, knowing carnal desires that no other human could dream off and that no human would ever believe to be true.

That was when she realized she had been thinking for way too long, the angel snapping out of it and grabbing ahold the papers, snatching them out of his hands a little bit too forcefully then he probably would have liked before she spoke. “I’ll have to look them over.” She said, lying, before she looked down at the sheep, grinning ever so slightly as she would do so. “I wasn’t aware that your job as secretary also included being the mailman.” She teased, the lamb chuckling back although he was clearly doing it out of nervousness.

“Well, Gabriel wanted you to get it as soon as possible. She… really thinks highly of you in that way.” He would say, sounding awfully genuine as he spoke although the angel he was speaking to couldn’t have held a more dire picture of his beloved boss.

“Is that so?” She asked, leaning against the side of the doorway as she would do so.

“Yeah! She really wants you to join the council, or at least give it a chance. I-I wouldn’t mind having some new blood in either, i even get the others coffee once and a while so there’s always perks! ” He would explain although she had to chuckle at the idea of coffee being a perk of the job when back in her day it was bloodshed.

“Oooh, Coffee, how fun. I bet it’s quite some hard work, looking after the council like you do.” She Said, at least trying to string him along on some conversation although she much preferred her lamb and his loyalty to the old ways.

“Sometimes,but knowing everything I do is helping Gabriel and the others, getting us all closer to helping humanity is more than worth it!” He said happily, all the nervousness melting from him slightly before it came back with force, his hands clutching the remaining papers he had tight in the process.

“I’m sure it is, Lucin. Now, I’ll just go and read these, you can get going now.” She Said, unable to hide her contempt for the council for the most part which made him wince somewhat, something that she almost found cute. She briefly wondered what would happen if Lucin would come back with a black eye or a few strangulation marks around his neck, wondering if he would whimper to his precious Gabriel through tears before she realized that would probably put a wrench in her whole plan and stopped wondering. “Actually, one more thing. If I’m not here then you’re free to walk in and just place the notes on my desk.” She explained, hoping that she wouldn’t have to deal with him in the future in that case as he would smile and nod somewhat at her.

“Oh, well that’s great! Save me knocking on your door! Anyways, I’ve got to get going so I’ll, hopefully, be seeing you at the meeting. There’s even free coffee in it!” He said with a chuckle before he walked off, being ever so slightly unsteady on his hooves as he did so. The angel would shut the door before she would throw the papers onto a table nearby, never intending on reading them as she would proceed to slot herself into a chair, resting her head against the back of it as she would think about what happened next, her vision of the new world. Lucin would have to be tested, along with the rest of his kind, but she was sure he’d pass, if not out of his own volition then it would be Gabriel training him but heaven came last in the places she intended on spreading true redemption towards so she didn’t have to deal with any of them just yet.

Unless they got in the way, of course.


The night had past and the day had come and you were walking over to the car park where Louise lived in her RV, an apparently temporary measure since she had a actually place of residence far, far away from here that she didn’t have to lose and there hadn’t been any housing developments in the town for years so everywhere was taken. You looked and felt a lot better now that you had slept and bathed with you getting home and sleeping in your Lamb the night before, the scent of blood that had been emanating off you for the past 12 hours now being replaced by the scent of own brand body wash and whatever you were able to choke out of a can of lynx deodorant. You looked around the car park as you walked, seeing everything from cars that had clearly been abandoned with several parking tickets resting against the windshield, some that had people still sleeping inside of the back of them and then you saw a RV right at the back of the parking lot, being in much better condition then most of the apartment blocks in this place.

You walked to the door and knocked on it, a clanking sound echoing with each knock as you'd hear someone get up and hastily scramble to the door before hearing the jingling of a set of keys that seemed to be ever so slightly too full. The door eventually unlocked to reveal a tired and slightly frazzled looking Louise would open the door, the woman smiling when she saw you before she corrected her glasses somewhat so they were on straight, the woman opening the door some more as she did so. “Ah, there you are, come on in!” She said as she opened the door and left to move deeper into the RV with you following through and shutting the door behind you, making the entire vehicle a bit darker then it should be as you would glance across it for several moments.

It had seemed that she had just finished eating breakfast if the leftover crusts laying on a plate in the middle of the kitchen area were, your eyes glancing over to the table at the other end of the RV which was where she was sitting. You figured that she must have found something big, especially given the amount of paper that was scattered across the place although you couldn’t help but feel that they weren’t all related to the scam artist that she had gone about chasing around these past couple months. “Wow, you must have been on a printing spree then?” You asked as you would take a seat next to her, the woman nodding as she started shuffling through all of the papers, eventually finding a couple of them that she wanted to show you before she spoke to you again.

“Certainly have! I think I’ve found myself a new case to work on.” She Said, your curiosity peaking somewhat as you would respond.

“What’s the case?” You asked, the woman practically jumping at you as she took out one of the pieces of paper.

“Well, there was a break in at the garbage dump downtown. Apparently it was a place where drug dealers would slip in and distribute supplies to one another.” She said as your blood ran cold and your eyes looked down at the print screen she had done of the local news site. It spared most of the gory details of what you had done like tearing off that guy’s jaw or impaling another on a collection of metal bars but it did tell you that six people had been murdered,or at least murdered in the point of view of the newspaper.

“Wow, six people dead. Seems nuts to imagine that happening around here.” You would say, attempting to seem quietly shocked as you looked at her face, the woman nodding as she grabbed another paper.

“Exactly and it’s so close to all those murders as well. At first I thought that they were drug related killings but I think there’s another motive.” She said as you clutched the arms of the seat slightly as she would look through it with you deciding to do nothing but nod at her so you wouldn't say anything to give you away. “I think this is some kind of religious thing. Someone murdering in god's name. The guy he’s… he’s dressed up as a Lamb.” She explained as you kept nodding, knowing that she wasn’t entirely wrong about what she was saying although she didn’t know you had god’s consent for the killings as a piece of paper was moved over the table and towards you, your eyes staring at her lips as she spoke. “They got a picture of the murderer on the security cameras, I managed to get a journalist to give me a copy, look.” She said as you’d look down at the image before you, seeing yourself as you moved out of the garbage dump, your eyes locking with your own as you wondered what you were going to do next with a sinful world now knowing of you.


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