Of acid and spines : Part 1

 You had certainly had better days then you were having right now although you can’t imagine a worse one then the scenario that you see in right now, varying fluids dripping from the walls and the floor as you would shine your light in every single gap that you could shine it in to try and see if you could see anyone of the beasts coming for you. You had been sent to this ship to hunt down a “group of criminals” that had taken it over and slaughter the crew, the people who owned the ship being weirdly obstructive about what the criminals were actually capable of with you being able to land on the ship with little fanfare at all with you expecting a ambush but instead got nothing at all. You’d then manage to open the door, hearing the sounds of the ship doors open in deeper parts of the ship which indicated there was still something on board with you all walking down the halls and searching rooms, seeing that a almost honeycomb like substance had started to build up across the roof before you found a body killed in a way that you hasn’t quite seen before.

It seemed like something that blew out the chest entirely, completely breaking the sternum and tearing the chest in half, a pool of stale blood resting in the cavity as well as a smear running to her body and moving right down into the vent. You now knew that there was certainly something else lurking within the ship as you would decide to go deeper inside of it to see that the honeycomb-like substance that was covering the roofs and the walls would grow thicker and thicker, covering the lights and leaving you in complete darkness. With that you’d start hearing the sound of something clattering and clicking around you, the beings moving extremely quickly which meant that you couldn’t see what the hell was lurking around the area as you’d eventually walk down the hall to see something at the other end of it.

It was a humanoid being that was somewhat spindly in nature, her arms and legs being thin whilst her head was a bulbous shape, almost being somewhat bean-like as her tail would swing against the ground, taking small chunks out the metal floor with them. You’d also realize that these beasts were very much insect-like in nature with various pieces of an almost chitin-like substance, the alien being looking much more mechanical than biologically as if it didn’t evolve but was instead being built by someone. You then watched as the creature would let out a screech, it’s mouth opening to expose a second mouth that seemed to pop out before you would watch it run towards you with you raising up your gun and getting ready to fire as she would do so.

You’d fire and with a few bursts of bullets you’d successfully shoot the alien through the chest, hearing the creature screech out into the air before crawling away and into the vents, screeching all the while as it would do so. You’d look at the floor to see that the creature's blood had leaked out onto the metal and had somehow managed to burn it away somewhat, creating holes in the floor as you started to hear more of them come after you, screeching and clicking away to themselves as he did so.  With that you’d start running down the hall, slowly hearing the sounds of clicking and chattering grow closer , shooting down every single hall that you could find in order to make sure that the beasts would stay away, hitting a couple of them as you’d keep drifting down the hall.

Eventually you’d find the edge of the door, seeing a massive garage-like door that was in front of you as you would do so, grabbing hold of it and opening it before ducking through and slamming it shut,panting as you did so. You would then look around for a couple of moments before you turned on the flashlight, shining it to see rows upon rows of what seemed to be eggs although they seemed a lot thicker and more fleshy then actually eggs before you noticed that they seemed to have some kind of opening to them. You assumed they were related for the aliens that were currently running around the ship and as such you didn’t want to go anywhere near them since you assumed they’d be just as murderous as their adult counterparts as she kept walking.

You’d suddenly hear the sound of a deep growl echoing out across the air before you’d stop in your tracks, the sound coming from behind you as you’d ready your gun for what was to come as you’d do so. The creature would keep growling and roaring into the air before you heard something heavy slamming into the metal before you’d turn around and push your gun up into the air, the woman slamming it out of your hand immediately before falling against some of the eggs which meant you probably weren’t getting them back. With that were simply left with your flashlight with you backing away a couple steps as not to get hit by her again before you proceeded to realize what you were staring at was the mother of these xenomorphs and producer of all the eggs around you.

She was way larger than her counterparts in the other parts of the ship, being around three times bigger with you looking at her head to see the woman’s bulbous skull and developed into a rather amazing looking crest, pushing up through the air as her fanged maw would growl out into the air as your eyes moved down the rest of her body. Her chest was rather large with the woman having breasts as big as your head as you looked down her back briefly, seeing almost coral-like growths were running down her back before you glanced at her two pairs arms and hands with one of them being a large set of arms, easily twice as long and thick as you were before you looked at her other, smaller arms that were situated under her tits. Finally you looked at her lower half to see her raptor-like legs that were sticking into the ground, the woman's thighs being rather thick with a dripping pussy between them, dripping across the floor as she growled and clicked at you.

You’d didn’t really have any clue about what to do next, unable to fight back in any real way that matters as she would grab ahold of your arms with her own and dragging you up into the air, her top arms moving down to the fabric of your outfit as she did so. You’d feel as her claws would drive themselves through the fabric before you’d proceeded to tear the clothing right off your body, ripping through them like they were paper before throwing them over to the sides of you, the woman growling as she would slowly strip you naked. Eventually you were entirely naked and still in her grasp, the woman groaning and panting away into the air before you were thrown to the ground with you being unable to fight back as she loomed over you with you feeling she was staring at you despite not having eyes.

You’d then feel as one or her legs would proceed to clutch a hold of your own, making sure she was pinned to the ground as she would slowly crouch herself down over you, her tits swinging over your head as she did so.  She raised her hips up into the air, her pussy dripping onto your cock as she swayed her hips from side to side with it being very, very clear that she was looking for a male that could survive her many children which seemed to be you as she would eventually stop her hips moving into the air. The woman then proceeded to slam herself down onto your cock, a beastial growl escaping into the air as she would do so, the woman’s hips being so large that she would wind you , the woman grinding against your crotch as she would do so.

She would keep grinding and grinding away at them for several moments, the woman’s mouth would open and cause her spit to link with her teeth, dripping spit down onto the floor slightly as she would do so. You’d then watched as her hips would move up your cock, the woman’s pussy fluids being as thick as her spit as she raised her hips upwards into the air before moving to the point where she was at her tip before she proceeded to clench down hard across your member, making you gasp out somewhat as you would do so. After a few seconds she would proceed to move back down your member, groaning out into the air as she felt your member slip inside of her before she would clench around your cock to make sure that it was nice and pleasured inside of her.

You’d keep your gaze upwards away from your crotch which gave her a look at her tits, watching them bounce around in the air somewhat as you would do so as you felt your hands have an urge to grab ahold of something. Your brain would put two plus two together and with that you’d reach up and grab ahold of her breasts, feeling that they were surprisingly soft despite the fact that most of her body was made out of the glossy chitin, your fingers digging deeply into her breasts as she did so. Her palm would push down into her nipples, starting to grind away against them as she would hum and moan to herself, the air around her mouth seeming to get thicker as she would take notice of it before she would rest herself against your waist somewhat as she did so.

With that she would proceed to start moving her hips even faster against your body, the woman making sure that her back was bent somewhat as she would get more leverage on your body, pushing her chest into your hands as she did so. As such you’d feel as her hips would tap and slam against your waist, the woman’s pussy clenching around your cock at random for several moments before she would manage to regain some of her composure, letting out a hiss as she would do so. With that she would start to use her inner walls with purpose as she would move her inner walls across your cock, going from base to tip and base again as she would do so, pleasuring rushing across your entire lower half as you’d grind your teeth against your own somewhat as she did so.

You would start clenching your hands around her tits, your fingers digging deeply into her breasts as her hard nipples jammed themselves into your palms, drifting and grinding against them as she would roar into the air. You were able to hear the sound of her tail hitting various objects around you, seemingly scraping against the walls and hitting the roof and yet not hitting against  her eggs with you being glad that you weren’t on the receiving end of that tail since you assumed it would decapitate you. Your hands would get to the point where they were massaging against her breasts, moving all across them as the smooth skin would drag against the rougher skin on your hands as you’d feel her legs move somewhat as you would do so, the floor creaking in the process.

With that her hips would grow faster and faster by the moment, the woman’s hips drifting up and down your member effortlessly despite her rather titanic size, her entire body looming over you as she would do so. The beasts pussy would once again break out into spasms, her inner walls clenching and grasping at your member as you heard her growl out into the air, the woman’s smooth insides grasping against your most sensitive areas as she would do so with you not knowing how aware she was that she was actually doing this. Either way she seemed to be really getting into mating with you, her breathing growing more and more intense, her fingers flicking against the air as drool dripped all over the floor from her grinding teeth and seemingly second mouth.

With that you’d proceed to feel yourself starting to throb inside of her pussy, pushing against her inner walls which responded by pushing back against them, her entire body shaking due to the feeling as you’d moan some more. You then felt as the pressure at the tip of your cock would grow more and more intense, groaning and rubbing against her lips as fluids would drool out all over the place, the pressure getting harder and harder to keep inside of you by the moment as your hands fidgeted across her body. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, proceeding to start to cum inside of her, feeling your cock twitch somewhat across her inner walls as you would do so, the woman’s hips ramming against your own and pinning you down to the ground as she did so.

You felt as ropes would start spraying out of your cock and pushing into her inner walls, the woman hissing out across the air as she felt the cum rubbing against the walls as her holes would clench around your member to make sure not a single drop was wasted. Your ropes would grow more and more intense as they pushed inside of her eventually reaching the peak as your cock spasmed inside of her, the ropes shooting out deep into her pussy and possibly into her womb if she had a conventional one. Your orgasm came to an end soon after that, the woman's pussy relaxing slightly as the ropes that shot out of you would grow smaller in the process eventually becoming mere droplets that were coming out of your member as you’d stop cumming inside of her.

With that she would wait for several moments, gasping and groaning out into the air before she would pull herself off your cock, a wet squelch echoing out across the air in the process as you watched fluids drip off your dick with you wondering if she was going to go about killing you now that she had used you for her purposes. But instead she would proceed to cradle her hands against your thighs and proceeded to rest you against her chest, the woman’s heart beating inside of her chest as she would seemingly go idle, going deathly still as if she needed to conserve energy before you turned your head to see the eggs open, spider-like being shuttling around the floor but never daring to get close to the queen. You figured that this was a small mercy given that whatever those things did couldn’t have been healthy in the slightly as you would leave yourself snuggled up inside of her arms somewhat, wondering what could possibly happen to you next.


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