Date night part 3 (OC)

 You would feel as the dirt would pull up from the road as you slowly drive your way over to the edge of the forest, tapping against your steering wheel as you smiled to yourself being very happy that you had finally managed to convince Alicia, your girlfriend, to come with you back to your house, away from the shifting leaves of the forest. This wouldn’t be considered a achievement for most people, least of all due to the fact that taking your girlfriend home was the first thing that people did in a relationship, but your relationship wasn’t a typical relationship, least of all because your girlfriend was rather anxious about being seen in town but mostly due to the fact that she had been cursed to live in a twisted form seemingly forever. After she had been cursed she was told to hide within the woods and never return to her family or they would all have been cursed as well which meant that she had to watch her family die from a distance and never interact with anyone until the invention of the internet which was when she met you and from there everything was history.

Since then you had tried to get the reclusive woman to open up a bit more but a near century of social isolation and being treated badly by everyone she had ever met would do that to a person but she was opening up slowly and eventually. She went from taking photos of the forest and only the forest from starting to insert herself into the photos although she seemed somewhat uncomfortable taking pictures of herself and she was getting more and more open to walking around the forest with you as well. However, anytime that you invited her back home she would say no, being fearful about what would happen if she was seen by anyone and the fact that she was never allowed back into the town again after the curse although you told her that everyone who ever knew about the curse was long dead at this point.

After weeks of weeks of convincing you eventually managed to convince her to come with you, telling her that the ever so slight tint of your windows would make sure that no one would be able to see her and that there wasn’t anyone on the streets as well. This seemed to be the thing to convince her and with that you’ll be able to take her home on Friday as well, the woman seeming somewhat eager and somewhat nervous about the entire thing and you being very eager to see her as you drove down the dirt road. The road had somehow gotten even worse since you had been driving on it, mostly due to the fact that a series of storms had come around and pretty damaged a good chunk of the infrastructure around the area, making the entire road even more perilous.

Bits of rock had stuck out of the dirt, the rain and wind causing your tires to be caught within the mud with jagged rocks sticking out of the ground with you having to move out of the way of them less you managed to tear apart your tires. The rusted pilons had shifted somewhat in the dirt,the wires hanging limply from the metal casings as the half functioning streetlights would come to a end, the ruined road only being lit up by the headlights as you would see the forest in the distance, approaching you from the darkness as clouds would shroud the moon. As you approached them you’d drive across the carpet of wet leaves that were covering the floor with you trying to not let your car drift due to the new slippery service that had been placed all over the tarmac.

Eventually you’d reach the outskirts of the woods once again, the sound of the engine slowly humming down to a silence echoing out before you would open your door, moving out of the car and leaving the lights on, feeling the cold against your skin as you would do so. With that you’d look down at your phone, seeing a couple of notifications for various apps that didn’t exactly matter at the moment before you managed to get onto the dating app, tapping on it and seeing that she was online. You would write up a message to her, the messaging reading “I’m here, right at the usual spot, my darling.” with the woman starting to type almost Immediately with you being shocked that the woman’s phone had lasted this long without a replacement before she went offline.

With that the wait would begin with you resting yourself against your car,looking through the various pictures on your phone as you would occasionally glance up at the forest in front of you waiting for you to arrive as you did so. You always thought that it was weird that you’d got so used to waiting for her to arrive especially since it seemed like it seemed like it was a start of a slasher story although all those thoughts would dissipate when you looked behind yourself as the crunching of leaves echoed out across the air as you did so. You’d see the woman’s milky blue skin in flashes between the trees and the falling leaves, smiling as she got closer and closer until her long and stretched out body as she gave you a wave with you giving her a wave back as you looked up and down her body.

The first place that you looked was her face, looking into her oversized eyes that were staring into your own as your eyes moved over to her mouth, seeing her distorted mouth which not only showed off her teeth and gums as well as the back of her mouth due to how distorted it was, her raven black hair moving down her shoulders and her back as you’d move down to her torso. You’d then slowly move your eyes down her neck and onto her massive chest, each one of her breasts being as big as her head, if not bigger,  contrasting with her thin, stretched out body with your eyes moving down from her chest and slowly down her extremely thin and stretched out waist, some of her veins being visible due to how pale she was. Your hands then moved over to her arms, the arms themselves being extremely thin and also extremely long to the point that they were somewhat too long for her body,her fingers being long and twig-like  whilst her waist and her legs were of similar thinness, the woman beginning to speak as she reached your car, smiling all the while.

“S-So, I guess it’s time for us to go, isn’t it?” She would say in a very nervous tone, the woman looking around the place for a moment before she’d look down and speak, her hands clasping against one another in the process. “W-what if someone sees me? What’s going to happen then?” The woman asked with you smiling and wrapping your arm around her back before she looked down at you.

“Don’t worry about it, there’s no one out at this hour anyway, and even if there was, no one’s gonna be seeing through those windows. You’re nice and safe, don’t worry about it.” You said, the woman relaxing somewhat as she did so.

“Ok… Ok! Let me get into the car and you can take me back to yours, handsome.” She would say, playfully moving her finger across your cheek as you watched her move around your car and get around to the passenger seat. Due to the fact that you had moved the chair back it wasn’t exactly a tight squeeze although she did struggle somewhat to get her legs within there but with a bit of bending that she managed to get herself into the car and with that you’d drive into the town with your girlfriend in the passenger seat. You didn’t talk about much as you moved across the dirt road and back into civilization proper, dodging out the way of various rocks in the road again before you got just to the town proper, entering on the first tarmac road as you would do so.

“So, how has the town changed since you’ve last been here?” You asked as you’d turn to see her face nearly pushed up against the window, the woman staring at the town for a couple seconds as she would speak to you again.

“It’s… it’s changed so much! Certainly didn’t have the lights or the power cables or all these new shops since I was here!” She said, pointing at a couple of them as she would see something that caught her eye and that thing being the town theater. “Oh my, the theater is still around then? It was going out of business before I got cursed, I’m shocked that it’s lasted this long!” She said, peering through the window and staring at the old building with you being equally as shocked it was still in business given the state of the town.

“Oh yeah, it’s still going strong, it’s had a couple bumps but someone always swoops in to save it.” You said, glancing down the street as you would do so before you heard a slightly saddened and shocked sigh come out of her mouth.

“Oh man, Edburtons Candy is gone! I used to love that place when I was young! You know, they used to make the best chocolate ever, it was great!” She would explain with Edburtons candy being shut down a bit before you time as you went to respond, only to be cut off again. “Oh, the speakeasy is gone as well! Weird to put a bakery there and all!” She would exclaim with you chuckling as she went to respond. 

“Oh yeah, when prohibition ended they shut it down apparently, everyone went back to the bars and all.” You explained, the woman turning around with a shocked expression in her eyes as she did so.

“Wait, when did they overturn prohibition?” She asked with you briefly forgetting she had been living in the woods for the past 100 years.

“Around 1933,I’m pretty sure. Why, did you never get the news that it ended?” You asked, the woman shrugging slightly as she did so.

“None of my family really drank all that much. Besides, there’s not much of an active drinking community in the woods anyways!” She said, chuckling as you’d move onto a more quiet street, switching your lights off so both of you were plunged into the darkness as you pulled up into the driveway of your house.

“Right, we’re home! Let me get the keys out and I’ll let you right in!” You said, Alicia chuckling somewhat nervously as you moved to the other side of the car and opened the door, moving your hand out so you could lead her out it. Rather happy with how much of a gentleman you were, she grabbed your hand, still seeming slightly nervous about the entire thing as she got up and you would lead her to the front door, sticking the key into the lock and proceeding to open the door with a click sound echoing out across the air somewhat. With that you’d move  shindig her briefly and lock the door, the click echoing out across the air before your hand moved over to the light switch and flicked it on, illuminating the entire corridor as she would look on in slight confusion.

“Wow, this certainly looks different compared to back before I was cursed, that’s for sure!” She said as she looked around and moved into the kitchen with you chasing after her as you did so, walking in to see her looking at the microwave. “So, this is one of those microwavæs that I’ve seen dumped in the forest a couple times. What does it do then?” She asked, flipping the door open and seeming shocked it made a beeping sound before shutting the door and opening it again so she could hear the beeping again.

“Basically it cooks food really fast, kinda like a really quick oven in a way. Also don’t put eggs in it, they explode.” You said, the woman seeming shocked by the info and slightly backing away from the microwave as she did so. “Yeah, so, this is my kitchen. I don’t really know if anything’s changed since the 20s or not but there’s the fridge, that’s my oven and all.” You said, the woman looking around before seeming to look right at your toaster, the woman grabbing it and moving it around as she did so. 

“Seems interesting, I’ve seen a lot of this stuff thrown in the forest sometimes. So, where to next then?” She asked with you smiling as she put down the toaster and moved next to you, waiting to see where you went next.

“Well, I’ll go and take you to my living room in that case, follow me!” You said, the woman chuckling as you moved into the hallway and led her down into the living room which was reasonably sized even with the large sofa in the middle of it taking up most the space. You’d look at her and see her glancing around the place before her eyes would eventually fix on your flatscreen tv, the woman waiting for a brief moment before she would make a comment about it.

“Wow, they really do make them thinner and thinner these days, don’t they? I remember when they were as big as your microwavæ!” She said with a chuckle before she would point at the TV remote that was laying in the middle of the sofa with you also not having the heart to tell her she was pronouncing the name wrong. “I remember when it was all knobs as well! Must be so much easier nowadays, just picking up and pressing a button and all!” She said as she picked up the remote, looking around it as she would press some of the buttons. “God, how many channels do you have now, nine?” She said, pointing at the nine button on the TV before you responded.

“Oh, there’s hundreds now. They’ve got a TV channel for everything nowadays!” You said, the woman seeming surprised by the revelation. 

“Hundreds? Well, I suppose I know what I’ll be doing when we’re done with the tour!” She said as she would look around the TV and various DVD players you had underneath, the woman seemingly having seen them dumped in the forest but  not really knowing what they did which was proven when she pressed the disc eject and watched as the disc drive would move out of the machine automatically, the woman seeming amazed by this as she did so.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have all of the tv in the world. Anyways, wanna see my bedroom? ” You said with a chuckle as she would move away from the DVD player and nodded, the woman following you to your bedroom which was right down the hall. You walked into the bedroom which was modest but it worked for what it was, a closet being placed at the far end of the room and a chest of draws at the other end of it with your large bed firmly placed in the middle of it with you looking up at Alicia as you spoke. “So, this is the bedroom, it’s not much but it’s good enough to get me sleeping.” You said as you would see her eyes were fixed onto the bed which was when you realized that she hadn't so much as seen a bed in the past hundred years, yet alone be able to be as close as one. 

You would then watch as she suddenly dove forward onto the bed, pushing herself onto the mattress as she would slide across it, letting out a loud and very relieved groan as she would sprawl herself across the mattress, making sure every single part of her was touching the mattress. You’d then watch as she would almost melt into it somewhat, rubbing her head against the pillows and feeling the softness all around her as you’d stand by the side of the bed, seeing as the flesh of her face was distorted somewhat due to her resting on the pillow before she spoke. “Oh my, this just feels so good, I could lay here forever.” She would say as she laid down onto the pillow, letting out a few huffs as she would eventually pull herself up slightly from the bed as you went to speak.

“Hey, don’t go laying down just yet, I’ve got a surprise for you in the bathroom.” You said, the woman seemed surprised by this as she pulled her head off the pillow, her black hair moving all over the place as she would do so.

“Really? Well you’re gonna have to show me now then!” She said happily as she would get herself up off the bed, moving behind you as you walked out of the room and towards the door at the end of the hall, grabbing it and opening it to reveal your bathroom. Like the rest of your house it was pretty standard with a toilet in the corner and a sink next to the toilet, the bath and shower combo being at the opposite of the two of them but it was what was laid out across the bathroom that was more important. It was a selection of soaps and shampoos, all of the top end stuff that you’d never really buy if you were on your own but you figured that your girlfriend hasn’t really experienced the comforts of modern life so you might as well make sure she’s the most comfortable woman in the world.

“All of that’s for you, by the way. Figured you’d want to have a shower after so long in the forest.” You explained, the woman seemed to like her gift as you realized that she was surprisingly well groomed given that had been living in the forest for so long.

“Awww, that’s sweet, Anon! So, wanna get in and help my shower? I don’t know how to work the controls, after all.” She would say,a lustful tone pushing across her words as she would move into the bath and shower combo with you taking off your clothes at her invitation. With your clothes firmly scattered across the railings and a body wash bottle firmly within your hand, you’d climb up onto the bath with the woman, seeing as she looked down at you with a primal lust in her eyes  as you’d move behind her. It would eventually get to the point where your body was pushing against her own with you pushing against it and slowly moving your hand over to the on button, pressing it and letting the water push out of the facet, the water being cold before it would slowly heat up.

You’d hear her groan out in pleasure as she would feel the warm water push down the body, stretching her body out somewhat as you’d flick open the body wash container and would start pushing it all right into your hands. You’d then proceed to first target her thighs, slowly rubbing up and down them and letting the soap build up all over them before you’d move upwards across her waist, a series of moans and almost cat-like purrs pushing out through the air in the process. You’d slowly move up her waist to her ribs, moving backwards from her ribs to her shoulder blades, rubbing them clean before your hands would slowly move over to her breasts, starting by cupping them in your hands before you’d proceed to start moving across them vigorously and slowly.

You could hear her groaning as she felt your fingers move across her smooth skin, the soap starting to fix up around her breasts as she would moan eagerly, making it so you’d go faster somewhat, her nipples being washed when you placed your fingers between them in the process. You’d spent quite a long time washing her breasts, moving across them several times which both of you seemed to delight in, steam filling up the area around you as you eventually had to move away from her breasts. With that you grabbed ahold of a shampoo bottle, starting to massaging it through her hair, your fingers pushing against her scalp and itching away at it, causing more hums to escape her mouth before the shower would eventually come to an end and you both moved out the shower and onto the bathroom floor.

You’d grab a pair of towels and walked over to your bedroom, the love of your life being right by your side as you walked to the room where she would sit down , taking a towel out of your hands to dry herself as you’d move to her back to dry it. “Oh yeah, I feel so much cleaner now. Thank you very much for the help, handsome.” She said with a chuckle as you’d dry her back, your head moving up to her side before you started to kiss away at her neck, the woman seeming flattered by the kissing. You’d move more and more up her neck as time went on, eventually getting to the point you were kissing right behind her ear before you’d finally move to her mouth and kiss her, letting out a rather passionate groan as you would do so with the woman doing the same.

It wouldn’t take long before your tongues collided with one another, the woman's thick and drool-covered tongue moving across your teeth before wrapping around your tongue as she turned around fully to face you, eager and ready. Before you two knew it you were both lying across the bed, your limbs winding against one another before they would eventually untangle with you being on top of the woman whilst Alicia looked down from you from above, both of you pulling away as you felt yourself getting harder and harder. “Go on,Anon, take me!” She groaned out before she grabbed ahold of your head and pushed you back into the kiss again, shock briefly overcoming you before you realized what you had to do, placing one of your hands on her head as you did so.

You’d place your other hand into the mattress, feeling as it sunk into the fabric somewhat before you would push deeper into the kiss solely so you were able to get more leverage against her large body as she did so. You’d then started to move your hips backwards into the air, feeling as your hips would push against the warm air of the bedroom before you would wait, staring into your eyes for several moments before you’d pull away from her mouth somewhat so you could brace yourself for pushing inside of her. Eventually you'd be able to get enough breath to do something, moving your hips backwards just a slight bit more and slamming them down onto her own, hearing as she would gasp out and move her head backwards, causing the  kiss to break in the process.

You’d let out a groan as you felt your cock push against her insides once again, sighing out as the woman’s inner walls rubbed and clenched around your member, her fingers digging into your back in the process. With that you’d move your hips backwards, going extra slowly as you would see how eager and excited she was within her eyes, a flurry of emotions and feelings tornadoing within them as it got to the point your cock was resting out of her pussy for the most part, the tip nearly falling out of her. You then proceeded to slam yourself back inside of her, getting out a guttural moan as you did so, your other hand pushing so hard into the bed that you could hear the mattress creek somewhat from all the pressure that was being placed onto it as you did so.

 You would repeat this process for several moments, going slightly faster with each pull out from her pussy,feeling as her fluids would drip down from your cock and onto the floor and the mattress in the process. Your other hand would drag itself across the mattress and toward her body, your fingers clawing at the bed before relaxing when they felt her soft skin move underneath them, gently caressing the side of her body before moving up to one of her breasts, raising themselves up from it and pushing down onto them in the process. With that your hand would grope away eagerly at them, your fingers melting into the flesh like it was butter as she happily moaned into the air with you telling that she wanted some more speed with how her tongue was moving across her teeth.

And you were more than happy to fulfill her silent request, starting to go much faster against her body, her fingers digging into your scalp slightly as she would let out a long, excited gasp of pleasure into the air, fogging it somewhat. The walls that were pushing and clenching around your member would briefly spasms around your member, the pleasure moving through your entire member before starting to get more coordinated, eventually getting herself into a rhythm around your member. She would move from the base of your cock when you were fully inside before clenching and unclenching rapidly as you moved out of her pussy before you would stop which is when she’d clench down around your tip which meant that you had to use extra force to thrust inside of her.

Meanwhile your groping hands would also intensify against her body, your palm pushing up against her nipple as you pulled her up with your other hand so your faces were much closer, her breath pushing against your face. After a particularly long and pleasurable grope you’d proceed to push your mouth onto her own again, the woman's tongue almost immediately pushing against your teeth and making its way inside, the pair of wet organs getting themselves tangled up in the process. As the two of you kissed you would move your hand away from her hair and through her black locks to her other breasts, groping away at it before you’d both plummet back down into the mattress again, hearing a loud creek echo out across the air as you’d  do so.

Due to the fact you were pushing right onto her body and the fires of lust had been stoked into a full on inferno, you were now pistoning your hips  inside of her extremely rapidly, both of you losing any sense of rhythm and control as you would do so. The sounds of your flesh slapping against her own would echo out into the air as well as the sound of your combined moans as you kissed, filling the entire room with a lustful atmosphere as you felt her walls spasming around your cock, failing to get a good grip due to how fast she was moving. You’d pull away from her mouth to get some air, being able to take a couple breaths before you were pushed back down by her hand, taking her tongue once again as she would look into your eyes with a loving look.

That was when you felt yourself start to throb away inside of her, pushing up against her inner walls which were clenching rapidly, her fingers twitching along with her pussy as she would do so, her tongue moving around your teeth as you did so. You then proceeded to feel as the pressure would start moving across your member, slowly moving to your cock and right up to the tip of your member with you feeling as the pressure would start to become somewhat painful but you wanted to give her all you got, especially given this was the first time she’d been in a house in a long while. Of course, even you had your limits and your orgasm would eventually come to an end, ropes shooting out inside of her as you hilted at her base, making sure not a rope would escape as you would do so.

The first ropes would explode out of your cock extremely quickly with you only being able to groan as the ropes would cover her insides, slowly moving layer after layer of cum across them as you would do so. Your orgasm grew more and more intense by the moment, pushing deeper inside of her before it would get to the point you were tickling away at her insides, a massive set of ropes hitting out soon afterward that would slam into her insides, your mouth pulling away from her to catch some breath in the process. Your orgasm would soon come to a end soon after that, the ropes being reduced to nothing as you would both fall into the bed with you having further to fall, pulling out as you sprayed the last drops of cum out of your member before you rested against the mattress, looking into her eyes.

You’d watch as she’d look into your eyes, the woman seeming exhausted but also having a rather crazy amount of emotions moving inside of her eyes, her hand moving to your face as she would speak to you. “T-thank you, thank you so much for making me feel human, Anon!” She said as she would wrap her arms around you slightly with you being able to tell that all of what had happened tonight had just hit her as she would continue to speak. “I-I never knew anyone could care about me this much, let alone love me! It just sucks, I have to go back to the forest soon.” She would say as she would push her face into the pillow somewhat before you would speak.

“Actually, I’ve got one more surprise for you.” You said, the woman’s head peeking up out of the pillow before you tell her what it was. “Not only have I got the weekend off so you can stay for the weekend but I booked it for Monday off as well. So we’ve got three whole days together.” You would say, a look of excitement appearing in her eyes before she would pull you right into a hug, your head being pushed against her tits in the process.

“Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Anon, you really are the best!” She said as she would then looked down at you and yawn slightly, the woman seeming to be as tired as you were after your session with her. “We’ll get to talking about what we’re going to do tomorrow, I’m feeling awfully sleepy. See you tomorrow, Anon. Love you!” She said as she hugged you close with you doing the same a moment later with your head buried within her chest somewhat as you did so. With that you would slowly drift into slumber, wondering what you were going to do when you wake up and throughout your days with her but for now you had one last thing left to say to her…

“Love you too, Alicia.”


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