Flexibility (OC)

 When you were moving into your new house you were expecting to deal with the varying issues that a homeowner would deal with like repainting the walls, having to deal with pests and other such things but what you didn’t expect was that you were not the only inhabitant living at your residence. As you sat on your sofa, staring at the TV in your pitch black living room, you’d think back to the day that you moved into this place, eagerly taking your boxes into the building and being very eager to start your new life as a homeowner and the day went normally baring the items you’d swear you’d see something moving around the place from the corner of your eye but when the night came you would encounter her. You remembered going to your bed and turning the lights off, moving under the covers and shutting your eyes as you would then hear something fall off your bedside table, your eyes opening and looking over to see what you could best describe as a gray beast, the woman bent over the table and staring right into your eyes as she would do so.

Since that day you were tormented constantly by her, the woman demonstrating the rather insane ability to curl up and bend in any way that she could desire as if she didn’t have joints at all and she used this to hide in areas where it would be impossible then the average person could. From there she would do everything she could to scare you : flashing her teeth, screeching and growling at you, even flashing her clawed hands at you a couple times but she never went out of her way to hurt you. You had attempted to ask her why she was doing this a couple of times but she never had an answer,the woman simply chuckling out into the air and crawling back into whatever hiding space that she had come from, leaving you annoyed and alone within your own home.

Of course there was only so many times that she could do this to you before she would stop being scary and was only mildly annoying, her loud screams fading into the background and her clawed slashes not working when you knew they weren’t making contact with your skin. She seemed to notice this after a while and she would start getting rather annoyed with you which was pretty wild when you saw a pouting hellbeast sticking out of your kitchen cabinet and bitching that you didn’t find her scary anymore. However,as you were going about your day and ignoring her, she would start planning a new strategy about how to get to you with the woman eventually settling on one that was a lot less scary but a lot more lewd with you seeing the results of that plan the day after.

That day, instead of jumping out from the darkness and screaming at you, you’d find her laying down on your kitchen floor, her leg bent right over her neck and moving down her back so you could see her pussy, a couple of taunting words escaping her in the process. You’d ignore her, desperately trying to avoid the woman in the hopes that she would disappear but she would keep going and going, the woman folding herself in a variety of ways to try and make you aroused, getting more and more teasing by the moment. Now you were sitting on your sofa, staring at your Tv and awaiting your next taunt from her , feeling like one more from her would cause you to completely lose it and finally go insane as you heard something move to the side of you.

You’d turn your head to see nothing in the darkness right away, her gray hands peeling down the side of the sofa as you expected to hear the sound of her taunting you or to see a leg bending over the arm of the chair. You’d wait for several moments, staring at the dark as you quickly realized that she clearly wasn’t going to do anything with you briefly wondering if she had managed to finally get the hint that you didn’t want to fuck her and went back to doing whatever the hell these things did as hobbies. “So, what you watching on TV then?” Said a feminine yet somewhat gravelly voice, your eyes going half lidded as you would move your head over to the TV to see the monster laying down on the floor, the light of the TV illuminating her body in the process.

Your eyes would take in her body for several moments with your eyes moving over to her head first, the woman’s empty eye holes being complimented by her maw of sharp teeth being pushed into a smile, the woman lacking any lips, nose and hair, her skin seeming gray and weirdly slick and shiny as it shone against her face. Your eyes then glanced down to the rest of her toned, flexible body, the woman having a rather plentiful set of tits which would hang down slightly from her chest, her spine being bent at a angle where it shouldn’t be bent at which meant you could see her ribs poking out of her skin, her long arms leading to eagerly as long fingers, each one of those fingers being tipped with a razor sharp claw. Finally your eyes would move down to her lower half to see her long gray legs which were slender at the feet but thick around the thigh , a dripping wet pussy being nuzzled between them as you would grit your teeth as you readied yourself for her taunting.

“What, not going to tell me then? Fine, guess I’ll have to wait for the ad breaks then.” She would say in a sarcastic tone as she would lay in front of the tv, her empty eye holes staring intently at the screen as she would start shaking her ass from side to side. You’d watch as the rather large set of cheeks would move around, going from left to right to left again as you tried to ignore her, feeling as your trousers would grow tighter and tighter against your cock as you felt your remaining patience slowly wilt away from you. One ad break later and you had enough, getting up from your chair and letting out a annoyed groan as you grabbed ahold of your belt and threw it off, taking off your trousers and underwear off and throwing them at the TV screen, the woman going to complain you’d interrupted the show before she realized what was going to happen.

“Oh my, looks like someone has finally had enou-“ she would say before you’d interrupt her by grabbing ahold of her claws and slamming them down to the ground, the woman about to say something before she found your cock wedged between her asscheeks. You’d grind against them a couple of times, feeling the large, warm mounds of flesh rubbing across your member as you glanced down at her dripping wet cunt again, figuring you’d give it exactly what it wanted and that was a fat cock nestled deep inside it, stretching it out. With that you’d withdraw from her asscheeks and move your hips back into the air, moving as far as you could get in your position before moving them forward and slamming them inside of her, her ass hitting the base of your cock as she groaned into the air.

You’d groan out into the air as you felt that her pussy was just as flexible as the rest of her, feeling as your cock stretched her out before you’d start moving backwards and your body moved forward so that you were laying right on her back. “Mmph, taking it slow and steady, are we?” She would ask you in the same mocking, taunting tone as she would with her teasing as you’d slowly pull out of her slick cunt, her pussy fluids dripping off your cock and onto the floor as you’d try to come up with ways to shut her up. You eventually decided that your teeth would be a good enough weapon to keep her quiet, moving your mouth over to the side of her neck and digging your teeth down into it, feeling as they pushed deeply into her slick skin as she would let out a mixture of a moan and squeal as you slammed back down inside of her.

You’d keep this going for a short while, slamming against her ass rather methodically as your teeth would clasp and bite down against her skin, the woman’s tongue dripping with drool as she would speak to you once again. “My, you’re so feral! How many months of sexual tension has been building up inside of that vessel of yours?” She asked as you would grow gradually more annoyed with the woman, wondering why she couldn’t shut her mouth and stop taunting you as you came up with an idea. You would pull yourself up somewhat, stopping your thrusts as you would be half inside of her pussy,moving your arm to her neck and hauling around her neck, any taunt now coming out as a few gasps and groans before you got up off the ground, your other hand ramming down onto her ass as you would glance down at the bite marks you had made on her neck.

With this newfound drive and newfound desire to shut her up you would proceed to start going faster against her body,hearing her fat ass clap with each slam against your hips as you started to show no mercy against her hips. You’d no longer go slowly or give a couple seconds for her flexible pussy to react to your cock, pumping and slamming inside of her like a piston as she would attempt to clench around your member but due to the fact she was so flexible she simply just slid across your member instead. You could feel your mouth grow empty again, demanding some flesh to bite into before your head would descend down and clutch ahold of her neck again, delivering a large and rather powerful bite to her which caused her to let another squeal-moan into the air.

You’d keep slamming and slamming into her, feeling her pussy fluids spraying across your thighs and upper waist as you started moving your other hand, the first thing that you had done was move your hand up into the air and spank her ass. She would let out another groan, your eyes watching her ass jiggle as your hand moved across the side of her body and down to her nippleless breasts, your finger digging down into it as you watched her claws did into your carpet, scratch marks appearing in the process. “H...harder!” She would gasp out in another desperate taunt as you would smirk and think about how happy you were to fulfill her request, tightening your arms grip around her neck as she would let out a slightly pained, immensely lustful gasp.

You’d then start moving your hips faster and faster again, the woman’s cheeks in a near constant state of jigging as she would start panting and gasping out into the air, the woman hanging her tongue out of her mouth with you imagining her eyes would roll into the back of her skull if she had any eyes to do that with. Drool would flow out of her mouth like a waterfall as you’d feel her pussy clutching your cock even harder, the woman eventually managing to get a grip at your base when you went balls deep inside of her which meant you were yanking her pussy lips somewhat with each thrust. The scratches that she was making against the ground would grow deeper and deeper, the woman now having gone through the carpet completely and instead making gorges within the wood.

That was the moment you felt yourself start to throb inside of her pussy, the woman’s walls dragging against your cock as it pushed up against her, the woman clearly being hyped about this given how much she was panting as well. The pressure at the tip of your cock would grow more and more intense by the moment, the throbbing growing stronger and stronger as your finger grasped and groped at her greedily and eagerly, the woman’s fluids practically squirting out of her pussy and all over your lower half.  With a few more clenches around your cock and a final tightening around her neck, hearing her choked gasps before you started to cum inside of her, going down so you were balls deep inside of her, her flexible body twitching as you would do so.

The first couple of ropes pushed out of your cock and deep inside of her, the woman’s back arching at unnatural angles as you felt her shivering, your fingers grasping down onto her breasts as her hands dug into the wood. Your orgasm would peak at some point, covering her inner walls with your cum to the point that they were dripping down onto your member again as you would see her dazed face, her heart rate growing faster and faster by the moment as your orgasm would start to come to an end. Ropes would become drops and drops would eventually just be smeared across your cock, your arms moving from her body and into the air before you’d pull out of her pussy, cum dripping from her pussy and onto the floor as she would pant into the air.

You’d look down at your cock and realize that you haven't gotten soft just yet so you’d grab ahold of her by the neck and shove her onto the sofa, starting to pound her pussy once again as she would grunt out into the air. What followed was the most sex filled night of your life, the woman being fucked in every single position that you could place her flexible body into from full nelson to mating press to everything inbetween, the entire house being alight with the sounds of sex in the process. Eventually it got to the point that she had fainted in front of you, cum drool out of her pussy like it was a waterfall as you decided that you really should be getting to bed, leaving the beast to her own devices as you would do so, waking up to see that she had disappeared.

And after that the woman seemed to have gotten what she wanted since you wouldn’t see her in months, always wondering where she went to but never really caring due to the fact that it was more of an annoyance to you then anything else. Then, one night you decided to get some water, not wanting to wake up with a dry mouth when you swore you could hear something scuffer across the floorboards behind you, your eyes glancing around as you got ready for her return, getting ready for her to jump out and scare you as you did so.  She never did so you assumed that it was just your mind tricking you until you moved into your room proper, nearly dropping your drink when you saw the monster on your bed, her face pouting and one very distinctive feature being added to her body

It was a bloated, pregnant stomach, the woman being pretty deep into her pregnancy given how big it was as she would begin to speak, the woman letting out a brief growl as you placed your drink on the side of your desk. “You’ve got a LOT of actions to answer for! Thanks to you rutting me for a night, I’ve now got a kid in me! Do you think I can just be flexible like this?” She would say, pointing to her stomach as she got off the bed, the woman looking up and down your body before she would suddenly jump at you, showing surprising speed for a pregnant woman. She would then grab ahold of your arms and slam you against the wall, making sure you couldn’t escape her as she would look over you, that pouting face rapidly becoming a smile as she would speak again.

“It’s time you took some responsibility, isn’t it?” She would ask as she opened her mouth, her tongue lapping across her teeth before she jammed her tongue down into your mouth, the woman panting eagerly as she would push you deeper and deeper into the kiss, her clawed hands grasping at your clothes as she did so. She’d eventually strip you naked and would start doing what you had done to her, fucking how brutally and mercilessly as the entire room was filled with the sounds of lewd slapping and desperate panting. As the night turned into day you wondered if anybody walking by your building would hear her slamming and pushing against you, assuming you were just having a good time with your lover and not being fucked into unconsciousness by a pregnant beast.

Not that anyone could stop her anyway.


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