Best left buried (OC)

 The sounds of the broken down floorboards of this wretched manor echoed out into the night as you walked around it, the smell of damp pushed against your nose with it almost feeling like the wood was being rubbed against your nose, your flashlight doing little to help you move around the ruined and abandoned building. You had exploring these abandoned buildings for a while now, going from place to place and always looking anything weird or creepy that you could take with you but today you just had the sudden urge to leave the alberton house as soon as you possible could mainly due to the fact that you couldn’t help but feel like you were being watched by something just out in the darkness, away from your prying eyes. It didn’t help that you had heard stories about this place, a tale about how the last occupants that lived in the abandoned house and their daughter had been playing with forces that she shouldn’t have been playing with, getting herself possessed by a demon in the process.

Instead of doing something to help they instead wrapped her inside of chains and threw her into a metal casket buried in the foundations to die, burying her in wood and carpet to leave her to starve to death, in silence. But she simply didn’t die, she thrashed and writhed and screamed and begged and cried and starved, scratching at her tomb until her fingers bled but she never died, the demons keeping her alive and mutating her, showing her what will become of humanity when revelation arrived. Soon fear gave into rage and she started scraping at the front of her casket with the new claws that the demons had gifted her as a mercy, the daughter eventually managing to make her way out of the coffin and through the floor, exactly 15 years since she had been buried.

Within an hour her entire family had been killed, some ripped limb from limb, some of them having deep bite marks embedded within their skin but the most horrifying fate was left to the daughter, the replacement of the one they left within the flooring. She broke her legs and dragged her back to the coffin, throwing her within what would have been the first daughter's resting place before burying her within it, leaving her to scream and beg and scratch and thrash just as she had done. Eventually the police would find out what happened but there was no sign of the newly freed daughter although there was rumors that she still lurked within her house to this day, attempting to fight back against the demon that had since controlled her but often falling to the demonic rage that possessed her.

With that you would walk until you stepped out into the central area, a large stairway in the middle of the room, you would try and shake the feeling that you were being watched from the darkness with you still being unable to shake it, unable to escape your fear. With that you decided that you might as well go and leave this place and go home so you’d actually get some sleep, pointing your flashlight towards the exit and beginning to walk towards the doorway, the smell of damp floorboards pushing through your nose once again as your feet pushed against the wood. You then went to open the door before you heard the sound of the creaking behind you, your head turning to look over your shoulder before you froze completely when you realized that there was a pair of eyes staring at you from the abyss, your hand twisting to point the light at them.

Just as your light reached the person they would start sprinting down the stairs on all fours, going so fast that it was more like a blur to you then anything else before you were slammed down to the ground, the torch going flying across the room. Before you could even think about getting up a hand was wrapped around your ankles before you were dragged out of the area and down a hallway, your face dragging against the floor before you ended up inside a ballroom, one which you thought had been locked up. Within that ballroom was where she stopped moving for a moment before she would focus on what seemed to be a hole in the middle of the floor, the woman dragging you over to hole and throwing you into it before following you, cold metal pushing against your back as you realized who you were dealing with.

You looked up to see the face of the daughter of Alberton House, skeletal and broken with eyes that looked like they were bulging from her skull, the woman lacking lips in their entirely which meant you could see her teeth haphazardly lodged into her gums whilst her dirty black hair fell down her anorexic back. You could see her spine and ribs sticking out of her torso along with her small tits, the arms that were currently keeping your arms pinned to the metal, the arms being around twice as long as your own and having two elbows with both of them being higher and lower then where they should be on a actual arm, her hands being huge and seemingly being sharpened right at the end of them. Her legs were the exact same as her own, having too many joints that should be humanly possible and being about as thin as sticks whilst you looked between her hips before realizing that she also had a tail which seemed to have been grown out of her spine, the tail moving around in the air as drool dripped out of her mouth.

Suddenly her hands moved up into the air before she proceeded to jam one of them into your chest winding you somewhat as she would start babbling away to herself with you soon realizing that she was actually saying something. “Tamdiu suus, tam diu!” She would say with a loud growl before she tore off your shirt, fresh drool oozing out of her mouth and pushing against your chest before she proceeded to move her hands against your trousers, clutching ahold of them as she did so. “Os ytaem, ekilnu em ni siht ydob.”She would say, this time in a much softer and more human voice although you had no idea what she was saying before she proceeded to rip off your trousers and underwear in one clean sweep, your cock being exposed to the air she did so.

Her eyes proceeded to look down at your cock, the woman remaining unblinking before she proceeded to move her eyes back down to you with tears starting to form in your eyes as you realized you were going to raped by a possessed woman inside the coffin that she was buried inside of. “On, on, on, t’nod yrc won. On eno reve semoc nehw er’uoy ginyrc.” She would say to herself as her hips started to move up into the air, her fingers moving to wipe your tears away before she would wrap her hand around your neck forcefully.” Ut lets habere aliquam amet!” She said as she would increase the pressure on neck before slamming down onto your cock, taking you down to the base within a couple of seconds before she would let out a groan into the air.

The woman’s pussy was way hotter then it should be with it feeling like your cock was being stuck in a sauna as her other hand would move up to your chest, resting upon it as she would start moving upwards. The woman’s movements were slow and calculated as if she was having to put genuine effort into not slamming against your hips straight away, her pussy fluids making your cock slick as then dripped out of her hole, more and more drool falling out of her mouth as she did so. She eventually reached the tip of your cock, her spine being bended at such a angle that you could swear she had managed to break it in two before she would proceed to slam herself down onto your cock again, a wet slam echoing out across the room with a snapping sound seemingly already punctuating the entire event.

As she did this you’d notice that her jaw would pull itself open with it almost sounding like her joints were scraping against one another where her tongue would roll out of her mouth and across her jaw a moment later. Her tongue was a rather putrid thing with it easily being as wide as her mouth was and just as thin as the rest of her, the veins seeming to stick out of it as drool would pool out of the tip, the tongue bending at all sorts of inhuman shapes and angles before she started to move her head down.  “Os toh, os gib, esaelp reven evael em ereh.” She would mutter to herself as she would proceed to start licking away at your face, covering it in a thick layer of her own drool as her hips would begin to shake somewhat as if she was losing control of them.

Suddenly her legs would buckle under her, the woman slamming down onto your cock before she proceeded to start moving up and down once again although this time she was going way, way faster then she was beforehand. Now the feeling of her hips hitting against your own became a full blown assault, constantly hitting and slamming against them to the point that they were almost bouncing off your hips as her grip on your body was growing stronger and stronger, the woman moaning as her voice started to become rougher. “Veni, osculare me, fili Dei.” She would say before she proceeded to start to slowly slither that tongue towards your mouth, firstly moving it across your lips before she proceeded to slam in into your mouth, choking you somewhat as she did so.

She would wiggle her tongue around your mouth whilst she would thrust up against you, her tongue eventually managing to gain some form of composure which was when she started to wrap her tongue around your own like a snake coils against prey. This was when she held you in this pseudochoking action, her tongue and the steady stream of demonic spit that was oozing out of her mouth was pushing against the back of your throat, causing you to choke and splutter out her own mouth. Just as you felt as her lungs start to burn up you’d watch as her face would soften somewhat, the woman suddenly pulling herself out of your mouth before you watched her tongue glisten in the air, her eyes staring down at you as the woman removed her hand from your neck.

The hand quickly plunged into your chest again, her fingers pushing against your skin ruthlessly as she started to go even faster against your cock, the woman’s hips becoming a blur into the air as she would start moaning extremely loudly. “Sey, evig em erom, magis, erom, MAGIS, EROMMAGISEROM!” She said as she seemed to be losing more and more control of her body, the woman’s hips losing any sense is natural movement or rhythm to replace them with absolutely brutal lust. You would also feel as her tail would come into play for the first time, wrapping around your legs nice and slowly before reaching your ankles, digging into them somewhat as she would do so.


That was the moment you felt as you started to throb inside of her, pushing against her demonic inner walls before she proceeded to clench right back this seemed to be purely instinctual given how much she was howling and moaning. You could feel the pressure building up at the tip of your cock, the throbbing getting harder and harder to avoid given into as she would move herself closer and closer to your body, her tongue moving to your face again and licking away at your face, lapping up tears, sweat and her own spit as she did so. However you couldn’t hold back your fate forever, groaning out into the air as you felt as you started to cum inside of her, her pussy clenching around your member as her hips would push so tightly to your own that it was almost like they were being fused together.

You could feel as powerful ropes would escape your cock and push deeper and deeper into her demonic womb, covering her inner walls and slowly traveling up them, growing closer and closer to her demonic womb as she would do so. Your orgasm would quickly reach its peak, a massive burst of cum spewing out of your cock and spreading all over her inner walls with the most potent of your lad being buried within her womb with you praying to god that this wouldn’t cause some kind of demonic pregnancy scenario.  Your orgasm would start to wind down after that she would seemingly start to relax somewhat, her inner walls starting to unclench as your ropes turned into drops into nothing at all, the woman burying her head within your chest for a moment before she started to make some kind of noise.

The sound was a mixture of agonised crying  and joyous screaming that would escape her mouth with you wondering if this was the moment that she killed you before she proceeded to fling her head into the air, greasy black hair swinging all over the place. Her eyes would dart around wildly before she proceeded to jump out of her grave and run off back into the manor which left you in the metal coffin, the feeling of the cold pushing against your arms as you laid there, covered in various substances. That was when you suddenly came to a revolution that you could leave before she came back with you grabbing ahold of the metal sides and pulling yourself back up, your legs aching out somewhat before you proceeded to climb out of the floor and balance yourself for a moment.

With that you proceeded to start running down the hall, feeling as carpet would become wood underneath your feet before you grabbed ahold of the door and practically ripped it off it’s hinges when you would do so. You then just kept running and running, eventually managing to plunge yourself deep into the forest where you figured that she couldn't find you at this point with you slamming your back into a tree as you groaned into the air, thinking about your current situation as you did so. Your first thing was came to your mind was the fact demon’s were real and fully able to escape her grasp, you knew that the daughter was real but there was something you knew for sure.

Some things should stay buried.


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