Out of this universe

 Work was usually pretty boring for you, with you simply just doing paperwork and filing items, which often took forever, but in the past few weeks you had managed to find yourself much more interested in your workplace not really due to the work becoming more enriching but due to the new employee that had just joined. Her name was Olympia and she was a pretty attractive woman, the woman being rather curvy and shapely with deep dark hair that contrasted with her pale skin, and when she first joined you were asked to give her a tour around the place with the woman seeming rather excited to go on the tour, saying she couldn’t wait to see the new sights that awaited her here. Throughout the tour she would say several odd things such as flicking a lightswitch on and off a few times and wondering what the hell the hand dryers that you had in the bathrooms are which overall made you fascinated with her, the woman having a sorta charm to her that you couldn’t quite place.

As such you had been getting to know her when you weren’t working and you had discovered that she had moved here from norway and that’s why her accent didn’t sound like it came from a english speaking country. As she spoke to you she would tell you how fascinated she was about the culture and the “humans” that america held, the woman seemingly wanting to talk forever about how different things were compared to her home which you found quite endearing as she would sometimes ask questions about the subject. Of course she still had her strange tendencies, the woman seeming particularly observant to birds and other animals as if she hadn’t seen them as well as not drinking or eating the entire day, no matter how much you tried to get her to try stuff.

Of course, you started to play your cards right with Olympia, paying her a compliment here and there as well as introducing her to new parts of American culture, the woman seeming to get the hint more and more as time went on. The woman would even try and flirt herself a couple times with you being unsure that she exactly knew how to flirt in English but you still found it pretty attractive either way with all the sweet talking coming to a head this morning when you had your coffee with her during your break. When you walked in Olympia was already there, lounging into the chair somewhat as she would tell you to sit down and said that she wanted to invite you around to hers that evening, the woman already having made a card with her address on it for you which was when you noticed something about her.

With that you had a spring in your step the entire day, getting even more done then you would have beforehand before you went back home, got dressed into some actually decent looking clothes and drove over to Olympia’s place. It was a pretty long drive with the woman living rather far away but you eventually arrived at a standard american house, the house being painted white and all of the windows being covered by blinds with you recognising the bright orange car that she had parked in the driveway. You would park behind the car with you noticing the car didn’t seem to be of any brand that you were able to recognize but you assumed it was one of those foreign cars that never got ported over and with that you got out of the car and knocked on the door of the mysterious woman.

It would take a few seconds for her to show up, the woman opening the door halfway for a moment to see who was outside before she saw you were there, the woman smiling before she would open the door fully. “Anon! You arrived! Come on in, i’ll get you something to drink!” She said before she turned around and ran deeper into the building, leaving you at the end before you walked into the womans home before you shut the door behind you and started to look around the house, smiling somewhat as you did so. At first glance everything seemed entirely normal within the house but when you looked at a table you noticed that there were issues with the design when the front two legs were shorter than the back two with you rapidly releasing that everything in the house had something off about it as you went into the bedroom.

The wooden table in the middle of the room wasn’t made out of any wood that you had ever seen beforehand, the wood being silver and seemingly made out of several strands of wood as if it had all been sewn together. Her chairs were made of this strange fabric that almost seemed like muscle fibers with how tense it was with you feeling it twitch ever so slightly when you sat on it as well as the wallpaper having these strange symbols on them which you hadn’t really seen before although they seemed to have some religious meaning to them. You could feel as panic started to move through your veins but you decided to calm down and think rationally for a moment instead of jumping to conclusions, looking over to see a book on the table so you decided to pick it up to see what she had there.

Much to your shock it seemed to be a book written in a language that wasn’t english nor norwegian but instead was just random dots and jagged lines which you couldn’t make head or tail off which was when you started to flick through it. As you moved from page to page you would see all sorts of symbols and diagrams that you couldn’t understand with it almost feeling like it was something from another world which was when you heard the door start to creek open just out of view of you. You looked up to see her standing there in front of you, the woman seeming less shocked and instead looking somewhat saddened by the entire thing as she went to speak to you, her bright yellow eyes staring down at you as she did so.

“So, I guess you’ve found out, huh?” She would say with you looking down at the book and nodding, the woman sighing somewhat as you wondered what she was going to do next if she really was something out of this world. “I suppose you would have found out eventually but I was hoping to ease you into it.” She said as she would look around the room for several moments before she would clear her throat, the woman ever so slightly shuffled herself to the door somewhat as she would do so. “Anon, could you meet me in the basement in a couple minutes? I’m not going to murder you or anything, I just need to show you something.” She said before she would leave the room and seemingly go down in the basement with you wondering if you should just leave before you decided to swallow your fears and see what was within the basement.

After a very apprehensive walk down the corridor you’d reach what seemed to be the basement door with you looking down it to see stairs moving into complete darkness which did not help to calm your nerves in the slightest. You would eventually find the courage to walk down the stairs hearing as the wood creeked underneath your feet, each step feeling like it would cave through the stairs completely as you eventually make it to solid ground, a single door standing between you and what she wanted to show you. Your mind alternated through several different scenarios of what could be within the room, each one seemingly more violent than the last, before you eventually opened the door, your eyes widening in shock as what you would see within the darkened room.

There was a gigantic black mass on the floor with the mass being made out of a thick and viscous liquid that looked like you’d sink into it if you stepped onto it, the actual body of Olympias true form being surrounded by a mixture of tentacles and pulsating boils and growths, your eyes eventually affixing to her main body. The body itself was made out of two distinctive parts, one of them being this gigantic head that was almost like a fishes in a lot of ways, a single large ball on each side of it to resemble eyes but what was more interesting was what was hanging out of the creature’s mouth which was toothless and seemed more like a accessory than anything else given the rest of her form. A body and head was sticking out of the mouth, the body itself lacking in most features and was rather blocky in nature compared to her thin neck leading up to her massive head, the head resembling a pill in shape and having a U of yellow eyes moving around the front, all of them staring down at you as you tried to comprehend what you were seeing in front of you.

“So, do you like it?” She asked as she would proceed to beckon you closer to her with one of her many tendrils,with you feeling as a couple more would curve around your body, staining your shirt with her ooze. As you stared you felt yourself overcome with a sudden sense of calm, as if your worries had been ripped away by seeing the creatures true form, your heartbeat slowing down to a eerie extent as she would remove her tentacles away from you, improving the clarity of your mind somewhat before she spoke again. “How about you come here and embrace me fully, physically and emotionally?” She would say as she would move her tentacles down to a spot between the two halves of her body, slowly pulling it apart to reveal a large and clenching pussy, waiting for you.

At the moment you felt like you couldn’t resist such an offer, your hands moving to take your clothes off before her tendrils beat you to it with you realizing that she was actually telepathic as she undressed you. With that and you started to think about lewd thoughts of fucking her celestial body, something that made her recoil with a lustful sigh moving across her voice as you’d start to move closer to her, your cock ready and urgent, lusting for olympia as those yellow eyes stared right down at you. You stood in front of her pussy, feeling as the warmth would emanate off it slightly before you moved a couple of fingers against her lips, the woman letting out a gasp as you felt as her fluids started to drip out of her, the sound of the house creaking slightly echoing out in the process.

You would keep teasing her pussy with your fingers, slowly dragging them up and down before you moved up to where the hoped that the clit was on the beast, the moans that quickly emanated from her body proving you correct. You’d also start rubbing your cock up against her cunt, the woman’s fluids dripping all over your member, the thick fluids landing onto your cock and lubing it up for what was about to happen to her, your hands moving away from her pussy and resting against her gooey body. You took a couple of deep breathes, feeling as her voice would keep echoing out through your head as your hips would jut themselves backwards before you proceeded to slam inside of her,both of you moaning as her tentacles moved against your arms somewhat.

You could feel as her inner walls would start to wrap themselves around your cock, managing to snuggly fit the size and shape of your dick by using her shifting powers, the woman letting out a deep moan as you started to pull back. As you pulled out of her pussy you could feel as her fluids would start dripping off your cock and onto the floor, starting to form a puddle before she would attempt to clench around your member, the inner walls stretching out from her body somewhat before they would eventually move back to their normal position. As you got to the point where only her tip was inside of her, her inner walls working their magic and clenching and rubbing around your cockhead, causing beads of pre to drip out of your tip before you pushed back inside of her.

You would repeat this process over and over again, feeling as the woman’s walls would shift and wrap around your cock eagerly, causing your fingers to dig into the woman’s gooey body as she would do so, the woman letting out a few gasps as she did so. As you did this you could feel as pleasure started to rack your brain, slowly eroding it away with each thrust that you made, more and more of your thoughts thinking about Olympia, thinking about fucking her, thinking about loving her even. With that you suddenly felt a new wave of energy moving through your veins as well as a feral hunger for her, your hips starting to move faster and faster as she would start wrapping more of her tentacles around your body, a couple of them moving down across your back in the process.

You’d no longer stop when you hilted inside of her, the woman now feeling the sensation of your balls hitting against her pussy multiple times a second, the look inside of her deep yellow eyes growing  more and more pleasured by the moment. As the woman felt your cock stretch and move across her inner walls much more rapidly the woman would proceed to start adapting to your cock, the feeling of her walls shifting around into her new form causing your fingers digging deeper and deeper into the black liquid. She would then proceed to start moving her walls in a milking style motion, moving from your tip down to your base slowly compared to how fast you were thrusting in and out of her, the woman occasionally moving her tentacles to almost lick your neck somewhat.

You’d feel as the tendrils would then start moving over to your arms, slowly wrapping around your wrists and eventually landing within your arms, goo dripping through them as she would use the tendrils to pull you closer to her. Meanwhile you’d continue to give more and more of your mind to her, more of your thoughts being focused on having sex with her, your mind briefly flashing a series of positions, a few of them only seemingly being possible by getting even closer to her then you were before. You would then watch as her head would proceed to start moving down so that her face was hovering over yours with you swearing you could see some hearts within her eyes before she would spawn a tongue from her mouth  which would then start to slither into your mouth.

As you felt her tongue start to tangle with your own you’d begin to thurst faster and faster inside of her any sense of rhythm that you had going out of the window as you would fuck this Eldritch abomination that you had happened to fall in love with. You could feel the pleasure coming at you like a hurricane, lashing away at your cock and grinding away at both your lust and your brain, your moans being stifled somewhat by the fact that her tongue was slithering around your own eagerly and lovingly. You’d feel as more and more tendrils would wrap around your legs and your stomach, the tips canvassing your ribs and your thighs, both of you reaching your limits of your pleasure.

That was when you began to throb inside of her massive body, pushing and rubbing against her inner walls of which she responded by starting to shift them around, causing even more pleasure to be placed upon your member. You could feel as the pressure that was pushing around against you would grow harder and harder to keep in control by the moment, mainly due to the fact that you wanted to keep this going as long as possible, to bathe in the literal celestial pleasure that was around you. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, gasping out into the air as your orgasm would start, the woman’s tongue withdrawing from your mouth to drip spit all over your face as she would wrap around your cock like a vice, making it almost airtight seal around your dick as she did so.

You felt as if the first few ropes would escape your cock at such a rapid pace you would feel as  it would take your breath away, the ropes growing more and more intense as they covered her inner walls and pushed into her insides. It would keep growing and growing until your orgasm would reach its peak, the ropes shooting so deep inside of her that she could feel them splatter the depths of her inside, something she seemed proud of you for doing as she slapped your back ever so slightly with her tendril. Eventually your orgasm would come to a end, the ropes getting smaller and smaller by the moment before being reduced to a few drops, the woman untightening a few moments later , her tentacles falling to the ground and off your body, leaving you both exhausted.

Several seconds of silence echoed out across the air as she would stare down at you, stretching her neck somewhat  as she would go to speak to you, the soothing sounds of her voice starting to move through your mind. “Mph, that was amazing, Anon! Did that feel as good for you?” She asked,a slight bit of nervousness appearing in her voice as she said the last part although all that nervousness seemed to disappear before she would wrap her tendrils around your chest and lower torso. “I love you, Anon!” She said as you felt yourself melt into the hug somewhat, going semi-limp in her arms before she realized that she would have to let go of you at some point, the woman doing that and giving you a pat on the head a moment later before she spoke again.

“Anyways, you may need to get going now, it’s getting awfully late and I need a few hours to regain my human form!” She would say as she would let out a nervous chuckle with you going to leave as you waved her goodbye, the woman doing the same. As you would leave you would reflect on the events of the past few hours with a smile on your face, the darkness that had replaced the light moving through the windows as you found the symbols around the area almost familiar to you now. You then moved out to your car and started to drive home, a grin moving across your face as you thought about how excited you were to see her tomorrow, to repeat the process with Olympia all over again.


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