Tongue twister

  It had been a few months since your less than voluntary work at umbrella had began with you first remembering waking up completely naked on a cold concrete floor, wondering where the hell you were and what the people who had knocked you out planned to do to you with you being entirely unaware about what was to come. It turns out that you were now a test subject and your job was to breed a being known as the regenerator with you recalling her gray skin and her rather monstrous face before she would engage in hot and lewd times with you which resulted in the second part of the experiment which was to see if humans and these monsters were compatible  in any shape or form. After a few months it was confirmed that you were compatible, the woman having a hybrid child germinating inside of her womb, the scientists keeping you with her to make sure she wasn’t alone during the initial months of pregnancy before you were taken away from her and assigned to another area.

Of course you weren't told you were going to the new location, the only notification that you were leaving was the needle that pricked your neck and the feeling of some kind of chemical being pushed into your bloodstream to leave you unconscious. By the time you woke up you were in some kind of prison van, the gray metal walls being cold to the touch as you attempted to get up before realizing that you were chained to the bench in some kind of manner which impeded any hope of escape. You could feel as the bench would vibrate somewhat which meant that you were still on the road which meant you had nothing to do but sit there and stare at the gray metal that surrounded you as you hoped that this was a simple transfer and not an execution.

After a few more minutes of driving the vehicle would eventually reach its destination, seeming to go inside of some location given how the sound of the engine started to echo around you, the van driving at a much slower pace the beforehand. After a couple more minutes of the slow pace the vehicle would be put into reverse, a beeping sound echoing out into the air as you heard the sound of the van clicking into place, the muffled sound of steam pushing out across the metal outside making you somewhat nervous about what they were putting you into. You would eventually hear the sounds of your binds unlocking, the metal cuffs coming off and falling to the ground as you would hear the sound of the van door unlocking, the doors eventually flicking open to reveal your new home.

You would cover your eyes for a brief moment, the harsh light filling the back of the van before you proceeded to walk out of it and into the building which appeared to be a massive hallway of some sort, the walls painted a near blinding light. You could see several doors on either side of the hallway with the doors looking more like they were built for herding in cattle then for something built to allow a human being to pass through, something that worried you somewhat as you would walk forward. The floor was cold and smooth much like how a hospital floor was and the lights were long tubes that ran across the roof, your eyes darting around before you saw a speaker embedded into the wall, one that hissed to life with a ear piercing static shriek as the van door shut behind you.

“Hello there, it’s me again. I hope you enjoyed the trip,test subject An017.” Said the same voice that spoke to you the first time you got captured, the woman clearing her throat before she would speak again. “If you’re wondering why you’re here, the regenerator-f test was deemed as being so successful that we have decided to expand the F-tests to our other products and bioweapons.” She would explain in a matter of fact tone, the woman seeming to be enjoying this more than any person should. “Today your partners will be test specimen #157 and #158, known as the Licker-F-1 and Licker-F-2. Your assignment will be the same as before, impregnate them both and monitor the pregnancy.” She would say as you heard something slam against the pen-like doors of the facility, causing you to jump somewhat.

“I will warn you that these two are a bit more feral then your previous acquaintance but i’m sure you’ll be able to take them.” She said, a slight chuckle coming out of her mouth as she would proceed to start typing on something. “Anyways, that’s the briefing over now, shutters will be withdrawn within twelve seconds. Have fun.” She said before the speaker turned off, another static filled screech came out with it to signify it shut off as you waited for several moments in silence, wondering what the hell was going to come out and come after you. Eventually you’d start to hear the sound of metal twisting and turning, the clicking as locking mechanisms would pop out of their holes would echo out before the doors would swing open and what was behind them came out, giving you a look at Licker-F-1 and Licker-F-2.

The first thing that you noticed about them was that they were walking on all fours, their hands and feet digging into the dirt with the second thing you realized was that they both didn’t have any skin, showing off the crimson ribbons of flesh that made up the pair of creature’s muscular bodies, your eyes quickly moving to the heads of the beasts.The beasts didn't have any eyes with everything above where the nose should be being replaced with with creature’s overgrown brain which didn’t seem to have a single inch of skull to detect it, the nose being somewhat stubby whilst the creatures mouth was comprised of a pair of rather plump lips, drool dripping out of them as they tried to hide the sharp and overgrown teeth the beasts had. You would then slowly look down the muscular bodies of the beasts, seeing that the pairs rather large set of tits were covered in a thin layer of fatty tissue, the creatures raptor like feet having exposed bones sticking out of it from the foot to past the ankle, the pair of beasts sniffing the air for a moment before turning to you.

The two of them would start running towards you at speed with you looking around the room to see if you could find any way of delaying the inevitable, the sound of lustful and impassioned breathing getting louder and louder by the moment. Before you knew it you felt one of the lickers slam right into your chest, throwing you to the ground before leaning on your arm so that you couldn’t fight back against her, the second licker jumping onto your other arm and doing the same thing, leaving one on each side of you as they started to open their mouths. As they opened their mouths you’d watch as the beast's long tongues started to slowly slide out of them, the tongues seeming to be as long as your arm as they flexed around in the air, both of the women panting as they turned their heads slightly.

The two of them would then direct their tongues towards your mouth before slamming them inside of your mouth, both of them moving at the same time, both of the fat, drool dripping tips pushing inside of your mouth, covering your tongue in their thick saliva. They would push themselves deeper and deeper inside of your mouth, the wet organs bedding around your jaw and mouth, curling around your tongue and slowly trailing around the edge of your throats, the monstrous french kiss growing deeper and deeper by the moment. Eventually it would reach the point where their lips would be touching both your own lips and each others, drool dripping all over the place as they would keep kissing you, the tongues moving around your mouth as a waterfall of spit pushed down your throat.

This kiss would go on for what felt like forever, the tongues completely dominating your own and now warring with each other, leaving you barely being able to brief before they stopped, leaving you in suspense for a couple moments.They would then pull themselves and their tongues out of your mouth, spit flying all over the place as both of them would nudge against your chest, pushing you to the ground,the clawed hands digging into your chest slightly as you looked downwards to see what they were doing. The creature's heads were right against your cock, their warm and wet breathing pushing against your member before those plump lips would start to open up again, drool dripping down their lips as the tongues would sliver out of your mouth and towards your cock.

The tongues would start to twist themselves around your cock, making a few rows of soft and wet flesh each, the spit pushing down onto your balls before they would start moving their tongues up and down your half-hard member, going at a semi quick pace. You could feel as your cock would harden inside of their grasp, the feeling of their twisting and spasming tongues against your cock causing the moans to escape your mouth as the women moved their mouths down to your balls.You’d feel as the lips would touch your balls, the two pairs of lips feeling almost searingly hot against them before you’d feel as one licker would take one of your balls into her mouth with the other taking the other balls, meeting in a middle in another kiss as they started to suck on them.

You could feel the sucking against your balls, feeling as their smooth inner mouths would glide across your balls easily as the double tongue job continued, getting faster and faster as time would go on. Not only that but the suckling would also grow faster and faster by the moment, causing a near inescapable mask of pleasure to move across your entire balls, constantly moving, constantly squirming and making it feel like you were losing your mind with you wondering if that was the purpose of these creatures. This would continue for a minute or so before they proceeded to stop moving entirely, leaving you in suspense before they proceeded to pull away from your cock and balls, the two of them panting as your cock dripped with their spit and throbbed in the air.

They would then start to get themselves in position,one of them proceeding to lay on the ground on their back before the other jumped on her and laid down, their tits colliding as their asses would rest on one another. You could see both of their pussies which were somewhat plump, the pussy fluids dripping down onto the floor as you realized that they wanted to get to the breeding with you deciding that you might as well not deny the beasts the pleasure especially given the fact that you were sent here to do this in the first place.  You got yourself off the ground and moved over to their asses, looking up and down to figure out how you were going about the go about fucking the two beasts, the sounds of their lustful growls echoing out into the air as you would do so.

Your hands proceeded to grasp ahold of the top lickers ass, your fingers digging into the cheeks and feeling as they would sink into them, the ass being nice and warm as you positioned your cock between their pussies. You could feel their plump pussy lips against your cock, one of them rubbing against the top of your cock and the other rubbing against the bottom as you started to wonder which one of them to fuck first, both of them seeming wet enough where thrusting inside of them would be simple. As the women would growl underneath you, you quickly came up with a choice about which one to fuck, your hips moving backwards before slamming your hips upwards into the lickers who’s ass you were grasping, a beastial moan echoing out across the air in the process.

You could feel that her cunt was just as muscular as the beast, feeling as she clenched against your cock wildly before you hilted inside of her, feeling as the fluids would drip from her before you began to thrust against the pairs bodies. You could feel as their asses would clap out into the air as you thrusted against them, feeling as the soft cheeks would push and squeeze against each other and your hips, one of the women scraping her claws against the ground, the sound of which doing nothing to drown out the moans. After a couple minutes of thrusting you would pull out of her pussy, watching as her pussy would clench around the air as if to beg for more before you proceeded to move down to the lower licker and pushed against her lips, teasing them for a moment before pushing inside of her.

You would repeat the process, feeling the same tight clenching of her cunt whilst hearing as a series of moans escaped her mouth, your eyes glancing down to see her tongue starting to slither out of her other set of lips. As you kept thrusting inside of her you couldn’t help but feel as if your movements and thoughts were becoming more and more feral, your desire to breed the two beasts growing in your head as you could feel as your hips would start to grow faster in pace, your hands clenching her ass even harder then before. Eventually you would pull out of her pussy as you tried to gain back your composure for a second, your eyes briefly closing before you thrusted upwards into the first lickers pussy, giving her a taste of your cock once again as you started to feel the more feral motions take over you.

You could feel as the slow and gradual process that you had once done was stripped away which caused you to go much faster and harder than before, her pussy in a near constant state of clenching around your member. That caused the woman's pussy to distend slightly when you moved your hips backwards, feeling as more and more pussy fluids would splash up from her pussy and across your hips as well as dripping down her asscheeks, the moans groaning louder and louder by the moment. You would hear a mewing, almost begging moan escaping from the beast at the bottom of the pile, letting out a gasp before you felt something go into overdrive inside you, your hand lifting from the top ass and spanking on of the cheeks of the bottom licker before you plunged into her boiling hot cunt.

The lewd sounds of flesh slapping against flesh echoed out into the air which were occasionally punctuated by the sounds of feral moaning from the beasts as you could feel more and more thoughts move through your head. You could feel all kinds of new thoughts running through your brain, the desire to breed and breed the beasts becoming utterly insatiable, the feeling of the licker's plump assflesh feeling like it was almost like a conquest, your teeth grinding against one another to stifle your moans. At some point something just snapped inside of you and you felt as the breeding instinct became feral, your hands digging into the ass in front of you like it would be the last thing you would ever hold before you moved your cock and thrusted it forward, feeling as you pushed into the top licker again.

You were thrusting so rapidly as this point that,after a few thrusts, proceeded to pull out of her pussy and slamming into the other one with you not even knowing that you were doing it at this point as you ferally fucked the two beasts. All that you cared about now was two things, the feeling of their hot cunts clenching around your hole in a way that was practically begging for you to orgasm inside of them and to cum inside of them properly, to fill the beasts pussies and womb to the brim with your semen. Meanwhile the two beasts that were below you were also in complete ecstasy, the beasts moaning and groaning happily into the air as their massive tongues hung out of their mouths, making a puddle of drool below their heads in the process.

That was when you felt your cock begin to throb away against the air, every single movement now punctuated by the feeling of your heart beating as the beast eagerly awaited their wombs to be filled.  You could feel a pressure build at the tip of your cock, growing and growing by the moment and growing even harder and harder to hold back, the intensity of the entire thing as well as the feeling of the beasts tight warm pussy bringing you to the brink of your orgasms, your tongue starting to lull out of your mouth. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore,  slamming inside of one of them as you started to orgasm, both of the beasts starting to gasp out as they got what they wanted, your hips still moving with the first rope of cum shot out your cock and nestled deep inside the beasts.

You thrusted a few times as you came inside of the upper beasts, several ropes spewing out of your cock and inside of her, spraying across her womb and against her walls before haphazardly falling out, spraying cum over both holes before you slammed into the other licker to do the same. This process would repeat for a countless number of times, getting more intense and more pleasurable by the second, ropes spaying out of your cock haphazardly and covering every inch of the insides and the outsides of their dripping wet cunts. You had no idea when your orgasm started to wind down or peak, nor did you know how long it went on for, you only knew when it ended, the last drops of cum escaping your cock as you pulled away from them, seeing that they were dripping with cum as you blacked out entirely.

You would wake up the next day with the feeling of your pelvis aching and your head ringing, the blinding light from above not helping matters as you moved to sit up, your eyes widening when you realized what you saw. It was the two beasts, sat on the ground together with their bodies entangled against one another, the women being surrounded by eggs, rooted to the floor with fleshy growths as you realized that they had produced dozens of children which meant that you had no idea what was going to happen next. You briefly wondered how this was possible before you wondered what the hell would happen when the beasts would wake up or what would happen when the eggs finally hatched but you did know one thing for sure.

The test was successful.


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