Dirt and spit

 It was another sunny day in Musutafu, Japan with the average citizen relaxing and enjoying the weekend whilst their heroes watched over the skies for them, ready to defend against anything that would come near and none of them were more ready to dispense some justice then Rumi Usagiyama aka rabbit hero :Miruko . Miruko was a headstrong and rather violent woman, happy to beat every last villain in her path even if the villain was much stronger than her and even outnumbered her with it being a miracle that the woman hadn’t lost a limb or two yet given how quickly she ran into the battle with today being a day like no other, the woman patrolling the outskirts for the city for any attackers. She had faced a lot of enemies in her time, most of them absolutely bizarre in nature like the one guy who could grow his teeth and found himself trapped in a straightjacket or the guy who could produce muscle fibers out of his body but none were stranger nor more disturbing, to her at the very least, then the Nomu.

The Nomu were described as artificial humans due to the fact that they were originally dead humans brought back to life by the League of Villains and made into these mindless soldiers empowered with a variety of quirks. Miruko cringed as she remembered seeing them for the first time, this disgusting over muscled beast with rotting skin and its brain exposed with the woman recalling how she assumed that they were simply a one time thing at first before other heroes had reported seeing them around the city. They would start appearing more and more often and now that it had become a daily occurrence for a couple of them to show up to try and wreck the city so Mirko decided that she should get a step ahead of all the others and destroy them before they even got into the city.

She could feel the wind blowing through her white hair and bunny ears as she would run and jump through the outskirts, feeling as the air would move across her toned legs as she would do so, her stockings shielding her from most cold and debris.She could feel the adrenaline in her veins, the feeling of waiting for her next fight rushing through her as she would keep waiting for a hint that nomu had arrived, footprints, sound or anything that she could find that would relate to the artificial humans. After quite a few laps around the city she would eventually find what she wanted, seeing a set of tracks digging into the ground heading towards the city,the woman's feet digging right into the ground, skidding across the dirt before starting to run in the direction of the tracks as she did so.

The woman would quickly dash and jump across the path of the tracks, making sure to not mess up the tracks directly in case she lost her way, feeling as the heat of the sun would bare down on her bronze skin in the process. As she grew closer and closer to what she assumed to be the beast, puffs of dirt pushing out of the ground with each step, her hands clenched within her white gloves, ready to pound some super villains into the dirt and enact some justice like she always did. It wasn’t before long that she could hear the sounds of the undead beasts, her tall standing ears twitching in the air somewhat as she would do so, the woman hearing the sounds of aggressive growls and gargles with the hero noting that they seemed to be somewhat higher in pitch then they were before.

The woman would leap up into the air and look over the tree-line, seeing as the leaves would shift and twist with the wind before she saw a brief glimpse of something in the bushes, seemingly crawling around idly. With that she proceeded to propel herself towards the ground, the woman stretching her legs out and getting ready to stop on whatever was going to come underneath her, the woman making an impact and causing a loud slamming sound to echo out across the air in the process. She could feel as the leaves would elevate themselves through the air, the woman turning her head to the side to see the shadow of the beast she was hunting, a smile moving over her face as she would watch as the nomu would come into view, the rabbit woman's eyes glancing up and down it in the process.

The first place that Miruko looked was the beasts face, seeing the creatures large and exposed brain which pulsed into the air slightly, a pair of orange eyes sticking out of the matter, her sharp teeth that laid underneath the brain dripping with drool, White ribbons of hair pushing out of her head messily as she would do so. Your eyes would proceed to move down her body, the woman having a extremely large set of tits which were easily twice as large as Miruko head, her eyes glancing down to the woman’s thighs to see that they were equally as thick, the creatures pussy dripping itself all over the floor, making a ever so slight puddle on the floor as it would clench against the warm air. The woman was also extremely  muscular, her arms and legs being toned and having veins bulging out of them in a few small areas, her body coated entirely in shiny black skin as Miruko smiled, knowing that she had quite the fight on her as she would start running towards the beast, hopping into the air as she would do so.

“TIme for you to taste the wrath of Miruko !” She shouted out into the air before she would slam into the ground in front of the Nomu due to how the being dodged out of the way, the rabbit women quickly swiping her foot at the beast's face. She would hit the beast, making it’s head flick to the side as  Miruko would try to follow up with a punch, the artificial human dodging out the way before swinging back, slamming her fist into the rabbit woman's stomach before she would go flying across the dirt somewhat. The woman would get up off the ground and would then proceed to wipe her face clean, showing off her pearly whites as she would let out a slight cough before she began to shout, the woman running towards the beast as she would do so which caused it to echo somewhat.

“You can’t beat me, Zombie!” She would shout as she would leap into the air and tried to go and punch the beast with the beast not only being able to dodge out the way but she also felt as a large hand grabbed ahold of her torso. She was then slammed into the floor, a crater being formed from where she was pushed as she would try to get up only for the beast to grab hold of her arms and held them above her head, the woman twisting and moving her arms as she would try and escape the nemu’s grasp. The nemu would move its face against her own before panting into it, covering her entire face with a steamy warmth, sweat dripping from her body somewhat as a long and thick tongue would escape the beast's mouth, the purple tongue dripping with drool as she did so.

Miruko wondered what the hell the beast was doing for a brief moment before she would feel a hot tongue pushing against her clothing, the woman gasping out as she felt the spit soak through the fabric.”Ngh, get the hell off me you perverted beast!” She grunted out as she would watch as the Nomu would stop for a moment before she proceeded to feel as a set of teeth would clench around the top of her clothes with you feeling as the teeth would rub up against her breasts somewhat as she would do so. The artificial human then proceeded to move her head backwards before ripping the article of clothing apart, tearing it in half and exposing Miruko’s toned and bronze body to the air, the woman drooling for a moment before she proceeded to start lapping away at the bare skin.

The rabbit woman would proceed to let out an uncharacteristically shrill moan into the air as the tongue would move around her body, covering her tits in a slick layer of drool which caused her skin to glisten somewhat in the process. She could feel as the warm organ would push against her nipples, digging and jamming into them as she would attempt to wiggle out of the beasts grasp, the nipple hardening as the artificial human would play with it, taunting her about what the being was planning to do with her. The tongue would slowly and carefully glide down her body, eventually moving across her toned abs before moving down to her lower half, stopping for a moment to pant into Miruko’s cunt before the wet and fleshy organ would start to extend itself towards it.

The rabbit woman would then see as the artificial beast's tongue would proceed to start burrowing inside of her, slowly pushing against her inner walls and letting its tongue drip with drool in order to lube the woman up. The warm pants of the beast would push across her thighs and crotch, making Miruko feel as if she was smothered by the heat whilst the womans teeth would scrape against her thighs and pussy with the woman feeling that the scrapes were deliberate, warning her about what would happen if she tried to escape. She then felt as the Nomu’s tongue would start to move faster inside of her, quivering and hitting against the lubed up inner walls  before she would feel as the wet organ would wind up to her clit, pushing down on it and causing the hero to moan out into the air.

The woman would proceed to knead her tongue into the rabbit woman’s clit, massaging it as Miruko would cry out into the air, feeling as the pleasure rushed through her body, the woman’s back arching somewhat due to the pleasure. This assault would continue for several minutes, the artificial beast lapping away at the pussy fluids as she would do so, the fluids dripping down the beast's maw, her claws digging into her arms before she pull out of her cunt, the tongue being warm and wet enough to drip onto the floor. The beast would proceed to crawl over her body, the artificial human’s strong feet pushing against the rabbit woman's stomach, the hero feeling as thick pussy fluids dripped all over her face before pushing down right against her mouth.

What the beast wanted the hero to do was blatantly obvious, the woman pushing and rubbing her pussy against the rabbit woman's face as if she didn’t get the hint already as the hero let out a sigh and figured she had no choice but to eat the woman out. Miruko  would proceed to push her tongue out of her mouth and pushed it down into the Nomu’s pussy, feeling as the thick fluids dripped down into her gullet, the fluids dripping across her chin and down onto her neck, the woman’s vision being blocked by her fat ass in the process. The woman would push her tongue deeper and deeper into the creatures pussy, her tongue eventually finding its way to the wet inner walls, starting to push and rub against it in the process.

That was the moment that the beast started to bounce on her head, pushing her fat pussy lips against Miruko’s mouth and nose as the hero would continue to pleasure the beast, being unable to escape her grasp. The woman would feel as the liquids would keep flowing and flowing out of her pussy and against her face, almost drowning her in the thick love juices before pulling up from Miruko’s face, the hero being confused for a brief moment before a flash of light pushed up against the rabbit woman’s face.When the woman's vision cleared her eyes would widen to see the beast had somehow managed to conjure up a rather meaty cock, the thick member twitching as the artificial human jumped between the heroes legs and grabbed them, spreading them wide before slamming into her pussy.

The rabbit woman would let out another shrill moan as she felt the member stretching out her pussy, the hero clenching around it proceeded to slam against her, the woman shuddering in pleasure as she felt the beast's large balls ram against her. The beast’s head would loom over her, tongue hanging out of her mouth and dripping all over the rabbit woman's face before she would slam her tongue into Miruko’s mouth, choking out any loud moans and turning them into mere whimpers and sighs of pleasure. She could feel as her entire body was invaded by the beast, the throbbing member pushing inside of her pussy whilst the beast's wild tongue would invade every single inch of her mouth, covering it with thick spit as the beast would stare into her eyes somewhat.

That was when she felt the beasts cock began to throb away inside of her, the woman feeling as the meaty member would throb and throb against her walls whilst being unable to stop the inevitable climax from happening. Meanwhile the beast was in a world of it’s own pleasure, the woman feeling as drops of hot pre dripped out of her cock and inside of the hero, both of the women ready for what to come as Miruko felt the beast's grip on her pelvis grow more and more intense by the moment. Eventually the beast would push another couple of rapid thrusts out before burrowing herself deep inside of the hero, hilting inside of her pussy before she would proceed to start cumming inside of the bronze-skinned woman, muffled moans escaping from her mouth in the process.

She would proceed to feel as rope after rope would start spraying out of the tip and pushing deeper and deeper inside of her pussy, the beast's tongue nearly choking the hero as she squirmed during the orgasm. The woman would feel as the volleys of cum would grow larger and larger by the moment, eventually starting to spray out of her plugged up cunt somewhat before she felt the peak of the orgasm hit her, the woman gasping out as she would feel the massive rope bury into her womb in the process. After that the orgasm would decrease in intensity after that, growing smaller and slower until it was eventually reduced to a mere couple of drops, the cock popping out of her pussy a moment later and causing white cum to drool down her thighs in the process.

The beast would pull out of her mouth a couple moments later, the woman panting and groaning as the beast would drop her onto the ground, the beast gargling for a moment as she would watch the Nomu run away from the city. With that Miruko would smile somewhat as she would try to pull herself off the ground, feeling as more and more cum dripped off her thighs  and into the ground, the woman feeling as warm sweat would drip off her body,her ears flicking around in the air as she did so. As the woman stood there in the middle of the crater that she had made for herself, the woman wondered how the hell she would explain this to everyone around her when she got back but she figured that was for her future self to figure out, she had people to save after all.


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