Still beating
In the books of old,Herodotus declared that within india there was a species of large ants that would move across the deserts collecting a fine gold dust from the sands which the locals would scrape out and harvest but these stories were not real, simply just mistellings of the description of a Himalayan marmot. So when you had heard of a top secret project about how there was a species of larger than average leech lurking around somewhere you scoffed, finding it hard to believe before you were eventually asked to go by the research company you were hired by since you were the resident helminthologist which led to you being dragged over to a base and then a submarine, much to your confusion as well as a slight bit of fear. The submarine into the ocean, moving deeper and deeper down into the dark expanse before the submarine would come across a cave within the water, moving into it and traversing into what seemed to be a clearing, eventually pushing out of the water to reveal to you a e...