A deal to remember

 You had been wandering around the Sunlit Wetlands for a while now, feeling as the mixture of water and mud that had flooded the bog clinged to your feet somewhat as you did so with you being on the hunt for someone who had been taken prisoner by one of the local hags around the area with you knowing the hag to be a woman known as auntie Ethel. You had to admit that you always had a affinity of hags, finding the women attractive and charming whereas the majority of humans that you had visited despised dealing with them, regarding them as foul and ugly beasts with the tongues of snakes that would lie and deceive as long as they were able to gain something out of it. Either way you had to go ahead and stop the hag due to the fact she had kidnapped a pregnant woman with you wandering around the putrid bog for several hours and fighting off whatever was wandering around what intended to kill you there before you saw a building in the distance as the Gnarled Teahouse with you moving into as much of a sprint as you could as you thought about the events leaving up to this.

You had initially witnessed what seemed to be a pair of men harassing a elderly woman and quickly moved in to deescalate the situation before you heard the accusations being thrown by the two men. The two men were the brothers of the kidnapped and had known this elderly woman to be Auntie Ethel herself and assumed she was the kidnapper, assuming her to have a track record in such things due the general knowledge of hags with you asking the elderly woman if that was the case. After a long and somewhat dawdling conversation you would eventually manage to get the information out of her that she was Auntie Ethel but she said that she had no idea where the woman was but, when you requested proof that she didn’t know, she would grow much more aggressive.

She then proceeded to chant something under her breath which quickly revealed itself to be powerful death magic with you being able to get out of the way in time, the brothers not having such luck and dying soon afterwards. After that she teleported herself away to her hut with you snapping back to reality to feel the hot and humid bog air against your skin, feeling as you sweated slightly form the humidity as the hags abode became much more than a silhouette given way to seeing much more detail. Eventually you would be able to stand on the soaked mud that surrounded the hut, squelching sounds echoing out as you eventually moved to the front of the building, giving it several glances up and down to see if it was trapped or if she was planning to trick you.

Much like most residences of hags it was makeshift yet mostly competently built, the wooden walls leaning to the sides somewhat as the main structure of the hut was held together by a long, widening root from a tree. You walked over to the door carefully before placing your ear against the wooden structure to hear the sounds of something screaming at someone else, the ranting words seeming to be about food as you would step away from the door and get ready to kick the crude structure inwards. With a deep breath and one brief kick of the door the hinges would break, the snapping of wood echoing out as the door fell to the ground as you looked within the tree house, gazing upon the interesting sight of a elderly woman trying to feed her pregnant captive with what could generously be called food.

The disguised hag would notice you before switching her expression to that one soft and elderly woman, clasping her hand together as she would muster a sweet smile for you with you taking a few steps closer to her as she spoke. “Ooh, hello there! I hope I wasn't causing too much of a disturbance, it’s just this pregnant woman is delusional and believes that she and her baby do not need feeding!” She would say in a soft tone as you would go to speak, keeping your blade within it’s sheath for now.

“I know you speak in lies, Ethel! This woman has been kidnapped and I demand that you let her go!” You said, the woman letting out a much more anger growl before she would speak to you again.

“This is none of your business so leave before it’s too late for you!” She said as you stood silently, keeping your ground before you heard the familiar sound of chanting of a death spell coming from her. You would quickly sprint to the kidnapped woman , cutting her binds with your blade before moving towards the hag with your hilt pointed towards her, hitting her right in the chest with the blunt instrument before she fell to the ground, gasping somewhat as her magic would then dissipate and fail. This would also cause any magic that she had casted before to fail as well with you briefly looking away to see the kidnapped woman leave the building before a brief glow would shine out, your eyes glancing down to see the hag had been transformed into her full hag form.

The first place you looked was her face, seeing that it was bony and angular, the woman herself having little to no hair on her scalp, large ears sticking out the sides of her face with a equally as large nose sticking out of her face, the woman's eyes being small and ill looking whilst her mouth was filled with teeth that looked like sharpened rocks. Her skin was coloured a dark green whilst her posture was hunted over somewhat in nature, a leathery piece of fabric keeping her tits from being revealed as it appeared that plants had taken root inside of  her back with varying strands of grass and leaves sticking out of it with you even being able to see as a couple of flowers had managed to root themselves within her arms. Talking about her arms, they were absolutely massive, easily spanning her entire body length with equally as large hands attached to them, each one of her bony fingers being tipped with a impressively sharp claw with the woman also seeming to be wearing a large amount of bones, some of them wrapped around her neck whilst others were pushed into her back.

You would raise your blade up into the air, getting ready to strike her down before she would raise her hands up, the woman looking at you from behind them before she proceeded to speak to you. “WAIT!” She shouted, fear clear in her voice as she did so. “I am at your mercy so how about we make a deal! I-i’ll do anything that you desire!” She would say with you placing your blade down by your side as you thought about what you could make a deal for, finally coming up with an idea after a while.

“Anything?” You asked as she would nod frantically with you feeling as a smile moved upon your face, knowing what you were about to ask her next. “Well, in that case, I am claiming you to be  my wife starting from right now!” You said as she would let out a shocked sigh before getting up off the ground, the woman crossing her arms as she would do so before she would speak to you again.

“WHAT!” She shouted before she managed to calm herself down somewhat, the woman proceeding to speak in a much more snarky tone. “Well,honestly I don't think that i’d make good wife material personally, us hags aren’t really the type.” She would say with you letting out a chuckle in response, something that seemed to shock the woman perfectly.

“Oh please, I'm sure that you’d make an excellent wife, especially in your newfound duties as a wife.” You said as the woman would roll eyes somewhat before moving herself closer to you so her face was just above your own.

“And i'm sure that you’ll do the same!” She would say with a slight growl before you started to move your hand against her chin before moving over to her cheek, the woman letting out a slight snarl before she would speak.” What do you think you’re doing no-” She said before you dragged her head down and kissed her on the lips, pushing your tongue inside of her wet and drool covered mouth before you quickly found her own tongue, wrapping around it as you’d look into her eyes, seeing a mixture of shock and lust within them. You would continue to kiss her for what seemed like an eternity, feelings your tongue playfully whipped and pushed against her own before you pulled out, seeming to leave both of you shocked about what just happened before you would speak again.

“Now, get on your knees for me. It’s time to officiate our marriage, don’t you think?” You said as the woman would look at you somewhat confused, getting onto her knees anyways before she would speak to you.

“What do you mean by that? Usually you’re the one that’s supposed to be on one knee.” She said with a confused tone before you grabbed ahold of her shoulder, resting on it as you would start to fiddle around with your trousers somewhat. You would then manage to undo them a few moments later and proceed to place your trousers and underwear down to your ankles, your cock bouncing out and into the air, the woman’s eyes widening before she would go and make a comment about it. “W-well, wasn’t quite expecting that but you humans do love to surprise i guess.” She would say as you proceeded to nod, looking up and down her body as you did so and thinking about all of the fun times that you were going to have together now that she was your wife.

“Open up.” You said in a somewhat excited tone as she would do just that, thick ropes of drool connecting the top of her mouth to the bottom of her mouth as her tongue would roll out of it, giving you a good look at the organ. It was long and thick, looking almost plump as drool would drip off it and onto the dirt, the woman's breath almost steaming up the air as you moved one hand over to her head, looking into her eyes as you drew your hips backward, as your hand clutched ahold of the back of her skull. After a couple of tension-filled seconds you moved your hips forward and slammed yourself inside of her throat, your cock going right over her tongue and ending up at the back of her throat, the woman letting out a couple of gagging noises as you did so. 

You would hold your cock inside of her mouth for several moments, keeping the base pushed up against her lips as you felt her surprisingly strong throat muscles clenching around your member, her spit dripping down it in the process. You eventually found the strength to drag your cock backwards, slowly moving past her lips and grinding against her tongue as you did so, feeling that thick drool that was dripping out of her mouth and tongue until eventually only your tip was left inside her, perched against her lips.She would suckle on it for several moments, pushing and rubbing against the glands before you proceeded to slam yourself inside of her mouth.

You would repeat this process several times over, slowly withdrawing from her mouth and letting your taste linger on her tongue before you proceeded to slam back down into her mouth, hearing her muffled groans as you would do so. Suddenly you would witness her slip her tongue back inside of her mouth with you wondering what she was planning for a second before she proceeded to start wiping her tongue across the entirely of your cock, specifically the tip of it as you would place your other hand onto her head. With that you would stop with the base of your cock pushed against her lips, letting her gag on your cock for a couple moments before you started to speed up your thrusts against her face, the woman letting out a couple of choked gags as you would do so.

Instead of simply stopping inside of her and moving backwards slowly,which gave her time to get ready for the next thrust, you were instead continuously pushing inside of her at a rapid pace, causing her to gargle out and groan in the process. The chorus of moans and gags echoed out into the air were also joined by the sounds of wet slapping of flesh against flesh, drool dripping down the sides of her  mouth as you could feel her entire mouth quivered somewhat, her tongue twitching around your member in the process. You could also feel as her throat muscles would clench and push around your cock, rubbing against your member and clenching around your most sensitive areas in the process.

After a few minutes she would grow accustomed to the new pace that your cock was going, the woman's warm breath pushing against your crotch as she would start to use her long and wet tongue around your member again. Instead of curling around your cock and then twisting against it she instead decided to wrap her tongue around your cock in a single loop before proceeding to clench around it, the woman clenching down on your cock as you thrusted inside of her and relaxing when you pulled yourself away.  With this new feeling around your cock you certainly felt the urge to stop holding back against the hag anymore so you dug your fingers into her scalp and started to go even faster then you had beforehand, the woman letting out a muffled yelp in the process.

At this point your thrusts were unequal and almost feral, moving at a rapid but not consistent speed, the slapping sounds of your flesh against her own before all the more prominent as your balls slammed against her chin. Her throat would once again spasm from the feeling of your cock rapidly probing it, feeling as the wet inner walls would rub against your cock and feeling as they would rapidly flick across your glands and veins which made the entire action even more pleasurable for you.  You’d also feel as her tongue would behave in the same way, initially trying to keep to the  clenching that she was doing beforehand but as the thrusts continued it would slowly downgrade into simply twitching and spasming away at your dick at random, much to your delight.

That was when you felt as your cock would throb inside of her throat, pushing up against her tongue and her throat who’s only response was to clench back against you, causing her to choke somewhat with each thrust.


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