Knock, knock, knock

 It was a surprisingly cold May night and you were fast asleep in your bed, the moon light barely shining through your windows before you were stirred awake by the sound of something hitting something, your eyes snapping awake in the process as you tried to process the sound that had stirred you from your slumber. At first you assumed something that just fallen off a table somewhere in the house but then you heard the slamming again, this time being just a bit louder as you sat yourself up in your bed and cradled your head in your hand somewhat, still not having a clue about what the slamming sound was until you realized where the sound itself was coming from. It was from your front door, something that you found confusing since it was 1AM in the morning so you were more than content to leave it, figuring that it was just some drug addict or homeless person and that they would most likely go away once they got bored so you placed your head down onto your pillow, closed your eyes and tried to block out the sounds that were around you.

You would wait a minute after minute would go by but the person at the door didn’t go away and instead did the absolute opposite, the knocking growing louder and more frequent then it was beforehand, making you sigh out in the process. You groaned and got out of your bed, grabbing hold of your phone and turning on the flashlight before you left your room and began to walk down the hallway, not even being bothered to put any clothes on other than the boxers that you had been sleeping in. You would walk down the long and winding hallway that connected the rest of the rooms together, the light from your flashlight being barely enough to actually see anything within the hall, the shadows cutting through most of the area before you would turn the corner to where your front door was.

However, just as you walked to the front door to see what was outside, the knocking would stop instantly with you waiting for a couple seconds just in case they went to knock again, which they didn’t do. You would groan before you grabbed ahold of your letterbox and opened it up to see if anybody was either outside or had ran off being able to see nothing outside other then the empty road and several trees that were obscured by the shadows of the houses that had surrounded them. You groaned out and slammed the letterbox back down into the door, aggravated that you had managed to wrench yourself out of bed because of either some teenager who wanted to have a laugh or a wild animal that you had managed to scare away with your flashlight.

You turned away from the door and started to walk back to your room, feeling even more tired than you were when you got up as you felt that the hallway had suddenly grown pretty cold although you assumed it was just from opening the letterbox. As you kept walking back to your room you couldn’t help but let your anxieties drive you wild, your heart beating faster than it had any right to be as you wondered what the hell could have possibly been knocking at your door at this time of night. You had almost expected the knocking to start back up again as you walked to your bedroom if it was some pranksters since they’d probably make you waste as much time as possible but there was nothing, just an eerie silence moving through the air and the cold rushing across your skin.

The shadows that your light would cause your shadows to become deeper and deeper black the deeper you walked into your house since the upper end of the building lacked any windows for natural light to go through. You walked over to the hall that your bedroom was at the end off, being unable to see anything in the dark before you slowly shine your light down the hall, seeing that your doorway that a shadow was blocking the door which would have been fine if you didn’t realize that there was nothing there to cast a shadow on the door in the first place. Your eyes would dart around after half a second before they focused on the area to the left of the door with you shining your light over to see that there was something standing right next to it, the being open it’s eyes as if to confirm it was real.

The first place that you looked was its head which was near entirely shrouded in darkness baring a set of massive white eyes that were inhuman and almost seemed like they were drawn onto the beast, the neck that the head was resting on being around a meter or so tall which caused it to loom over you massively. Besides from the neck the creature was massively tall, easier being around 8 or 9 foot even without the huge neck, the gray skinned creature having a massive set of tits attached to her chest with a toned stomach being held right underneath it, the woman’s pussy being fully exposed to you, dripping away between her rather thick thighs in the process. Finally you looked up to the creatures arms which didn’t seem to have any visible joints and were also much longer then the average humans with each finger being tipped with an almost wolf-like claw, the fingers flicking around in the air as you stated into those wide, soulless eyes.

You would both keep staring at each other, the woman seemingly planning what she was going to do with you before her body suddenly jutted forward, a streak of gray moving across the flashlights radius as you turned away. You would start sprinting down your hallway and towards the front door, figuring that whatever was outside would be a hell of a lot less terrifying then having to deal with that, the creature moving at a speed which seemed to be impossible for a creature of that size. You had nearly got to the corner before the front door when you felt your feet cross over one another, your body crashing down to the ground and scraping across the floor, the woman’s footsteps stopping a couple moments later before you felt her fingers dig into your arms.

The woman would turn you around so that you were facing her before she would pick you off the ground, the woman slowly raising you up so that you were face to face with her, her eyes staring deep into you in the process. Then you would watch as a set of teeth would appear in a monstrous grin, the teeth both looking attached to something before she would open up her “mouth” somewhat, her tongue then sliding out of her mouth with the organ itself being this long and slimy thing, dripping with drool and coloured a deep purple. The woman would flick her tongue around the air for a couple seconds before her neck proceeded to jolt forward so she could push her head against your own, her tongue slamming right into your lips and, with a little bit of force, forced her tongue inside of your mouth.

You would feel as her entire tongue was forced into your mouth, the tip of the slimy organ moving across each and every one of your teeth before it would move down to your tongue, curling around it to start a hellish french kiss. The woman would constantly play with your tongue with the woman making sure to curl around it as you tried to screen for help, the woman curling extra hard if you screamed loud enough, drool dripping off her tongue and into your mouth as you tried to wiggle out of it. As time went on you quickly realized that the woman wasn’t going to be letting you go anytime soon, your jaw feeling numb as her tongue would curl around your mouth, the woman panting and panting as your wiggling would slowly come to an end.

After a few minutes the woman had practically webbed your mouth with her spit, the salty taste of her drool being found in your mouth as some drool would drip out the side of your mouth, breathing out of your mouth pretty much becoming not an option at this point. Your tongue was also numb at this point, barely even moving in your mouth as hers would curl and adjust around it, the woman groaning inhumanly as she would do so, a puddle of her own fluids being dripped out onto the floor in the process. Suddenly the woman would stop with the kiss and would pull away, leaving your lips and her teeth connected with bits of her drool before she would drop you back on the ground which hit against your stomach as you landed on it, the woman watching as you tried to get your bearings.

You would breath in harshly to get all the oxygen back in your lungs as you tried to crawl away from the creature, the woman watching in delight as she would do so, the dripping of her fluids echoing out across the hallway. Before you could make any reasonable ground against her she would grab you by the ankles, the woman looming for your body as you tiredly tried to get away from her, failing as she would remove her claws from one of your ankles in the process , using her arm to keep it in place. The woman would clutch ahold of your underwear shortly thereafter, the wo,am making sure her claws dug into your flesh as she would proceed to drag your boxers down to your ankles, the woman making sure to do it as slowly as she could possibly do just to make sure you felt every single moment of it.

The woman then proceeded to grab ahold of both your legs again and pulled your lower half off the ground, the beast letting out a slight moan as she would pull your legs so your thighs were resting against her shoulders. The womans hands would then dig into your hips as your cock would rest up against her massive, soft tits which would cause you to rapidly grow erect, feeling as more and more of your dick was submerged in her flesh as you would rapidly feel her warm breath pushing against your asshole. She would leave you like that for a couple seconds, letting you anticipate what was happening to you before she would let out a distorted chuckle and would then push her tongue against your asshole, a moan escaping your mouth in the process as the hot organ pushed against your body.

The woman would also begin to move your hips with her hands, moving them up and down so that your cock would slide in between her tits, shaky sighs escaping your mouth as she would give you the titjob rimjob combo.  The woman would circle your asshole with the tip of her tongue, making sure that warm drool was dripping out from it as it would wink at her, something that she enjoyed as your fingers would push against the wood floor somewhat, your body overwhelmed by the sudden pleasure you were being given. You would feel as the beast would occasionally squeeze her breasts against your cock with her forearms as she moved you around , leaving you trapped inside and having her tits tug against your cock, the beast loving every last moment of it.

After a few minutes of slowly licking your ass in several different ways and moving her tits around your member you would realize that she was deliberately trying to find what made you moan out for her so you decided to attempt to defy the creature. You would clench your teeth as you would try and resist the pleasure of her fat tits rubbing against your member and her warm tongue licking away at your anus, something that  that the beast would notice as she would dig her hands into your hips a bit more, causing her nails to dig into your skin. The woman would then stop pleasuring you for several moments, making you sigh out slightly as you hoped that she had gotten bored with you before she would suddenly start moving against you a lot faster in an effort to cause you to moan for her.

Her tongue would start moving much more rapidly than beforehand, sporadically changing angles and speed as instead of the slow circular motions she was doing before with you being able to feel a lot of drool drip down off your ass and onto her tits. Meanwhile the hallway would be filled with the lewd clapping sounds of flesh colliding with flesh, the woman moving your cock out of and into her tits at a much faster rate, causing the tits to jiggle somewhat with each slam that she would perform. Of course this would cause your jaw to open and for you to start moaning as you now understood that she wasn’t going to be tolerating any resistance to her lustful plans, even if she practically had to make you scream out your moans in order to get what she wanted.

You could feel as your cock would twitch within her tits with the beast taking notice of this like she did with everything else and got back to squeezing her tits against your cock just as it was about to twitch inside of it. This would cause it to rapidly rub up against her soft skin as she would do so, causing more moans to escape your mouth in the process as her tongue ruthlessly assaulted your asshole, the woman occasionally knotting her tongue to allow it to unknot right across your hole. After a while it seemed like she decided to test to see just how much she could make you moan as she would proceed to go even faster against your body, the lewd slurping of her tongue against your asshole and the plapping sound of her tits attempting to milk your cock echoing out across the air.

At that point you were practically leaving claw marks across the ground as you were ruthlessly assaulted by the creature, the woman occasionally digging her claws into your skin as if to remind you who was in control here. The woman’s tongue would move across your asshole at such a quick rate that it would slip off your body before flying around in the air for a split second or so which meant that you would be able to feel as it slapped back down against your hole due to the speed she was going. Meanwhile the woman was practically bouncing you off her tits due to how fast she was moving, the woman squeezing her tits and moving herself ever so slightly off the ground as to make sure you were feeling the maximum amount of pleasure pushing all over your cock.

You felt as if she was milking your soul out through your cock, something that she might be able to do soon as you throbbed and throbbed against her tits, the woman responding by squeezing them even harder than before. You would deliberately hold in your orgasm so you didn’t give her the satisfaction of being able to win of which the woman took notice of, seemingly being alright with waiting for a few moments before she had enough and just went a slight bit faster then she was going beforehand. At that point you couldn’t take it anymore, letting out one final moan as you started to cum inside of her tits, the woman feeling like she was going even faster then before just so she could wring out more cum from you as she would do so.

You would feel as rope after rope of cum would shoot out of your cock and right into her still moving tits, covering the insides of the massive gray breasts in cum as ropes would fly out with even more intensity than you had ever felt before. Your orgasm would reach its peak with you feeling as the largest load of cum you’ve ever had escaped your cock splattered the insides of her tits with such force that some cum would start dripping out of the bottom of her tits and onto her thighs or the floor itself. Eventually your orgasm would start to dwindle and with that so did your consciousness, the women still moving her tits and tongue as less and less cum would spray out of your cockhead with the last thing you felt before you passed out was drops of cum dripping out for her.

You woke up in your bed, your head and torso rising up as you looked for anything that was out of place in your room or if there was anything in the darkness staring at you, even listening to hear if there was any knocking at all. As you calmed down you realized that there was nothing out of place in your room, no intruders had entered your house and no one had been knocking on your door with you figuring that you just had a nightmare and went to go back to sleep before you would feel something move against your cock.It was long and wet and warm, your heart starting to pound inside of your chest again before you grabbed ahold of your covers and lifted them up off your legs, your eyes widening and your heart sinking when you realized what was hiding within them.

It was the woman from the hallway which not only meant that what happened to you was very, very real but it also meant she had been doing this for god knows how long since you had been unconscious. You could see her wide white eyes staring right at you, unblinking and soulless, as her tongue was wrapped all the way around your cock, the womans drool covered tip pushing against your cockhead and circiling it in order to tease you even more about finding about that she was still here and still ready to milk you. That was when you realized that this wasn’t never going to end now that she had found her way into your home, that she would spend every waking moment of your life ,and probably every moment you weren’t awake as well,milking you of every single drop of cum she had in you.

Forever and ever and ever.


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