Hell bent

 You had fought for what seemed like a eternity to get to this point, diving down into level 16 in this god forsaken place, the final hell after you had been through so many hells before getting to this point and haven wetted your sword with so much blood that you would swear that the metal had became stained with blood and ash for the next hundred years. After finding the gateway to level 16 you had finally reached the point where diablo resided, no doubt resting on her thrones of bones and corpses but you still had quite the fight ahead of you, blood knights employed personally to protect her and the advocates, powerful mages that willingly came down here to serve the demonic lordess. You could hear the knights approaching you, the sounds of the armor hitting and slamming against the ground echoing out as you saw the blood knight, the horned armor having an imposing figure over you,their shield being covered in a skull and it’s blade being about as big as you were.

You charged at the knight, dodging the initial swing of the demon's blade before slamming your blade into the space between the chest armor's connection with the shoulderplates, the armor coming apart somewhat in the process. You then yanked the blade part, breaking the patches between both of the pieces of armor, the shoulder plate falling off onto the ground and the front of the armor flying open, revealing the much softer flesh that was underneath. You then slammed your blade into the flesh, twisting the blade as it entered the guts before yanking it out, the blood night falling to the ground, the helmet finding  itself underneath your feet before you crushed it underneath them.

You would keep walking through the hellish area, slaying anything that was in your path and covering the floor strewn within the bodies of what stood in the way to Diablo herself. You had lost count of how many blades you had dodged and how much magic you had to avoid to get to this point and you were hardly going to stop at this point, getting further and further into the level, the area around you growing hotter in the process. You would walk down a couple more hallways, lava pouring down across the walls in the process before you would gaze down into this ashen hall, this sounds of a women chuckling from within it as you dive inside of it, your eyes noticing as something would rise from the other end of the room.

“Well, I am impressed that you’ve got this far. Now,stare upon my unholy visage!” She said as the entire room ignited along with her body, the first place that your eyes would gaze upon was her face, the skeletal visage alight with orange flames, her horns spanning her shoulders and pointing right into the face, your eyes then moving down to the rest of her body. The women herself had four arms, two of them being where arms would usually be on the human being, her flesh being a darkened red, her fingers being pointed into sharp nails and some blades sticking off her forearms, the other pair of arms resting against her back, being able to rub against her tail as it swiped across the floor. Your eyes would then look to her chest, which had several holes in the middle which led to the holes running down to her stomach, her thighs being covered in several ridges of hardened armor, the woman letting out a slight growl as she would gaze upon you, her back having a couple more sharp horns sprouting out of them in the process.

“Impressed? Your staring seems to indicate just that.” She said with a grin as her hands would burn up against the air, ash and smoke seeming to bellow from them before she would gaze into your eyes with her own burning pair. “Say, you must be one of the greatest warriors your world has ever seen and yet, what will you get in return?” She asked you as you thought for a moment and realized that the only thing you would get in return for all of this was her skull after your blade would carve through her neck. “How about, instead of going up their with nothing but bodies you can instead join me by my side as my king?” She said as she would walk closer and closer to you, her claws eventually moving her hand to your helmet before taking it off, the woman grinning somewhat as she saw your face in the process.

“My, what a pretty face that you’ve got on you. And judging by the fact you keep glaring at my face, I say you think the same.” She said as she ran her fingers down your face, the fingers being sharp enough for you to feel something but not enough to cut your skin. The woman would then move away and click her fingers, falling backwards onto a bed made out of bones and flesh that she had just summoned, the woman spreading her legs to show off her pussy to you, the lower lips being painted a deep orange. “So, drop that blade and take out the one between your legs and give your queen a try!” She said as you would walk over to be between her legs for a moment before you would move to undo the armor from your crotch, feeling as it would tighter within it.

Your cock would spring out as soon as you dropped the armor onto the ground, your cock flopping right onto her demonic cunt in the process, the woman letting out a slight hiss as she would stare down at you. “Oh, don’t tease me, would you? Or I may just recant my offer!” She said as you would dig your fingers down into her thighs before you would grind your cock against her pussy, feeling as if your cock was quickly made wet with her pussy fluids before you stopped, gazing up into her eyes in the process. You would then proceed to pull your hips backwards, clenching your teeth before you would proceed to slam into her pussy, the woman letting out a moan from her lipless face before smoke would leave her mouth, steaming up the air in the process.

The woman's pussy was rather tight with you being able to feel each and every clench against your cock as she would do so, the woman seeming to do it both for her own pleasure and to gauge just how big you were in the process. You would then proceed to pull away from her pussy, looking down to see your member dripping with her pussy fluids in the process as you slowly moved your cock so that your tip was pressed up against her clit,the woman hissing out  in pleasure in her teeth in the process. You then slammed your cock inside of her pussy again, the womans mouth opening wide to moan out, her tongue lashing out against her mouth in the process, the woman’s fluids spraying against your hips in the process.

“Mmmph, i must say you feel as big as you look, human.” She would grown out as she would scratch across the bed of skulls that she had made for herself, engraving them with burnt marks that made the air smell like burning flesh. You would stay silent as you would keep thrusting in and out of her, dragging slowly back before slamming inside of her again but you decided that you would give the queen of this hellish realm one hell of a show as you gazed back into those burning orange eyes again. With that you would grin and shoot her a wink, the woman seemed somewhat flustered by this before you proceeded to start going faster against her, the woman's hands shooting up and grabbing ahold of your back as she did so.

The air was alight with both of your moans as her body would glow, the woman’s head and torso starting to steam up somewhat in the process as you thrusted and thrusted inside of her, pussy fluids splashing against your hips. You would now no longer stop simply stopping and thrusting but instead change your thrusting into a near constant rate of thrusting, the woman's fingers clenching and pushing against your back but still not scratching it, even if the burning sensation that was there before was all the more prevalent now. As she did this you would also move your hands, this time landing them right on her breasts, your palms digging down into her nipples as your fingers would push right into her tits, causing her to let out an even louder moan than before.

You would crouch over the woman somewhat as you would do this, meaning you came face to face with her, the woman’s hot breath covering your face as she would smirk at you, licking her lips in the process. “Honestly, I don’t know if you have a tongue, you’re not the most talkative one around… so why don’t you show me what you’ve got in there?” She would ask before you would proceed to act on her command, slamming your face right into her own, the heat around your face being somewhat intoxicating in the process.  You would shove your tongue right inside her mouth to answer her question, your tongue pushing against her teeth before proceeding to wrap around her own, the fiery organ not burning your tongue but surging pleasure through it.

With the newfound pleasure flowing through you, you then proceeded to start quickly moving your hips even faster then beforehand, the lewd sounds of you fucking the hellish queen echoing out across the air. Your moans would be caught within her mouth, her fingers digging into your back before she moved one of her hands over to  your head and digging her claws into them in the process, the scraping against your hair feeling pretty good in your opinion. You moved one of your groping hands from her breasts and wrapped it around one of her horns, yanking her head down to have her pull off your face, drool dripping down your chin and mouth as you gazed into her eyes.

That was when you felt yourself start to throb away inside of her pussy, rubbing against those boiling hot walls which would clench back, the woman gasping out as she could tell that you were getting close. “Mmmph, go on and seal the deal! Cum inside me and go ahead and rule besides me!” She would say as you could feel the pressure digging into your cock, somehow feeling more like burning then the actual fiery hot women that you were fucking. Eventually she would get the signature that she wanted, your hands clenching harshly against her body before you came inside of her, the woman’s pussy wrapping around your cock to make sure you filled her to the brim with cum.

You’d feel as your ropes would push deeply into her pussy, the cum spraying her orange walls with a thick white as she would scratch against your back somewhat, a slight burning sensation being felt with each mark. Your orgasm would reach its peak after several moments, shooting a massive rope inside of her which covered both her inner walls and her insides, the woman’s legs wrapping around your thighs for a brief moment before your orgasm started to simmer off a bit. Eventually it would all come to an end, the ropes launching out of your cock growing shorter and slower before it stopped entirely, cum laying across her walls as you nearly collapsed into her body, catching yourself against the bed of skulls in the process.

“Mmmph, most impressive. You’re certainly worthy to sit beside me and our heirs if you keep this up!” She said as you would proceed to move out of her pussy,feeling as cum would drip out of it ever so slightly as you did so. She would then click her fingers, the woman making the bed expanded somewhat to include a slot for you on it, your area noted to be covered in some kind of smother material, Maybe so your back wouldn’t be injured by the entire thing. Either way you were rather happy at the expanded bed before you grabbed ahold of your armor and shed it into the floor before laying on the bed, gazing to your side so see the demon women before you, knowing your rule with her will begin once you woke up.


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