A warpers heart

 It had been a while since you had crash landed on Planet 4546B, the ship getting shot down by something that was lurking beneath the water which caused it to crash into the watery planet and killed almost all the crew with you being the only survivor of the crash and as such you had been surviving on your own for a while now. At first you had been living out a simple metal lab module which had all that you need to survive and a bed and after you had hunted everything that could give you meat and oxygen you proceeded to both explore the planet further and expand the claustrophobic lab module into a actual building with places to store all the food and a actual bedroom so you didn’t have to sleep through the sounds of the fabricator. Of course it had been a rather lonely time with it just being you and the ocean creatures with half of said creatures wanting to eat you alive which wasn’t the most pleasant thing in the world but at some point you managed to swim to a signal echoing out into the air, only to find out that the planet used to be much more populated.

It has appeared there was a race of creatures that were here before you were, living inside of these gigantic brutalist structures which seemed to be spare of any of all life, the fish not even daring to venture within their. That was for a good reason as well since they had managed to create a massively infectious and deadly virus that could be caught through the water which rapidly spread and killed off the entire population as they went through the futile effort of finding a cure of the virus. As you swam through the gigantic structure you couldn’t help but feel like you were being watched, hearing several disturbances in the water behind you only for you to turn around to see nothing behind you, your mind telling you to shut up and keep swimming but you couldn’t help but wonder if something was behind you.

As you left and went back to your base you would still feel as if you were being watched, the sounds of water parting and possibly the sound of what seemed to be a teleporter which only made you even more nervous in the process. You would dock within your lab and ran inside of it, water dripping off your body as the sounds of the water moving echoed out as you moved to the nearest window, trying to see that you could see a glance of the being without it knowing that you were there or not. For a brief moment you were able to see something in the distance, it’s entire body draped in the shadows of the dark water yet appearing to have a faint glow to it before it would disappear again with you being able to catch a look at it’s vaguely squid-like shape in the process.

You would then see it teleport back in front of you again, the creature seeming to have moved a bit closer to the module you were in which confirmed that the being seemed to be somewhat squid-like in nature judging by the silhouette. It then proceeded to teleport away again before proceeding to teleport back, getting closer and closer each time, her features slowly becoming less and less blurred by the moment until you could make out what the being truly was before it teleported one last time. It then appeared right next to the glass, a slight bit of it’s flesh now being pushed up against the glass in the process as the computer would add a new codex entry to your pda, that entry giving you the creatures name, which was the Warper, as you would stare at the beings body.

The first thing that you noticed that the Warper seemed to be a female given that it had a very pronounced chest to her, much like a human women’s but lacking in nipples and being completely see through with everything from her collarbone down to her tentacles being made Asout of this see through jelly material. Within that see through chest you could see her heart which looked slightly move smooth then the average human heart and was also colored a deep purple, the heart beating out against the water and pumping for the world to see, your eyes briefly moving to her mantis-like arms in the process before your eyes would glance up at the beasts face.The beast had a insect-esque face on it’s head, purple skin draped over it as you started into the two sets of bright pink eyes that stared longingly into the glass as you saw the beak that was place between the first set of eyes whilst the second set of teeth were attached to a set of mandibles in the process.

As you stared at her heart you would find yourself to be almost hypnotized by it, your mind wondering how the creature could have such a visible heart which meant you wanted to bring her in and study her. You would walk back to one of the nearest doorway and push yourself out into the water , feeling the cold water hit against your body again as you swam out to see her, the creature teleporting your location as you would do so, seemingly wanting to come inside with you, much to your delight. You would grab ahold of her body before you would proceed to slowly swim over to the doorway, being sure to be nice and gentle with her so as not to startle her, her arms moving and hooking around your arms, the woman making sure she was nice and attached to you in the process.

You would bring her over to the doorway and enter back inside of the lab, seeing as her tentacles would wrap around your torso to make sure she was stable as you would bring her over to the nearest mattress you could find, which was your bedroom. You moved her over to the mattress which you quickly swiped everything off of, eventually resting her on it gently, the woman seeming to be able to survive perfectly fine out of the water, the woman’s heart not skipping a beat in the process. You then moved away from her for a brief moment before tapping a few commands into the fabricator in order to get some heart monitoring equipment, one of which being a stethoscope and several electrodes as well as a screen so you were able to see her heart rate and other readings.

You would move all of the electrodes over to her body and started to place them over her chest and stomach, sticking them to her body one by one, the woman clicking slightly in a relatively calm manner as you would place them. You would also place the stethoscope right over her chest, the woman letting out a slight gasp when she felt the iron would press against her soft skin before you moved your hand over to the screen, turning it on and guiding it to the start of the process where it would flash for several moments. The heart rate monitor would proceed to display itself on screen, a single line moving up and down followed by the sound of a rhythmic beeping which coincided perfectly with her heart as you wondered what to do next with the experiments.

As the beeping would echo out you stared down at her beating heart, wondering for several moments about how you would make her heart rate increase, your eyes moving to her chest as you got a better idea about what to do. You would move your hands over to her curvy body, resting your hands against the sides of her for several moments before you would move them up to her chest proper, feeling several surges of warmth moving through your body as you hesitated for a moment, wondering if she would enjoy it.You would then push your fingers into her chest somewhat, the woman letting out a slightly wet sigh as you would see her beak mouths part for a brief moment, the beeping of the heart rate monitor getting somewhat faster in the process, much to your anticipation.

She would keep gasping out as you would push your fingers against her tits, the woman's heart rate echoing out behind her on the monitor as you gazed down into those purple eyes of hers which were both deep and comforting. The woman's mantis-like arms would flick out into the air whilst her other tendrils would slap against the mattress somewhat in the process, her back rubbing against your mattress as you would hear as her groans would start to become more and more pleasurable sounding by the moment. The woman’s moans would grow louder and louder, much to your shock as her heart rate would slowly tick up even more before you managed to break your gaze from her eyes before you proceeded to look down to see she had revealed something else to you.

It was her pussy, a dripping hole that had made quite a mess across the mattress which had revealed itself after she had gotten quite aroused by the entire experience which surprised you quite a bit in the process. Of course, you didn’t want to leave the creature to be pent up by the entire experience so one of your hands would proceed to drift down from one of her breasts and across her stomach, eventually ending up at her dripping hole in the process. Your fingers would trail around her hole for several moments, the woman’s heart rate going faster when you could hear the sound of beeping growing faster before you swallowed your inhibitions and pushed your fingers inside of her pussy. 

The woman would cry out a pleasured hiss into the air as you pushed your fingers inside of her, feeling as the inner walls would clench around your fingers as you started to move up and down her hole, starting off slowly at first. You would rapidly grow faster and faster as you would feel your erection rapidly grow within your wetsuit, creating quite the bulge as her heart-rate would go faster and faster as time went on, the woman’s body writhing somewhat in the process, her tentacles pushing and rubbing against your leg in the process. You could see her madables flicking together as you would continue to pleasure her with your fingers, eventually pulling out of her nethers to gaze down at your hand, seeing her sticky pussy fluids dripping off your fingers in the process.

You then moved your hand down to your wetsuit and unzipped it, pulling it down to the ground which let your erection bounce out into the air, hoving over her wet body as you walked between her backend tentacles. The womans tentacles wrapped around your legs, drifting across your inner thighs as you lined up your cock with her wet snatch, the woman’s holes clenching against the air, clearly missing your fingers after the little time that they had inside as you started to line yourself up with her dripping cunt. You would then wait for a moment before you twisted your hips back and slammed yourself inside of her, moving around four or five inches inside of her before stopping, your hands clenching the sides of the mattress as she would gasp out into the air before you pushed the rest of your cock inside of her.

You would both freeze up for a moment, feeling as she would clench around your cock whilst she would moan as you stretched out her tight hole, her mantis-like arms resting against your shoulders in the process. You then started to move your hips backwards from her waist, feeling as her wet hole would clench against your cock as if she didn't want you to remove yourself, drops of her fluids dripping off your cock before you would stop just as your tip would leave her tight hole. You would wait for a moment before you pushed inside of her again, groaning out as you did so, her mantis-like arms pulling you forward somewhat as you would increase your grip on the mattress.

As you would continue to fuck her you would hear as her heart rate would spike whenever you thrusted inside of her, hearing as the beeping would grow rapid before relaxing somewhat every few seconds as your eyes gazed down at her chest. You would look at her beating heart as it pulsed and pulsed away, watching as it sped up and slowed down which was almost hypnotizing to you as you’d gaze up into her eyes again, the woman clearly wanting more pleasure out of you judging by the look she was giving you. So you decided to do as she had asked you to and started to go faster against her, the woman’s heart rate racing upwards by the moment as she’d clench even harder against your cock in the process.

You no longer stopped to give her a few seconds to breathe or for her heart rate to stop racing, instead just slamming against her body as wet, lewd sounds would escape from her hips interspersed with moans echoing from her mouth. You would feel as her pussy would tug against your cock, the woman doing it as more of an instinctual reaction than anything else, the sounds of rapid fire beeping echoing out in the background as you would then gaze down at her chest, seeing her heart rapidly beating in the process.You would then release your grip on one of your hands, moving it over to the mattress before placing your hand right onto her chest, feeling as the heart would beat wildly in the process.

The woman would gasp out into the air as she felt your hand against her warm quest, your hand being placed so you could still see her heart as you would piston your hips up and down her pussy in the process. Her fluids splashed out against your own as you felt her clenching against your cock, each one squeezing a moan right out of your mouth as you would clench against her breast, the tentacles clenching and clenching against your legs, even teasing your balls somewhat as she would do so. As she would proceed to wrap her arms even harder around your shoulder you would proceed to go faster against her, the woman’s heart rate going into overdrive in the process.

The sounds of your thrusts were now matched perfectly by the beats of her heat, the echoing of the beeping of the heart monitor pounding out across the room as you would gaze right into her twin eyes once again. You could see that the twin eyes were filled with so much lust and maybe even a slight hint of love as well as she would move one of her arms so it hooked around your head, the woman pulling your head down so your mouth was right next it her beak, the woman attempting some sort of kiss with you in the process.She would keep clenching around your cock as you returned the kiss, the womans heart rate relaxing somewhat before it would keep spiking up again with you feeling that your own heart was acting the same way as you gazed down into her see through chest.

That was the moment that you felt yourself start throbbing inside of her, your cock pushing against her inner walls which caused her to clench back, the woman grunting and moaning out with each clench. You then felt that pressure digging into the tip of your cock again, your orgasm growing closer and closer by a moment as you thrust inside of her, her fluids splashing up against your cock as you did so. You then felt as the pressure would get too much for you before you moaned out and slammed yourself inside of her, the woman grunting out as well as you heard her heart skip a beat on the monitor as your first rope of cum pushed into her, the woman’s pussy clenching around your cock in the process.

You feel as the ropes would start spewing out of your cock, each one larger than the last as they nestled deep inside of her, your eyes briefly looking away from her eyes and chest to stare at her crotch area rapidly becoming a foggy white. Your orgasm would reach it’s peak but the pleasure had overloaded your brain so much that you couldn’t tell how much time had passed, the massive cumshot taking your breath away for a brief moment, panting somewhat in the process after your cumshots would slowly start to dwindle. You would feel as it would grow smaller and smaller before it would eventually stop, the last couple drops pushing inside of her as you moved your hands back to the mattress, looking to her chest to see as her heart rate would slowly go down from the high of it all.

As you came down from the orgasmic high you would slowly pull out of her pussy, feeling as your cum would leak out of it as her heart rate eventually went back to normal, the woman flexing around somewhat as if she was tired from the entire thing. With that you decided it was best for her to sleep in her natural habitat, sweeping her body up into your arms as you would take her outside of the laboratory, placing her within the water where she would briefly move up to the metal of the labs floor which she would then attach too like a bat and sleep. After that you simply swam back up to your lab, entering inside and moving to your mattress, deciding to sleep this merited thing off as you hoped that she stayed nearby and that she’d be willing to do more of these experiments soon.


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