Under her spell

You were running through the twisting forest and overgrown grass that was underneath your feet, your bow and arrow resting in your hands as you ran, the string pulled up and getting ready to strike, your eyes glancing behind you to see if she was still after you and the shadow behind you proving that fact. You would quickly turn back around trying to gain more distance from the being that was behind you,the sounds of her hitting the trees with her appendages echoing out into the air, growing louder and louder as she drew closer, your eyes looking up at the sun shining through the leaves. You would turn around, barely looking at the creatures before you would shoot your arrow at the beast, your head turning around before you could see if the arrow had hit or not, the creature responding to your shot by starting to move even faster towards you, her limbs now slamming harder and harder into the wood and leaves.

The being that was following you was known as Baba the witch, a being that had been lurking in the forest many years now and a being that you had been sent to kill of which you had been unsuccessful at doing so far. She was extremely powerful by all standards, being able to rip holes in the fabric of time and drag people into them into her own pocket dimensions where she did god knows what to them, the only thing you knew they never returned. Currently everything you had tried against her had been absolutely ineffective from the arrows to traps you had laid out around the forest, which only seemed to make her more annoyed at you as she kept moving through the forest.

You would keep running and running as her shadow would quickly loom over you, a cold breeze running through your skin as she blocked out the sun, her limbs getting closer and closer to grasping you. The shadows of her tendrils moving across the trees were visible in front of you, occasionally trying to swipe at you with them which you had to dodge, hearing as they went slamming into trees, knocking a good chunk of wood off them in the process.  You could hear her grow closer and closer before you were grabbed and then pulled back,continuing to fall further and further back before you finally hit the ground, groaning as you got up and started to look around you.

You would quickly see that everything has a distinct yellow tint to it, the tint seeming to not be coming from a light source as you started to hear something shifting around you as you turned around. You would see that the witch was no longer present or at least she wasn’t making herself known as you kept hearing the sounds of something  shifting through the leaves around you, your hands moving to your bow and arrow in the process to kill whatever was within it. You would quickly begin shooting into the leaves, hearing the sounds of the arrowhead cutting through the leaves before hitting the ground, nothing being hit at all as the being would continue to shift and shift around, taunting you.

You could feel as she would grow closer and closer, the feeling of the cold brushing up against your skin as you would realize you were out of arrows completely and therefore defenseless against the witch. You would hear as the woods would grow entirely silent for a few seconds before you felt her shadow shift itself right over you, a sense of cold moving over your skin and muscles before she would use her tendrils to grab ahold of your legs, taking you to the ground.  You would feel as she would hold you face down for several moments before flipping you right back around so you could finally get an up close and personal look at the witch that you had been hunting for so long.

The first place that you looked was her head which itself was a fleshy, eyeless affair with a massive mouth in the middle of it, lined with various sharp teeth whilst horns would grow up from her head and stop around the head, as if to emulate some kind of collar and gave her a royal look. Meanwhile your eyes would quickly drift themselves down to her chest, revealing it was surprisingly fleshy and hidden behind a ripped apart cloak whilst her hands were tipped with large and sharp claws, easily able to tear something apart with ease as she would look over you, your eyes finally drifting down to her bottom half in the process. Her bottom half was a mass of tentacles and tendrils, some of them smaller and thinner and  some of them larger and thicker, your eyes being able to glance something hiding behind those tentacles which appeared to be her pussy but you didn’t get a good look at that before she would move her tendrils towards you.

She would quickly start stripping you of your armor, throwing each and every bit off your body and into the dirt, eventually stopping when you were entirely naked, her tentacles flicking down your skin in the process. She would quickly move to your crotch and then would proceed to start jerking you off with one of her tentacles, each stroke making you grow harder and harder within her tentacles, as she would let out a brief moan in the process. She would then start to part her tentacles from the center of her body, each one untangling as you would see more and more of her pussy, eventually being able to see the entire thing as her tentacle kept stroking and stroking you.

Her pussy was plump and drooling all over the floor, the woman pushing her tentacle against it for a moment as she would start moving you towards her waist, growling all of the while. She would eventually have it so your hips were aligned with her own, her pussy dripping and dripping as it would clench somewhat , wanting you inside of her before you felt one of those clawed hands pushing against her back, scratching it somewhat in the process. She would then slowly push your hips against her own, your cock straining against her lips before pushing right inside of her, both of you moaning out into the air in the process.

You moaned out into the air when you felt her clench and wrap around your cock, her grip on your cock tight as hell as she would slowly push you so your base was  resting against her puffy lips. She would slowly pull you out of her cunt by dragging you out by your legs, dragging your cock along her tight walls before she would eventually stop just as you would have fallen out of her, the woman seemingly doing this purely to taunt you at this point. She would then slam you right back inside of her, the woman’s claw rubbing against your chin as she would let out a snarl, sating as you squirmed in her grasp as she would start to pull you back again, the woman watching your face eagerly.

She would keep doing this in what quickly became a cycle of slow, dragging pleasure followed by a sudden spike in pleasure that would make you moan, the woman seeming to enjoy every single moment of this in the process. You would attempt to fight back when you grabbed ahold of her tentacles, a sigh escaping her mouth as her tentacles wrapped around your arms and pushed them to your chest, pretty much leaving you entirely trapped with her. She would seem to be moderately annoyed at your attempt at escaping her, the woman starting to quicken up against your body,the woman making sure to squeeze and squeeze against your cock and making you groan all the while.

Due to the fact that she was pushing harder and harder against your hips, the woman no longer stopped to let you rest for a few seconds or process what was happening to you, moaning out in joy all the while. As she would keep slamming and slamming against you you’d suddenly feel her claws push against your chin, slowly anchoring it upwards as to face her hood-like head with you realizing that there was something that was leaving the hood. Those things would quickly reveal themselves to be many tongues, each one of them dripping with drool as they would slowly approach your body, a couple of them diving for your neck before the rest went for your mouth, quickly overwhelming you.

You would groan out  as you felt her spit drip and drip inside of your mouth from the tongues, each one of them fighting over your own as she would also canvas your teeth with a fresh cover of her spit. Meanwhile the movements off her inner walls would become more and more calculated, the woman going from random clenches to clenching across the entirety of your cock and putting more pressure on areas that causes you to moan more. She would seem to do this for a couple minutes before she would start to withdraw her tongues from your mouth, letting them leave your mouth entirely before waiting and having them kiss you again, the woman starting to move even faster in the process.

Moans of pleasure and dread would escape your mouth and be muffled against her tongues as you felt her slamming you against her hips, the pussy fluids sticking to your waist and slowly dripping off, all whilst she would groan happily. Her pussy would clench away at your cock, nearly crushing it within her grip, the woman’s puffy pussy lips almost kissing your waist at this point, said “kiss” being as rough as everything else she was doing to you. Her hands would finally find themselves pushing against her claws, the woman pushing them into your back, almost clutching you in her grasp as she would let out another moan into the air. 

Then you would feel as you started to throb inside of her pussy, pushing against her inner walls which she would respond by clenching back, the woman seeming to get excited as you could see her chest move up and down. She would also pull her tongues out of your mouth, the wet and slimy orgasm shoving themselves into her hood again seemingly so she could hear your moans, the woman twisting her head in fascination in the process. Eventually you cousins hold the pressure that was pooling up at the tip of your cock anymore, the woman feeling as the first ropes  escaped and wrapped you against her body, the tendrils making sure not a single inch of you could move, let alone escape.

You would pump rope after rope inside of her pussy, quickly covering the inner walls of the woman's hungry pussy as she would dig her claws into your back, pushing further down it as she would groan wildly. She would quickly get you to the peak of your orgasm although it lasted way longer than it should, each shot taking her breath away as she would groan and sigh at the feeling of you pouring the contents of your balls inside of her body. Eventually your orgasm would start to subside, the woman managing to keep you so you were orgasming at the regular pace for a while before you would stop entirely, the last couple of drops moving down onto her inner walls as you gasped into the air.

She would keep you inside of her for several moments, making sure that you had stopped cumming before she pulled you out of her pussy, the woman watching as your cock would drip out onto the ground. However you realized that she wasn’t nearly done with you yet, the woman pulling your arms out so they we’re above you before lofting you to you’d be right in front of her face, the woman’s tongues starting to emerge as you realized something. You realized that you were going to be stuck with her forever, the woman either using her tongues, her pussy or whatever else she had up her sleeves as you were going to be milked dry over and over and over again in a never ending loop of pleasure.


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