Within the pits of pleasure and flesh

 It has been so long since humanity has completely collapsed in on itself, centuries after centuries of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons of all variations constantly assaulting the planet turning it into something entirely unrecognizable, a managed mess of a planet that had equally as mangled citizens. The entire planet had been placed into zones from mutated to least mutated, the least mutated zones already having all sorts of horrors within them but the most mutated zone, simply known as zone one, was the place where nightmares had came and died, the entire area falling into what you could only describe as a massive orgy. As soon as you touched down in zone one you had witnessed what were men and women, deformed beyond simple comprehension with bulbous and tumors heads that lacked eyes, and drooling mouths that had lacked lips, their bodies being even more mutated for pleasure.

You would mostly stare at the female creatures, the tits of the beasts coming in all variations from having massive and bloated tits to tits that sagged to some that even dropped what could be described as putrid milk. Their pussies ranged from being shaped normal to being puffy and bloated looking, constantly horny and constantly dripping with fluids as they went to fuck anything they could find, usually being another member of the species. They would frequently get into groups, clambering one each other to make piles of flesh and start to fuck one another, the groans and growls of pleasure echoing out into the air as you kept walking acorss the wasteland of zone one.

You kept walking across the horizon, the guttural moaning and screaming echoing all around you as you looked at some of the other creatures , all of which appeared to be beings that had their cancers fused together after all these years together. You could see several of them in strange towers, fucking the windows as a pile of beings would grope eachother on the ground, other creatures being absolutely huge and pleasuring all of the smaller beings that were underneath. However, you would stumble upon a very simple structure and one that was one of the smallest in the entire wasteland but it was extremely perverse and fleshy and it was simply known as the hive.

The hive was a fused mass of thousands upon thousands of pounds of cancerous flesh and other entities that were simply compatible with the being, becoming one with the building most of the time. You’d take a deep breath as you started to move towards the entrance of the hive,the entrance of the cave pulsing eagerly as well as a thick mist escaping the hole due to all of the pussies that were leaking inside of it, eagerly waiting to be filled up. You briefly looked inside of the hive before going inside proper, seeing that there was no light due to how all the flesh had been pressed together, your legs hesitating for a moment before entering inside of the flesh hive, ready for what was waiting within. 

You could hear the sounds of moaning in the air as you entered inside of the hive, the sounds being a mixture of the beings that were pleasuring themselves and the being that were fused to the walls taking that pleasure. The air would grow murkier and steamier as you walked, the liquid beading up on your body in the process as you wandered across the dark, placing your hands against the walls and feeling as the flesh moved somewhat. You eventually entered a hallway thick with the steam to see that you were in the first area of pleasure, several creatures rutting against the walls and angrily slamming into the drooling and pulsing wet pussies that surrounded them all.

You’d walk through the cramped hallway to find a less crowded area, taking in each and every detail of the hallway as you did so, especially of the female creatures that were being made into new vaginas for the structure. Some still had their full bodies sticking out whilst others were just a pair of legs, another seeming to be hallways through the process and was covered in some kind of lining that you assumed was used to fuse her with the inner wall. A couple of the creatures had been pushed to the floor where they were also being rutted, some grabbing at your legs and clearly wanting you to come to the floor and slam into their oozing wet cunts but you ignored her for now, hoping she would be in the same place later.

You’d eventually find an area that was much clearer than the hallway although it was still cramped with beings, two particularly tumor-covered monsters pleasuring one another against the floor, both of which were women. You’d watch ass they rubbed their puffed up cunts together for a moment before you shook your head and moved towards the walls, briefly glancing at the two other patrons that were having sex with this part of the wall. One of them was pretty much a living mass of tumors that was simply rubbing against the wall and groaning like a wild animal whilst the other was a slender yet still disgusting being which was both fucking one of the holes and eating out another one of them.

Your eyes then looked up to the walls to see a variety of holes and orifices, all of which were pulsing and drooling, with some of them being slim, others being puffy and bloated and others being loose. However your eyes would glance right over to a pussy that was a  perfect mixture of being bloated and being slim, some large inner walls being pussy whilst the outer lips of the pussy were thinner, the hole making you hard almost instantly. There was no need for foreplay nor was there any need to be gentle and as such you’d slam your hands down into the wall and move your hips back before slamming into the wall, moaning into the air loudly as you felt the hole clench around your cock.

The first thing that you felt was the puffy inner walls squeeze against your cock, the flesh being almost pillow-like in texture and feeling as you moved deeper inside until the lips were squeezing at your base. You then started to pull away from the hole as it massaged away at your cock, squeezing and pushing away at it until your tip was the only thing inside, looking down to see your cock was dripping with viscous and almost goo-like pussy fluids. You’d then slam down again, feeling the pleasure that was pushing around you as you’d repeat the process, groaning and moaning eagerly in the process.

The combination of the pleasure and the humidity of the room caused you to start sweating, only making you hornier as your moans joined the many other moans that were moving across the air. You would look around the many holes to see them pulsing, waiting for someone to fill them so you decided to be the thing that would do that, moving your hands across each one until you found the perfect one on each side of the wall. On the left you’d settle on the tightest hole there, seeing that it seemed rather new and not fucked by the many creatrues in the hive whilst the other was a puffy and bloated hole, something that was begging to be filled.

You would ram your fingers inside of them, two of them going in the left hole whilst three dived into the right, your hips starting to go faster out of pure animalistic instinct at that point in time. You could hear the sounds of wet slamming of your hips rutting with the pussy that was fused into the wall, the other pussies being fucked by your hands wrapping around your fingers almost instantly, the pussies embracing all the pleasures that you were willing to give them. You could feel as your fingers would grow wetter and wetter, the fluids flying off into the floor whenever you pulled out only to slam into then again, grinding against the most sensitive areas as they would all pulse against you.

Your hands would only grow faster and faster, hitting and slamming against the holes to the point that you decided to add more and more fingers into them , using three on the left hole and four in the right one. Meanwhile your cock was being clenched against rapidly, the feeling of the pussy flesh wrapping around your cock, attempting to choke it in pleasure being an extremely pleasurable sensation to you, all while sweat dripped from your body and pussy fluids dropped down your thighs and hips. At that point something snapped within you, your hips going faster and faster by the second as pure animalistic instinct took over you, your thoughts being none other than breeding the wall.

The slamming sound would only get louder and louder as you felt the fluids splash all over your body, mixing on the floor as you would pleasure the three holes, making quite the display for all that were watching. The holes would clench around your cock so hard that you could see them pull away from the wall slightly only to be slammed back into the wall again, squirting everywhere and adding to the humid atmosphere that the room had going for it. At that moment you finally released what these beasts were like, knowing that living inside of a non-stop orgy would be perfection, something that would allow to grope and fuck things that god could have never had dreamed existing.

That was when you started to feel yourself throbbing inside of her, the pussy responding to the pulsing against it’s inner walls by clenching back against your cock in a much more intense fashion. You would also feel that aching pleasure at the tip of your cock,the cum waiting to fill the assumingly non-existent womb of the tumorous mass, your breeding instincts making you thrust even faster at the thought of filling the hole right up. Eventually you weren’t able to take it anymore, the pressure at the tip of your cock growing too much for you before you thrusted right inside of the hole and starting to shoot ropes inside of her, groaning eagerly as you kept fingering the other pussies.

The hole would clamp up against your cock in a borderline vacuum sucking as more and more ropes escaped your cock and nestled within the hole,filling it to the brim over the course of your orgasm. Your orgasm would reach its peak at some point even if time had lost all meaning, the only thing you could feel being the pleasure of shoving rope after rope of cum inside of it, your hands escaping the other vagina’s to clutch ahold of the way, the flesh pulsing all the while. Your orgasm would come to an end eventually, the ropes growing smaller and smaller before becoming drops against the walls, the orgasm eventually stopping as you leaned against a wall to regain your breath.

You’d eventually pull out of the hole,staring down at your still fully erect cock as the hole would ooze with a mixture of backed up pussy fluids and cum which drooled onto the floor, slathering it with fluids. You’d realize that you weren’t done yet with the hive, that you wanted to fuck it more, looking around before you saw a somewhat puffy hole in the middle of the wall, walking over to it and grinning eagerly all the while as you would think to yourself. You thought of what pleasures that you’d take after this but quickly figured that there would be a even more fleshy and hellish pleasure waiting for you so you simply thrusted inside the wall and started to thrust again.


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