Wretch story

 It must have been around a month now since you had been left stranded on the ruined planet of sera with all that you had been really left with was the ruined city and the sand with you feeling off whatever you could find in order to survive since there was little hope for anyone coming to get you now. The planet of sera used to look rather great and was a valued acquisition for humanity until the hollow was awakened which was when the the residents of the planet were revealed and those residents where the locust horde. The horde were a set of creatures which simply existed to merely ravage and destroy, to rip apart wherever wasn’t then in order to breed and make more of themselves and as such humanity wanted to deport them as quickly as you possibly could and, of course, that was easy said than done given the amount of people lost on the missions.

Of course, you were one of the lost, one of the people that never came back and were presumed dead when one of the missions had gone wrong due to a technical fault within one of the ships. You still remember fighting against the locusts on the ground before a large creature rammed itself into the engines into the main ship which usually would have incinerated it  but unfortunately it didn’t and the ship promptly exploded into a ball of light. You tried to get away from the explosion and you did get away from it for the most part before a part of the ship went flying into the back of your head and you went flying to the ground unconscious and by the time you woke up the battle was over.

You looked around to see loads of corpses that were spread across the ground of both your enemies and allies with metal laying between all of the corpses within the sand and dirt. You eventually pulled yourself off the ground and figured that you could salvage what you could find which was a lot of ammo and enough food that you could survive for a couple weeks and since then you had been walking around the area and stealing what you could from the collapsed buildings. Now you were sitting inside of a building you had turned into makeship house with you hearing as your three other companions and, by extension, the three other survivors from the blast that had nearly killed you.

When you were rummaging around the suppliers you heard the sound of something moving within the metal and you thought that it was an ally at first until you saw what was causing the sound from a distance. It was a trio of wretches, the cannon fodder of the horde which pretty much exist to be turned to mulch with your gun with you deciding that you’d be able to kill them with a few shots so you tried to shoot them with your gun which promptly jammed and then snapped. That snap would echo across the sand and the dirt which caused them to turn towards you and begin running with you grabbing hold of the chainsaw attachment to try and stab them to death before they stopped.

They would stop and stare at you for a few moments, then a few moments more and then eventually they would get on their knees before you with you staring down at them confused. They would growl to themselves for several moments as you soon realized that they had somehow decided that you were the leader of what remained of the horde with you briefly thinking about the idea before you figured that you would need the help in this hellhole. You quickly grabbed some of the beef jerky ration and figured that it would be meaty enough and salty enough where they would enjoy it and they pretty much gobbled it up as soon as it hit the ground and since then they had been obeying you and you had been feeding them.

As you sat  and thought about that moment you would hear a smashing sound that would snap you out of it as you gazed upon the three wretches that were before you, the creatures being about a foot or two smaller then you.  The first place that you looked was the heads, seeing the burnt skin with bits of red flesh being exposed to you as their sharp teeth always being barred due to the lack of lips and their eyes were large yet surprisingly expressive for creatures that were as small as they were. Their legs were small and bent much like a raptors as their toes were dug into the ground whilst their long arms hung from their bodies and their hands rested on the ground much like a gorilla would before you finally looked at their chests. Although they had armor attached to them it would expose pretty much all of the midriff and some of the breasts but they still remained squeezed behind the tight armor.

They would quickly run up to you to show off what they had managed to collect, which was mostly dry meat and a few moderately edible bits of fruit and veg which they would promptly throw to the ground in front of you. “Well, you three have certainly been busy, haven’t you?” You asked with a smile as they would let out some agreeable growls with you, figuring that they deserved a treat that was in the form of a salty bit of jerky from the original rations which they viewed as a treat. You would grab ahold of it and throw it to the creatures of which they devoured happily as she glanced at each other, drooling and growling as they ate away until nothing but crumbs on the ground.

However, you soon discovered that they hungered for something else other than salted meat, the largest grabbing hold of your leg and by the time you looked down at her she was already humping your leg. That was when she hungered for something else that isn't meat before the other two moved to your other leg, one of them resting her head on your crotch which was when she would start drooling upon it  whilst the other humped your leg. You would smirk that this newfound turn of events as you grabbed ahold of one of them with the entire display making it so you had quite the bulge as and placed the woman onto your bulge, the woman letting out a deep moan as she growled into the air.

You could feel as her hips push and growled into the air as the woman’s wetness began to soak into your trousers with you grabbing ahold of the armor she had on and ripped it off her, her breasts bouncing out in the process. You used one hand and grabbed ahold of one of them, squeezing the flesh and pushing against it as you rubbed your rough plan against her nipple as your other hand moved down to your trousers. You would quickly pull them down, your clock bouncing between her cheeks, your hands moving down to her asscheeks as you proceeded to slam her down right onto your cock, the woman moaning loudly as the other two looked on in shock.

You could feel as she clenched and pushed against your cock, the woman drooling and grunting as she felt your large dick inside of her, your left hand moving back to her breast whilst the other began to move down to your thigh. You would then begin to thrust and push inside of her, making her growl and moan as she held on for dear life, the other two women also taking off their armor which made a loud clunking sound as it hit the ground.  You would often just her up to your tip before you slammed her down on your cock since it was what made her clench the most and made her legs twitch and flex in the air.

Meanwhile the other two little creatures would grow ravenous with one of them wrapping around your right leg and would jump it furiously, covering your leg with plenty of thick, wet fluids. Meanwhile the other would climb up onto your arm, the woman panting and sighing erractly as her pussy dripped onto your arm and her face moved so it was right next to yours, her warm breath pushing across your face as she panted wildly. She would then slam her face into your own, the woman’s tongue slipping out of her mouth and curling against your tongue as she pushed you into a monstrous kiss before you began to go faster against the wretch on your cock.

As such the wrench that was riding your cock started to moan and shout into the air as she began to move her hips somewhat which meant that you were connecting with her hips in the middle of the air. You could feel as her pussy fluids splattered and pushed against her hips as drool dripped from her mouth and either pooled up on the ground or between her tits of which you decided to rub the spit in as you groped away at her. Her pussy would clench even more erracticly than beforehand, squeezing and pushing against you as you pulled out of the kissing wrenches mouth, panting as you did so.

You quickly moved her hand down to her pussy before you pushed your fingers inside of her lips,feeling as the fluids dripped down her fingers as she clenched and pushed against them. You would also move the leg wretch around your leg before pinning her against the edge of the chair and your leg before you began moving your leg up and down her pussy, which made her moan into your leg which she then began licking. You would then clutch ahold of the wretch that was riding on your cock and began to go at an almost feral speed on her ass and groin, the woman moaning out into the air in the process.

At this point you were slamming into her so hard that the lewd sounds of your hips impacting with her own as her pussy fluids splattered across your waist and balls as she panted and cried out eagerly. The other two would also moan as you grind your leg up against her pussy even faster then beforehand and fingering the third Wretch even faster with you feeling as the woman would get closer and closer to squirting all over your hand and arm. Eventually the creature that was humping against your leg couldn’t take it anymore, rubbing against you so much that she began to squirt all over your legs, the fluids dripping off your leg and onto the ground.

Meanwhile you were growing rapidly closer and closer to orgasm as well, your own cock throbbing and pushing against her inner walls as she squeezed against your cock in response to you. That was when you felt the pressure in the tip of your cock begin to increase with you wanting to give the creature a womb filling orgasm but it was getting harder and harder by the second to keep that pressure inside of you due to how furiously she was thrusting against you. Eventually you couldn’t hold your cum in for a second longer before you clutched her and slammed her down onto your cock, the woman’s orgasm starting as soon as your first shot of cum pushed inside of her.

She would clench against your cock as the first wave of her own sticky pussy fluids dripped out of her cock and covered it as your cum pushed past those waves and pushed directly inside of her pussy.  Meanwhile the wretch that was on your fingers also began to orgasm, squirting all over your hand and arm as her companion squirted all over your cock with your orgasms growing longer and more intense by the moment. Your orgasm would come to an end after the wretches did by a few seconds, the woman both going limp much like the one that was humping your leg did a few moments later with you slumping down onto the chair out of exhaustion.

You could feel as the sweat peeled down your skin and body as you looked at the three lustful locusts that were around you, all three of them looking like they were about to pass out on the floor. You grabbed ahold of the one that was on your cock and pulled her off your cock, watching as your cum leaked out of her pussy before you put her to rest on the ground, the creature twitching and moaning as you sat and relaxed. As you gazed upon them you quickly figured that you had made the right choice not killing the wretches but now you were sure because not only were they useful but they were also wonderful lovers as well.


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