Demogorgon story

 It had been a few weeks since you had managed to find Sally and since then Sally had grown massively and changed her form completely to the point where she upgraded from the glass box that she had originally been left in to living inside of your house proper. Of course, like everything that Sally could escape from, the house had been fully secured whilst you went out to work with your front doors being replaced with thick metal doors not unlike something that you would have in a submarine and every single window in your house was covered up in around three or so layers of metal sheeting to make sure she didn’t smash her way out the windows. Your neighbors thought that you were insane despite the fact that you went to work like a normal person, to the point where several police visits had occurred where the neighbors heard banging but they were never able to find anything before Sally dealt with them.

You first found her when you were collecting slugs for your hobby which was when you found her in her larval strange, Sally resembling a slug in both shape and size but not in color with it instead having a green color with yellow spots to it. As such you brought her home and placed her within the glass box with the rest of the slugs and you fed her what you’d usually feed slugs of which she seemed to devour with ease and as such you assumed that she would be perfectly fine. You shut the lights off in your room and went to bed, the ultraviolet light that was shining down against the glass cage shining in your eye before you fell asleep and when you awoke you went to look at the cage again. 

That was when you realized that the slug you had brought home with you was no longer a slug and had instead seemingly grown rapidly overnight to the size of the average pollywog. The second stage of Sally had her body be a mostly bloated body with mustard yellow skin with a pair of tiny clawed hands coming out of either side of the body and a small yet somewhat thick tail along with a mouth as it waddled around the glass cell it was inside off. You would take her out of the cage and placed her into your bathtub where she seemed to prefer it since it was damper and darker then the cage and before it hit midday she would evolve into its third form which you’d see when you bought her dinner.

The creature had become green and had gotten significantly larger to the point where she was the size of a tennis ball, it’s first legs now being joined by two more that had sprouted out the back of the being and she had managed to grow some teeth. At this point you had no idea what was happening with her and as such you left her inside the bath as you tried to figure out what she actually was but your google results showed nothing at all. Of course, by the time you were done she had evolved again into a form that resembled a cat with long thin legs and a thinner body with it’s head instead resembling a toothed roller with the petals being segments of its mouth and it’s skin being a dark gray.

After that she would grow larger and larger over the course of the next day with you remembering that you didn’t sleep for days as she bulked up to the size of the dog before evolving into her final form. You remember hearing her bones crack and her flesh stretching and growing across her body, watching as she managed to stumble upfront onto her two legs, the sound still staying in your mind as you felt something open in your house and a fog pushed into the air. By the time the fog had begun to clear from your house you saw a shadow step out of the fog to reveal what her form had become and her true form was something that both surprised you and aroused you somewhat.

The woman herself was around a foot or so taller than you with her skin being a dark gray with spots of black pushing against her shoulders and her large breasts were sagging somewhat from her chest but not enough to be unappealing, her nipples being a darker gray than the rest of her body. Her arms were incredibly long to the point that her fingers were right down to her knees with her hands being long and somewhat beast-like whilst her legs were thick and muscular, her feet pushing against the ground much like a raptors and both her toes and her fingers were tipped with dark black talons in the process. Finally you looked up to her head which was the same fleshy rosebud that she had in the two previous forms with the woman opening her mouth to reveal her mouth, each of her five petals being covered in sharp teeth with the center point being much like a lamprey eel's mouth.

Since then everything had been going swimmingly with you being able to go to work and then go back home again and she’ll be fine and tonight was no different as you were driving your way back to your house. You could see your house right at the end of the street, the headlights of your car slowly shining across the metal before you parked and turned the light off, moving over to your front door and beginning to twist the valve to open it. When you eventually got it open you snuck right between the crack that divided the  door and the door frame, slamming it behind you and doing it back up, walking away from it as you heard the sound of her gutters growling from the bedroom.

You would walk in too see her curled up on the bed much like a cat would, the creature briefly bending its back somewhat as it untangled it’s limbs, placing your hands and feet down onto the mattress as she pointed her head to you. You walked onto the bed before she proceeded to pounce at you, slamming you down onto the mattress and happily growling in your direction, her mouth unfolding to show off her teeth as well as a long, thin tongue sliding out her mouth. You could feel as her drool dripped down onto your face as you moved your hands across her somewhat rubbery skin on her back, her warm breath seeming to intensify when you went down the areas closer to her genitals.

It would seem clear what she wanted when you began to rub across the area between her asscheeks and the back of her spinal cord which made her shiver and made her toes push up against one another. You would then move your leg up against her pussy and push it up against her lips, feeling as they drooled onto your leg to the point that they were almost soaked through by the time that you pulled your leg away from her begging crotch. With that you grabbed a hold of her arms and moved her onto her back, the woman letting out a moan as you pushed  her down, locking your fingers between hers and your own as you slowly moved one of your hands to your trousers.

You would begin to undo your trousers, the button quickly popping out as you moved your other hand away from her own and onto her tits, beginning to push and grope at her breasts which made her mouth open in pleasure. You would slide your trousers down using your legs which was when you proceeded to move your underwear down with your hand, your cock bouncing out of its fabric prison and into the warm air around you both. You would move your hips backwards, away from her tight and wet pussy before you proceeded to slam yourself inside of her, feeling as your cock pushed into her warmth as she moaned into the air wildly.

You would stop around halfway through before you got any deeper inside of her, moaning out as you felt the warm walls push across the rest of your cock before she managed to reach your base. Her petals would push and curl together as her chest rose and fell as she tried to hide her pleasure, failing at that when you began to pull away from her hips, her pussy fluids being thicker than a human’s and as such would take a lot longer to drip off your cock then it usually would. You would pull away until only the head of your cock was resting inside of her before slamming yourself back in, hearing a moan out into the air as you clutched ahold of her body.  

You would then move your head down as her tongue began to sliver out of her mouth, the drool that was dripping off it landing right onto her tits before it moved between your lips and into your mouth. As the tongue slivered down into your mouth you could feel it wrap around your tongue, the drool dripping down onto it as you felt her warm air push against your face, your hands moving down to her tits in order to squeeze them in the process. As you pushed up against her nipples and ground them against your skin as you began to go even faster against her body, hearing her growl in the process.

The sounds of lewd plopping echoed out into the air as strands of pussy fluids sticking to your waist as you gripped her time harder, the woman’s tongue wiggling around your throat in the process. She would eventually pulled her tongue out of your mouth before withdrawing it to the inside of her own, the woman’s mouth staying open as she panted onto your face, her legs flailing around the area as you glanced up and down her body. At one point you moved your hands away from her tits, leaving them as the nipples pointed upwards as you grabbed ahold of her shoulders as you got leverage on her body.

As you did that you felt as her legs began to curl around your waist so that her feet were pushing up against your back, her toes curling and flicking up against the air as she groaned and moaned wildly.  You could feel her pussy clenching against your cock more and more, rubbing and pushing against it with her walls as she moaned wildly into the air, her clawed hands shooting us once again so she clutched ahold of your back. That was when you realized that she had essentially pinned you down against her body, her hardened nipples rubbing and pushing up against your body as you began to go even faster  against her than before.

Due to the fact that her legs were currently pinning you to her hips it meant that you weren’t able to thrust very high upwards which meant you were constantly slamming and pushing against her pussy at a breakneck speed.  Her tongue would quickly sliver out of her mouth and push down into your mouth with you curling your tongue around hers as she moaned into your face, the woman pushed and scraped against your back as she panted at you. Even her legs were able to curl around your body and battered up against one another with you readjusting your hands so that one hand had grabbed hold the back of her head and the other grabbed ahold of her back.

That was when you felt your cock begin to throb inside of her pussy, her panting getting faster and her heart quickening as she knew that your orgasm was quickly approaching, drool dripping out of her mouth. You would then feel your tongue slowly become untangled as she pulled out of your mouth, her tongue slivering down into its hole as you felt the pressure of your orgasm building up on the tip of your cock, ready to release itself at any moment.  Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and you slammed yourself right inside of her, hilting inside of her as she clenched against  your cock as you shot your first load of cum inside of her.

You began to shoot load after load inside of her pussy, feeling as she was slowly filled up whilst she groaned and moaned into the air,  her legs clutching you as you made sure that you weren’t going to escape her, not that you wanted to in the first place. Your orgasm that would reach its peak when you let out an especially large load inside of her, both of you moaning in glee before you continued to shoot out the usual size ropes inside of her. Eventually you would feel as your orgasm began to go down slowly with your orgasm coming to an end after a long while with the last drops pushing against her walls as you collapsed into one another.

You pulled out of her pussy as cum began to drip out of it, seeing as she panted and moaning as she tried to pull herself off the bed but she couldn’t due to how exhausted she was with you falling beside her a moment later. As you gazed upon her body you wondered many things such as if she could get pregnant, which you hoped that she could, but there’s one thing that you knew for sure and that was that you wanted her to be by your side forever. You got up off your bed and looked around, rubbing the creature’s head before you moved over to have a shower inside of your closed out house, wondering if the police would arrive again and if Sally would have to deal with them


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