The Wendigo story part 3 : An extraterrestrial encounter

The scent of blood was heavy in the air as you walked across the halls of your new home of which was a space station far away from earth of which you didn’t know much about but you didn’t need to know much about it as long as you, your lover and your daughters could call it home. It was quite a change from your usual grassy surroundings, the grass being replaced with wires and metals and the corpses of animals that your children dragged back were now replaced with the corpses of the personnel that were laying on the floor in front of you with you caring not for them as you and your daughters wanted to set up the place for your continued stay. You had already decided with your wife that the main hangar that you had teleported into would be your main bedroom with you ordering your daughters to take any mattresses or any other soft objects that they could get a hold of drag them into the hanger with you having a couple pillows with you as you thought back to the massacre. 

To say that the soldiers didn’t stand a chance against your wife and children was an understatement with your children being much faster and sneakier than the soldiers were which led to them being ripped apart and gored faster than the demons were. The halls were littered with the bodies with all sorts of wounds and injuries being placed onto the corpses with some having massive scratches on their chests whilst others had their limbs ripped off and thrown against the floor. The scientists that your children found that were pretty much free food for any of the Wendigo’s that are hungry with most of their corpses having the fleshed rip from the bone whilst others were simply stored for later usage as food.

As you kept walking you wondered about hell and what the capra demon was doing at the moment seeing as she had sex with a criminal which you assumed to have some kind of cruel punishment inside of that nightmareish place. Eventually you would be snapped out of those thoughts when you entered into the hanger seeing all of your children throwing the mattresses and random pillows that they had found on the ground, some of them lying down as the corpses that were in the room were all slumped into the corner. You would move over to the back of the room which was where your mattress was and look over to the woman sitting next to it, gazing upon your wife in all of her glory as you went to sit down next to her.

“Enjoying yourself, my darling? I’m sure you’re just glad to have a new change of scenery.” You said with a smirk as she nodded, the woman grabbing ahold of your head and dragging you nice and close to her, the woman’s mouth opening for a lustful kiss before you noticed her eyes flick across to the side of you. The woman pushed you away and pointed to the wall with you turning around to see one of the corpses sprayed up against the wall, being about two feet off the ground as the chest of the corpse glowed orange. Eventually the corpse would burst open which was when a portal would emerge, a figure quickly running through the portals and then shutting it behind her.

“Hello there, Anon. Good to see you’ve made yourself at home at wherever this is.” said as Capra demon walked over to you, the woman breathing somewhat heavily as your wife looked on with some annoyance as you went to speak.

“Well I didn’t expect to see you again! Wait, did you mean to teleport us here?” You asked as your wife and some of your children looked at the demon women, seeming somewhat annoyed that she was there as the demon went to speak.

“Well… I had actually intended to teleport you to where you were before you came to hell but for some reason you ended up here. Still, I suppose it’s better than hell. Talking about hell, the big man himself is trying to find me so I don’t think I’m welcome there anytime soon.” She said as she walked into the room somewhat, the woman looked around the area before she looked down at you and your wife. “So I guess I’m gonna need to get a mattress then?” The demon asked as your wife nodded at her.

“Yeah, I guess so. If you can’t find one then you’ll have to make it out of a chair like some of the other girls did.” You said as you pointed towards one of the entrances to the hanger, the woman looking over to it and nodding as she did so.

“Sure. I’ll leave you two to it for now then.” She said before she began to walk away which meant she had to walk through the crowd of your children, some of them snapping at her somewhat whilst others talked to themselves about the demon coming back to them. Meanwhile you would look down to see your wife staring up at you with an annoyed look on her face, the woman moving up onto her hind legs somewhat and grabbing ahold of your shoulders so she could look you in the eye.

“Ti smees taht ew evah srehto ereh.” She would say in a concerned tone as you looked into her eyes lovingly, the woman moving her hand up to your face as her tongue hung out of her mouth somewhat. “ew dluohs kool dnuora rof erom!” She said with you nodding as you moved yourself away from her slightly but not before giving her a kiss on the snout. 

“I agree, we have to make sure no one else is around. I guess we should be thankful that the only one we’ve found so far has been an ally.” You said as your wife let out a growl, making it obvious that the demon wasn’t trusted just yet. “Listen, I’ll go and look around the place for anything else, be sure to keep the girls safe for me, beloved.”  You said as she let out an affectionate growl into the air before she moved back to her bed, looking around the women as you began to walk through the horde of your children. Most of them would simply look over to you and let out a growl of happiness whilst the more touchy of your family were grabbing hold of your legs and nuzzling against your crotch of which you had to push them off and say they had to wait their turn.

As you began your walk across the massive facility you would note just how many people your daughters had managed to kill with piles of corpses being placed in the corners of rooms to make the place seem all clean. There would still be large puddles of blood all over the place, the blood staining your shoes somewhat as you heard some of your daughters playing around within the facility, seeing a couple of them play fighting in the halls whilst others were chewing down on a corpse they had managed to recover. As you walked you wondered what this place could have possibly been for, figuring it couldn’t have just been a spade station given that there were so many armed personnel around the place.

Eventually you could come up to a hallway in what you assumed to be in the backend of the facility, the area being silent until you saw as one of your children came bounding out of the shadows and towards you. “Rehtaf! I deen uoy rof gnihtemos!” She said as she tugged your arm desperately, her grip being strong and gentle which was just like her mother, the woman’s eyes darting around somewhat before you went to speak which was when her eyes looked straight at you. 

“Sure, go and take me to it right away.” You said before she began to run across the area with you letting out a shocked sigh as she began to tug you across the ground, the woman drooling onto the floor as she ran. She would take you deeper and deeper into the facility, going right into the storage area as she did so, the woman dodging around the stuff that was on the floor like it was nothing before you had eventually reached a door. The door seemed like it was some kind of safe, locking together with masses of metal as well as a gigantic set of gears, the wendigo crawling over to a hand scanner that was but the end of the door with you walking up to it as she pointed at it.

You would place your hand into it as the door began to unlock, the metal bars that were pressed against the doorway bursting with steam as they began to open up, the gears twisting and moving as your daughter began to speak again. “I draeh gnihtemos ni ereht! Ti deppat tsniaga eht rood!” She would say as she dragged you in front of the door, you and your daughter watching as the door would slowly crawl open. As the door opened you would see what was inside, the lights being smashed and sparking in the air whilst the floors and walls seemed like they were humid and wet as you began to walk towards the ruined area with you looking over to your daughter as you did so.

“So, let’s go in and find this thing. Just stay behind me, alright?” You asked as she nodded at you with the woman moving behind you as you began to walk down into the metal hallway, the sound of dripping echoing out into the air in the process. You would look aro he the area to see all sorts of scientific contraptions around the place of which had been smashed to pieces and parts of the roof had obvious claws marks all over it. You would eventually move into a larger area of the building, being an observatory room where whatever was being observed had escaped, the glass around it being smashed and a corpse being slumped over in the corner except it didn’t seem to be a result of the breakout.

Instead the man had shot himself in the head, a gun resting against the table with rotting blood and brain matter being sprayed all over the wood with the corpse itself seeming to rot somewhat. Beside the man laid a tablet of some kind with you turning it on to see that there was onto a single file that was attached to it known as “Xenomorph.Socialization.And.Sentience.Tests” but your attempt at getting onto left you greeted with a password screen which made you throw the tablet down. You and your daughter would soon jump when you heard something move behind you, seeing a filing cabinet fall and something slithering into the darkness as you walked towards the lurking beast, grabbing a hold of the gun that was on the table in the process.

You walked over to the filing cabinet and looked to where the creature would have gone, seeing as something was hiding in the darkness, resting against the walls and waiting for them to come closer. “Stay behind me. We don’t know what this thing can do.” You said as you got closer and closer to the beast, your daughter clicking and snarling at the beast as drool dripped and pushed down onto the ground as she crawled. You would eventually get to the point where you were about three or so meters away from the beast with you clutching ahold of the gun and watching as the light flickered before it eventually turned on for a few seconds which meant you got a good look of the beast.

The first place that you looked was the head of the beast, the woman appearing to be a insectoid creature with a large, pill shaped head with several ridges moving down the top of the head with a smooth place being were the eyes and nose should have been and below that laid the mouth which was filled with razor sharp teeth. You looked down at the body of the beast to see that the creature possessed a massive set of breasts on her with the dark black skin making her purple areola stand out more with the rest of her body being equally as sharply with a curvy waist with somewhat visible abs and thick thighs with ridges going down the bottom and sides of them. You’d watch her clawed hands move against the ground as you saw her tail moving from side to side with the tail itself looking like a spiked spinal cord whilst the end of the tail was tipped with a spike that would scratch up against the ground as she moved it around.

You could see what seemed to be the Xenomorph looking around at you and your daughter, you and the Wendigo looking at her before she looked up at you and moved onto all fours, your gun pointed at her head in the process. The creature would let out a couple clicks before the Xenomorph snapped open to reveal a second mouth, the creature letting out a roar as spit flew ever, your finger pressing right onto the trigger and attempting to shoot the creature. She would run up towards you as you shot at the beast,the creature dodging all of the bullets before it swung its tail at your hand, the gun flying across the room before you got hit in the chest, flinging you against the wall as your daughter roared at the breast.

The Wendigo would quickly charge at the beast and knock the creature to the ground, beginning to slash at its face before the Xenomorph slammed its teeth into her neck, latching a hold of your daughter in the process. You would hear as your daughter let out as a screech so loud it would have deafened most people as you looked over to see her wiggling the beast off her neck, eventually managing to get the alien woman off but not without ripping out a chunk of her neck off in the process as you grabbed ahold of chair and ran towards the creature. The beast would turn around and swing its tail at you, slamming and taking off a part of the chair as you dodged out the way before it slammed it’s tail towards you.

You then felt a sudden shock of pain hit your side before you looked down to see that you had just been impaled, blood oozing out of the wound as you looked into the beast's face of which was pushed into a snarl. You would pull yourself off her spike as she withdrew as you looked down, seeing the blood leak all over the floor as you pushed yourself against a wall, watching as the Xenomorph came closer and closer to you as her tail flicked across the floor. However, as soon as she got a bit too close to you several sets of footsteps could be heard which caused the woman to twist her head over to the side before she was tackled by several Wendigo’s, being slammed to the ground far away from you.

As you bleed onto the ground and more and more Wendigo’s would pile onto the Xenomorph as your wife crawled into view and moved right over to you, the woman resting her hand on your head as she began to speak, another Wendigo grabbing ahold of her injured sibling and taking her back to the main area.“Yats malc,ym read. I llahs leah uoy noos.” She said as she grabbed ahold of your arms before pulling you into her own arms, with you bleeding out onto the floor as you heard the Xenomorph scream out into the air as she carried you away. You looked up to see her fade as she scampered towards the medical bay, the woman determined to save you as you raised your hand up to her snout and passed out, your body limp but still alive in her arms.

As you slept the wendigo woman ran you into the main area where the remaining fire of your daughters were dealing with the Xenomorph and the Capra demon, the woman looking over the Wendigo daughter as she looked over to your wife. “Good lord of hell, has he been hurt too?” She asked as she held onto the Wendigo’s throat so she didn’t bleed out anymore, the Wendigo woman nodding as she moved the body onto the Capra demons makeshift bed. 

“Sey, sey! Nac uoy laeh mih?” Your wife would ask as the demon looked over the wound, the woman seeming somewhat relieved as she looked at your wounds as you kept bleeding.

“I think I can keep both of them alive as long as I can cauterise the wound. You’re lucky that it didn’t hit any internal organs.” She said as she looked over the area as she grabbed ahold of your wound to try and get it to bleed less. “Get one of your daughters to get me something hot and a bit of metal and you go and see if that thing that hurt them is dead yet.” She said as the Wendigo woman nodded, nudging one of her daughters next to her who nodded before running out the room, your wife following behind as she moved into the abandoned lab of the building to see if her daughters had killed the beasts.

She would come to the sight of the Xenomorph being surrounded by her children, all snarling and growling away at her as she laid on the ground, bruised and bleeding but still alive by some form of miracle. The Wendigo would look over the Xenomorph as she considered killing the creature but the woman instead decided to not slay the beast yet, moving backwards as she growled at her children. “Gnirb reh kcab. Ekam erus ehs t’nac epacse.” She ordered as a couple of your children grabbed ahold of the Xenomorph and dragged her across the ground, your wife going back to the main area to see that the demon woman was tending to your wounds, pushing a red hot piece of metal across it to stop the bleeding.

“So is the thing dead?” The demon would ask as as the wendgio shook her head, the demon woman looking shocked that the Wendigo hadn’t slaughtered the Xenomorph.

“On tub ew evah denosirpni ti. retfa uoy leah meht neht ew llahs teem niaga.” She would say in a matter of fact tone before she scampered off to the horde of the Wendigo’s that had beat the Xenomorph to near death. The demon would soon get down to healing both you and your daughter evetually managing to sow your daughters need shut after several tries and she managed to stop your body from bleeding and fixed the wound somewhat. She would get up and leave you sleeping, a daughter snuggled up to your side as she did so, the woman slowly walking out of the room and going to find your wife, eventually finding her in a room with some of your oldest daughters.

“Tis nwod, Nomed. Ew tsum klat.” She said as the demon looked at the display before sitting down opposite to your wife whilst the oldest brood of your children laid to her right.

“So, what are we talking about?” The demon said as your wife let out a hiss, the other Wendigo’s talking to themselves for several moments.

“Eht erutaerc ew dounf ni eht kcab dne fo siht ecalp.” She said as the Wendigo woman growled yet again, one of the oldest children pushing herself up onto the table as she did so.

“Dna fi ehs dluohs eid ro ton!” One of them shouted, the rest of your children having to drag her back down to the seat that she was supposed to be sitting on as the demon went to speak.

“Why would you want to keep her alive in the first place?” The demon asked as she looked over to The Wendigo, the woman panting as she did so.

“Ot evah rehtona bmow rof eht sseddog ot ekat!” Your wife shouted into the air before slamming her hands down into the table. “S’ti eht emas nosaer em dna mih llef ni evol ni eht tsrif ecalp! Ew tsum evah rehtona rebmem rof ruo yloh doorb!” She shouted as the demon women looked at your daughters as they got increasingly angry at the fact. 

“Llik reh! Llik reh rof eht sseddog!” One of the daughters said as the others began to chant “Llik reh”, much to their mothers annoyance as she turned and snarled at them, the demon looking at them both with slight confusion about who the goddesses actually were.

“Ecifircas!Ew tsum Ecifircas!” Another daughter screamed as your lover quickly had enough of them,growing at them before she spoke again.

“Ecnelis! Ew tusm wollof eht sesseddog ecnadiug!” The Wendigo shouted at her children, the Capra demon actually going to intersect as the other Wendigo’s hissed at their mother. 

“How do we know if this thing is even compatible with humans anyway?” The Capra demon asked as all the Wendigo’s turned around to face the demon before she spoke.

“I llems eht tnecs fo ytilitref nopu reh!” The wendigo shouted as the demon recoiled away somewhat before the demon regained her composure, the woman smiling ever so slightly in the process of this. 

“Well, given what I’ve found out from some of your daughters I’d say that I’ve got a proposition.” She said as she began to explain her plan to the others as you lay in a makeshift bed, slowly shifting yourself awake. You would try to get up before you sighed in pain, looking down to see the hole that had been gorged out of your body which was now burnt up with tissues stuffed inside it to make some kind of makeshift bandage. You would quickly hear one of your daughters howl as a couple of the air as a couple of them ran into you and hugged you with you looking to the door of the hanger to see your wife, one of your daughters and the Capra demon quickly walking towards you.

“Ym evol! Ho knaht eht sseddog!” Your Wife said as she grabbed hold of you and hugged you close to her, the woman hugging and licking at your neck as the demon and your children looked over with a slight smile on her face. 

“I’m just glad you’re alright!” You responded as you hugged her close, feeling her soft and wonderful body pushing against your body as she rested her muzzle up onto your shoulder. “So, what the hell happened to that Alien thing?” She asked as your wife looked over to the demon, the woman breathing out a slight bit of steam as your wife waited for her to speak with you figuring that she trusted her a bit more now that all this had happened.

“That’s actually what we wanted to talk to you about. Got enough strength in you to get yourself walking.” She asked as you went to get up, pushing your hand against the ground before you stumbled somewhat before managing to straighten up and nodding at her. “Excellent. Come and follow me, we’re gonna see that alien again but this time she will be a bit more pacified.” The demon said with you begun confused about what she had meant by this with you looking to your wife who shot you a look of reassurance which made you more confident about this decision. You walked through the empty halls until you eventually reached one of the office rooms, two of your daughters guarding it whilst the door was barricaded with filing cabinets.

The demon woman would take the filing cabinets and push them out of the way where your daughters would then take them to make sure they could barricade the door again if need be, the demon woman opening the door to reveal the Xenomorph. Only this time she wasn’t angry nor was she slinking around in the darkness, instead having her body turned over so her ass was facing you and her tail was pushed up into the air, exposing her dripping wet pussy as the Capra demon went to speak. “One of your daughters found some notes around the area that this one has repeatedly shown that she not only wants to breed but to also have children and, if what your wife said was true, you two are compatible.” She said as she looked over the Xenomorph who was doing all in her power to not fuck you.

“So you’re wanting me to fuck her, right?” You asked as the Capra demon said as she nodded before looking over to your wife, hearing as the woman growled somewhat as if to tell her to say something else. 

“Yes, but on one condition.” She said as she glanced down at the Xenomorph who was panting and moaning into the air desperately, pushing her tail up against her pussy as she did so. “You’ve gotta fuck me and your wife as well. You can start with this one but we’ll have to share.” She said as you nodded with a smile on your face, looking over the Xenomorph as you reached down to your trousers before you went to speak.

“It will be a pleasure, my lovers! Just let me deal with this one first, ok?” You asked as the demon and your wife nodded and you walked to the Xenomorph who proceeded to switch positions elegantly so that she was layering on her back, her legs spread to show off her dripping wet pussy. You grabbed ahold of your trousers and then took them off, throwing them over to the floor before you kneel between her legs and push your cock up against her pussy. Her vagina was practically spewing fluid all over the place as you pushed and rubbed up against your cock before you grabbed ahold of her legs and lifted your hips up into the air before slamming yourself inside of her, moaning her out into the air in the process.

The Xenomorph would let out a howl into the air as a second mouth pushed out of her mouth, goo-like drool dripping out of her mouth as her tail wrapped around your legs, the woman making sure that you wouldn’t be able to run away from her. You would thrust into her rapidly as you began to grope at her breasts, the other two women getting in position around you before the Xenomorph jumped up and grabbed ahold of your head and slammed your mouth into her own. You could feel as the Xenomorph started to pump some kind of goo into your mouth and down your thirst with it being too much to just spit as it tasted quite nice so you decided to keep kissing her, letting it move inside of you.

Suddenly you felt a twitch move across your cock which was way more pleasure then it usually was, the woman pulling her face off you as you felt her becoming tighter and tighter around you which was strange since she wasn’t clenching at all. Meanwhile you could feel as the pleasure would get more spread out and felt as your balls would grow heavier and heavier which was when you looked down which when you realised that your cock was growing. You pulled out of her to see your newfound inches of length, your wife looking at you with complete joy whilst the Capra demon looked on with both confusion and enjoyment of your newfound length as you turned to grab ahold of your wife, moving over her as you did so. 

You would clutch her hands into your own before slamming your new length into her, the woman moaning rapidly as she felt you moving inside of her, your hips hitting her with a flurry of thrust almost instantly. The woman would moan out into the air as she felt the new you inside of her, the woman wrapping her legs around your own as you felt as your hips slapped together in lust, her pussy fluids spattering across your hips and thighs as you looked into her eyes lovingly. You could feel as your balls slapped against your pussy, the woman covering in her pussy fluids as she panted into the air wildly with you looking into the capra demon’s face as you pulled out your wife and turnt your hips over to her. 

You proceeded to slam into her as she moaned out into the air, the woman’s moans being more controlled than your wife but you could tell you were giving her just as much pleasure then beforehand. You would push down onto her body as you fucked her, feeling as the warmth of her body pushed out against your chest and your skin, the woman’s legs hitting against the ground somewhat as she moaned loudly into the air. You would be moaning loudly as well, feeling as each inch of your cock twitched with the newfound pleasure that your new inches of your cock had gifted you, making the experience even more pleasurable than it usually was as you moved back to the Xenomorph, pushing the other two women to the alien so you could fuck them easier.

At that point you decided that you should thank the woman that gave you your newfound length with you pushing yourself down and slamming into her again, thrusting against her much faster than before as you did so. You could feel her pussy clenched and pushed against your cock as she panted loudly into the air and curled around your body rapidly, your hands holding onto her arms so that she could close her legs around you. Your other two lovers would look upon the women getting fucked and eagerly watching as she fell into her own pleasure and your wife would think that she was beginning to find her purpose underneath you, the woman drooling into the process.

That was when you felt you began to throb inside of her, pushing and pressing up against her inner walls whilst she responded by clutching against your cock even more which made it even more pleasurable for you. You could feel as the pressure at the tip of your cock began to build up, beginning to get harder and harder to keep in as the Xenomorph growled and moaned out into the air loudly, begging you to fill her up in the process as you moved your hands up to her own and held them, feeling her hands clutch up against you in the process. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and slammed down into the alien's pussy, feeling as it clenched up against your cock as you began to cum deep inside of her, your first shot pushing out and filling up her womb somewhat in the process.

You would keep shooting your cum out inside of the alien's pussy, slowly filling it up rapidly as the alien panted into the air as the woman’s  body would become more and more bloated with your cum. You would pump up with your cum until she looked like she was somewhat pregnant before you pulled out and turned over to the demon woman to give her some cum as well, with you shooting a couple loads all over her body before you pushed inside of her. That was when you began to fill her up, the Xenomorph dripping with your cum as the woman moaned louder and louder before she was looking like the woman beside her, her womb soon being bloated with cum once again.

Once she was bloated you moved right over to your wife, wanting to give her another brood as you pushed inside of her again, the woman panting with joy as she pushed her face against your own, her thick tongue pushing into your mouth as she held your hands lovingly. The woman would feel as shot after shot of your cum pushed inside of her and stretched her womb and vagina until it was bloated like the other two, pushing your head away from her own as you felt your orgasm began to stop. Eventually you would feel as the last couple squirts pushed out of your cock and inside of her with you pulling out as you panted into the air before you rested up next to her.

You and your wife would look at eachother with a deep smile upon your face, looking as the woman panted for a moment before she went to speak to you, her tongue curling in her mouth in the process. “Ev,uoy enod llew. Smees taht uoy evah trevnoc reh!” She would say happily as she looked over to the Xenomorph who as growling and moaning to herself before you looked back to your wife.

“Excellent. Now, shall I check on the girls whilst you rest here?” You asked as she nodded at you with you getting up off the ground and walking out of the room, leaving her and the other girls to rest with their stomachs round and bloated and their pussies dripping. After that everything else on the space station was a breeze with your daughters getting on well if the Xenomorph once you had ensured her that she had fully joined your cause and the Xenomorph being constantly fucked with the first clutch of her children being born a week after your first encounter.  You now had a new follower for your goddess and a brand new set of children to deal with, with you knowing that they would all be perfect for when the goddess had come.

Not only that but the council between you, your eldest daughters, the capra demon and your wife had decided on your plans to get the goddess to emerge which involved getting to a planet whilst breeding across the trip. When you made landfall then the preparation would have begin to summon the goddess to that world where you would then bring her to humanity and you would indoctrinate any alien that you would come across just like you did with the Xenomorph. 

Blessed be.

Bonus lore : 01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110000 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01100010 01101001 01101110 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01110110 01011010 01111000 01101000 01010001 01001100 00110001 01000110


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