The Wendigo story.

The leaves would blow against your feet as you walked through the twisted and corrupted woods of aliaque forest, your gun clenched within your hands as you got ready to shoot anything that moved, any movement out of the corner of your eye causing you to spin around immediately to where the thing moved too. The entire forest was dead to the core, the trees having no leaves and instead just having these long, atrophied branches moving across the sky whilst the trees themselves were devoid of all birds and the ground was devoid of any mammals and insects, leaving a carpet of dead leaves resting underneath you. Usually no human being would go into the forest unarmed or alone due to what lurked within it but now they wouldn’t even be near the forest, your car being parked in the closest area that you could park it in due to the disturbance of a creature known as the Wendigo.

The Wendigo was a great and evil creature, lurking around the dead woods at night and killing eagerly, spreading blood across the ground and then hiding in the woods, never to be seen by a pair of human eyes again although no man would willingly look at such a creature. The origin of the Wendigo of Aliaque forest was muddled and clouded due to years of fear and suspicion but you had manage to track the Wendigo down to several incidents that had occurred around the early 2000s with the start of it all being the murder of Eric Doe. Eric was a rich man, being able to afford a cabin that lurked in the woods where he would take his wife often to relax and holiday but the cabin wasn’t just for him and his wife alone but was also used for his many, many mistresses to have sex in our of the public eye.

Of course, he was caught one day when he went to the cabin with a young woman and she bragged about it at a local bar, not knowing that Leia Doe was lurking behind the woman, hearing about her husband's betrayal. Then she went to the cabin with him on a cold autumn weekend and then proceeded to lock all of the doors of the cabin, waiting until her husband had drifted into slumber before the woman grabbed ahold of one of the knives in the kitchen. It is unknown how many times she had stabbed her lover before she stopped but the police rumoured that it was around 38 stab wounds at least before she stopped before she had decided to put the next part of her plan into action.

The police would find the result of this plan about five days later when they found the body on the outskirts of the forest, the corpse having his torso completely hollowed out, his legs removed from his body, his face mutilated beyond repair and his brain completely scooped out. That was the same day that Leia Doe returned to her workplace with eyewitness accounts saying that she seemed to be growing and mutations, barely fitting in her usual work clothes, her hands going deathly black and her skin a pale white. Things would only get worse for her over the course of the next couple of hours where her face would grow cracked, oozing with a black liquid and the skin of her face seeming as if it was going to fall off and her eyes eventually turning a sickly black.

By the end of her shift she looked as if she was barely alive, walking home on her own instead of using her car but she did not return home and instead moved back to the cabin within the woods. The police went to her workplace to find her first and heard of her sickly look, quickly going to her home along with an ambulance crew only to find her not at the house at all and instead were directed to a strange, zombie-like woman who had attacked a hunter within the woods. By the time the police reached the cabin the door had been completely smashed through, the smell of death wafting through the air as the officers walked in and what happened next was described by the only survivor of the ambulance crew.

The member of the crew recalled seeing her in the wrecked cabin, her belongings wrecked as she stayed curled naked in the corner, the woman being about 8feet tall and having swollen, bulging hands and her face had been ripped at the seams. She would let out a unholy screech and rip the skin of her hands opened revealing a set of sharp claws  and her face falling off onto the ground revealing the bony visage of a deer, antlers erupting from her skull and spraying blood everywhere as she uncurled and attacked the officers. The officer she attacked first was utterly destroyed by the force of her running into him, the other officers being ripped limb from limb as the ambulance crew retreated, the driver and one of the medics being ripped out of the vehicle and killed whilst the one survivor lost his arm before the creature ran off.

Since then nobody dared to lurk in the forest again out of fear that the Wendigo was hiding within it, keeping the creature at bay by feeding it human corpses until this month where it had come out the forest to look for prey. It only targeted women who had the scent of a man on them, frequently taking women from the local college and taking them back to the woods where they would never be seen alive again, the corpses dumped at the edge of the forest around five days later. They would return hollowed out and missing most, if not all, of their limbs with no one wanting to do anything about this problem except you, who was going within the forest with your shotgun to find the cabin.

You’d look into the distance and that’s when you saw what remained of Leia Doe’s cabin, the cabin already looking more ruined then it ever did beforehand with you walking towards it with your gun pointing right at the door and windows. As you got closer you saw the utter state of disrepair that the cabin was in, the windows being smashed in and the door laid covered in dirt on the floor, the roof being destroyed due to the fact a tree had managed to grow right through it, the branches being as bare as any other in the woods. You would take a breath and shoot a shot into the woods to see if anything would come out and after waiting about half a minute or so nothing came out of the four wooden walls, causing you to walk inside.

What you walked into surprised you as it seemed that the creature had managed to maintain a vague amount of human-like sentience to it, the walls being covered in scratching including words like “Kill Eric Hate Eric Kill Eric” and utter gibberish with words being placed in random sequences. It would also include diagrams of various figures, most of which didn’t resemble a human at all and one of which resembling a multi armed Wendigo with varying appendages with the words “GODDESS” scratched underneath it. Any furniture in the house was covered in mud and leaves, most of it being broken on the floor as you moved deeper inside of the cabin which seemed to be the kitchen which had been converted into a larder.

Organs were strewn haphazardly all over the place, rotting organs mixing with the more fresh ones as limbs would be stuffed into drawers and even into the rusting, no longer functioning oven. At the end of the room was where the tree was located, the oak covering up whatever was behind it as you walked underneath the tree and looked up at the branches, seeing as they all tangled with one another as you caught a glance of something that made your blood run cold. A pair of red dots looked down at you, your shotgun quickly getting hoisted in the air as you heard the beats click it’s jaws together and drool hit the ground, your fingers flexing across the trigger before the bullets pushed into the air and through the branches, wood falling to the ground in the process.

The beast would move like a flash, slamming to the ground and taking your shotgun along with it, smashing it onto the ground with a noticeable crack which meant your gun was utterly useless as you looked upon the Wendigo. She was a massive woman being about eight foot tall, her body being a plump affair with her tits being huge along with her ass and thighs, all of them covered in the stains of dirt and blood that were around the place. Her legs had long since been mutated into the legs of a feet with there being no semblance of anything human at all and instead looking much like a deer’s whilst her hands were thin and huge, claws digging into the wood as you gazed upon her face which was on top of her fluffy white neck. Her head was that of a deer skull with cracks going all the way down it including several stab marks and bullet wounds, leaking a near constant supply of black drool as her horns pulled into the air, covered in hastily crafted charms, her red and black eyes staring at you as she sniffed the air and approached you slowly.

“Ta gnol rsal, a detamnu elam! Deerb htiw em dna ew lliw wolla ruo nerdlihc ot ees reh lavirra!” She would say with you not knowing what she was saying as she dived right for you, pinning you right to the ground as she opened her mouth for you. Her tongue would roll out with the organ being meaty and swollen with the tongue itself being an inky black dripping onto the floor before she grabbed your jaw and harshly pulled it open. She then jammed her tongue into your mouth and pushed it deep inside of you, the tongue occasionally hitting the back of your throat as she made sure her drool dripped into your mouth so you’d have no choice but to swallow it all down your gullet.

As she kissed you, you could feel as something began to burn deep inside of you, your cock hardening to a near painful degree with the sudden urge to dominate the Wendigo moving through your mind. With this new found power as you grabbed ahold of her wrists and pushed her down onto her back, something the woman was willingly allowing you to do as she spread her legs for you, revealing you her dripping wet pussy within the process. You would reach your hand down to your trousers as she began to speak to you again, undoing your trousers and throwing them aside in the process. “Sey! Sey! Ecadbme ruoy tsul rof eht shelf!” She shouted as you took off your underwear, your cock springing out before you began to move back and then thrusted deep inside of her. 

She would moan into the air with rapturous glee as she wrapped her legs around your waist as you pushed deeper into her pussy, feeling her warmth around you as she clenched up when you hit against the lips of her pussy with your balls. You would then pull out again as your hands landed on the flesh of her thighs and gripped a hold of them so you could anchor yourself to her body, pulling out until only your tip was still inside of her. Then you thrusted right back in and proceeded to complete the process over and over again, drool pushing out of her mouth and dripping down onto the floor, staining it even more so than it was before as you moved your mouth up to her head.

You would then push your lips down to her bony snout before she opened her mouth and began to kiss you again, the swollen organ pushing deep into your mouth as you continued to fuck her, your hands still clutching her thighs as you kissed her. A mixture of her spit and your own dripped off her tits and onto the floor, staining it more so than beforehand as you stared right into those dark eyes resting in her skull, seeing a beastly beauty hanging within them. You could feel the fire of lust inside your heart grow larger as your hands moved away from her thighs and pushed into the ground, your hips beginning to grow faster as drool dripped off your face when you pulled away from her mouth.

You could hear the lewd sounds of her pussy fluids being sprayed and pushed all over your hips and thighs as you fucked her harder, feeling as her legs flicked and kicked against your back ever so slightly in the process. Your hands would flex against the ground restlessly, wanting to grab ahold of your monstrous lover as you reached out into the air and pushed onto her hands, clutching ahold of them in the process, your hands now being kept within her own. She would go and hold your hands right back, her long fingers moving between your own and wrapping around them, making sure that you wouldn’t leave her, not that you were ever attending to leave her without a stomach full of children.

As you kept her pin to the ground by her hands and her hips you’d hear her joyous moans and cries of lust and pleasure, her eyes threatening to roll back into the back of her head as she went to speak to you again. “Retsaf!Retsaf! Evig em rouy nerdlihc!” She screamed out before she went back to moaning faster and faster, her pussy clenching up against your cock rapidly as her neck fur got more and more ragged over the course of your intercourse. You felt the need to fulfil her wants and her desires of the flesh and as such you began to go even faster up against her pussy, the woman wiggling around on the ground in pleasure as her legs began to piston you in and out of her pussy.

At this point you briefly started wondering if you were getting even more animalistic than her as you slammed your hips down onto your own before your brain turned back to your desire to breed the massive Wendigo woman. Your heart was beating at a minute inside of your chest as you pushed yourself up against her body as you felt the warmth coming off her, her breasts squeezing somewhat against your chest as her horns pushed against the air. “Deerb!Deerb em, namuh!” She cried out into the air as you felt as you began to understand her words and cries of pleasure and relapse, seeing that they had all lied to you about her true nature, realising that she was perfect.

You would feel as your cock began to throb inside of her, the woman twitching excitedly at the thought of you finally cumming inside of her and flooding her eggs and making her birth your children once and for all. You could feel as a pressure began to build up at the end of your cock, pushing and urging you to cum yet a mental barrier stopped you from realising just yet as if you needed to make sure she was bred by the end of this. After a minute or so more of thrusting inside of her you could feel as that mental barrier broke away entirely as you slammed into her body and proceeded to shoot your first load inside of her, the cumshot shooting deep inside her pussy in the process.

You would feel as shot after shot escaped your cock and nestled deep inside her pussy, your shots feeling as if they were supernaturally huge and your orgasm never seeming to stop even when you felt the moment should have passed. Eventually it would get to a point where the size and intensity of your loads would level out somewhat but your orgasm would refuse to stop, causing her stomach to begin to swell somewhat in the process. Eventually you would stop cumming inside of her but you didn't know when you stopped,only that the sensation stopped at one point, your hands falling out of your Wendigo lovers as you looked down at her stomach, seeing that she was reasonably bloated with your cum as you pulled out of her body.

You moved up onto your feet before you moved next to her and lied down, moved your arms either side of her body before keeping her nice and close to you, her face moving right next to yours so you could be eye level with her. You would then move onto another loving kiss, your tongue tangling with her own as you realise that this was the binding of the both of you together for the rest of your life’s with one another as you wondered what would happen in the cabin with you. You couldn’t wait to see your children, to produce more with her and to understand her more, to know everything about her as your kiss kept going and going, your tongues lashing together in the process.

It had been six months now since you had been in this cabin with her and you had now produced two broods of Wendigo children, most of them being half way to growing fully by now, already hunting their fair share of mated people in the time. You now understood the purpose of your children and your purpose with your Wendigo lover as well, her stomach having another set of your children inside of her, just as the goddess wills. You shall cherish your children and prepare for her arrival, wait for the boundary to finally be crossed and when the grand crossing occurs humanity shall see the true beauty of the Wendigo.

Blessed be.



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