The milk of human kindness part 3

 Another hot day had befallen the once vibrant city of Boston which was now a nuclear wasteland split into various groups with varying amounts of hatred towards you with you wondering sometimes if the people of the wasteland were more dangerous than the animals that were lurking around the hellish place. The smell of rotting flesh and god knows what else was potent in the air with the slight scent of lead moving through the air, seemingly from all of the fighting that had occurred before you had shown up with you still having your gun in your hand as you entered the outpost in the desert. You had been sent there to claim the settlement back from them, taking all of your ammo and weapons with you in case things got ugly only for you not to use them, much to your annoyance since you had to lug most of it across the barren wasteland and much to your partners rage since she didn’t get to murder anything as you promised her.

Talking about your partner, you had somewhat of a special relationship with her that you didn’t have with anyone else in the wasteland in the fact that the both of you had sex quite frequently since you met. This was partly due to the fact that she was looking for the milk of human kindness, of which was a misunderstanding in of itself, and you told her that the milk of kindness ever so happened to reside within your cock of which she believed wholeheartedly. This would escalate to the both of you having sex constantly won’t most of it being oral but occasionally she would try and ride you off which hurt quite a bit due to the fact she was massive and extremely, extremely strong, living up to her name.

The sound of something smashing echoed out across the air causing you to break out of your train of thought to see what it was, turning around to see that she had managed to punch part of the wall of the compound, pushing her fist right through it. You turned around and walked over to her before placing your hands onto one of her muscular arms as she went to punch again, the woman grunting as you went to speak to the hulking green woman. “Calm yourself down, Strong! Listen, we’ll loot this place and relax for an hour and then we’ll go around the wasteland and kill anything we can find, ok?” You asked before the woman stopped for a moment and thought.

“Fine. Strong shall wait before Strong gets to kill.” She said as she let out a dissatisfied grunt as you let out a smirk and a bit of a chuckle and motioned her to come inside of the building with you. She would follow, the woman’s steps echoing out slightly across the floor as you entered right into the front door and into a room full of bodies, each one strewn across the floor haphazardly as their weapons laid on the ground with the clips half fired. You would rummage through the bodies and the guns before you proceeded forward into the building, Strong taking anything that she could find as you walked across the area, trying not to step in the puddles of blood as you did so whilst Strong moved right through the blood.

You would slowly walk through and collect more and more ammo through the area, picking up shotgun shells and energy canisters as you went deeper and deeper into the compound. Eventually, you would reach a large door to some kind of armoury, the door being thick and made out of steel as you went to try and push it open, hearing the sound of the door scraping against the ground, Strong looking at you for a couple of seconds as you turned to face her.”Hey, could you give me a little help pushing this door?” You asked as she nodded and pushed against the door as well, the metal scraping across the ground some more before the door buckled and pushed right up against the wall, revealing what was inside the armoury.

You looked around the armoury for a couple of seconds before you saw the crown jewel of any arsenal resting on the ground, the Fatman micro-nuke launcher, one of the most powerful weapons in the wasteland. “Oh get in! Always wanted to get my hands on one of these things!” You Said as you grabbed ahold of the nuke launcher and cradled it in your hands, looking down to see a couple of discarded mini-nukes resting on the ground which you picked up carefully. You would quickly hoist the nuke launcher onto your back and strap the mini-nukes to your belt as you began to walk over to Strong, tapping her right into the middle of her exposed and rather large chest as you did so.

“Right then! Let’s get going, eh strong?” You said as you began to walk away from her as she let out a grunt before grabbing ahold of you and pulling you backwards and then turning you to face her.

“Not yet. Strong is hungry. Strong desire milk of human kindness.” She would say as she looked into your eyes, the woman’s large breasts hanging down from her chest ever so slightly in the process. She would then grab ahold of your leg and then pull you up onto your tiptoes before colliding your face with her own and her massive tongue pushing into your mouth, the muscular organ wrapping around your own as drool dripped down the side of your lips.  The kiss would go for a while of which you responded by moaning into her mouth, feeling as a lustful heat burnt up inside of you and your cock grew gradually and gradually harder over the course of it until she managed to pull off your face.

She would quickly reach down to your trousers and attempt to tear them off your body with you grabbing ahold of your undergarments and trying to throw them aside before she could tear them to pieces. You managed to get them off which left your clothing unscathed bearing several of the small tears Strong had managed to place in them before you got them off, a slight amount of drool dripping from her face as she looked down at you. She would push you against the wall, the mini-nuke launcher scraping against the concrete as she spread your legs, lifting them off the ground slightly and placing her head between your legs, her hot breath pushing up against your cock.

She would stare at your waist for several moments as she breathed onto your cock, your rod twitching and moving in the air in the process as she moved her lips closer and closer to your cock with her lips dripping with drool. She would outstretch her large tongue before pushing it up against the head of your cock, making you moan out into the air as she let out a smirk before grabbing hold of your thighs as she moved her mouth a few centimetres away from your cock. She would then move her head back into the air before slamming her lips down onto your dick, causing you to moan out loudly into the air as she went down to the base of your cock within a second flat.

You would look down as she had your entire cock entrapped within her mouth, feeling as her tongue pressed up against the bottom of it which only made you moan and twitch inside of her mouth in the process. She would eventually begin pulling away from your cock whilst she glanced up into your eyes, spit dripping from your cock as she went back to your head and proceeded to suckle on it for a couple of seconds as she used that thick tongue of hers. She would use it to make rings around your cockhead, making you moan and thrust up against her tongue before she slammed herself right back down into your hips again.

She would continue to do this process several more times, going right down to the base of your cock before slowly peeling back up your dick and suckling and licking your tip before slamming right back down and repeating the process. In the meantime your hands would spasm in the air before reaching down and grabbing ahold of the woman’s body, one hand resting on her massive shoulder and the other one landing on her bald head. You would push your fingers and hands up against them as you moaned out into the air, the woman seeming to take notice of your attempts to stabilise yourself as she began to go faster against your body.

Her arms would wrap around your thighs as she began to move up and down faster than before, not taking a single second to stop anymore as she rammed her nose deep into your waist and thighs. Her drool would go pushing out all across your balls as she deepthroated your cock, the sounds of slight choking as her throat muscles pushed and wrapped around your cock, crushing it in a near vice-like grip in the process. She would pull back up to your tip and then bathe your cockhead with drool from her tongue, the drool dripping off your cock and onto her tongue before she went down your cock again.

She would also use her tongue on your cock as she went up and down it, using the muscular organ to wrap around it before clenching up around it much like an anaconda strangled its prey. She would eventually unravel her tongue before slamming herself down on your cock again and letting her throat take over as she clenched and pushed up against your cock, her hands practically strangling your legs in the process. You would feel as you were pulled into the air by her arms, your feet quivering somewhat as she began to go faster and faster up against your crotch in the process.

At this point, there was no rhythm or flow to her thrusts with it now being pure animalistic lust that was causing her to suck you for as hard as she was doing, the woman moaning loudly in the process. You could feel her tongue slamming against your balls as she deep thrusted you, your balls being panties by her tongue before she pulled away from you, looking up into your eyes with a mixture of love and lust before she slammed her nose-first into your waist. She was starving for your cum at this point, yearning for it more so than anything else at the moment and judging by his fast she was going you would be giving it to her very soon.

That was because you could feel as your clock began to throb inside of her mouth, pushing up against her lips and your tongue as she drooled and moaned as you clutched ahold of her head to make sure you were somewhat stable. You would then feel a pressure build-up at the tip of your cock, pushing and throbbing against the back of her throat as you made sure to build up as big of a load for your companion as humanly possible. Eventually, you realised that you couldn’t take it anymore, the pressure at your tip growing too intense and you proceeded to shoot your first rope deep into her throat, the woman slamming down to your tip so she could be sure to take it all.

You could feel as the first few shots pushed out onto her tongue and her throat, slowly coating it before your shots got stronger and faster and then proceeding to coat the insides of her throat and pumping right into her stomach. Eventually, your orgasm would reach its peak but only after her mouth was coated in your cum, the woman swallowing it all down as you pushed a great and powerful load deep inside of her muscular throat. That was when your orgasm started to subside somewhat, your shots getting slower and slower whilst you were pressed inside her with you eventually dripping your last couple of drops into her before she pulled away from your cock.

She would pull out and let out pants as cum dripped out of the roof of her mouth and onto her tongue of which she would proceed to swallow down eagerly, getting up off her knees after putting you back on the ground much more gently than she usually does. “Mmmmph, such a tasty meal! Now, let’s go and kill something!” She would shout happily as you managed to get yourself back up onto your feet and placed your trousers back onto your legs, needing to rest up against the wall for a few seconds in the process. You would nod at her as you went to pick up your stuff and began to walk back out into that humid and hellish wasteland where you only hope that it was hotter than usual so you had an excuse to give your partner more milk.


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