Spotted wight story

You had been a Witcher for a long while now, going from place to place and completing task after task for various people of both high and lower standing which usually invoked you slaying beasts like the necrophages or wild animals that had somehow developed the taste for human flesh. You had been to most places at this point so not much was surprising to you so going to Toussaint was a usual endeavour, the place being a duchy within the Empire of Nilfgaard which was well known for its volcanoes and its wines, neither of which really interested you as you walked into the duchy. The first thing you would do was stop within one of the towns of Toussaint and quickly ask around for some work from the local wine sellers, hoping that they would be able to okay you some good money, the first several not being able to yield any results but you eventually found someone in a more rural area who would give you what you wanted.

The farmer was clearly tired and dishevelled by the time you had come around, clearly having to deal with something out of the ordinary and that something seemed to weigh on his mind which was when you asked about it. The farmer told you of a creature known as a spotted wight that had made itself a hut out within the woods outside of his vineyard and would often try and talk to him during the night due to what the farmer described as a curse of loneliness that had been cast on the creature. The creature would often leave gifts for him as well, of which the farmer showed you, the gift consisting of some metal that had been hammered into being a necklace, a couple of bones and a crows head that had been ripped off rest of the bird.

The farmer then gave you the task of giving the spotted wight the companionship that it needed seeing as the farmer already had a family to look after, offering a pretty penny for if you were able to lift the curse on the creature. You accepted and took the money, grabbing a hold of your dagger and sword before you looked over to the firsts, seeing the massive trees pulling up into the air with the leaves being a dark, swamp-like green. You had waited until nightfall before you entered the forest proper, spending the rest of the time seeing if the creature could be seen from the outskirts but the only things that you were able to see were rabbits and the occasional forest rodent.

As the moon rose and the sun fell you decided to enter the forest, feeling the wind moving across your skin and neck as you began to move onto the dark forest, the leaves that had fallen from the trees crunching underneath your feet. The moonlight shone through the sheets of trees that were above you, giving everything around you a white tinge to it, the shadows pushing out from the trees and moving into all sorts of demented shapes. You would be able to hear the sounds of what seemed to be footsteps around you as you walked around, glancing around you to figure out what was around with nothing you sensed being the creature that you were looking to be a companion to.

Eventually, you would see something sticking out of the ground far in the forest, the moonlight highlighting just enough for you to identify that it was some kind of shoddily made hut which you assumed to be the home of the wight. You would move closer to the house as the ground started getting rockier with you looking down to see that they weren’t actually rocks but various discarded bones that the creature had left after it had finished eating its prey. You would then reach the home itself, revealing that it was shoddily made out of discarded logs and broken sticks, making the walls and roof seem unequal whilst the entire thing was held together with rope and a strange black substance which stuck to the walls.

You would move over to a hole that had been smashed through which you assumed was one of the doorways and proceeded to knock on the walls next to it, waiting for the wight to arrive at the doorway. There was no answer, the only sound that was coming out was the wind as you knocked on the wall harder, sticking your head in the doorway to look around the trashed room which had all sorts of dirt and leaves inside of it as well as another doorway. That was when you decided to change your strategy and walk into the house, seeing as a slight bit of liquid dripped off the roof as you cleared your throat and began to speak, hoping that whatever was inside would actually respond to you.

“Hello, are you here, wight? I have come to relieve you of your loneliness.” You said as a couple of seconds of silence echoed out before it got quickly replaced with the sounds of slamming and scampering. You tried to figure out where the sound was coming from before you heard the sounds of the scampering stop, looking over to the doorframe to see that the creature was poking its head out to look at you, quickly withdrawing as soon as you turned around to see it. “I mean you no harm, you can come out.” You said before the scampering continued again, the creature seemed like it was going around in a circle before it headed out into the room that you were standing in.

The spotted wight was taller than your average wight, still being below the size of the average human but only being up to your chest with the first place that your eyes looked to was her face which had spots of irritated and rotting skin on it, much like the rest of her body. Her face was monstrous but most certainly female, her mouth having rows of sharp teeth that were so large they were exposed to the air and white eyes with no pupils inside, her nose being completely gone with you assuming that it had rotted off. Her body was covered up in a rag that she was using as a cloak, another bit of fabric that covered her crotch and a pair of gloves of which showed off the massive claws that were sticking out of her rotting hands, the rags being so short that you could see some of her breasts behind the ragged fabric, the woman looking around worryingly as you looked at her.

“Have you really come here for me? To be with me?” She asked as she moved towards you gradually, hissing to herself before you began to nod where her face proceeded to light up. “Oh, Wonderful! We must start immediately, the curse must be lifted!” She said as she grabbed ahold of your hand and began to yank you over to the room that she had managed to crawl out of, following her eagerly in the process as to make sure she felt loved. The bedroom was less messy than the room preceding it with there being a broken closet with various rags on it, a half-broken makeup table with the mirror shattered and a bed that had lost most of its original stuffing which was replaced with leaves and dirt.

She would lead you onto the bed and quickly jump up onto it with you the following suit, the creature looking up at you before she went back to being nervous again, the creature playing with her fingers as she did so. “I-i don't exactly know what I’m doing now. Can you help, please?” She asked as she tried to figure out what to, do next, her hands resting on your chest as you placed one hand on her thigh and the other onto her stomach.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do everything for you.” You said softly of which she responded by smiling warmly at you, undoing her cloak as a blush moved across her rotting face with you peeling her cloak back to reveal her breasts. She would mumble to herself as you did this, her voice sounding quiet and lustful as you grabbed ahold of your chestplate and took it off, throwing it to the ground, her eyes fixing on your chest as she glanced up and down it. Her hands would gradually move up to your chest before beginning to rake her claws down it gently, pushing down onto the skin as you proceeded to take the fabric that covered her genitals off, grabbing ahold of it and slowly undoing it until it slid off her sore covered legs.

Her pussy was pretty wet, dripping onto the broken bed as she blushed a bit more, the woman smiling as your hands moved over to your own trousers as you began to slip them off your legs and onto the ground. Your cock quickly popped out and looked right above her pussy, the woman blushing and moving her hands to her head as you grabbed ahold of her hips and moved your cock right next to her pussy, hearing as she breathed heavily in the process. “Are you ready?” You asked her before she proceeded to nod at you wildly, winding your hips back as she braced herself for you to enter her before you slammed inside of her, feeling her entire body shake as you moved.

You moaned out as you felt her surprisingly tight inner walls pushed up against your cock, her legs twitching out into the air as she moaned loudly, her hands clutching the air before they managed to land onto your shoulders. You felt her claws push onto your skin as the base of your cock slammed down into her hips, causing her body to twitch somewhat as you rested for a moment, the woman letting out a couple of lusty breaths as she rested as well. You then began to pull away from her, feeling as she clenched against your cock whilst her breath fogged up isn’t the air, moving right to the tip before you slammed down into her pussy, making her twitch all over again.

This process would go on for several minutes, the woman clutching your body as she began to move one of her hands up to your head and began to grab at your hair, being as gentle as she could possibly be. She would them push your face down so you were right next to her, the woman’s warm breath pushing up against your face before the woman’s massive tongue slipped out, the wet organ dripping onto her tits as she looked into your eyes lovingly. She would then go to kiss you or which you accepted happily, her tongue moving right into your mouth and winding your own, flicking around it as salty spit dripped down into your tastebuds.

That was when you began to go faster against her hips, her legs wrapping themselves around you in the process with you being able to hear her muffled moans and gasps as you kissed the wight passionately. Her hands would push into your back and would rake her fingers against your flesh, her pussy clenching with each slam of your hips as you felt her fluids splash up against your hips in the process. Your arms wrapped around your body before you moved one hand to her breasts and the other hand grabbed ahold of her ass, your hands grabbing and pushing at them, your palm pushing up against her nipple which made her entire body push up against your own.

Her mouth would pull away from your own as her tongue dripped with your drool, the thick organ sticking out of her mouth for several moments as she panted wildly, her tongue eventually slipping back into her jaw. “H-harder! Grope me harder!” She moaned out as she pushed her head back into the bed with you responding to her by pushing your hand into her tit and grinding against her nipple once again, feeling as she twitched and shook against her bed. You could feel her pussy twitch against you in the same way, pushing and rubbing against your cock as you pushed yourself down onto her body and began to go faster against her.

At that point lewd sounds echoed out of the makeshift home, the woman holding onto you as she moaned into your face, her tongue beginning to hang out of her mouth again as spit dripped from the tip of the organ. Her legs would wrap around your body like a vice, any chance of escape being taken away, not that you wanted to escape her grasp in the first place, embracing her boney legs in the process. You could feel as she began to get closer and closer to orgasming, her breathing getting more and more disoriented and her pussy twitches getting both more pleasurable and coming much faster than they had beforehand.

You were also getting close to orgasm, feeling as your cock began to throb inside of her pussy with the inner walls pushing up against the edges of your cock which lead to them pushing them right into your most pleasurable areas. You could also feel as an intense feeling began to pool up at the tip of your cock, the feeling being all of the cum that you were holding in for her, wanting to give the lonely wight all that you’ve got. The pressure would get more and more intense and as such got harder to hold in, her teeth clenched together as she looked you in the eye lovingly, that single look being enough to push you over the edge which is where you began to orgasm inside of her body.

As the first shot of cum pushed up into her pussy and hit against her walls the wight proceeded or orgasm as well, her hips twitching and flexing as her pussy clamped against you and her pussy fluids washed against your cock. Then it was your cum fighting against her fluids, both of them pushing and mixing against each other as you both pushed against the other's body, the peak of your orgasm being indistinguishable from the rest of your orgasm. The wight finished orgasms only a few seconds before you, the woman moaning out into the air as she pushed down onto the bed with you shooting your last couple loads inside of her before landing your knees and breathing heavily.

She would brace herself for a moment as she waited for the curse to release her onto for her body to stay the same, the woman sighing as she pushed her head into the bed, moaning slightly as you managed to slip out of her body. “Ugh, it didn’t work. I suppose that you should go now, traveller. Unless you want to stay and try again later, of course?” She would ask, saying the last sentence rather quickly as you smiled and snuggled up into her back, your mouth being placed next to her ear as you whispered a yes to her. You couldn’t see her face but you could imagine that it lit up with joy as she turned around and buried her face into your chest, breathing against your skin as she went to speak to you again. “Great! In that case, just stay in my bed tonight. Just keep me warm.” She Said as she wrapped her arms around you with you doing the exact same thing as you both went to sleep together, your new life starting right there.


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