Under your bed (OC)

 Everyone has been scared of the dark at one point, almost always due to someone imagining something hiding away in the darkness wanting to jump out and grab ahold of you and drag you back into the abyss with the place where monsters liked to hide most of all was right underneath your bed. You certainly knew why, the underside of your bed was a hurtling abyss always begging for a hand to come grasping at your feet wherever you’d would step down off the bed as a child or a pair of eyes staring at you from underneath, waiting for you to come and stare into them so it could drag you underneath the bed and to your doom, whatever horrifying fate that you had imagined up being worse when any being could ever do to you. Of course, you knew that the monsters hiding under your bed weren’t exactly hostile, especially given how you discovered one as a kid hiding underneath it, a cloak and tendrils shifting in the darkness when you looked under it.

You also knew her name was Teela and that she was a rather lovely woman for a strange being that was seemingly living under your bed rent free, seemingly rather nervous when you actually talked to her instead of simply screaming and hiding. However after this initial meeting you and her pretty much become inseparable, both of you talking all day every day to the point that you were moving books under the bed when you slept so that she could actually have something to do other than just waiting for you to wake up.  Sometimes you’d stay up with her for a good chunk of the night and watch movies with her when your parents trusted you enough to have a tv in your room with the both of you watching until either you fell asleep or the movie was over and done with.

Of course, staying with a woman pretty much 24/7 would illicit more reactions than just wanting to be friends with her with you feeling those loving feelings for her at a young age but you didn’t really have a way of describing them or acting on them. That was until you hit your teenage years and, by extension, puberty hit you back causing a tidal wave of emotions for the woman that you had never really felt before with you having no idea how to express them given how unorthodox your chosen object of affections was. Instead of fantasizing about the girl next door and that hot cheerleader you could see in your geography class in the fields, you instead were fantasizing about the cloaked woman that was hiding under your bed who wasn’t even human in the slightest.

You didn’t really think that you’d get a way to express your feelings for her anytime soon, least of all because she seemed entirely situated in your bedroom but all because your parents always had the tendency of walking in the most awkward of moments. However, it seemed that luck was on your side for once in your life with you being told that your parents were leaving for the week to go on honeymoon and as such would be leaving you here, something that you couldn’t be more than happy to approve of. Now you waved your parents out of the door, watching as they got in the car and left you for somewhere much hotter and more humid, moving inside of your house and pumping your fist in the air before running to your room, a grin across your face.

After clearing the hallway in the fastest time that you think you’ve ever been able to, you would move to your bedroom and laid down on the bed, putting your headphones on and waiting until the sun would set for her to arrive. The day would drive down into the night and your room was plunged into an ever expanding pool of darkness with you proceeding to move your hands behind your back and proceeding to hear as there was the sound of creaking echoing out from underneath your bed. You’d then feel as something would start crawling around under you, the creaking echoing out across the air as you would soon see something emerge from the end of your bed, a massive shadow moving from underneath as you smiled at seeing Tesla once again as you’d do so.

You’d look up at her head first seeing that it was entirely shrouded in shadow due to the cloak that she had on with the area around where her head was, a zipper hanging down from her head slightly as your eyes moved down to the rest of her body which was almost covered in her dark black shroud. Despite this you’d be able to see pretty much the shape of her body due to how tight the cloak was around her body with it being real right tight around her large breasts, a pair of zippers moving from her breasts and down her stomach with the fabric also clinging to her waist and her hips, another pair of zippers moving up her leg to the bottom of the cloak which was where you could see her lower half. Her lower half consisted of a variety of tentacles, most of them being large but a few of them were on the smaller side of things, stripes moving across each and every one of them as you looked at her hands, seeing that they were looking long with sharp claws tipping each finger.

“Heya, Anon. Looks like we’ve got the house to ourselves for a while, haven’t we?” She asked, moving her hands around to express herself since you couldn’t see her face now she moved to the side of the bed.

“Certainly seems like it! Now,you wanna play some battlefront II?” You asked, the woman nodding as she shuffled herself onto the bed, a couple of tendrils hanging off the mattress as she would get herself comfortable. After a while of playing the games you started to feel those loving emotions come up again with you wondering if you should take your shot with her more then you were thinking about taking shots in game which probably explained why she was doing way better than you at the moment. More gunfire and various glitches would play out before you would eventually slide out the disk and place a movie into the console, pushing it into the drive before letting the movie play out with you resting by her side as the two of you watched it together. 

As the film continued you’d focus less on the movie and more on her, watching as she would push the popcorn you had brought the other day into her hood which it would then seemingly be eaten although you couldn’t tell for sure since there weren’t any chewing sounds coming from there. Eventually you got to the point where it was now or never, with you placing your hand onto the woman’s shoulder, the woman shifting her entire body somewhat before sitting herself up somewhat as she would look at you. “Teela, I’ve got something I’ve been meaning to tell you. It’s good, it’s not bad or anything!” You would say, realizing that the first sentence sounded pretty dire before she would move one of her tendrils across your leg as she would go to speak to you.

“What is it, Anon?” She asked, her hand moving out into the air and moved it over to your shoulder, clutching hold of it and making sure she didn’t dig her sharp fingernails into your shoulder as she did so.

“Teela, I’ve had these feelings for quite a while now, months really but now that you’re here next to me I feel like I can finally say them now.” You said as you would swallow your nerves, deciding not to keep the woman waiting as you spoke again. “I love you, Teela. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” You said as you moved your other hand over to her arm and moved it down across her hand before you clutched hold it, the woman clutching it back before you’d wait for her to respond. The silence was deafening and the woman wouldn’t seem to make any sort of reaction from her, feeling as her fingers would flex and twitch around your shoulder blades before she proceeded to move herself right next to your face with the empty area in front of you being covered in darkness.

That was when you felt a pair of lips pushing against your mouth despite the fact that you weren’t able to see them, a tongue moving across your lips before forcing themselves inside of your mouth and wrapping around your tongue. With that your tongues would fight against each other with her tongue occasionally moving against your teeth before she would proceed to pull away from you, her drool pushing out inside of the darkness with you panting out into the air as her hands traveled against your chest. “Well, it seems that it may be a yes, Anon.” She said in a much warmer tone then she had beforehand, the woman moving her hands so that they were by the zippers in her legs, starting to move them upwards more and more as you’d see more of her form.

Tendrils would practically go flowing out from her cloak, laying all over the bed although most of them were moving to access your legs and crotch, the woman stopping her movements for a few moments to let all of them air out for a moment. She would then move her hands up to her breasts, grabbing the zipper that was right across the top of it and sitting it down, one of her breasts falling out of its fabric prison and into the air, the breast being purple and fading into blue much like her tentacles had done. She would unzip the other side of her cloak, letting the other breast come out of the cloak as she would proceed to move herself to the other side of the bed, resting against the mattress before she proceeded to spread her tendrils like they were her legs, inviting you to take her.

This was an invitation that you were more than happy to take, grabbing ahold of your trousers and placing them onto the floor,doing the same with your underwear which left your cock in the air,exposed to her as she would let out a slight groan. You’d then move yourself between her many tentacles, grabbing ahold of the meatier ones and proceeding to bend them backwards somewhat, moving your face closer to your own as she would wrap a few of them around your waist as she would do so. Her hands would also move to your back, her fingers digging into the area just above your shoulder blades as you got ready to push inside of her, moving your hips upwards and looking into the dark, inky abyss that was her hood before slamming your hips down,a hole pushing against your cock as you’d slowly push yourself within it.

You would stop when the hole would start rubbing and pushing against your base,fluids dripping down your legs as her tendrils wrapped around your waist, making sure that you wouldn’t pull out of her, not that you ever really intended too.  You’d eventually start moving your hips backwards, feeling as the cold air would contrast with the melting warmth of her insides as you would eventually get to the point that you couldn’t pull out of her anymore both due the fact you couldn’t move backwards and her tendrils were stopping you from doing so. You’d wait a couple of seconds,feeling her hungry pussy clench and clinch around your tips before you proceeded to slam yourself down into her again, hearing as she would groan out through the darkness of her shroud and into the air.

 As you would keep thrusting and thrusting against her you would feel as her tentacles that were resting on both of your shoulders would start to lash and push across your back, scratching it somewhat as you’d down at her quaking body. You would look down at her, first focusing on the moans of pleasure coming from her hood and then her tits, watching them bouncing around in the air as you held a desire to grope at her tits then realizing that you were unable to give the position you had her in. As such you’d proceed to slam yourself inside of her before you proceeded to grab ahold of her and flip her around, the woman catching herself on the bed with her hands, digging her claws into the mattress before you’d hear her let out a moan into the air once again.

With that you would start to move faster against her body, the more subdued sounds of your love making being replaced by a rapid fire volley of wet placing sounds, the woman’s moans becoming longer and even more pleasured than beforehand. You could feel her tentacles trying to find themselves somewhat new to grab ahold of, her tentacles writhing against one another as they tried to adjust before she proceeded to wrap them around your thighs, playfully moving up and down them whilst some would wrap around your stomach. Her inner walls would also change their technique so that they would clutch ahold of your tip and move the intense clenching across your member to your base, the feeling making you shudder somewhat as pleasure moved through your lower half.

With that you’d move your chest against your lover’s back, feeling the fabric pushing against your chest as your hands would move underneath her body, your hands clutching ahold of her breasts as they would do so. You could feel her soft and smooth flesh pushing against your fingers, your hands grasping away at it by kneading them almost like they were dough, pushing away from her chest somewhat before pushing them inside, her nipples grinding and pushing against your palms as you’d hear her moaning out for you. Due to your new position you could feel as the woman's fluids pushed and splashed against your legs, dripping all over the place now as you could give all the pleasure that you could possibly give her especially given that she was now your girlfriend.

With that thought now moving through your head, you’d start moving faster and faster against her, hearing as the sound of her moans would peak out into the air, occasionally being even louder than your hips clashing with her own. You would also feel that as you would proceed to start clenching around your member at random, the spasm moving all over your cock and sometimes clashing with your most sensitive areas brutally, making your heart race with eager anticipation for what was to come. Meanwhile your groping got more and more intense as well, your fingers priestly digging down into her flesh as you’d kneaded away at her tips, the woman’s tendrils keeping you closer and closer.

That was when you started to feel yourself throb inside of her pussy, pushing up against her inner walls which responded by pushing back, play fighting much like you had done  with your tongues at the start of this encounter. The pressure would grow more and more intense by the moment, pushing against the tip of your cock and causing your throbbing to become even more noticeable, your teeth rubbing and grinding against one another as you tried to keep it in as long as you possibly could. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, letting out one last gasp into the air before you started to cum inside of her, slamming against her so that your base was pressing up against her crotch, the woman’s tendrils looking for somewhat to grab as she would try and keep herself upright.

The first ropes were already pretty explosive with you feeling as these ropes would shoot pretty deep inside of her, covering the walls of her insides as your hands kept themselves clutched around her breasts as you did so. More and more ropes would escape from your member before you reached the climax, a series of several ropes shooting deep inside of her pussy and most likely into her womb as she would start panting into the air, seemingly exhausting herself as she would do so. Your orgasm soon came to an end soon after this, a series of somewhat powerful and still plentiful ropes pushing out of your cock before nothing but drops pushed out of your member, sweat dripping down your body as you would pant to take in some of that fresh night air.

You’d feel as her tentacles would loosen against your waist and back, the limbs falling to the ground before proceeding to fall to the mattress, a light creak moving out across the air before you would fall down on top of her. After falling on her you used your remaining strength to pull out of her pussy, feeling as your half limp cock would come sliding out,dripping a mixture of her fluids and your cum all over the mattress as you would feel a deep, crushing sense of tiredness move across her entire body. Eventually you’d feel the crushing sense of slumber moving across your body, your eyes getting heavier and heavier by the moment before you’d proceed to close your eyes and all into slumber again, your new girlfriend laying right under you and sleeping as well.

That was the start of a very long and happy relationship with her with you eventually moving out and taking the bed with you to your new place which was when you started to have children with your eldritch lover. In fact, you had managed to have three of them, two of them being of her race and one being mostly human with you looking through the crack in the door to see them fast asleep in their beds without a care in the world, not caring about  the monsters under their bed in the slightest. With that you shut the door and went to your own bedroom to see your wife waiting for you, lying lazily in her bed and looking slightly plumper then she had done beforehand, the woman letting out a happy sounding huff of air as she turned to face you in the process.

“There you are. Come on and get in bed, I can’t sleep without you here.” She said as she would push out one of her tentacles from the covers and proceeded to beckon you over with them, chuckling when you did come over and withdrawing the tendril safely under the covers again as she would do so.  You would quickly move under the covers and would then feel as her hands and tendrils moved across your body in a even faster way, the woman hugging herself right next to you before you felt her lips touch your own again, the kiss being loving and passionate before you both slowly pulled away from one another, hitting the pillows a moment later as you would do so. “Night hun. See you tomorrow.” She would say before snuggling into your chest with you being able to feel her breathing against your chest as you would fall to sleep in your arms, the monster under your bed now sleeping right on top of it.


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