Infector story

 The halls of the USG Ishimura stunk of flesh and blood with corpses of both humans and other horrible things lurking in the hallways with you being held out in a random medical area, hearing the sounds of clicking and screeching echoing out into the air of the damned ship. You knew that almost every member of the crew was dead with the security forces being the first to fall to the beasts of which had been useful fo you since you were able to horde some of the weapons they had been left in her wake of which you had left in a stockpile in the room you were in with the rest of the crew either hiding away in the ship or had already been killed. You had no idea how this mess had started but the rumour had it that the infection had started in one of the morgues with a dead body being pumped with some kind of virus of which proceeded to mutate the body into a horrible mockery of man that people on the ship had nicknamed the Necromorphs.

The Necromorphs were corpses that had been brought back to life via either contact with another Necromorph or contact with what the remaining crew had known as the Infector which allegedly started this entire thing in the first place. When the Necromorph would mutate it would quickly turn into one of many forms with the one that you had seen the most being a slasher which was a mutilated corpse with a pair of scythe-like arms sticking out of its back. Others included what had been known as an exploder Necromorph of which had the capacity to be some kind of suicide bomber, spitters that vomited acid all over the place and the Lurker of which seemed to be some creature that attached via its tentacles.

However, you haven’t a clue at what this infector Necromorph even looked like since almost all of the people that had encountered it haven't lived to see the end of the encounter and those who did become Necromorphs soon after. You could hear the sounds of the Necromorphs around you which snapped you out of the trance for a moment as you grabbed a hold of a gun, getting ready for something to show up next to the door so you could kill it and be safe for another short while. You would hold your gun close to yourself as you heard the sound of the creature's footsteps moving across one of the halls, the rhythm of the gait not exactly being one that you were able to recognise.

You would wait for a minute more before you heard the sounds of the creature stop entirely with you assuming that it had gone down a different hallway, much to your relief as you put your gun down somewhat. You would walk around the room to see if you could figure out where the hell it had gone, not being able to hear the sounds of the beast moving around the halls or as it rummaged around the other rooms which you were both disturbed and rather happy with. You would then hear the sound of something dripping inside of the room, quickly pulling up your gun to see what it was before you realised that it was dripping out of the vent before you figured out that something had to be hiding within.

You then started shooting at the roof, watching as the shots you had taken at it moved through the metal and into the venting system, large amounts of slamming and crashing being heard as you did so. Eventually, your gun would run out of ammo, the sound of clicking coming from the gun before you placed the weapon by your side, hoping that you had killed whatever was up there due to all of the holes that had been made in it. For a couple of seconds, all was silent and you breathed a brief sigh of relief before the roof proceeded to collapse in on the room, metal and wires going everywhere before you looked into the smoke and saw something emerge from it, a single limb moving into the air as she did so. 

You would quickly move your hands so your gun could be swung like a bat before the creature ran towards you with you managing to hit the limb of the beast before it seemed to grab your gun and yanked it into the dark. You quickly backed away from the creature as you heard as the gun slammed down into the ground, slowly being smashed to pieces before you heard the sounds stop completely, your eyes glancing up to the dark in anticipation. You then watched as a flesh-coloured blur moved out of the darkness and slammed into your torso with you feeling the metal ground slam into your back as you came face to face with the beast which was when you realised what it was.

You realised that it was an infector type Necromorph, the smell of death being prevalent on the creature's body as its single limb emerged from its body, the limb looking like a thin finger with a large injector at the end of it which looked like it could pierce your skin in moments. The creature itself didn’t even look human anymore with the creature looking like a rotting manta ray with the only things that were on the Necromorph that resembled a human was that a spinal cord was building out of the beasts pale skin and that the end of the creatures flaps had fused together fingers sticking out of the sides of them. You looked at the underside of the creature to see that it was a gooey mixture of flesh and blood vessels, a human pussy resting at the end of it which seemed to be flowing with fluids as the two spikes that were popping out the front of the beast.

You would try and push the creature off you before it batted your arms away and pushed them to the ground, the injector of the creature moving over to your shirt and began to pierce your clothing but not your skin. You would watch as the sharp injector pushed down the fabric, slowly ripping it in two before going right to the end of the shirt before pulling away, the creature seeming to take in your bare chest before it moved down to your waist. The creature would move the injector so that it was pushing against your waistband and pushing right through your trousers and underwear, the sharp injector running its way across your waist before it hooked your trousers with the injector.

The creature would then yank down your torn underwear before throwing it to the ground, your somehow hard cock pulling out of the air as you gazed upon the creature with you realising that this was what it wanted. It would then crawl back off your body so its fleshy underside was pushing up against your body, what you assumed to be the creature’s hips pulled up into the air as its pussy dripped onto your cock. The creature would move your body upwards as its pussy flowed with Necromorph fluid before the injector was pushed into the floor above your head before slamming its hips down into your torso, her pussy enveloping your cock in one go.

You moaned out into the air as the injector scratched across the metal flooring, the creature’s fused together fingers twitching against the ground as the fleshy beast let out a strange, pleasured sound. It would twitch around for a couple of moments, its fleshy underside rubbing and pushing up against the skin before it managed to latch onto your ribs before pulling her hips upwards into the air, going across your cock in the process.  She would eventually reach the tip of your cock with her pussy and her hips quaking around it before slamming down onto your hips again, making you moan out into the air as her injector slipped out the ground, making her readjust somewhat in the process.

She would do this several times throughout a couple of minutes, her technique getting progressively steadier over the course of those attempts until she managed to obtain an actual rhythm to her thrusts. You could feel as if her pussy would spasm against your cock as well before she managed to control it somewhat and began moving her inner walls in a milking motion, going from the base first and then moving up to the head of your cock. She would keep slamming and pushing down onto your hips as you felt her pussy fluids splatter all over your hips, the woman grunting out before she began to go faster than beforehand.

You moaned out as she would jab her injector deep into the metal as she flopped around on your chest and abs, the soft under flesh rubbing up against your skin as her fingers pushed and scratched against your body. However, this would allow you to move your arms, pulling them out from under her flesh as her hips pushed and battered up against your body, her flaps squeezing against your ribs in the process. You would get an idea as she pushed up against your body as you moved your hands up to where her hips were located before you slammed them down onto your pussy, the creature growling in shock as she did so.

You could feel as her body began to twist and spasm against your body as she tried to regain control of her hips of which you let her have most of the control, the creature going back to its usual pace afterwards. Of course, occasionally you’d decide to have some fun with her, slamming her hips down onto your cock and even giving her a playful spank from time to time with her response being a few moans and gasps from wherever her mouth was located. You have no idea what caused it but one of her spanks seemed to have caused something to go nuts inside of her, her body beginning to spasm wildly as she began to thrust against you faster than beforehand.

At this point she had lost all of her rhythm and was just wildly slamming against your hips and body, the soft underside rubbing and pushing up against your body as her flaps clenched up against your ribs to ensure you didn’t escape. Her pussy would also lose all control of itself with her inner walls clenching and rubbing up against your cock, practically crushing your cock within her grasp as you felt her injector arm rub against your face. This was because her movements were so intense that her injector was scratching and pushing deep down into the metal as she tried to twitch herself out of the metal flooring.

That was when you felt as your cock began to throb inside of her ever-twitching walls with you feeling as you pushed against the twitching muscles which only made the pleasure that you were feeling even more intense than beforehand. You could also feel as a distinct pressure started to build up at the tip of your cock, the pressure growing and growing as she slammed and slammed against your body in animistic lust. The pressure would soon get more and more intense to the point that you couldn’t hold it in anymore, the creature that was riding your cock slamming herself down into your hips which pushed you over the edge before you began to cum deep inside of her.

You felt as the first shot left your cock and pushed deep inside of her body, the creature’s flesh twitching and flexing somewhat as you pushed several more shots out of your cock and into her ray-like body. Your orgasm would continue for about a minute or so with the peak of your orgasm hitting at about two-thirds of the way through, pushing out a massive shot of cum that pushed deep down into her pussy in the process. Eventually, your orgasm came to the end, the last couple shots pushing out of your cock and slathering over the inner walls of her pussy as she raised up into the air before flopping herself onto your chest, the woman twitching somewhat on your cock in the process.

You would both rest for a few minutes, the Necromorph seeming to be pretty exhausted by the experience whilst you were sweating underneath her, her entire body twitching slightly whenever you tried to move. The creature would eventually gain enough energy to start to move around again, eventually managing to move herself so that she was off your cock, a lewd sound coming from your crotch in the process. The creature would then move off your body and move out of your sight and seemingly out of the room that you were in and left you to your Imagination with you wondering why the hell you hadn’t died during that entire encounter before you realised something they both filled you with excitement and fear.

That had just adopted a new method of creating Necromorphs.


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