Necromorph orgy part 2 - A different perspective

 The Sprawl was once a city bustling with one million people that had been attached to one of the shards of the moon Titan but since the kit breaking had occurred the space station had become a ruined city that would be more fit for demons to walk around than human beings. Of course, there were beings that were fit for hell walking around the Sprawl and those beings were known as the necromorphs which were revived human corpses that had been horribly twisted to have blades, spikes and armour all built out of formerly human flesh. You had no idea where the outbreak had started with the only info that you got was that it was caused by a “Marker” of some sort with almost everyone in the ship being dead including most of the security with the rest of them, including you, had been hold up in the government sector with the doors locked, hoping that they would be unable to come through.

Every single member of security that wasn’t inside of the government sector was either dead or had a fate that would be better or worse depending on how much you feared death or what came after it. The necromorph strain had recently mutated into something new where the strain was only infecting and mutating the female corpses that were on the ship in order to look more attractive to the remaining men that were on the ship. This would lead to the new female necromorphs fucking and raping the men of the ship in order to incapacitate them which had lead to the entire ship either being dead or fucked with the only people that were safe either evacuating or staying in the safe areas of the ship.

However, despite this feeling of safety, you couldn’t feel any less safe with people talking about some engineer lurking around the place whilst the necromorphs scratched and pushed up against the metal doors. You would hold your gun close to your body and move over to the back end of the doors with a group of other guards, looking over to them as a couple of them talked with one another, the conversation being hushed as you moved to be at the end of the group. “If the power runs out, we should be able to go through this door and get out to the escape shuttles.” One of them said as he tapped against the door they were resting about before looking back out at the sector and the door.

“Gotcha. Let’s just hope that we get there before the necromorphs can.” Said the other guard as a few of the others nodded in agreement, you do the same as you rested against the wall for a few moments. After a couple of minutes, more and more people began to pour into the security room before the sounds of the wires buzzing and flickering before the lights began to shut down one by one which was when you realised the power had been switched off. That was when you all started looking at each other in fear as people began to pour back into the main room, forming a human barricade against the necromorph as they began to emerge out of the doorway.

That was when you had begun to hear the sounds of shrieking and screaming coming from the necromorphs whilst the bright lights of the weapons being fired shone out across the room as the two people that were speaking to each other began to open the door. You would look back and forth between the door and the carnage that was going on at the end of the room, seeing as Leapers jumped upon the soldiers and pinned them to the ground as the sounds of bullets got quieter and quieter. Eventually, you could hear a loud metal slam with you turning to reveal that the door had been opened with you looking back to see the shadows of the necromorphs behind you before you ran through the door with the other security members.

You quickly ran up the halls with the rest of them as the sound of screaming got louder and louder, the light of your gun's screen being the only way that you could see through the darkness which also had the rotting smell of necromorphs within it. You would periodically glance behind you as if you were the one at the back end of the group, seeing as the necromorphs began to scuttle and crawl into the hallway with you pulling up your gun and beginning to shoot behind you, all of the bullet missing as you reached the hanger. After a minute or so of non-stop running, you had entered the hanger to see that Necromorphs had already poured in on all sides as you looked across the available ships.

Most of them had either already left or had been destroyed, engines and wings being strewn all over the floor as the commander of the group spotted a ship at the other end of the hangar, pointing over to it in the process. “There’s our chance, let’s go!” He said as you nodded, running towards it as the necromorphs began to pour out of the doors, the screeching and growling of the rotting breasts echoing out as you saw Leapers jump up across the air and onto the ruined ships. Just as you reached the ship one of your crewmates turned around and promptly shot at the ground, making the rest of you stop in your tracks before he ran into the ship and pushed the switch to the door, locking it shut.

“Oh, you fucking cunt! Open the doors or I’ll blast this ship to pieces.” Your commander shouted as he pointed the gun at one of the engines of the ship as a few seconds of silence moved through the hangar. That was when the engines proceeded to start up, the jet flames burning up in the air as the ship began to hover off the ground, the commander shooting at the engine with the shots he was firing, not making any impact at all. The ship had quickly moved out of the hangar and out of the station, your commander shooting into the air before running back to the middle of the room, turning to face all of your fellow security members as the necromorphs began to click and chitter around you.

“Right, we need to get to the next hanger and quick, before we all get fucked by those things.” He said as he began to signal towards one of the doors as he ran, everyone including you running after him in the process. You would look around you as you saw the swarms of the dead glance at you and follow you around, clicking and screeching as more and more of the horrible creatures appeared around you as the others began firing at the creatures. You didn’t have enough time to do that due to the fact you were quickly slammed into by a creature that you couldn’t see, feeling as it pushed against your side which led to you being pushed across the room and slamming into the wall.

You would feel as the wall collapsed around you before you slammed into the floor, grunting in pain as you looked up at the shadow that was moving over you, pulling yourself up to gaze upon the necromorph that was looming above you. It seemed to be a brute-type necromorph with its body being about three times as big as your own with her head having a pair of cloudy eyes in them with the teeth sticking out of the front of the jawless head with two large mandibles sticking out of the jaw. Its two front arms were absolutely massive with bony armour wrapped around the pink flesh underneath it with spikes and other growths sticking out of the bone armour. Her legs were much shorter than her arms and they were much less stubby as well with your eyes looking up to her chests to see a massive pair of breasts that were attached to it.

You would attempt to get up before you felt her grab hold of your legs and began to slowly move them up into the air as you felt your armour begin to rip and break within her grasp as she moved your legs backwards. Eventually, she would make it so your feet were right up next to your head before she moved her hand to your trousers and quickly felt as all of the fabric and armour shot off your body and fell to the ground as she drooled out of her gaping maw. Your cock would come bouncing out of your trousers, warm air moving across your dick as she proceeded to move over your cock, dripping her hot and thick fluids all over it before she slammed herself right down onto your cock.

You moaned out loudly as she moved right down your cock and into your hips, her wet inner walls constricting against your cock, making sure that there was a pleasure moving across every single inch of your cock. She would rest there for a few seconds, panting and grunting up against your face as she began to move right up your cock, slowly and eventually moving up to the tip as her fluids leaked all over your cock. She would reach the tip and stay there for several seconds as if she needed to figure out what to do before she proceeded to ram herself back down onto your cock.

This process of gently moving up your cock before crushing your hips against her own massive hips, making you moan as she began to push her face closer and closer to your own with you being able to see a drooling tongue hanging out her face. She then proceeded to wrap her mandibles around your head before pushing your head right next to her own, her long and thick tongue licking at your neck a couple of times before pushing into your mouth. You could feel a strange, salty taste come from her spit as she wrapped her tongue around your own as she kept you in her grasp as she began to go faster against you.

You would let out a grunt into her jawless mouth as you felt her pussy constrict harder and faster against your cock, your hips aching slightly as she winded backwards before slamming into them again. You would move your arms up across to her body before grabbing ahold of her back, feeling the bone rub up against your hands as you decided to move one of them down to her breast which was jiggling around in the air between you and her. You decided to give what you were thinking of a try and proceeded to push your hand and fingers into her tits, feeling as the flesh moved against it whilst her nipples ground against your hands.

That was the moment she disconnected from your face and pulled her tongue out of your mouth with you panting as you felt the drool push out all over your face as you groped her massive breasts. You could feel her hands clenched and pushed up against your ankles with it feeling like she would break them if she pressed them hard enough, her breath moving across her face as she did so. You would slowly move your other hand up to her thigh and raise it into the air before slapping her across the bone, something that made her gasp into the air as she stopped for a moment, letting you reclaim your breath.

That was when she started to go much faster the beforehand, practically slamming you down into the ground before with no time for you to react with your only reaction being to cling to her for dear life. Her grunting and howling would echo out into the air as you looked to see the rest of your squad on various positions on the floor, pinned to the ground as they were ruthlessly fucked. You looked into the foggy eyes of the creature as she moaned and thrusted against you to see a look of pure lust within them, drool dripping across her mandibles which then proceeded to drip all over your chest.

That was when you felt your cock beginning to throb inside of her pussy, pushing up against her twitching inner walls which were made only more pleasurable by the throbbing sensation. You could feel like the pressure at the tip of your cock began to increase within your head, the woman’s fast thrusts causing the pressure to increase rapidly. As the pressure increased and increased it eventually got to the point where you couldn’t hold your cum in anymore, groaning out into the air before you began to shoot inside of her, the woman moaning into the air and clamping against your cock in the process.

You could feel as the first couple of the shots pushed out of your cock and sprayed across her walls, your shots getting stronger and harder with each flex and twitch of your cock. Your shots would peak at some point in time although you couldn’t tell when only knowing when a particularly large shot of cum pushed out of your dick and then proceeded to splatter deep inside of her body. Eventually, your orgasm would become less intense, the shots being smaller and lasting for less time before the final couple shots pushed out your cock, oozing out of your cock and wiping against your walls as you rested on the ground.

After a few moments of heavy breathing, she would pull off your cock and then proceed to collapse halfway away from your body, meaning that your legs were pinned down against her as you panted into the air, shocked as moans and screams came from around you. Meanwhile, there was a ship deep in space that was quickly leaving the orbit of the Sprawl with the powers inside of the ship as he looked into the stars, taking his helmet off as he did so. He sighed with relief before he chuckled to himself, being happy that he had escaped that nightmare of a ship as he sat back, being unaware of the footsteps of the necromorph that would some grab him and rape in until the ship lands.


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