Wight story

 The smell of death moved into your nose as you walked across the cursed lands of the Necropolis, the area being almost entirely full of the undead with skeletons with glowing green eyes and a sense to purge all life that they came towards, your eyes looking to the sky to see it was covered in a sickly green fog. The mud that you were walking in was so soaked with water that made it drip off the bottom of your foot, the plains devoid of any plant life due to the lack of nutrients in the soil and the aura of death along the area. The trees had withered away into wooden spires that would stab up into the air with not a single twig or leaf upon them, the city of the dead rested within the fog in the distance with hundreds upon thousands of the undead moving in and out of it, eager to hunt anything that had a beating heart within its chest.

The skeletons and the zombies were simple enough to deal with, only requiring a couple of strikes with your blade to dispatch them but others were more painful to deal with. There were the Liches, a type of undead sorcerers that would be able to kill you with a cloud of death if you got too close and shoot at you to kill you if you were far away from them, the undead freaks also being hard to dispatch. Of course, there were also the spectres, horrible ghosts that were able to kill at a whim being hard to kill as well as immensely strong in groups which you had seen a couple of times before but there was one creature that you hadn’t seen and that creature was known as the Wright.

The Wright had been described to you as the typical grim reaper with a long black cloak and a skeletal face devoid of all life, carrying around a scythe in order to kill any living creatures that came onto the Necropolis. They had been known for being relentless, homing in on a single living creature and then killing and destroying anything that got in between it and its victim where they would be impaled on the scythe and reaped of life. You had heard tales of how it took trophies from its victims, grabbing the head of the now-dead creature and ripping the skull out of it and adorning its cloak before drifting off to wander endlessly across the planes of the Necropolis where it would start searching for victims yet again.

The wind would get higher and would batter and sting your skin as you wandered across the plane with the faint sound of whispering moving across the air, the moon itself being blocked out by the fog. You would look within the dark to see the air of death around them, the dust and the mud drifting by you somewhat as the wind bellowed, your footsteps echoing out in the empty area. You couldn’t shake off the feeling of something being behind you, the whistling and the whispering of the lost souls of the Necropolis wrenching and scratching at your brain as you walked, the paranoia worming through your flesh and bones like a maggot, the scent of death moving into your Nose in the process.

You then heard a sound that made you realise that your paranoia was justified, the sound of a metal blade moving through the mud beginning to become audible to you with your head shifting behind you to see if you could find the source. However it had appeared that the fog had drawn heavily across the plain that you were standing inside of, the mist being filled with shadows that you couldn’t tell were trees or something much more horrible. You would keep looking behind you as you run across the fog, the wind whispering to you as you ran before you turned around one last time to see a massive shadow from within the fog, being about two heads taller than you as it began to move closer to you.

You would stay frozen still within the dirt and grab ahold of the hilt of your blade, yanking it out of the sheath and moving it up so it was pointing at the shadow, the metal splitting the fog somewhat. “Whatever’s out there, show yourself!” You shouted as you kept your blade pointed at the shadows which would stop for a couple of seconds as if to ponder your words before it began to move once again. The sound of the metal raking across the dirt and sounds of the souls whispering got louder and louder before the fog moved away from the shadow's body, the creature's shadow looming over you before you had come face to face with the wight, your breath escaping your mouth as you examined its body.

The first thing that you looked at was the skeletal face that was hidden in shadow from the outside world from the massive black cloak that it wore, the fabric blowing in the wind as the skulls that were affixed to the body upon the chain that was wrapped around its torso. Its body was strangely shapely despite the corpse-like face that the woman had within the hood, the hips seeming large and the breasts seeming as large but all was hidden by the cloak that it wore. It carried a massive scythe along with it, the blade dirty with mud and blood whilst the large pole was wrapped around with bandages whilst the rotting wood that was dripping wet as a pair of thin, grey-skinned hands clasped ahold it whilst sharp black claws dug into the holy of the scythe.

You would stay paralysed in pure fear for a brief moment before you snapped out of your trance and decided to fight back against the creature, moving towards the creature and easing your blade to slash at the cloak. She would catch the blade with her scythe before she flung the blade out of your hands and into the deep shadow with you having no time to react before you felt the butt of her weapon slam into your face and push you against the floor. You would fall onto the mud before you tried to get back up again, the wooden edge of the scythe slamming down into your chest before she would move her other hand and grab ahold of her black cloak, resting her hand on it for a couple of moments before pulling away.

The cloak would be ripped away and then thrown to the ground, her grey skin shining in the fogged moonlight which revealed a large set of breasts, the massive tits hanging off her chest as you moved down to her torso. You could see the muscles of her abdomen which had green and grey skin patches across it with a slight bit of sweat dripping off onto the floor as your eyes finally moved down to her pussy and her legs. Her pussy was plump and swallowing, dripping down onto the ground as some of the pussy juices dripping down her thighs which were pretty thick, the woman’s skeletal face grunting and sighing as she walked so that she was right over the top of you.

She would then proceed to slam her scythe down onto the dirt and as such dug it into the mud so that it was pointing up into the air, her head looking down at you without any eyes as she began to move herself onto your body. You would feel as her cold touch moved across your shoulders with her thin, almost skeletal hands, her claws digging into your skin as she rested her cold body onto your own. Her massive breasts would press across your chest, her hard nipples digging into your skin as she breathed upon your face, her hips rising above your cock as her pussy juices dripped all over it before she let out a sigh and then slammed herself down onto your cock, enveloping it in the process.

You would groan out into her air as her claws dug into your back, the pleasure overriding your pain as she slowly and carefully moved down in the base of your cock, hitting against your hips in the process. Her pussy would clench up against your cock a couple more times, causing you to let out a groan and sigh as you looked into the shadow covered eyeholes of the wight. She would move her hips upward, feeling as she slowly exposed your cock to the cold wind that surrounded them both, her pussy fluids dripping down onto the dirt before she slammed herself back down onto your cock, making your hips shake as she would pound you down into the dirt.

She would continue this process of slowly moving up and down your cock, making you groan and sigh as her hand would move off your shoulder and then onto your head, clutching your scalp and pushing down on it with her claws. You would look at her as she drained your head so that it was facing her, her jaw opening up to reveal a sickly black tongue with drool dripping down across your face and chest before she slammed her head onto your own. You could feel the thick tongue wrap around your own, licking and sucking on it as drool dripped down into your throats, the kiss lasting until you were running out of breath before she pulled out and began to go faster against your hips.

You could feel whatever was left of the air that was in your lungs leave as she began to pound your hips harder, bouncing off them as you reached up to try and grab ahold of some of her thick body. Your hands would eventually move over to her tits, your hands slamming into them and your fingers digging into the thick breasts, her nipples digging and pressing into your palm as she let out a moan from her skeletal mouth. She would lick her lips as she did this, her hips pressing and squeezing her own into the ground whilst her pussy lips clenched and wrapped around your cock which made you moan even more than beforehand.

She would proceed to push her breast against your chest so that you could go and grope against her breasts harder than beforehand, the woman sighing and moaning as she fogged up the air with her breath. Her hand would stay fixed onto your head whilst the other moved down to your ribs and began to scrape down them before she grabbed ahold of the back and made sure you were close to her. That was when she had started to go even faster, the woman slowing down for a brief moment before she went faster as if she was taunting you and your hips about the situation before you moaned out into the air.

At this point anything living or dead would have been able to head the lewd slapping of her crotch against your own, your moans being able to intersect the slapping sounds as she looked into the fog. Her pussy would clench and push up against your cock more and more, wanting to milk you of your cum so desperately as her fluids dripped down your cock and waist. However it would seem like she wouldn’t have to wait for long as you could feel your cock throb inside of her, your orgasm quickly approaching as the woman began to ride you furiously, her hips ramming into your own in the process.

You could feel the throbbing get more and more intense, pushing against the sides of her pussy as she proceeded to tighten and clench against your cock, making you groan even more than beforehand. The pressure at the tip of your cock would increase and increase by the moment, getting harder and harder to keep inside as you proceeded to hold it in, making sure you filled her up plenty to make sure she would be satisfied. Another thirty or so seconds of having your hips slammed into by the woman before she would reach for your head and pull you into a kiss, the woman’s tongue wrapping around your tongue causing you to realise your load inside of her.

You could feel as the first shot of your cum pushed out and proceeded to nestle deep inside her, your breath escaping out your mouth as your cumshots got more and more intense as time went on. Eventually, the orgasm would reach its peak, a massive shot of cum pushing out of your cock and going inside her before your cumshots would start to get smaller and smaller. After another half a minute or so your orgasm came to an end, the last couple shots of cum pushing out of your cock and slowly dripping across her walls before you collapsed onto the floor before the wight pulled her tongue out of your own.

You could feel her spit dripping down your chin as she pulled away, a satisfied him coming from her mouth before she pulled off your cock slowly, cum dripping out of her pussy as she looked down at you with an almost smug feeling glare. She would move over to the cloak she had thrown into the dirt and wrapped it around her body again, whipping the mud off it and letting the rest of the dirt hit against the ground before she moved over to the scythe. She would wrench it out of the ground and moved over to you, teasing you by placing the blade next to your face before she moved away from you and walked away, leaving you in a mixture of confusion and relief as you thought for a moment. You get up and wipe the dirt off your body as you wondered why you had been spared by her with you soon releasing that she only spared you when she needed to fill her up again.

And you couldn’t wait to see her again.


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