Sadako Story

 The clock behind you would tick away at itself as you looked at the static that was on the TV, the ticking itself almost being bragging-like as if the clock was mocking how little time you had left before she would arrive to see you as the scratching of static echoed out into the room. You look up into the ever-shifting grey void that was on your tv work you switching to one of the channels that had long since died out, a skeleton line to the world of the dead with you swearing that you could hear the static speaking to you, singing you a sweet lullaby as to comfort you through your coming demise. It had all started seven days ago when you had found this VHS  tape inside of your basement, covered in dust and looking scratched up to hell with an old VHS player laying next to it and, with your curiosity overtaking you, you proceeded to watch the tape.

This was your first mistake and this would be the one that would kickstart your death, the videotape coming on and showing you several disturbing images that had seemingly been burnt into your memory and would be for a long while. The picture that stuck with you the most was not the picture of that man by the sea with that towel on his head or the eye but of the well, standing silently inside some grassy plain that you had never heard off. Maybe it was the fact that you felt the tape cut off too soon, maybe it was even the fact that you now had the knowledge about what was going to happen but at the time you didn’t think anything of it until the phone started to ring out into the air.

You went up and looked at your phone and didn’t recognise the number so you didn’t choose to answer, the call ending before the phone number came up again and the phone let out a monotonous ringing. After three or four more full tones you picked up the phone and answered, being greeted with silence as you waited for someone to speak but you eventually got two words that would be the next sequence to seal your fate. “Seven days.” The voice said in a tone that was both eerily calm and filled with hatred before the phone went dead, a monotone echoing out of the receiver as you suddenly felt a feeling of dread move across your body as if you had already known you were marked for death.

Since then you had lived in a constant state of anxiety as you waited for those seven days to pass, noticing that any photo that you took was horrifically distorted into all sorts of disturbing shapes as the days went on. So now you were here, minutes approaching before your death arrived with you looking at the static, taking a swig out of a cheap drink you brought last night. As you felt the alcohol burn up your throat you would see the static tune out and then turn black with you putting down your drink and looking over to the tv to see that well and grass show up again, your heart beating quickly as soon as it happened with your heart rate only increasing when you started to see a hand come out of the well.

The hand was pale although you couldn’t tell if this was due to the tv as if fizzed and buzzed, your heart beating out of your chest as you reached for the remote and turned the TV, a second of silence and calm washing over you. Then the Tv would snap on again and back to the well, another arm pushing out of the well and clutching ahold of the stone around it, the fizzing seeming to get louder and more aggressive as you looked over to the plug. You ran behind the Tv and yanked out the plug, throwing it to the ground as several tics of the clock went by as the silence went on longer with you staying behind the TV as it turned on again, the buzzing coming out much more aggressively than beforehand.

You would stay behind the tv for a couple of seconds before you moved over to face your fate, looking at the screen to see what appeared to be a long-haired woman coming out of it but the details were indistinct due to how bad the quality was. You would back away from the tv as she got closer and closer to you with you looking into those black locks as she placed her hand down onto the screen. She would push on the screen for a moment before her hand began to push out of the screen, the pale hand dripping with water before it wrapped around the edge of your television stand, puddle beginning to build up into the floor as you stood still, paralysed in fear as you watched the woman moved through the TV.

Her other hand would move through which was quickly followed by the head, her hair falling down from above and dripping down onto the floor as her body proceeded to move through which was when the rest of her body would come out, giving you a good look at her form. The woman stood a few inches shorter than you, her body is covered in a thin and pale white dress which seemed to highlight her curves due to the water that seemed to be soaked into her being pushed into that as well. Her hair was in thick strands that had covered her face completely, dripping and dripping away as you looked at her hands, seeing her dark fingernails and pale hands that hung down from her sides, her shoeless feet pushing against the ground as she walked towards you.

You would attempt to back away but you soon realised that you couldn’t for some reason, your legs feeling like they couldn’t move as she moved right next to you, the coldness of her body radiating off into the air. She would move her hand upward and push it down onto your chest, the wetness of her body quickly soaking across your shirt before her arm began to move upwards. Her hand would slowly move across your chest and up your neck with you waiting for her to strangle you for a moment before she moved to your head and grabbed ahold of your chin, stroking and feeling your jaw as she looked up at you, using her other hand to push you backwards and down onto the chair.

The woman would then silently move over to you, her footsteps causing the ground to creak and groan as the dripping wet woman moved onto your chair and crawled up onto the chair in the process, her hands hanging over the head of the seat. Her legs would be placed on either side of your waist as the woman’s hair dragged across the chest, her hands crawling upwards onto your shoulder. She would drag her hands down to your chest and then proceeded to grab ahold of your shirt as she began to move it upwards with you catching a glance at one of her eyes within the strands of hair with you moving your hands upwards as to make sure she didn’t rip off your shirt when she did so.

She would get the shirt off as she moved her hands back down onto your shoulders and began to drag her fingers against your chest and down to your abdomen before she reached your trousers. She would proceed to take off your trousers, slipping off the buttons and unzipping them before she pulled your underwear and trousers down your thighs, leaving you almost entirely naked. She would look down at your cock for a moment before looking back to your eyes, grabbing ahold of the bottom of her dress and began to move it upwards, revealing the rest of her thighs to you before revealing she wasn’t wearing any panties, her pale pussy being on full display as she pulled the dress away from her body.

You would see more of her soft and supple body, her pale skin reflecting what little light was in the room, her breasts soon popping out from out of the fabric as she dragged her clothes up her body. She would look at you for a couple of seconds before her hands sprung out and grabbed onto your shoulders and her legs went spread, her pussy dripping down onto your cock in the process. She would wait for a couple of seconds as she began to breathe out into the air, the woman’s hands tightening their grip against you for a moment before the woman raised her hips into the air and then slammed them down onto your cock, taking your dick right to the base as she did so, moaning slightly under her hair.

You would moan out as well, the loud groans echoing out into the air as she pushed her feet down onto the chair as she slowly slid down to the base, making a light bounce against your hips as she did so. You could feel her pussy clench against your cock as she waited for a couple of seconds, the woman proceeding to move up your cock slowly and carefully. She would move all the way up to the tip and finished her raising with a slight shake, looking into your eyes before slamming down onto your cock again with you being able to look into her eyes through her hair when she moved down to see they were filled with pleasure and lust for you, her body flicking water all over you.

She would manage to maintain a normal pace after a couple of minutes of moving up and down your body, one of the woman’s hands moving over to her face and moving her hair aside to show off her lips. Her head would freeze a couple of seconds before pushing them onto you, her grey lips pushing against your own as your tongue began to push past your teeth as your own did the same thing. She pushed her tongue up against your teeth, rubbing against you whilst her teeth pushed onto your own, the teeth feeling sharper than yours as she began to move faster against your body, the lewd sounds of your hips slapping together getting louder and louder.

You could feel her hips slam against you faster as her pussy would tighten more and more against you, her hands slipping down your back and scratching across your skin as she pulled away from your mouth. As she pulled away you could hear her moans and cries become louder and raspier, the sounds of her moaning being quiet compared to your own moans and sighs. Her hair would lash up against your chest as her breasts bounced in the air somewhat, the water dripping and pushing down from them and onto your waist, her feet grinding and pressing against the fabric of the chair.

Her feet would twist and shake for a brief moment before she slammed herself into your chest to make sure she was held up, her breasts pushed against your chest as she moaned into your face. You could hear her hard nipples rub up against your chest, pushing and grinding up against it as you felt her hips move up and down your cock and her fluids drip down it. Her lips would proceed to wrap against your neck as she moaned out in pleasure, her fangs digging into your skin for a moment as her tongue licked and pressed away against the soft skin of your neck as she began to go even faster.

You groaned and moaned as her hips moved faster and faster, your hands moving up to grab ahold of her ass and then proceeded to grope it somewhat as you made sure that you wouldn’t fall off the chair. Her kissing and biting across your neck got quicker and harder, her shifting and moaning coming out of her pleasured lips as her hair flew everywhere so got you a good view of her face. She looked remarkably normal as you looked at her face, her lips being thick and dark great whilst her eyes had small pupils to them that seemed to be red somewhat as she glanced up and down your neck lustfully in the process.

That was the moment as she felt your cock begin to throb inside of her pussy as the walls of her vagina pushed back against your cock, which made you moan out several shaky moans in the process. You could feel that pressure that your cock was getting harder and harder to ignore as you tried to hold in your load as much as possible with it getting harder to do so by the second. Eventually, you couldn’t take it any more and you began to cum inside of her, feeling the pressure relief itself as she slammed down onto your hips and then began to clench around your cock to make sure that not a single drop could come out.

Your first two cumshots were pretty powerful, pushing deep inside of her but the feeling of her pussy clenching against you made your orgasms more intense, your moans echoing out loudly as you came some more. Your orgasm would hit a peak at some point, letting you groan out loudly as your cum shot deep inside of her pussy before it began its subside as you felt yourself get more and more tired. You could feel as the shots got smaller and smaller and as your body got warmer and warmer, sweat began to flow down the ground as you finished orgasm, the last shot splattering against the walls as he did so.

The woman sighed out loudly as she grabbed a hold of your shoulders and began to push up your cock, the feeling of your dick coming out her pussy with a wet sound echoing out before your wet cock fell out of her pussy in the process. She would pull away from your now drool covered neck before she let her hair drop down her face and proceed to drop past her face, hiding it again. With that she laid on your chest and legs, breathing out heavily as you saw the static on the TV begin again, your hand moving over to the remote and turning it off lazily before dropping it on the ground as she rested over you with you knowing that she wouldn’t be leaving through the TV anytime soon.


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