Greta the gremlin story

 You had no idea what you were expecting when you were working at the Clamp centres laboratory given that the man in charge of the building was always the eccentric one given the fact he had always put money into vaguely dangerous topics but it seemed he had overstepped his mark this time. He had to manage to acquire some creature known as a Mogwai called Gizmo, a furry ape-like creature that didn’t seem to be hostile at all and didn’t even seem like it could defend itself that much. But there were some rules that you had to follow to make sure the creature didn’t evolve into what was rampaging across the facility now, these rules being not letting it into the sun, not feeding it after midnight and don’t let it go anywhere near water with the facility following the first one but the second and third were soon both broken by the end of the night.

It turns out splashing water on them causes them to multiply rapidly over the course of a few moments with the eating of food causing them to transform into horrible green-skinned creatures known as gremlins. Worst still they seemed to have found the genetic mutation formulas that were in one of the labs and drunk them, meaning that the labs were now overrun with hordes of genetically modified green terrors. You had managed to escape the lab as they went in their rampage with you swearing you saw one that was made out of electricity at some point before running out of the laboratory and getting to the stairwell where you ran to the top floor and locked yourself inside of it, hoping to keep them away.

That was about four hours now and you didn’t know what was happening at the bottom floors nor did you want to imagine, looking outside the window and seeing no police officers or anything else for that matter. You decided that if you’re going to be up here for a while you might as well get something to eat from the vending machine, getting out your wallet and flicking out some coins to use, hearing the sounds of them hitting against each other as you walked. You moved up to the vending machine and pushed the coins into the machine, typing in the number to get it out and waiting for the ancient motors to remove your food from the glass cage it was within as you began to hear the music begin to come out from down the hall.

It sounds like some jazz music that you’d find in some kind of cheap 70s porno with you moving away from the vending machine to look down the hallway to see that one of the doors was open just slightly. You could also see a purple light oozing out of it, with you being both confused and slightly nervous at what was inside as you grabbed the chocolate bar you had ordered from the vending machine, beginning to eat it as you walked towards the music. You slowly ate through the chocolate as you walked down the hall, seeing as the lights flashed somewhat with you being able to hear something skitter away from the door, which made you slightly more concerned as you opened it to see what was inside.

Either way, you finished your chocolate and chucked the wrapper into the bin as you grabbed a hold of the door, waiting for a moment before you threw the door open, your eyes widening to see what was inside. It seemed to be one of the gremlins that had been rampaging in the lower floors, the creature laid in front of you having scaly green skin and the same pointed ears but this one appeared to be a woman. You first looked to the creature’s head to see a pair of bright red lips were pursed around her sharp teeth, her eyes having a feminine edge to them and long green hair that moved down to her shoulders that had some kind of shine to it. Her long claws had been painted red and the woman had appeared to have fashioned a crude bra and short skirt from what appeared to be a rug of some kind, the woman looking at you and giving you a wink before she smiled at you and began to speak.

“Oooh, look at you! Like something you see?” She asked as she laid on the table seductively with you wondering how you should react as you gazed up and down the small creature's body. “I’m liking what I see as well, what a hunk you are!” The creature would say as she quickly jumped up onto her feet and moved towards you, with you stepping back before she grabbed a hold of your leg. She would begin to crawl up it, the woman stopping at your waist and moving one of her hands to your crotch for a second before continuing to move up your body and onto your shoulder, sitting on it so her head was above yours, her hands moving down to your chin before moving your head up.

You would see her looking down into your eyes as she started drooling on you slightly before she snapped out of her trance, the woman licking her plush red lips eagerly as she stared into your eyes. “I think you’re the hottest thing here with a beating heart! Now c’mere!” She shouted happily as she grabbed ahold of your head and slammed her lips into your own, putting you into a kiss as her green hair draped down her face. Her tongue was small yet surprisingly wet, dripping a sticky liquid that tasted somewhat strange as it hit against the tip of your tongue, grabbing ahold of your collar as she pushed down deeper into the kiss with you eventually giving up all resistance and starting to kiss her back.

Your hand moved onto the back of her head and attempted to grab it with you instead of taking a handful of green hair that was surprisingly soft for a creature that she never had hair beforehand as she kissed away. She eventually moved her mouth out of your own, her tongue covered in her spit before she shut her mouth which quickly turned into a seductive smile. “Mmmph, come on, Hunk. Sit those legs down.” She said with a smirk as she pointed to the chair that belonged to the desk she was sitting on with you deciding to comply with her as she was right next to your neck, moving over to the desk and sitting down on it as she breathed against your face and rubbed the hot air against you.

She would move herself down off your neck and then across your chest, landing on your crotch with a slight thump before she got onto her feet and looked down at your trousers, flexing her fingers as she did so. “Now, let’s get this off then!” She said happily as she wrapped her fingers around your waist and grabbed a hold of the fabric, beginning to tear her fingers down as she did so. You could feel her claws push against your skin as she tore the fabric into fabric strips, throwing them over the table before reaching over to your underwear and grabbing ahold of them, breathing heavily for a moment before she hands balled with the fabric within them and pulled upwards away from your cock.

A smirk moved over her face as your cock strung up in front of her face, the woman puckering her lips for a moment before pushing them down on the tip, kissing your head and moving her tongue around it. She would then pop off with a sigh before straddling your body somewhat, keeping her ass raised nice and high in the air as she grasped ahold of your chest somewhat, her nails digging into your ribs for a slight moment. “Ready?” She asked as you simply nodded at the gremlin, the woman shaking her ass before she slammed herself down onto the tip of your cock, both of you moaning out into the air as she pushed down onto your tip, engulfing it in her warm bottom lips in the process.

She would grunt out as she felt your cock inside her as she moved further and further down your length, leaking her pussy fluids all over your cock and balls with you moaning and shaking whenever her pussy clenched. She eventually managed to reach the base after a long, long while with the woman panting widely, looking down at her face making you swear you could see her breath coming out of her mouth. She would twitch and press against your cock for a couple more seconds before she pushed her feet down onto the chair and began to pull up your cock, leaving a trail of thick pussy fluid moving down it as she moved back up to your tip, panting and panting before slamming back down again.

You groaned and moaned as you felt her hips move up and down your cock nice and slowly with you moving your hand to her head and grabbing ahold of her hair and your other hand grabbing ahold of her makeshift top. You clutched hold of it and proceeded to rip it off her chest, a pair of small and perky breasts popping out of it as she moaned at the air hitting her chest. Her nipples stood out on end as you moved your hands to them and playfully gripped them in your hand, pushing against her nipples and feeling her shake somewhat as her hips waited at your tips for a couple of moments before she began to go faster against your cock.

You could feel her hips lightly hit against your hips as her inner walls clenched around your cock due to the newfound speed, making you clutch her body even harder as she practically milked your cock. Her hands would scratch down your chest as she did this, her tongue whipping and pushing against her mouth as you rubbed her breasts some more, much to her satisfaction. Your hands would quickly ride away from her chest and move up to her backside, grabbing a hold of her ass and making sure to apply pressure down when she went down your dick, the woman letting out several moans as she hit your waist.

Her drool dripped down onto your waist as she tried to moan out words which began random gibberish as she hit and pressed against your hips rapidly, your hands grinding against your ass in the process. Her pussy juices were dripping off your cock and balls like a broken faucet, the fluids falling off down onto the seat as her arms proceeded to wrap around your torso. That was when she stopped on the base of your cock for a brief moment before taking a deep breath before beginning to go faster and faster against your cock as you began to thrust up against her hips as you clutched her waist.

Your hips would hit in the air and let out a loud and lewd slapping sound that echoed out into the air, the woman pushing her head into your chest and moaning and gasping into it. Her pussy would tighten up against your cock each time her lips slammed against your base, crushing it in a grasp of warm and wet pleasure as you grasped her ass somewhat. With that you began to feel as her moaning got higher pitched and more intense, her hips squirming around your own and in the air as she got closer and closer to orgasm, the woman’s pussy clenching and producing more fluid to prep for her orgasm.

At that moment you could feel your cock begin to throb inside of her meaning that you were getting closer and closer to orgasm as well, the squeezing of her pussy making it all the more pleasurable for the both of you. You could feel as your cockhead began to get more and more weighed down by the cum that was building up in your cock threatening to explode inside of her. After a while you both couldn’t take it anymore, the woman letting out a shrill moan before orgasming all over your cock, waves of pussy fluids pushing down your duck as you began to cum as well, the first shot of cum pushing out of it and moving deep inside her.

You felt as her fluids would push against your cock and cum with each shot of your orgasm, pushing your cum deep inside of her whilst your orgasm got more intense as time went on. Eventually, your orgasm had reached a peak, shooting a massive shot of cum that took your breath somewhat as it buried deep inside of her, with you sighing as your orgasm began to come to an end. You felt as the cumshots got less and less intense as her orgasm seized, the gremlin collapsing onto your chest with her ear against your skin as you pumped a couple more shots inside of her before you collapsed on the chair as well.

It took her a couple of minutes to recover after that, the woman slowly pulling off your cock before you felt it flop out of her pussy, feeling as it dripped all of her juices and whatever was left of your cum onto the floor. She would look up at you and let out a purr as cum dripped out of her pussy, the woman looking into your eyes with love with you letting out a smile as you scratched her head a slight bit. “Mmmph, that was a nice ride! Now, I’ll have to get my wedding dress ready, so I’ll leave you here to relax, hubby!” She would say as she got up off your lab and began to walk away from you and went into the shadows of the building, with you relaxing in your chair for a few moments before you processed what she just said, releasing this may be a much longer term thing then you had expected.


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