Ultros Story

 Your village had been dealing with monsters for a while now, with you dealing with more hostile creatures which would arrive and attempt to murder the populous of the village whilst the others would be less hostile and more willing to trade with you. However, out of all of these creatures, none could be more annoying to you then the Ultros, a creature you would best describe as a purple skull with tentacles where the lower jaw would be but that was not what made them so repulsive, you had seen much uglier after all. What was truly repulsive about them was their personalities of which they tended to be extremely flirtatious with women despite the fact no woman other than their species and often hate men which would lead to you and the local marauding pack of Ultros that moved into the bar worst enemies as they often would mock them when you told them it was closing time and this would lead to a very long argument.

Of course, you had grown tired of having to serve the vile creatures, the women of the species being a particularly bad sort mainly because they seemed twice as annoying as their male counterparts. There was one particularly annoying one that you didn’t know the name of but you didn't know that she was the most persevering one out of all of the Ultros you had served because she often wouldn’t leave. You have had wanted to get rid of her for a long, long while, to the point where you wouldn’t be above tricking her that the bar was shut as long as she didn’t come in again, with you eventually managing to come up with a plan to teach you a lesson after another late night of trying to get rid of her.

Tonight she came in halfway through the night as she usually would and crawled up to your bar, her tentacles pushing themselves all over the bar and whipping goo across the surface in the process, the tentacles themselves being long and segmented as well as being a deep shade of purple much like the rest of the body. At that time you had taken a better look at her visage, her head having these white markings upon them with red pupils eyes wedged into the skull, the teeth of the creature sticking out into the air and with a couple of them even being shattered in some places.  “Ooh, one drink bartender! And make it quick!” She Said to you in a tone loud enough that it was grating, with you grabbing a hold of the glass and pouring out the drink into it. 

You put the drink down onto the bar, the woman taking it without thanking you which had become used to as the glass was dragged up to her mouth that was underneath her body. It wasn’t a conventional mouth but instead, a beak that was a squid or octopus, the creature tipping its body up to drink, taking a couple of gulps before placing her drink down onto the wood again. “Mmm, I would say that was serviceable. Now, I wonder what her over there is up too?” she asked herself as she rubbed her tentacle against where her bottom jaw should be before moving over to the woman, no doubt to attempt to flirt with her and tell bad jokes but you would put up with it for now.

You just needed her to get drunk enough for it to reach the point where she would allow you to do anything to her as long as she could get a drink, with you knowing that it was going to take a while for her to go over the edge. The glasses began to start piling up as she drank herself into the night, with you watching as the beer and whisky went inside of her beak with the gulps getting progressively slower. Eventually, the clock had hit one and at that point everybody was inebriated beyond all comprehension, especially the Ultros which had moved to the bar, the tentacles flicking and shooting around wildly before she spoke, trying to look you in the eye and failing.

“Bartender, bring me a-another drink, would you!” She would shout out for no respect for volume or any persons ears, with you smiling as you figured that she was sufficiently drunk for you to put your plan into action. 

“Of course I can! Although I think that because you’re such a great customer that you should come up the back and try out the premium selection.” You said as she had a happy look move across her eyes before she went to speak.

“Oooh, how wonderful! I must see your selection at once!” She Said, her mind being unable to detect the sarcasm that had been dripping from your words as she crawled over the bar. She quickly crawled into the back room, with you hearing as she hit across several objects and walls in an attempt to find the back room, with you wiping off the bar before moving into the back room with her. The drunk octopus-like creature moved around some more before you began to direct her to the storeroom, opening the door to watch as she crawled inside and quickly grabbed ahold of one of the bottles, the bottle having a mechanism on the top of it that she had fit her beak snuggly in as she went to try and drink it.

However, what she didn’t know was that this mechanism was designed purely to defend food stocks against Ultros, making it so that the beak would pop off when removed from the machine which would make the Ultros unable to eat. She then proceeded to do just that, pulling away from the bottle with a meaty pop, a silence moving through the air before a single knock sound when the beak hit the ground. “Aaagh, my beak!” She shouted out as she went to touch her beakless mouth, looking on the ground before looking up at you. “You did this on purpose! How am I going to feed now!” She shouted out as you looked down at her and smirked, coming up with an idea.

You grabbed a hold of your trousers and began to take off your belt, throwing it to the ground before pulling your trousers down, a look of surprise and disgust moving across her face as she realised what you were planning. “Urrgh, you disgust me, human!” She shouted at you as she got the hint about what was happening, with you pushing your back against the wall and putting down your underwear. Your cock flopped out into the air, with you knowing that the only what she would be able to get sustenance now would be to suck and push on your cock, the woman not seeming to get it in her drunk state as she moved closer you, her tentacles making squishing sounds against the ground.

“So what am I supposed to do now then?” She shouted out as you grabbed a hold of her head, feeling as the head squished together, the tentacles moving around the air before they moved to your legs. The tentacles were slick and soft, the goo dripping off onto the floor as her eye darted around the area, with you looking down at her and smiling as you pulled her up into the air. With that you waited for a moment, bracing yourself as she moved around in your hands before slamming her down onto your cock, both of you seeming surprised as you felt this utterly alien feeling around your cock as you did so, her tentacles wrapping around your legs and your waist as you did so.

You could feel as the creature twisted and pushed against your cock, the hole itself being very jelly-like as it rubbed up and down your cock, the movements being sudden and unorganised due to the shock of it all. You could feel as the liquid poured off your cock and onto the floor, the Ultros twisting its legs against your own in an to get you to slow down somewhat. After a while you watched her tentacles move to your hands before wrapping around your wrists whilst the body of the creature rapidly undulated against your cock, the woman’s twitching became slowly more and more focused with time.

The movement of the hole quickly went from moving against the base of your cock to the tip of your cock, the hole squeezing against your cock like a vice, goo pushing and pressing against it before dripping off the hole and onto your thighs. The sounds that echoed out of your cock was a sucking sound, echoing out across the halls along with your moans. The creature looked up at you as you grabbed a hold of her head, one of your hands running across it and grabbing ahold of one of the spires that were coming out of her head to get more leverage on her body, beginning to go faster against her as she did so.

You could feel the flesh of the woman’s body hitting and slapping against your own, the wet sound pushing out from your hips as the movements of her hole also began to go faster. The sucking sensation still went from the base to the tip again, the hole flexing and pressing against you with a bigger amount of pressure then beforehand as well which made it all the more pleasurable for you. You continued to hump against her face as you soon noticed that the woman seemed to be pulling against you as well, pulling you closer when she wanted to move against your cock and relaxing when you yanked her back up.

You could feel as your bodies hit against one another, the slapping sounds growing louder and louder as you both grew faster and faster against one another, her tentacles feeling looser against your legs. You could hear her groaning and grumbling around your cock, the words being muffled as you pushed your cock down her mouth as you imagined what she was saying. Still, you whipped this thought from your mind as you moved your hand down her fleshy body and grabbed ahold of another one of her spikes, the woman being pulled somewhat as she was pulled up at an angle that allowed you to go even faster than beforehand.

You were going as fast as you could go at this point, the woman’s eyes rolling the back of her head somewhat as you thrusted, more and more goo dripping out of her mouth and off your waist. Her mouth was spasming and pushing against your cock at an insane speed and strength, her entire body fidgeting and moving around the air, a couple of tentacles shooting up from your arms and wrapping around your shoulders. The woman would groan and grumble as you moaned into the air, beginning to feel as your cock throbbed inside of her, with you both feeling as your orgasm began to approach you.

You could feel the way her walls pressed and flexed against your cock, the flexing making the pleasure moving through your cock harder and making your orgasm come even faster than before. The pressure at the tip of your cock began to increase and increase, growing more and more unbearable the more that you held it inside you, your throbs growing stronger as you pushed your dick inside of her mouth. After a while you couldn’t take the pressure any longer, ramming her right down onto the base of your cock and shot your first load into her stomach, feeling as it hit the back of her throat when she shivered.

You could feel as shot after shot of cum moved into her throat, clutching ahold of her spikes to make sure that she would stay on your cock as your loads got larger and more intense. You would reach your peak when her tentacles loosened against your body, the powerful cumshot making you grunt out somewhat before your orgasm began to come to an end. Your shots would grow less and less intense and as suck, your grip on her body would also grow less strong along with it, with you feeling as the last couple shots left your cock and splattered across her throat walls, with you breathing a sigh of relief as you did so.

With that you pulled her off your cock, feeling the mixture of goo and cum dripping off it before she was off fully, the woman letting go of you with her tentacles as you placed her back down onto the ground. You would watch as she lazily slithered around the area somewhat, smearing the floor with her fluids before she rested herself on the ground, with you resting yourself against the wall to get some breath. After that you grabbed ahold of your underwear and pulled it up, followed by putting your trousers on and fastening your belt against your body as you looked down upon the Ultros, smirking a slightly satisfied smile before you left to tend the bar, knowing that you would be able to have more fun with her tomorrow.


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