Family relations part 5

 You don’t really know how long you’ve been in hell for now be it mere days or months and months but you certainly weren’t in a rush to leave and you had no need to leave as it hadn’t even been a second in the mortal realm as you slept and walked around the many environments of hell, some of them looking close to places you had seen in the mortal realm and some looking so utterly alien to you that you could barely comprehend them. Of course, you never had to seek out these environments yourself, your mother would always wait until you were deep in your sleep before being teleported away into a cavern or a creek or a crack in the environment, waiting somewhere nearby to wait for your arrival with you stirring around inside of your bed before you woke from your slumber and took a look at where she had placed you this time.

You pushed your head away from your bed, feeling the mattress move somewhat as you looked up to see a bright red sky with small clouds of grey moving around them, being a surprisingly clear day in hell as you looked at the ground. The bed was surrounded by purple grass which stood up straight like spikes yet buckled against the wind, the dirt being a brown mixed with a red as you looked around for your mother. You stretched your legs as you pulled your covers out of the way as you looked around for your mother, not being able to see her across the seemingly never-ending plane, twisting your legs off the bed and pushing your feet down onto the dirt, hearing it crunch underneath you.

You got up and began to walk across the grass, hearing as it crunched underneath her feet as a variety of insects and other creatures ran all around you, the insects being things like centipedes with too many legs and butterflies with patterns that looked just like flames in the wings. As you walked across the planes you could hear the sounds of whistling beginning to move through the wind and the sky, the whistling sounding just like your mothers. You began to walk towards it as if your legs were naturally pulled towards it, hypnotising by the sound of her humming as you began to see someone in the distance sitting in a chair, the closer you got revealing that it was indeed your mother.

As you got closer you could see her obsidian coloured form resting upon a deckchair carved out of black wood and red fabric, the orange parts of her body accentuated by her black form, the woman seeming to sunbathe despite the fact you couldn’t see a sun. As her details got clearer and clearer and her horns got more and more pronounced she proceeded to notice that you were awake, the woman beckoning you towards her as she did so. Eventually, you reached her, the woman proceeding to sit up in her chair as she looked over to you, with you standing right next to her as she began to speak to you, a low purr coming out of her mouth as she clicked her fingers, with you blinking and seeing another deckchair laid out for you.

“Come and sit down, darling.” She said as she patted the seat which was a signal for you to sit down which you did a moment later, getting reasonably comfortable as she began to speak again. “It’s hard for me to get you alone nowadays, you know that? Thankfully your sister is off in the lakes looking around for something and your grandmother's out at some cocktail bar with her friends so we are alone together.” She would say with that deep purr still in her voice, the woman’s orange eye looking into your soul and seeming to let out the sparks of lust within it, the woman’s hand crawling from the end of the arm and onto your own, clutching ahold of it and feeling her sharp fingernails against your hand.

“You’ve allowed me to have a few thoughts about you and I have decided that I want you to put another child in me.” She whispered into your ear as she moved closer to you, her warm breath travelling against your neck as she continued to speak. “Do you know how liberating that was, Anon? Feeling my son's cock throb inside of me before he shot a load into me? Carrying his child and then giving birth to his daughter.” She said with a smirk as she moved onto your lap, her legs hanging off either side of your body, her hands laying themselves onto your shoulder, her face moving right next to yours. “It felt so good.” She whispered before she moved her face closer and closer to yours.

Eventually, her face managed to glide right next to yours, her lips landing on your own as warmth moved through them, the woman closing her eyes as her tongue began to wiggle into your mouth in the process. You felt her hot tongue move onto your teeth and teeth, the warmth flowing through them before she reached your tongue, which began to curl and press against it as you did the same. She would moan into your mouth, the high was muffled somewhat as her tongue wrapped around yours, squeezing it and pushing against it as her hands began to grow restless against your body, her fingernails pushing and scratching against your flesh as she moved her hand down right onto your chest.

With that she would trail down the shirt that you had on, her fingernails digging into it before she grabbed a hold of the bottom of it and began to pull upwards, with you letting her take it off your body as she looked into your eyes. As soon as your top and thrown into the dirt her hands crawled down your skin, with you feeling the heat of her hands against your chest before she reached your trousers, the woman humming eagerly to herself as she did so. She would fiddle with your trousers for a brief moment before she grabbed ahold of the button and pushed it through the trouser, her hands wandering to the zipper and undoing that was well, your trousers soon landing at the base of the chair. 

She would move her hand in the air for a moment, flicking her fingers through it before she grabbed a hold of your bulge, the woman smiling as she felt how hard you were inside your underwear. “Mmmph, you’re so hard for me, my dear.” She said with a smile as her fingers began to move against it, massaging the bulge for a few seconds before she grabbed a hold of your underwear. She then proceeded to tug it down harshly, resting the underwear at the end of your ankles as your cock bounced out of your underwear, sticking up high into the warm air as she smirked at you, the woman trailing her hand onto your chest as she did so, her fingernails pushing onto your skin as she looked at you.

“Now then, let’s see if you feel as good as I remember that you do.” She Said as her hands grabbed ahold of your shoulders and raised herself and pushed her breasts into your chest, the woman threw her bra off so you could feel her nipples against you. She then slipped off her underwear, slipping off her underwear and revealing her bare pussy to in the process, with you feeling as it dripped warm, wet liquid onto your cock. She raised her hips higher and higher up into the air, shaking them before she stopped for a brief moment, smiling at you before slamming herself down onto your cock, both of you moaning out before she had moved down onto the base of your cock.

She would rest on your hips for a few seconds as she clenched around your cock, bathing herself in the pleasure as her fingers dug into your shoulders, a smile moving across her face. As she eventually came down from this pleasure induced high she began to move up your cock, with you feeling as your mothers pussy lips slowly dragged up your cock, clenching against your tip once she managed to reach the top of your dick again. She then proceeded to slam herself back down your cock, letting out an exhale of warm breath that steamed up in the air before moving against your skin, the woman sending a couple of seconds at the base of your clock before repeating the process over again.

As she did this she let out several moans into the air, with you surpassing your moans somewhat as her head began to move closer to your own, her breath pushing against your face in the process. She would look into her eyes before pressing your lips against her own, your tongue slithered into her mouth which took her by surprise for a brief, her tongue wrapping around your own in the process. As you both kissed each other passionately you moved your hands up onto her ass, beginning to push and grope against it, feeling her thick obsidian cheeks before she pulled away from you, smirking as she moved right next to your ear.

“Oh, you just can’t get enough of mommy, can you?” She whispered into your ear with a hiss in her breath, the woman shaking her ass before she began to go faster against your hips in the process. She had given up on resting when she hit against your hips, going up and then down your cock in one swift, smooth motion which also made her hit harder and faster against your pelvis. Her moans grew louder and louder in the air as she slammed onto your hips, her hand beginning to crawl down your back and her fingernails digging down into your flesh as one of your hands began to move up her back.

You then moved your hand down to her stomach, your fingers pushing against them before you managed to move up to one of her breasts and clutch it within your hand, rubbing up against her nipple as you did so. You felt as her nipple got hard as you ground against her, the woman sighing and humming as you did so, her eyes burning brighter will lust as she did so. “Mmmph, grope your mother, boy.” She murmured to herself as she felt your hands move over to her, her tongue moving around her mouth as she let out moans whilst her hips went faster and faster against you.

At this point she was assaulting your hips, hitting and slamming against them whilst her hands moved down to the sides of your ribs and scratching against them as she moaned more and more. “Mmmph, go on, fuck your mother! Fill your mother up with your cum!” She shouted out excitedly, getting ready for you to cum inside of her, her pussy clenching and pressing against your cock in the process. You felt as your cock slammed into the edge of her pussy as you looked into your eyes, her lips slamming down onto your own for one final kiss before you going to cum inside of her, with you feeling as your cock began to throb inside of her. 

As your cock throbbed and pushed up against the sides of her pussy you felt as it responded by clenching and holding against your cock, making you both grunt out in pleasure. You could feel the pressure building up at the tip of your cock, with you trying to suppress the tip as you felt her move up and down your crotch, her breasts swaying as she moved up and down them. After a while you couldn’t take it anymore, the woman quickly slamming down onto your hips as the pressure got too much for you, with you letting it out whilst cum pushed deep inside of her pussy which tightened against you in the process.

The first couple of shots pushed right into her womb, no doubt impregnating her as you started to drain the rest of your balls inside of her, feeling as you shot inside of her as you moaned loudly. She clenched against your cock with each shot as her hands clutched onto your body for dear life, her breasts pushing against your chest whilst her nipples pushed up against your chest. After quite a while your orgasm had come to an end, the late couple spurts of cum pushing up against her walls before you stopped completely, crashing down upon the chair and your mother crashing onto your chest with a smile.

Your mother pushed her head against your chest as she pulled herself off your cock, letting it lie between her legs as she looked up at you, her eyes filled with the love of all sorts as she went to speak with you. “Mmmph, mommy’s so nice and full and she probably has another child on the way as well and I can’t help to have it.” She said happily as she looked up at you and caressed your cheek, looking at you with a smile as she did so. “Now get some rest, I wore you out quite a bit. That and you’ll soon have it entertain two children now.” She Said as she closed her eyes and snuggled up onto your chest, with you sitting back as well as you wondered what the next few days in hell would bring.


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