Big titty goth moth part 7

 The feeling of your headbanging and the fact your eyelids felt like they were weighing about ten or so tonnes indicated that you had way too much to drink last night, the several cans of cider and the bottle of vodka lying on your table being an indicator of that as you woke up on the sofa. You looked to your left to see your girlfriend, Alundra was still asleep, her head resting up against the arm of the sofa as she stirred in her sleep slightly, with his chuckling as you moved over to her, resting your head on her soft-haired shoulder. You could feel her wings beat against her clothes and your chest, her legs moving down your own before moving away as she stretched out, her deep black eyes opening up lazier as she clutched her head, her antenna moving lazily up as she looked over to you. “Wakie, wakie, sleepyhead.” You Said with a smile, elicited a chuckle from the gothic woman.

“Good morning, darling. God, how much did we have to drink last night, my heads killing me.”She Said as she moved over so that she was facing you so her wings were resting against the bottom of the sofa and her breasts were resting up against your chest, her hair being a scruffy yet beautiful mess. She had a lazy smile upon those black lips of hers, with you smiling back before you gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Well I think we got through all the cider but I’m guessing from how hard my head is banging it would be way too much.”You Said with a chuckle before you grabbed ahold of her and pulled her up so that you were both sitting upright against the sofa, resting her head against your shoulder as you did so, the gothic woman lazily looking up at you in the process. “Want me to grab you some coffee?” You asked as she looked up at you and nodded.

“Yeah, that and some headache medication.” She Said with a giggle as you got up and went to make her a coffee, with you pouring out a glass of water for yourself as the kettle boiled, eventually hearing the beeping echo out as you poured the water onto the combination of milk, coffee and sugar at the bottom of the cup, taking the headache medicine at the top of the cupboard and placing it next to the coffee. You moved over to the living room again, shoving some of the cans out the way to place his glass of water and the headache pills down, giving Alundra her coffee and feeling a peck on the cheek as she grabbed it. “Thanks, darling!” She Said as she took a sip of her drink.

“You’re welcome.” You Said with a chuckle as you grabbed a hold of the water and drank some of it, watching the steam move off her coffee as she went to take her pill with you grabbing the pills and taking one of them a moment after. “So, after this, do you want to clean all this up with me?” You asked as you looked at the hill of cans that were all over the table.

“Yeah, I’ll carry out some of the cans into the bin once these pills hit.” She Said with a chuckle as she set back down onto the sofa, with you laying onto the arm and your legs moving across the sofa until you reached your girlfriend, smiling as she felt your feet up against her. She got up as she held her head in her hands, scooping up her controller and turning on the console, the woman quickly jumping onto your lap so she could rest her head against your chest, quickly selecting a fighting game of the quick select screen before moving up over to you. “Might as well have some fun whilst we wait, huh?” She Said with a smile, with you nodding as she loaded up an online match and started to play the game.

She started playing the game, winning a few matches and losing a couple of times, letting out excited hums when she won, jittering around on your lap and making a huff and slamming her backside against your hips as she did so. Each of these grinds and slams makes waves of pleasure move against your cock as she jitters and slammed, making you let out a couple of tired groans and moans as she did so. You could feel yourself blushing somewhat as you placed your hands against her thighs, with them being soft and thick, your hands pushing up against them and digging into them slightly, those jitters and hit coming down harder than before, making your moans a slight bit more audible then beforehand.

At first, you thought that these movements were simply involuntary and as such you just let her do them, grabbing a hold of her thighs as she did so, feeling your cock getting half hard in your trousers. After a couple more matches you had soon realised that she wasn’t just doing it by accident, pushing and grinding against you more and more often, nudging her ass into the tip of your cock. After you had figured this out you decided to try and get your own back on her, quickly moving your fingers underneath the fabric of her shorts and beginning to rake your fingers down her thighs, feeling as she squirmed and moved against your crotch, a smile moving across her face as she did so.

She started to let out moans, with the moans being more like a purr than a real moan as you pulled down her thighs and then back up them again, being able to worm yourself deeper and deeper into your shorts with each rake down her thighs. In the meantime, she was slamming herself into your cock more and more, at first doing it along with the game before just giving up on all conceptions of subtlety before grinding and pressing against your cock some more. At this point you were getting fully hard against her asscheeks, with you moving your hands up from her thighs and onto her stomach, rubbing against it before slowly dripping your fingers down into her shorts and onto her panties.

You could hear her let out a sigh as she felt your fingers move into her panties and onto her pussy lips, your fingers beginning to rub up against her lips, with this feeling of wetness beginning to push up against your fingers as you rubbed her. “O-Oh, am I that unsubtle?” She asked as you smiled and nodded, giving her a couple of kisses on her neck which made her lean down onto your shoulder, her lips hitting against the side of your neck, beginning to leave black lipstick marks on it. As her lips hit against your neck and painted it black you proceeded to push your fingers down into her pussy, hearing as she let out a purr as you pushed them deeper and deeper inside of her until your fingers hilted within her.

With that you began to piston your fingers in and out of her wet pussy, feeling as her panties began to get wetter and wetter as she moaned up against your neck, moving her head up your mouth to your cheek, giving you a peck before slamming her tongue into your mouth, with you grabbing her head with your other hand as you moved in and out of her pussy. You could feel her thin and long tongue moved around your mouth, twitching and arching whenever you hit a particularly sweet spot inside of her, the woman pulling away and pushing in several times before pulling away once more, panting in your face as she looked you in the eyes, her stare seeming rather hungry.

She moved her hips away from you before turning around so she was able to face you, quickly slipping her top off as she began to speak, her pale white breasts bouncing out of her bra as her wings spread and beat against each other for a brief moment. “Alright then, Anon. I want you to fuck me out of this hangover, understood?” She Said with a happy tone, slipping off her shorts and throwing them to the ground revealing just how wet her purple lace panties were before slipping them off as well, leaving them on her foot before flicking them away onto the arm off the sofa, leaving her naked as you reached down to your trousers, flicking them so they were at to your ankles before taking off your underwear and letting your dick move into the air.

You quickly grabbed her by her thick asscheeks and raised her so that she was hanging and dripping onto your cock, with you pushing against the lips of her pussy for a brief moment before smirking at her. You had then pushed her down onto your cock and slammed her onto the pussy, feeling as you went inside her to the point that she was sitting at the base of your cock. You could feel as you both rested against each other, breathing heavily before you scooped up her ass and began to go gently up your cock, making sure that both of you wouldn’t get a headache because of it, eventually reaching the tip of your cock before stopping for a moment before slamming down again, bouncing up onto your hips when she hit them.

This process went on for a while, with you feeling as she attempted to help you move up against your cock as she lifted her chest into the air, pressing up against your head somewhat as she did so. You moved one of your hands away from her ass, groping and pressing up against it as you moved one of your hands up against her breasts, pushing your fingers onto her breasts and pushing your palm onto her nipple, beginning to grind up against it, causing her to man as her wings flicked and pushed against the chair. “Mmmph, you just know all my sensitive areas, don’t you?” She Said with a smile, with you going to open your mouth before she shoved her tongue into it, wrapping around your tongue as she did so.

With this kiss you began to go faster against her body, beginning to thrust up against your lover's pussy as you did so, the woman spreading her thighs somewhat as she did so. Her fingers pushed down up against your back as she held onto you, her black fingernails dragging them against the skin but being gentle enough to not rip any of the skin on your back. She pulled away eventually as you moved her up and down your cock, her tongue moving out of her mouth for a brief moment before moving back in, drool dripping down the side of her cheek as she looked into your eyes lovingly.

You could feel her fat hips slam up against your own, her asscheeks trembling and moving with each thrust as she began to move faster as well, being sure not to swing her head around too much as to make her headache lighter. Your hand moved away from her breasts and onto the back of her wings, beginning to move up and down the base of her wings as she began to groan and moan, feeling as the wings began to expand upwards as she looked into your eyes. “Mmmph, this feels l-lovely!” Don't stop!” She moaned out as you moved your hand up her wings as she moved up and down, moving your fingers across the fabric feeling of her wings as they beat against your fingers, her hands creeping up your head before slamming your face into her own.

At this point you lost all sense of control that you once had, moving your hips at such a rapid rate you could feel her moaning and squirming against your tongue, her wings spreading out in pleasure as she did so. You could feel her entire body exuding the warmth of lust, her breasts and stomach rubbing up against you as your hands glided around her body, eventually landing on her other wing. You grabbed ahold of it with a smile and began to stroke them before rapidly, the woman’s fingers tapping a tune into your back, her fingernails scraping against your skin as she looked into your eyes.

Your cock had started to throb inside of her pussy, the feeling of her inner walls rubbing up against your cock making you moan and groan as you pussy clenched, making the situation even more pleasurable. The pressure at your head began to increase as she managed to pull away from you, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she waited for what she had wanted since the start of this. Eventually, you couldn’t take it anymore, moaning out loudly as you moved your hands away from her wings and clutched hold of her ass, slamming her down onto your cock as she moaned loudly, the first shot of cum pushing right up into her pussy in the process.

You started to feel as shot after shot of cum moved against your tip as it left your cock, spattering all over her walls as she clutched hold of you and grunted loudly, pushing her hands down your back as she did so. Her hands twisted as she rested her head against your chest, her warm breath pushing up against it you filled her to the brim. After a while your orgasm peaked with a particularly long shot of cum pushed out of it, getting slower and slower before you eventually stopped, the last couple shots sputtering out as you both laid against each other, panting and sweating in the process.

“Mmmph, god, you’ve filled me pretty well, huh?” She asked as she slowly pulled herself off your cock, grunting and moaning as she felt your cock leave her pussy and as the cum dripped down her thighs. She rested against you for s a few seconds more before looking up at you with a smile, raising her ass into the air so it was I’m your hands and shaking it around, a smirk moving across her face as she began to speak. “My headache hasn’t gone away yet. You know what that means, don’t you?” She Said with a smile before she moved away from you and rested herself on the arm of the sofa, raising her ass high into the air as she did so, spreading her cheeks somewhat with a smirk.

You simply smirked as you moved over to her body and placed one of your hands onto her shoulders and moved your other arm underneath her body so that your hands were resting up against her side, your arm resting against her breasts. You pushed your limp cock up onto her asscheeks, beginning to grind it against the hole that you hadn’t filled yet as you did so. You could hear her sighing and moaning as you breathed down her neck, the woman glancing up at you and rubbing her hand against your own as she did so. “Put it in, Darling.” She Said as she felt you get harder and harder against her.

You decided to give her exactly what she asked you to do and pushed your hips back into the air, feeling as your trousers and underwear fell further down your legs so you could move them correctly before slamming yourself inside of her. She let out a powerful moan as her wings spread out across the air, flapping for a second before they retracted back down onto her back, her tongue moving around her mouth as you waited for a couple of seconds. You then slowly pushed out of her asshole, moving from the base to the tip of your cock in a few seconds before thrusting back inside of her, sighing as you felt her tight hole against your cock.

With that you began to move in and out of her ass in an almost rhythmic fashion, pulling yourself nice and far away before slamming your hips down onto her asscheeks, feeling as they jigged as she moaned loudly. You moved your hands across her chest, grabbing ahold of one of her breasts as you pushed and groped at it some more, feeling as her ass hit up against your waist as she arched her back in pleasure. You began to press your lips against the side of her neck, breathing against it as you could see her moan and hum to herself, with you eventually trying to trail them down her shoulder and onto her back, pulling away as you began to go faster against her ass.

With that your hand also crawled around her back as you felt her asscheeks slap up against your waist, your hand eventually moving down to the back of the middle of her back where the start of her wings was, with you spreading your fingers out so they were rubbing up against her fingers. “Mmmph, S-Sensitive!” She said as you pulled your fingers out so they were away from the wing sides, feeling as they were beating against them so her mind wasn’t completely eroded by pleasure. You could feel her asshole clenching against your cock as you thrusted, the muscles doing it in an almost rhythmic beat to them. 

You felt as moans escaped your mouth, with you pulling down so that you were against her again, kissing against her neck once again as your other hand-pulled and pushed against her breast eagerly. This time she pulled her neck away from you and grabbed ahold of your head pulling you down her body just a slight bit before slamming her lips onto your own, wrapping her tongue around your lips so you couldn’t escape, not like you ever would. With that you felt as your chest rubbed up against the bases of her wings, which were flicking and pressing across your chest, the soft beats against your body being strangely relaxing.

At this point, as you two exchanged your passion on each other’s mouths you began to go even faster against her asscheeks, pushing and slamming up against it so hard you could feel slight pain due to the claps, her wings beating against your chest as you kissed. She eventually pulled out of your mouth, her spit now firmly mixed with your own as she panted up onto your face, her antenna twitching against the air in the process. “Mmmph, I love y-you, so fucking much anon!” She moaned out happily with you slamming your lips against her neck in response, feeling her skin against your lips as you did so.

At this point you could feel your cock begin to throb once again inside of her, feeling it pushed against the muscular walls of her ass which seemed to be pushing against your cock much harder and faster than beforehand. Her wings fluttered and twisted as you looked down at her, moving around wildly as your hands moved away from the rest of her body and both pressed against her asscheeks, kneading them like dough in the process. Eventually, the pressure at the tip of your cock got too much for you, with you slamming down into her again before you shot out the first rope of cum inside of her tight ass.

Shot after shot of cum began to shoot out into her ass, nestling deep inside of her as you both moaned out in glee, each and every shot of cum that came out being stronger and stronger than the last. You felt as her asshole clamped against the base of your dick as well, feeling as she made sure that not a single drop of cum escaped her asshole as you reached the peak of your orgasm. After that your orgasm began to Slow down, the shots growing both shorter and slowly before it came to a grinding halt, the last couple drips coming out of your cock before you stayed inside her for a minute or so, both of you panting and sweat moving down your face.

You pulled your cock out of her ass, feeling the cum drip off her before you rested your back up against the arm, the woman panting on the arm before she grabbed ahold of her panties and placed them back on before grabbing ahold of her bra and resting onto your chest as she put it on. “God, at least it got rid of the headache.” She Said as she slipped her bra back on before grabbing the rest of your clothes, with you pulling your underwear and trousers back onto your cock as you did so, looking into her eyes as she spoke. “So, we better put these cans out, huh?” She asked as you looked at her and nodded, each of you getting up and grabbing a couple of cans before heading out to the trash, knowing you’ll have the full day to do things together.


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