Sorlag story


  1. You had no idea how you got into this place, the Dreamlands which some of the others had called it, a far place spanning many environments and places, a place where a tundra could be right next to a set of Lava waterfalls. You also didn’t know how you could get out of the dreamlands either but you had some kind of idea judging by the others that you had seen running around the place, most of which tried to kill you as soon as they saw you. It seems that you were somehow designated a champion by whatever controlled this place, being plucked up from your bed and then now being forced to fight for your freedom by going into differently segmented arenas around the environment and the victors, the champion of champions, would be able to leave where the other champions would fight each other as another champion would replace the one that had been allowed to escape.
  3. However, you hadn’t been to any of these arenas mainly because you had no idea how to fight, mainly knowing how to point and shoot and not any of the fancy moves that your fellow champions knew. Still, as long as you stayed out of trouble and didn’t try and be antagonistic to anyone you’d be able to get out of most places with only a couple of bullets being shot at you. Right now you were hanging out in the magma area of the Dreamlands, the feeling of the heat against you making you sweat, the area being barren enough so that you could see the others coming to you as well as it being so that any weapon or anything you could pick up would stand out from the grey and orange.
  5. Right now you couldn’t see anything around, wandering across the stone floor as lava ran underneath you, holding your gun in your right hand just to show that you were armed and ready to shoot it if necessary. That was when you saw something in the distance, something white against the rocks almost like sugar being spread across the rocks like breadcrumbs. You moved to investigate the strange sight being sure to look around the area just in case that it was a trap, eventually managing to get to the white parts, with you picking one up to feel the smooth and fragile shard, eventually realising it was some kind of eggshell, which was bizarre as you hadn’t seen anything that could lay eggs in the area.
  7. You noticed that the eggshells seemed to make a trail over to some alcove, with you deciding to follow it to see if there was a source to the eggshells or not, eventually finding what you wanted to find. There were eggs but they had all been smashed and ripped into pieces, the shells being wrecked beyond repair as if they were eating, something that saddened you somewhat as you wondered what they could belong to, leaving the cave a moment later to go out and wander around some more. As you left you now couldn’t help but feel like you were being watched somehow, frequently checking behind you to see if anything was there, not being sure that what you felt was following you was hiding behind the many series of rocks that were around you.
  9. You must have been walking for above five minutes before your fears were confirmed by the sounds of rocks falling from one of the spires, seeing that some kind of creature was silhouetted by the lava flow. You pointed your gun at the silhouette, not knowing if it was armed or not onto to see that it was indeed armed when the barrel of its gun let out a flash, a pile of lead and fire hitting against the rocks as you jumped away and started to shoot back. The creature dodged behind the rocks, chunks coming off them as your bullets hit, the creature firing back one more time before the area went silent, the creature going out of sight yet again.
  11. You walked backwards, looking around you for a source until you watched something fall from above, the creature that was shooting you staring you right in the face yet again, the creature posting its gun at you as you pointed yours right back at it. Neither of you shot, however, both of you staying silent as the lava rained down from above, burning and sizzling up against the rock as the eyes of the creature watched over you. The eyes glow a bright shade of yellow as they followed you around the area, its eyes much like a crocodile in the way that they never seemed to blink, keeping a focus on you before you decided to run, the sounds of its feet digging into the ground to chase after you getting louder and louder.
  13. You looked behind you to see those eyes staring a hole through your soul, drool seemingly coming from its mouth as you tried to dodge away, eventually turning right into a cavern, hearing as the creature’s feet scraped across the ground as it turned. You noticed that the caverns were getting shorter and thinner which was good as the creature was much larger than you, with you hearing as it scratched at the gap as you got to the other end, moving onto the wall to try and catch your breath. You got up off the ground after a couple of seconds, beginning to walk away before you heard a roar behind you, turning around to feel a pair of feet slam into your guts, looking up to see what had been following you all this time.
  15. The creature was what could be described as a crocodile woman, being about 6 or so feet in height and certainly a bit wider than the average person, although it was all muscle and no fat. The first place that you looked up to was her fac,e a set of sharp, gleaming white teeth in her mouth as she licked her teeth, her yellow eyes staring at you as she did so, the woman having four nostrils on her snout and a set of spiky scales sticking out of her head. Her legs and arms were covered with a thick set of orange armour with visible bolts inside of it, the arm armour going up to her shoulders. Her stomach was much like a lizard with several lives going down it ending with the reveal that she wasn’t wearing any undergarments as a pussy greeted you. A small tail stuck out of her rear and her hands and feet were tipped with sharp claws, ones that could rip your eyes out whenever she wanted to it.
  17. She let out a thunderous roar as she looked down at you, quickly pointing her gun at you as she licked her teeth afterwards, with you trying to get up only to be whipped across the face with the gun, making it hit the ground again as she began to speak. “Don’t move, Warmblood! I am Sorlag, Flesh trader of the Sorg tribe! I used to hunt you Warmblood like a cat hunts rats, there was no hope in you escaping, especially as you have destroyed my clutch!” She Shouted as you looked down at her, trying to get up before you got another hit to the face with the gun, shoving you to the ground again and quickly shooting a bolt above your head, rubble falling onto your head in the process.
  19. “I said do not move or I shall blow your head right off your shoulders and then feast upon your corpse!” She grunted out as she slammed her gun into the ground with it being enough so that you could get the hint by now, simply nodding as she looked up and down you. “Now, what to do about you then? Do I simply rip you limb from limb or shall I dip you into molten lava toes first?” She pondered as she placed her free hand to her chin, scratching it for a couple of seconds before she came up with an idea. “How about you get to keep your life...” She Said as you began to nod, her grin moving wider across her face before she finished her sentence.
  21. “If you replace my clutch.” She Said, with you being confused about what she meant before you saw that malicious glint in her eyes and that thick tongue moving across her teeth yet again. You tried to pull away before she pulled the gun up to your head again, grinning as you quickly lied back down against the ground again, the lizard woman withdrawing her gun and slamming it into the floor, dust coming up as she dug it inside of it, just making sure that it was stuck in as she grabbed ahold of your shirt. She didn’t waste any time at all when she dug her fingers into the fabric, breaking through it and scratching against your chest slightly before ripping upward, taking the shirt off and throwing the fabric to the floor.
  23. The hot air pushed against your chest before you felt like a couple of drops of spit pressing against your chest, the lizard woman relishing that she could do this to you as you tried to put your hands up to your clothes to stop her ripping anything else. She quickly grabbed your hands and pressed them together by the wrists, slamming them down onto the floor as she did so, her other hands scratching down your chest to feel you quiver and shake. She quickly grabbed a hold of your underwear before ripping the trousers off you as well, throwing them away and going for your underwear almost instantly afterwards, ripping them off and letting your cock hit the air.
  25. Her legs stepped on each of your thighs so you couldn’t place your legs over your cock, her pussy fluids beginning to drip onto it as she did so, the woman looking up at you started to get hard due to the sensation despite still trying to get away from it. “Look at you, getting aroused so quickly, I'm sure no warmblooded woman could do this to you. Now, let’s see how warm-blooded you are?” She asked as she began to raise her hips upwards, letting out a slight bellow as she did so, raising them high into the air before they came crashing down on top of you, your hands clenching onto fists as she enveloped your cock into her wet folds.
  27. She watched as you tried to keep a moan inside of your mouth, the woman’s smile making her moan slightly as her tongue hit the roof of her mouth before hitting the floor of it again, grinding up against your base as she did so. “Oh, that’s certainly warmer than I suspected. Don’t burst too soon, ok?” She Said as she began to pull her hips away from your own, her pussy fluids being stickier than the average woman’s as she slowly pulled away from you. She reached your tip, her lizard pussy clenching and pressing up against your cock, the woman lewdly slamming back right down onto your hips a moment later, knocking the wind out of you as she smiled at making you moan for the first time.
  29. She kept doing this, silently moaning to herself as she noticed that you were opening your mouth, those burning yellow eyes looking into your own as she then slowly pulled your hands up so that you could be face to face with her. “You shouldn’t one your mouth, Warmblood. I might take it as an invitation!” She Said as she then proceeded to slam her muzzle into your face, her scaly skin pressing up against your lips before she forced her mouth between them, quickly placing her tongue onto yours and wrapping around in the process. The tongue was very long and very flat with a pointed tip that rubbed up against the top of your mouth, the woman seemingly licking up the drool that was coming out of your mouth.
  31. She pulled away after a while, grunting and breathing up against your neck as she did so, growling as she began to go faster against your crotch, each thrust feeling like she was trying to place you inside the ground. “Mmmm, your spit tastes salty, Warmblood. No wonder your tongues are a delicacy among our people.” She Said with a chuckle before going back to thrusting and moaning, her smooth scaled hips ramming down onto your skin as her stubby tail hit the ground slightly if she went particularly hard against you. She loosened her grip against your wrists as she got more and more into it, with you being able to move your arms slightly but they were still kept within her grip.
  33. Her pussy clenched with each thrust downward, the smooth inner walls pressing up against your cock and slowly grinding up against your veins and muscles, the feeling being foreign and strange. You could feel as Sorlag began to drool some more, the speed she was going causing her head to move up and down in pleasure, the drool splatting all over the place including your chest and your face, her lizard eyes widening as she thrusted. “Oh, you Warmbloods have quite a lot of Stamina, don’t you? Guess I’ll just have to have some fun to get all of it out of you.” She Said as she moved down so that your chests were touching each other’s, her other arm wrapping around your back as she began to go even faster.
  35. At this point you were near constantly winded by her hips, feeling as her pussy ran up against your cock as you squirm underneath her, her fluids coming off your cock and landing and dripping off your balls. The lizard woman seems to be having the time of her life thrusting against your body, her eyes nearly rolling into her head as her tentacles lash against her teeth as she breathes onto your face. You could feel as her moans moved up against your body, the woman sometimes bellowing when she clamped her mouth shut which caused her to vibrate around your cock which made you grunt and squirm even more than beforehand.
  37. You could feel as your cock began to throb inside of her pussy, pushing up against her reptilian walls as it did so, making holding onto your orgasm quite a bit harder than it usually would be. You could feel as the pressure at the tip of your cock increased and increased, the feeling making you clench your teeth before you heard the lizard woman begin to growl again. She then suddenly jolted down against your shoulder, placing it between her jaws as she let her teeth scrape and push down onto your flesh, with them not piercing the skin before you figured that the pressure was too much for you, with you cumming a moment afterwards in the process.
  39. You felt as her hips crushed you against the ground, those lips wrapping around your cock as you shot cumshot after cumshot inside of her, the lizard woman grunting and moaning as she felt it nestle up in her womb. You had no idea how hard or how much you came inside of her but you knew that it would probably be enough to give her a new clutch. Eventually, you stopped cumming inside of her, completely draining as the last couple of drops of cum falling out of your cock as she began to pull away at your shoulder, which was now covered in drool, her tongue flashing before she placed it in her mouths the lizard woman having to take a couple of breaths as she did so.
  41. “Credit where credit is due, Warmblood, you make a good lay, it’s almost as good as eating your flesh.” She Said as she pulled herself off your cock, letting go of your arms in the process, your arms lazily resting on the ground with you being too tired to fight back. She grabbed ahold of her gun as your now limp cock fell out of her pussy, the woman looking over you as she placed her gun away from you. “You’re free to go, Warmblood. If you stay, I might just think you want to go for round two.” She Said with a chuckle before she jumped away, with you getting up as she was out of sight, looking to see if it was to get out of the magma fall, only to see Lava all around you, a never-ending sea of burning.
  43. Looks like you’d be having round two.


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