Syx to your stomach part 2 (OC)
You had always wondered why you hadn’t moved out of New York but you now had a reason why which was better than any excuse that you could come up with. Said reason was naked Syx and she was a being known as a symbiote, some alien from god knows where, split of from a homicidal maniac through methods that you didn’t really want to think about. Despite all of this you had taken her in, figuring that the child of such a monstrous man would need some guidance less she became even worse then she did and you had, eventually, make quite the woman out of her as well. After giving her her name and teaching her basic moral decency you’d quickly find her having become a hero, something that you were rather proud of her for as the entire city was already crawling with all sorts of villains that all the hero’s in New York couldn’t keep up with. However she would quickly have other impulses for you, another hero that lurked around New York gave her the advice which led to her having a lot of hardcore sex with you in the middle of your apartment.
This would start off a trend with her where, everyday when you’d come back from your apartment from work, she would be there, waiting for you. From there she would try and meander around what she wanted for a couple of hours, clumsily flirting with you since she didn’t exactly have the habit for subtlety which was something she got from her actual father. Eventually you’d crack under the constant flirting and she would practically jump at you, the woman flinging you into the nearest flat object and proceeding to have sex with you in the most brutal and furious way possible. You had thought that you got used to it at this point but she would always find a way to spice things up a bit with the woman saying she had got her ideas from a certain white haired cat burglar.
Still, you had come to enjoy the company and be able to endure most of the furious assaults that she would perform on your hips even if you had some bruises the first couple times. Her hero business was also doing pretty well, mainly due to the fact that she was rather uncompromising and brutal but not murderous although she had managed to break vultures legs by accident at one point, the bugle was certainly all over that one. Either way, you were proud of what she had become, making sure that she had not become another murderous monster like her father was and instead a hero. Although these past couple days she seemed extra excited about something,something that she wasn’t telling you about which made you wonder what it was going to be.
You were driving home, thankfully it had gotten dark and the traffic had mostly died down from peak hours and there weren’t any active superhero fights happening near your area. You’d hum to yourself as you drove, hearing the soft rumble of your car underneath you as you would see your apartment block in the distance, hanging over you as you drove. You reached the car park, seeing that it was absent of most vehicles before you pulled up and looked up, seeing that the light was on in the apartment which was curious as Syx usually enjoyed the darkness. Then your thoughts came back to that thing she was excited about, your heart racing as you realized it was time to see what could possibly be waiting for you in your apartment, taking a deep breath as you got out the car.
With that started the long walk up the stairs, chipped walls and unmaintained steps greeting you as you placed your hands in your pockets, clutching a hold of your keys. You would eventually reach your floor and get to the door, seeing the light leaking out from under the wood as you’d move over to the door, hearing the sound of two voices coming from inside, both of them feminine in nature. “Oh, He’s here!” Said Syx, the Girl seeming to think that you couldn’t hear her through the door despite the fact that you very obviously could. With that you would push your keys into the door, twisting them and hearing the sound of the locking mechanism clicking, the sound echoing out before you opened the door, your eyes widening when you saw not one but two symbiotes in front of you.
The first place that you looked was her head, of which seemed to be a mixture of green and black, the green elements making up her hair that looked almost like fire given how the edges of the tendrils look. You’d look at her face to see that she had a similar face to what Syx has, a pair of slash-like white eyes staring back at you with a green mouth, sharp black teeth cascading down from her gums. Your eyes then moved away from her inky black face and down across her bright green neck,seeing as it glimmered in the air before your eyes moved to her breasts of which were larger but also firmer then Syx’s own tits were, the woman pushing her chest out slightly when she realized you were staring at them. Your eyes then moved down from her breasts past her stomach, seeing the green trace down it to her belly button which was when it would fade back into black. The woman’s legs were thick, being composed of her usual ink black skin and a lighted substance that was almost see through, the way the elements were placed together making them look like ripped stockings.
“Surprise!” Syx shouted happily as the other Symbiote stood still, glancing between you and her.
“Syx, who is this?” You asked, somewhat concerned as Syx would go to respond, the other symbiote seeming to be more patient then Syx was.
“Well, this is Ecto, she’s my cousin!” She explained with you being shocked that she could even have a cousin, let alone find one inside of New York. “I was thinking that she could stay with us!” She proposed with you not exactly wanting to let another symbiote live with you especially given Syx was such a handful.
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea, Syx.” You said, trying to let her down gently as she crossed her arms and pouted the best she could given she didn’t really have lips.
“But ANOOOON!” She would shout, ready to go on a rant before Ecto moved in front of her, causing her to clamp her mouth shut.
“Why don’t you go out for a bit, Syx?Let me talk to Anon personally.” She would say as Syx waved her head around the air, weighting the thoughts in her mind before she would nod in agreement.
“Fine, see you in a bit, you too!” She Said as she would proceed to climb out the window and leave, the woman crawling away and leaving you with the other symbiote. You’d look over to her to see a grin on her face with you already knowing just what she was planning to do something to you but you didn’t know what.
“So, it seems you need some convincing, eh?” She Said as she clutched a hold of your arms, the woman’s fingers wrapped around your wrists before she threw you to the sofa. You’d hit it and sit down, the woman quickly finding herself between your legs as to ensure that you didn’t get back up, her clawed hands moving to your trousers to undo them. She would eventually achieve this goal, the woman pulling them down to your knees as your cock bounced out, causing her to lick her non-existent lips. “Now, let me convince you.” She Said as she opened her mouth with you watching as her jaw would grow further and further apart from her head, strands of goo falling from her before she pushed her head down on your cock, letting out a slight groan.
You’d feel as her warmth pushed all over your member, the woman’s drool dripping across your member before she started to pull away from your cock. You’d look down to see her drool slowly coming down across your cock from her lips, the woman’s drool being a somewhat blackish color as she would move up to your tip. When she did get to the tip of your member she would start using her tongue to convince you, the long and wet organ starting to move around your tip, tasting the pre that was starting to come out of your member. After a few seconds of savouring your taste she would suddenly move her head downwards, the woman stopping short of headbutting your crotch as you’d groan up into the air, the woman clearly tracking your face as she sucked your dick.
The alien would repeat the process several times over, moving up your member slowly and then moving back as fast as she could, her tongue lashing away at your tip. You’d notice that the woman’s tongue was growing more and more restless inside of her mouth, lashing against your tip harder and faster and sometimes even creeping further down your cock. It was clear that she was holding yourself back, the woman’s drool dripping down your balls and across the sofa cushions as she would keep going. Eventually you’d feel her claws dig deeper into your thighs, scratching them somewhat as she let out a sound that could only be described as a purr, a brief exhale escaping her mouth before she would start to speed up her head movements, the pleasure increasing ten fold.
Instead of stopping at the tip of your member or slowly moving upwards, she'd instead move in two movements, one of them upwards and one of them downwards. Her tongue would lack purpose as a result and as such she would quickly get it into someplace useful, the tongue starting to withdraw from her mouth and moving down your cock like a snake. You’d watch as it would move down your member inch by inch, slowly drifting across it and pushing against your veins until it reached the base, circling around it for a couple seconds as her mouth kept moving. However, her tongue wouldn’t stop there, the organ moving down your balls and wrapping around that as well, cradling your balls with her tongue as she would continue pleasuring you.
You’d clutch ahold of the soft, feeling the fabric push against your fingers as she continued her ruthless assault against your body, her air lashing the air. You’d feel as she slobber would drip down your balls when she massaged them, the warmth pushing down your thighs and across the ground as you’d try and move your hand to her head. You’d grasp ahold of it, feeling the texture of it against your hand as it would start to move between your fingers before you felt the tendrils wrapped around your palms and wrists. It was clear she enjoyed your touch, the woman letting out another hum into the air as she’d slow herself down for a brief moment, the woman seemingly making sure your hand was attached to her before she’d move onto the next phase of her plan.
That phase was her going even faster then beforehand, the woman latching her hair to your other hand and dragging it over to her head to latch onto it. Her head started to blur in the air, the woman moving at such a fast rate that your legs were twitching in her claws, her own feet rooting themselves to the ground. A torrent of drool escaped from her mouth and throat, the spit dripping and pushing down your member at a rapid rate that it was pooling on your skin somewhat. Her tongue would also grow faster and faster, drifting up and down your member at a rapid rate as she would paint it with her drool, the organ grasping and pushing across your veins and glands, feeling as it pulsed in her grasp as she would move her tentacles between your fingers.
That was when you felt yourself start to throb inside of her mouth, your cock pushing against her tongue and her mouth as you’d feel the pressure start to build up inside you. You’d feel it in the tip at first, tapping and pushing against it before it would start to slowly drag itself down your member, going further and further down until it would consume your cock in its entirety. It would get to the point where it was growing unbearable to hold in, your cock throbbing and throbbing against her body as you felt like you were about to cum any moment now, the only reason that you were holding it in was to see how long she’d keep going for. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and you started to cum inside of her, ropes spraying out of your member and across her insides.
Ropes sprayed out of your cock and into her mouth, covering her cheeks and pushing into her throat as she would place herself at the base of your cock, making sure no cum escaped her. More and more ropes pushed inside of her, covering her inner walls with more and more of your cum, some of it dripping down onto her tongue which caused it to twitch, making your orgasm even more intense. Your orgasm would soon reach its peak, a massive amount of cum escaping from your member and pushing deep inside of her, covering her inner walls as well as pushing right inside of her. From there your orgasm would start to come to an end, the woman letting out a couple of sighs as she pulled away from your cock and let the last couple ropes cover her face.
“Like that?” She asked with you not responding, the woman chuckling to herself as she jumped up onto her feet, the woman looking up and down your body . You’d glance at her body before eventually she looked at your ass, seeing as it jiggled around in the air as you saw a trail of fluid move down her legs, dripping down onto the floor before she would speak to you. “Well, you better go and get ready for round two!” She shouted as she raised her hips upwards into the air, shaking them from side to side before she would move right above your member, her hands moving to your knees. From there she would proceed to wait for a brief moment, letting her hips hang in the air before said hips would slam themselves downwards onto your cock.
You’d clutch the sofa again as you felt her pussy envelop your already overstimulated cock, the woman’s inner walls twisting and pushing across your cock as she moved. The woman wasted no time with a slow start and foreplay and instead decided to attempt to milk your cock for all it was worth, the woman’s fat ass ramming against your waist as her hair tentacles pushed across her back. Her moans echoed out across the air, filling the room as you’d see her tongue lash against her teeth, drool dripping from her tongue and onto the floor as her hands would eventually find themselves in front of her. As she did this you’d look across her back, seeing hints of green in the black before you saw that her head was turned towards you, staring into your eyes somewhat.
“Mph, how about it make you a deal, yes?” She asked as she would grin, the woman not waiting for your response as she rammed against your hips. “If you want me to stay then you’re going to cum right inside of me and, if you don’t, I’ll leave. Have we got a deal?” She asked as she moved her hair tendrils over to your chin, rubbing against it as she would stare at you like a lion would stare at prey underneath its claws. The sounds of wet plapping echoing out across the air, the woman’s fluids having pooled underneath her and being splashed everywhere as a result, much to her pleasure. You’d feel as the hole that was around your member would grow tighter and tighter by the moment,making sure that the veins and glands were being crushed under the grasp.
With that she would start moving her hips even faster than beforehand, the woman’s ass clapping against your waist as she would turn to you with a grin, knowing what she was doing. The woman’s hips were starting to blur into the air, the black and green fusing together into one mass as she would move, the woman letting out a few groans into the air, a cacophony of sound echoing out across the air. Your hands would grow more restless, your hands moving upwards into the air before you grabbed ahold of her hips, your fingers digging into the goo as she let out another sigh. “Oooh, can’t get enough, can you?” She Said before she would wrap her tendrils around your hands, making sure that you couldn’t escape from her, not that you could escape at this point.
The woman’s hips kept jackhammering across your crotch, ramming and pushing against you as she would let out some joyous moans into the air. Her inner walls would start milking your member,the woman’s inner walls moving from your base to your tip in a milking motion, pushing across your member and driving even more pleasure across your crotch. You’d even feel as the walls would twist and change texture, going from ribbed to flat to ribbed again as the woman’s fluids would drip down your balls. “Come on, seal the deal, big guy! Show me what Syx said she loves so much!” She said, the woman encouraged you more and more as her hair tentacles would move to your head, rubbing against your cheeks and digging against your chin as she gasped.
You’d then feel as your cock began to throb inside of her, pushing against her walls of which clenched against your cock even harder in response. “Oooh, getting close are we? Hurry up and cum! Let your desires lead you!” She said gleefully as the pressure would start to arrive again, kneading against your tip and expanding across your entire length, the woman making sure it was spreading as fast as possible. Soon you’d feel as it would reach its peak, the pressure being extremely hard to hold in to the point that you were breathing heavily, something that she took notice too. And with that she would drift her hips upwards, wait for a long enough time to let your heart skip a beat and slammed down onto your member, making you orgasm right inside of her pussy.
Rope would spray at your cock at a rapid rate, coating her insides almost instantly and every single rope afterwards coating the walls even harder then before. Yet your orgasm grew stronger and stronger, moving deeper inside of her and mixing with the green and black that brewed inside of her, her entire body twitching and drool dripping from your mouth. Your orgasm would reach its peak much faster then beforehand although the load that pushed out of your member was a lot thicker, nestling deep inside of her and coating her deepest reaches, the woman purring yet again. That was when your orgasm came to a end, ropes growing shorter and discarding themselves across her insides, the last couple of drops oozing out your member as she chuckled to herself.
With that she would pop herself off your cock, a wet squelch echoing out across the air before she turned around on her feet to face you, bending down and giving you a kiss on the cheek. “So, can I stay now?” She asked with you looking at her, staring up into her eyes for a brief moment before you would lazily nod in her general direction, the woman chuckling to herself happily. “Great! I’ll see you in a bit then, Anon!” She said before she would skip to the window and jump out of it, going off to god knows where. With that you laid on the chair, your hips aching and your skin oozing with sweat as you wondered what the hell was going to happen next, especially given the fact that you had not one but two symbiotes to play around with. Either way, it would be an absolute miracle if you weren’t dead by this week but hey, at least you had another reason not to move from New York City.
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