Gone Fishin’ (Creature from webfishing)
All your life you had been on the quest to find the most elusive catch. You wanted to become the god of the rod, the thing that fish fear more than anything else and since you got your first fishing rod and some cheap bait you scrounge up, catching cod and bass first of all, the fish being small at first. But, as time went on and your fishing skills increases, you caught bigger and bigger fish, you got better and stronger rods and you got much more alluring bait, your catches becoming more bountiful and the fish you caught becoming rarer. You were long past the days of merely catching cod and haddock with you having caught herrings and sawfish and Marlins as well as the beasts of the ocean such as the great white shark or the sunfish. You had even caught things that weren’t fish like crocodiles and lobsters with you even having managed to catch a horseshoe crab in the rain at one point. But you wanted more, you wanted a fish that no one had ever seen before and you wanted it now so you looked online, trying to find rumours of a fish that was so rare that it had never been seen before and it seemed like you had found one at long last.
It was a being that was simply known as the creature, a fish that could only be found in a realm between realties, where the water was a inky black. To get to the area you had to perform what they liked to call a reality glitch, basically doing something that should have never been done, causing the fabric of realty to break down and allowing you to enter the realm where the beast lay. What you needed to do was simple enough to pull off, you just needed to jump over the insides of the shop and into a body of water which would then become a pathway to the realm and allow you to come and go as you pleased. After a lot of convincing you had managed to get the shopkeeper to allow you to jump over the insides with him telling you to do it after hours so his customers didn’t get confused.
Day would turn to night and the time would come to try and see if you could glitch out the fabric of reality itself with you looking at the water and running. The first attempt was a failure with you landing just a bit shorter to where the water was, hitting your feet against the ground and just staring at the water before trying again. The second attempt was an overshoot, your body slamming into the wall and nearly taking out a shelf with you wiping the wood from your body and walking backwards to try for a third time. You ran, jumped and actually made it into the after, feeling as it hit your feet before you were submerged in the depths, the water going from blue to pitch black as you sank, gravity then proceeding to invert itself and force you back up into the surface and onto shore.
You could feel a warm breeze pushed across your body as you pushed your hands into the ground and pulled yourself up from it, looking around to see nothing but darkness. You smiled, knowing that you were where you needed to be, grabbing ahold of your fishing rod and deciding that it was time for you to try and catch the creature. You then lift the pole backwards into the air before driving your hook into the water, seeing it ripple and letting it hold for a moment before you got a catch. You’d feel as the fish would pull for a few moments before you would pull the fish upwards, seeing the glimmering of scales in the air before the fish hit the ground with you looking down to see a mere cod laying before you, a slightly annoyed grunt escaping your mouth as you looked at it.
You would spend the next twenty or so minutes fishing,yanking fish after fish out of the water and yet finding no evidence that this creature so much as existed. That was until you felt yourself get a catch, expecting it to get a normal catch until you felt a sudden weight hit that rod before the weight would suddenly decline, making it easier to pull. That’s when you realized that this could be the beast that you were trying to hunt down, your back and arms pulling backwards as you got into a brutal tug of war with the fish. You’d eventually win, getting to the point where it was brushing against the water as you did one last yank backwards, the yank being so hard that it pulled the fish off and let the fish hit against the floor, your eyes glancing down to see the creature.
There were two things about the beast that were consistent about it, it’s first being the fact that it had thick, rubbery grey skin and black beady eyes that seemed to stare back at you. The rest of the body was changing at a constant rate, the beast's entire form began shimmering and admitting light as it changed,squares of the fabric of reality changing into alien colours before shifting back to normal. The creature's default form seemed to be that of a fat and small fish, seeming like something you’d see in the tropics as it would shift to the other forms, the beast elongating it’s body to make itself into a largemouth bass before shifting back into the smaller form. It shifted again into that of a salmon before shifting yet again into that of a squid before shifting back again which was when you looked at the beast's crotch, seeing as it would shift along with the rest of its body. It has a hole, glistening and thick lips, clenching at the air as if needing to be filled as you’d watch as it would move into its squid form, staying on it for several moments.
You would then watch as the tendrils reached out across the air and wrapped around your legs and waist,water dripping down your legs as you tried to move back. The tendrils wrapped around your legs, making you fall over onto the floor before you’d watch as the fish would drag itself towards you, it’s fish pushing against the dark floor and towards your member. You’d watch as the fish briefly glitched out, jumping from the ground and flying through the air towards your member with you watching as her hole would slowly open up, fluids dripping out of her and onto the ground. Your cock was then consumed by her pussy, your cock showing brief resistance as she pushed down against you before she would breach and fall all the way down your member, hitting your base with a wet slam.
You gasped out into the air as you felt her pussy wrap around your member, feeling as it clenched around your member as she kept you held to the ground. You’d feel as she’d glitch around your cock, the walls shifting to be tighter and looser with each moment that she made, the fish noticeable not needing any water in order to live. You then felt as the woman’s inner walls would start clenching and rubbing across your member,the inner walls pushing against your veins and glands as you’d moan on the floor. You’d reach downward and grab ahold of the fish, trying to see if you could get it off your cock or at least stop clenching around your member but you were unsuccessful with your feeling as it would wrap its tentacles around your arms and push them to the ground.
As the milking continued you’d feel as its inner walls would start to change along with it’s body, meaning that several textures were rubbing across your cock. The most prevalent texture was a soft,almost pillowy inner walls with you feeling how they were slick with fluids, the pinkish flesh clenching around your member before being replaced. This second texture is sticky and smooth, the liquids being thicker and more plentiful than before it switched to a tighter pussy with thinner walls. The final texture that assaulted your cock was a more ribbed texture, having several rings running across the entire pussy that would clench in sequence across your member, moving from base to tip as it milked you, its mouth open and letting out vaguely pleasured noises.
A few minutes would pass before you’d feel as she would start going faster against your member, the beast's walls twitching faster and harder. The noises from the beast's mouth would get louder, the fish's body bulging outwards and inwards, its gills flaring as it felt your cock deep inside of it. The inner walls would all adapt the same set of movements regardless of texture and feeling, the muscles moving from base to tip in a quick manner, making sure to squeeze against any glands of veins that were in their way. This caused you to groan even more, sweat dripping down tone body as your heart raced in your chest, your cock now dripping a steady supply of pre into the fish of which smeared against the beast's inner walls, adding to the collection of fluids.
You’d feel as it would glitch out more and more, the tendrils that were evaporating away turning into nothing, the air feeling empty around your legs for a moment before they came back. The glitching sensation would make the fish’s body radiate warmth, the heat pushing down your cock and balls with the increasing glitching causing the heat to grow more and more. You’d hear the gasps escape across the air as textures would switch more and more, going from smooth to tight to ribbed in the matter of seconds, your fingers digging down into the dirt. You’d eventually feel as the tendrils would leave your arms, leaving liquids dripping down your skin before they moved to your chest, the sucker covered arms rubbing against them as you’d hear a wet noise escape into the air.
That’s when the beast would let her collective bodies flare up against the air, the woman’s inner walls clenching around your member at a much quicker rate than before. You’d feel as the walls would start losing all sense of technique, brutally and rapidly twitching as you’d start to hear something pushing against your ears. It was a voice, speaking of brief whispers as you’d feel it wringing you for all it’s worth and, despite the fact that you couldn’t hear the words, you knew they were saying something to you. Something alluring, something that made your head spin, the feeling of the beast dragging across your cock moving you gasp and groan out into the air, it’s eyes staring right at you with you figuring that, despite its primitive form, the being was very much aware of you.
That was when you felt yourself start to throb inside of it , pushing against its inner walls which responded by clenching back around your member again. You’d feel as its tail twitched and it’s tendrils tightened against your body, wrapping around them before it would start to move itself upwards your cock, the groans coming from the mouth growing louder and louder. As pressure ran down your member, making your throbbing more and more intense as it seems that both of you were waiting for the other to do something. The beast would break first, pushing itself down your member and ramming into your base as you started to orgasm,a groan escaping into the air and echoing across the dark void that you were inside of as she tightened around your member.
The first volley of ropes that escaped your cock were thick and plentiful, pushing deep enough to the point they were in its deepest reaches of the beast. More and more ropes escaped your member, the ropes growing thicker and thicker by the moment until you reached the peak of your orgasm, a massive bundle of ropes escaping your cock and into her ever changing and ever twisting body. As your orgasm would continue and start to decline you’d notice as its body would start to swell, growing larger and larger with each rope that was pushed deep into the reaches of her body. Your orgasm would eventually come to an end, the ropes growing smaller and smaller before eventually stop, the last couple of drops rubbing against the wet sides of it’s pussy.
It would stay on your cock for several moments, staying there for several moments before it would start pushing from your member, eventually falling off and onto the floor, it’s body crawling away from you and back to the water, leaving you to the void. As you panted into their you’d look down at the floor, seeing the pearl coloured liquid leading to the water and you sighed into the air, knowing that you had caught the rarest fish of all time. But, despite this, the experience had left you with a new craving,a craving to experience that fish again so you decided that you’d wait for a couple hours, relaxing surrounded by the void and then go and find the creature once again.
You guess that fish had something else to fear than just being caught,
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