Crash landing (OC)

  The past couple of months had been rather interesting to say the least, especially with your new roommates that had invited themselves to stay in your house. Of course, you couldn’t really say no to them especially given they had no way of getting back home to begin with and you enjoyed their presence even if they were weird in several ways. You remember how this all started all those weeks back with you having gone next to the local forest to catch a meteor shower that was coming and,with you quite enjoying amateur astronomy, you wanted to watch as it happened. The drive was uneventful besides from the stars in the Sky growing brighter and brighter the further you went from human civilization until you got to a clearing on a hill, allowing you to park up and get out your telescope. From there you waited for quite a while, hearing the wind whistle against your car as you’d stare up at the sky,waiting for the light show to arrive which it eventually did. You would smile as you watched, taking a couple of pictures as it all faded away before you saw that a couple of the lights weren’t winding down but instead getting more intense.

You’d then realise that the light was heading towards you, glowing brighter and brighter by the moment before you had to duck, hearing as it moved above you. You would take your hands from your head and look over to see a burning object crash right into the forest, fire exploding out from the impact site as you’d get up, staring at the burning forest as you would do so before you decided to see what the hell it was. You moved away from your car and towards the flaming impact site, hearing the sound of fire cracking as you wondered what the hell it could have been that fell out the sky. You figured that it had to be a helicopter of some kind, especially the explosion that occurred from it until you would actually find the impact site, revealing it was something else entirely. 

It was a UFO, a full on flying saucer like something out of an 80s alien movie, the ship clearly being put out of commission by something. You’d move closer, assuming that the occupants were dead until you saw something shift inside of the crashed ship, the sounds of the aliens' voices echoing out before you watched as the door was kicked open, the door falling to the ground and bouncing slightly. That’s when you saw a pair of figures pop out of the darkness, the sound of their voices echoing out across the air as you’d see as the face of what you assumed to be a laser gun that was pointed right at you. This gun was eventually thrown to the ground as they revealed themselves to you, knowing that you weren’t hostile and asking for help to repair their ship.

You figured that you might as well help them especially given the fact they were probably going to be dissected in some kind of government black site if you said no. From there everything else was history, the aliens having lived with you for quite a while now and you didn’t really have to pay for anything, the aliens being more then content to eat anything that they were giving to them. Now you were driving back home, your fingers tapping away at the steering wheel as you’d look up at the sky again, seeing a lack of both meteors and UFOs as you’d  eventually move into your driveway, parking with relative ease. You would get out of your car and feel the cold against your skin, feeling as the chill would move to your body as you moved to your front door.

You unlocked the door and entered the room, feeling the warmth of your home rub against your skin as you’d realise that the aliens weren’t in your living room like they usually were. Instead you’d see as light would melt from underneath the doorway with the two aliens seeming to have noticed that you were home given the dead silence that had moved out across the entire room. You’d stop right next to the door as you’d suddenly hear the sound of whispering echoing out across the air before said whispering would become bickering with you eventually figure out what they were saying. “Are you sure that this is going to work?” Said Vixsara in a soft tone, made even softer than usual by the fact that she was whispering.

“Of course I am, what do you take me for, a moron?” Vexiloria said in a much harsher tone than her sister’s .

“To be fair, you did crash the shi-“

“Shut up, its not my fault that I got hit by that meteor!” She said as you’d proceed to clutch a hold of the door and twist the knob, causing them to stop arguing for several moments.“Oh, he’s here, he’s here, be quiet now!” She would say, several more hushed whispers echoing out across the air before you’d open the door, your eyes widening as what you had seen as they would both look at you.

“Surprise!” They both Said in unison, your eyes first locking onto their bulbous heads, both of which were twice as large as your own, their eyes being equally as large compared to a humans. Their eyes were a deep and inky black with you being able to see your reflection within the inky voids,the aliens lacking a nose but still having smaller mouths, their teeth being pointed but not necessarily sharp, their bottom lips being somewhat swollen compared to the lack of lips that they had on the top of their mouths. You’d look down the rest of their bodies, the aliens being smaller then you and as such were about 4 or so feet tall, the aliens bodies thin and being made to their stomachs curved outwards into the air. The arms were thin with the aliens hands being four fingered, the “thumbs” of the hands being connected to the next finger across, the legs being equally as thin and the feet of the alien having two toes. The pair of aliens were wearing some skimpy lingerie, the panties being rather tight around their pussies meaning you could see pretty much every detail of them.

The two aliens would have different reactions to your staring with Vixsara seeming to be rather embarrassed by being stared at, her cheeks growing a deeper, darker green from it all. Meanwhile, Vexiloria was showing off her ass to you, moving her hips from side to side and showing off her rather fat ass to you with you seeing the “Probe This” tattoo that she had managed to get whilst she was here. She always found it pretty funny that humans thought that aliens probed them so she got the tattoo to take the piss much to the chagrin and embarrassment of her sister. “So, what have I done to deserve all this then?” You asked, somewhat confused about why and how the aliens got the outfits but you weren’t complaining, they both looked pretty hot in them

“Well, we just wanted to show you how thankful we were for your hospitality, Anon!” Said Vexiloria as she wandered close to you, moving her fingers against your leg. “And this is only part one, we’ve got so much more to do! Get on the bed, handsome!” The alien said, shooing you over to your own bed which you would obey, the other alien moving over to your side as Vexiloria smiled to herself. “Now, just sit there and relax, let us do all the work!” She said as her hands would move up your legs again, the woman’s fingers wandered upwards before wrapping around your waistband. Vixsaras hands would follow, her fingers moving upwards and grabbing ahold of your belt before taking it off, throwing it to the ground as her sister would drag the trousers and underwear down your leg.


Your cock would come bouncing out of the fabric, your member twitching in the air slightly as both of them would stare at it, Vexiloria lapping at her bottom lip with her tongue. “Wanna go first, Sister?” She asked, the other alien blushing before eventually nodding, the alien backing away to allow her sister to have fully access to your member, seeming as eager to watch as she was to suck. The meeker alien would move between your legs before placing her hands down against your thighs, the woman’s fingers twitching as she moved her mouth up towards the tip of your member. You’d feel her warm breath against your member for a brief moment before she pushed her face down into your cock, her lips wrapping around it as you let out a grunt into the now hot air.

The woman would let out a moan as she moved further and further down your cock and eventually led to it bulging out her throat as she managed to get down to the base. From there she would slowly travel back up your cock, the woman moving gently and effortlessly as moans escaped from her mouth, the drool dripping down her lips as she would do so,her black eyes looking up at you. You smiled and nodded at her, telling her that she was doing a good job which made her perk up somewhat and made her move slightly faster, her spit dripping down across your balls as she kept slurping away at your cock. Her sister watched eagerly as she would move over and give the aliens ass a slap, making her yelp into the air before Vexiloria would speak.

“Ain’t you just a natural? Now get off, I wanna have a go on him!” She said with her sister obeying and pulling off your member, leaving the drool covered appendage in the air. She smiled as she pushed her sister out of the way somewhat before she would rest herself between your legs, moving her hand to your cock and moving it down to her tongue, letting the tip touch the wet organ. With that she would keep lapping away at your tip, cleaning up all of the precum that had been left there before she would move away for a couple of moments, looking up at you to see if you were watching her. After a couple of seconds she would proceed to slam her head down onto your cock, driving herself downwards to the base of your cock, slobbering all over your balls.

Vexiloria would start sucking away at your cock, moving up and down much faster and with much more force then her sister did, spit flying all over the shop in the process. The woman’s lips were a tighter seal against your member, allowing her tongue to rub against the bottom of your cock and push across the veins of your member, your hands clutching the mattress. You’d feel one of her hands start to massage your balls as she would push her head to your base, her lips pretty much kissing your base as her throat bulged with your member, her hands slowly cradling your balls as she kept deepthroating you. She would rest there for several moments, seemingly willing to suck your cock until her lungs gave out before she pulled herself away from your member, strings of spit linking her lips to your tip.

“Mmph, excellent! Now that you’re all lubed up, let’s get on with the real show!” She Said as she would proceed to climb right onto your waist, your cock grinding against her ass. “Just lay back and enjoy! Sis, why don’t you come up here and wait for your turn?” She Said,motioning to the other alien to sit next to you of which the alien did,Vexiloria licking her lips and showing off her teeth in eager anticipation for what was to come. Her sister eventually joined you on the bed, the woman looking between you and her as she put her hands onto your chest and started moving her hips upwards into the air. The alien would shift her hip from side to side for several moments, letting her pussy drip all over your cock before she slammed her hips right down onto your cock, the woman moaning out eagerly.

The woman worked her way down to the base of your cock, her pussy stretching out as she would let out a hum-like moan into the air, the woman clearly savouring the experience. Eventually you’d feel as her fingers would clutch against your skin, pushing down against them as her hips started to raise themselves upwards, swaying from side to side as she’d move up to your tip where she’d then bring them right back down. She would start to repeat this process again, moving upwards as you’d suddenly see a hand gently clutch your cheek and move your head to the left, Vixsara looking over you with a smile on her face. She then moved down, her lips touching your own before she would start to move her tongue inside of your mouth, gently playing with your own as the kiss continued.

As Vixsara would keep kissing you and massaging your cheek, her sister would start speeding up against you, her hips rapidly growing faster and faster the longer it went on. You’d feel as her pussy fluids splashed against your hips and your thighs, the woman’s mouth dripping with drool as her legs rubbed against the sides of your own due to the fact that she was much smaller than you were. You’d feel that she would begin to slow down after a while, the woman letting out a couple of sighs before she pulled herself off your cock, her sister seeing this and practically jumping forwards at her, leaping at your cock and nearly pushing Vexiloria onto the floor. She’d grab ahold of your lubed up cock as she raised her hips into the air, wasting no time before she brought them downwards.

Vixsara groaned out as she would move down to your base, taking a short while to actually recover from you being so deep inside her, unlike her sister. She then moved up your member,moving somewhat more shakily as she would reach your tip, waiting for a couple of moments before she pushed herself down to your base again, this time taking it a hell of a lot better then she did before. Meanwhile her sister crawled up to you, the woman’s pussy still dripping as she clutched ahold of your head a lot harder then her sister did, practically dragging you up to her face. Her lips then collided with your own, the woman groaning as she would jam her tongue past your lips and into your mouth, curling around it and playing with it as spit pushed from her cheeks.

As the rather rough kiss would continue you’d feel as her sister sped up against your cock, drifting up and down it and gasping out in pleasure all the while. You’d smile to yourself as you felt something burn up inside of you, you’d lust growing stronger and stronger by the second as your hands would reach up and grab ahold of her ass, the woman crying out in shock as she’d go and look up at you. You’d move your head away from Vexiloria, hearing as she panted into your ear before you lifted yourself off the bed, twisting the woman around on your  cock so she was facing the mattress. You then pushed her down into the mattress, her body making a light thump against it before you’d get yourself ready, clutching against her ass as you began to move your hips.

You’d move them quickly, wasting no time getting her used to the feeling as you’d hear her gasp and grunt into the air, the sister watching the display with a smirk on her face.  She would shake her ass from side to side, practically inviting you to fuck her without even needing words and, not wanting to deny such a exciting invitation, pulled out of her pussy and moved over to her sister. You’d clutch ahold of her hips with one hand and would then raise your hand into the air, spanking her right in her tattoo before you slammed yourself inside of her,hearing as she let out a growl of pleasure. You’d waste no time, giving the woman exactly what she wanted as you rammed against her furiously, loud plapping sounds echoing out across your bedroom as she clutched the bed.

That’s when you felt yourself start to throb inside of her, your cock rubbing up against the walls of her slick alien cunt as she awaited the cumshots. You’d feel as pressure would start to build up against the tip of your cock, an orgasm brewing right at your tip as you gasped and groaned out into the air,slowly traveling against the rest of your cock, making your throbbing even more noticeable than it already was. You’d look over to her sister, seeing her watching as you grabbed her waist and slammed it next to her sisters, deciding they should both be rewarded for their efforts. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, letting out a groan as you proceeded to cum inside of her, letting out a gasp as you felt her tighten around your member and her fingers into the mattress.

The ropes would spray out of your cock at a rapid rate, covering her inner walls with your cum and pushing even deeper inside of her with each rope released. Your orgasm would grow and grow until it would reach its peak, a massive amount of cum spraying out of your cock and into her deepest reaches before you pulled out, a rope spraying across her mattress before you rammed your cock inside of her sister. You’d shoot another huge rope inside of her, no doubt pushing inside of her womb as more and more ropes would fill her up to the brim despite the fact that the ropes were growing smaller and smaller. Eventually you’d be left with mere drops pushing out of your cock, leaving her twitching against the mattress before you pulled out of her pussy.

Of course, you weren’t done yet and neither were they with you and the pair of aliens having several more hours of hot, pussy filling sex as the night became day. You had fucked them in several different ways at this point, more and more ropes filling up their pussies until they were dripping with your cum. By the time the sun rose you were laying on your bed, sweat dripping down your body with the two aliens by your side, dripping with cum and cuddled up next to you, all three of you feeling pretty comfortable as you’d feel a wave of tiredness hit you. Your eyes grew heavier and heavier, feeling as though they had weights hooked onto them before they shut completely, leaving all three of you asleep and satisfied on the bed.

After that the days would pass and they would eventually repair their ship, leaving you on earth as they went back on the course they had set on before the meteor shower. You missed them and for months you’d wonder what it would be like if they were still here with you, hoping that you’d be cooking meals for three instead for just one. Tonight was another boring night and with nothing on the TV worth your time, you went to bed, moving over to the mattress and laying down before you’d simply stared at the roof, waiting for you to finally fall asleep. That was when you suddenly heard the sound of something echo out across the air like some kind of metallic ringing before you suddenly saw a massive burst of light push out from outside of your house, confusing you.

You went outside to see what was going on only for your eyes to widen when you saw a flying saucer slowly parking themselves in your back garden. A door would reveal itself to you before the doorway would descend to the ground, the lights inside being so bright that all you could see was two figures, both of which seemed to be heavily pregnant. The light would go down to reveal two very family faces to you, that being Vixsara and Vexiloria with the latter looking much more happily about the situation then the former was. “Hello, Anon. Looks like you’ve got to take responsibility.” She Said as a smile would crawl across your face with you moving over to them and giving them a hug right before giving their asses a nice grope, hearing as they’d both let out a yelp before you’d guide them to your bedroom with you knowing that, if the ufo didn’t wake them up, the sound of what was going to happen next sure as hell will.


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