You’re hardly undressed without a smile (Smiler)

 You didn’t know how to describe the smell of nothing before now but since you had gone venturing into this place, the entire place smelling like a vague mold and damp as well as most places here having a absence of smell about it which added to how strange this entire place was as you kept glancing around. You’d best describe the backrooms of a segment of reality that was built to keep you inside of it until you died although it provided you with plenty of opportunities to live despite all of this, the halls being never ending and only getting stranger and stranger the more that you walked so you had walked to as close to the middle as you could get,even if there were some beasts that lurked around the area. As such you moved into one of the middle areas, the cream carpet having long since matted whilst the yellow walls wallpaper was somewhat damped filled, coming off the walls to reveal more wallpaper as harsh lights shone upon your body.

Either way you had gone about building an outpost, mostly salvaging parts of the various pieces of furniture that were around the place, smashing it to pieces and then building some walls out of it as you’d done so. You found a bedroom one time and eventually you managed to drag the mattresses through the halls although that’s when you realized that you were being watched by something, that said something letting out a screech across the air as it attempted to catch up with you in the process. You briefly get a glance at it as you managed to get to your outpost and locked the door, hearing the sound of screeching and gasping as you barricaded the door with you being glad that you had managed to grab a couple of mattresses at the very least although you didn’t know for how long you’d need them.

After that you’d go around and attempt to build yourself a makeshift weapon, eventually going with a gun that you had built out of pipes that you had salvaged from one of the random bathrooms that were around the place. A bit more building and several attempts to build bullets that thankfully didn’t kill you, although you did get close to blowing off your hand a couple times, and with that you had built yourself a good outpost to supply those who had also got lost in this strange prison. Most people were thankful to see something human  although a couple people had gone pretty nuts and attacked you on sight with you just shooting them in the leg and letting them rip the people apart instead of having to deal with anything that could come from shooting them and leaving the body.

Now you were walking through the halls of this labyrinthine dimension, mainly due to the fact that you were running out of supplies and that you needed to get more with the feeling that you were being watched growing more and more intense. As such you had your gun clutched by your side, feeling the heavy metal weighing against your hand as you wandered around, seeing rooms that simply lead to more hallways as you flicked out your knife, a bit of metal nailed to some wood in reality, and etching a arrow into the wall so you didn’t lose your way. Eventually you’d find yourself coming to an actual room, looking inside to see that it seemed to be a kitchen that had been stretched to the limit with you figuring that there had to be some kind of food within there, wandering within it as you did so.

The kitchen was styled like a kitchen from the fifties, all cream and yellow tiling as well as wooden and marble countertops that surrounded you, most of the cabinets being empty although you did manage to snag a couple things from it as you did so. You’d feel as the entire area somehow grew darker and darker by the moment despite the fact that there were no lights that were on in the first place, let alone growing dimmer and dimmer, although that was the least confusing thing in this place. Either way, you kept wandering across the area, hearing the sounds of chatters and groans as you kept your gun firmly locked into your hands in case something would come after you, your eyes eventually looking upwards as you realized that there was something far in the distance.

There seemed to be some kind of red lighting far away, glowing away although you couldn’t make out any details of what was lurking in the darkness as you turned yourself around only to see another light that was around you. This light was green and seemed somewhat closer then the red one, the sudden sound of breathing coming out from behind you before you turned around to see that the red light was much closer then before with you making out a figure somewhat as you did so. You’d grab your gun only to feel as her arms would clutch ahold of your arms, a set of claws digging into your skin before you were pushed to the ground, a thump echoing out as red and green cascaded over you with you looking up at what had thrown you to the ground.

The first place that you looked was the heads of the beasts, seeing the darkness curve around their bodies as you’d look into their white eyes that looked somewhat feminine despite its simplicity before looking into their teeth, hundreds of glowing teeth bent into a smile with you seeing that one of their smiles were green and the other red. Your eyes then slowly dragged down to the rest of their body, seeing that the women were rather shapely to say the least, a  large set of tits attached to each of their chests, cracks of red and green being able to be seen, your eyes then glancing down to the waists to see that they were easily as large as their shoulder span, if not larger. The cracks would keep moving down the legs,seeming rather prominent in some areas before you looked at their tails, seeing how thick they were as the green and red oozed through their bodies, the pair of them looking down at you and yanking you back onto your feet as you did so.

You were then rammed into a wall, letting out a groan as you heard the sound of chattering to one another, the women clearly being able to speak despite the fact they couldn’t speak any language that you recognised. You soon watched as the red beast opened up your mouth, the woman letting out a groan as her tongue started to slide out of her mouth, the woman licking her teeth eagerly as the green one would start to do the same,letting them hang out and they would move closer to you. You’d then realize they were trying to get to your mouth with you trying to clamp it shut before the green one grabbed ahold of your jaw and wrenched it open,jamming their tongue inside a moment later as they would do so, the woman groaning out eagerly in the process.

You’d feel as their tongues would start writhing inside of your mouth,slowly dragging across your teeth before they would both attack your tongue, curling around it as they would do so, their hands dragging down your chest. With that they would start to take your trousers off, one of them undoing your belt and the other throwing it down the hallway before you were stripped of your trousers, the woman grabbing your underwear with the green one groping away at the bulge that was made in it in the process. Eventually she would lift her hands away and grabbed ahold of the strap, the other woman doing the same and yanking down your underwear in one clean sweep, your erect cock sticking out as they would deepen the kiss, pushing their tongues to the back of your throat as they did so.

After a few seconds of hearing as you’d gasp and gargle out, you’d feel as a pair of hands grabbed ahold of your member, the woman feeling as you’d throb away in their grasp as you’d do so. With that one of them would start moving their hands from base to just under your tip, rubbing and pushing against it as well as hitting against your base from time to time before the other one would start rubbing against your tip, pre-starting to drip out and glaze all over her palm as she did so. They would keep rubbing against you for several moments, hearing as you moaned and gasped in their grasp before they would pull their hands away from your member and their tongues up of your mouth, watching as you’d pant out into the air as they grinned at you eagerly.

They’d then proceed to start to position themselves on the floor around you, the red one dropping down first and moving a slight bit away from you so she had to lean in slightly to pleasure your member. The green woman follow forward soon afterwards, moving between your legs and spreading them somewhat, the woman panting away against your balls as she did so, a slight groan echoing out across the air as she kept her mouth open before her tongue started to escape her mouth again. With that she would proceed to wrap her tongue around your balls, writhing and pushing against them whilst the red woman would start moving around your member, curling around it much like a snake would with their prey, making it so your legs would twitch somewhat as she did so.

With that you’d feel as both of their tongues would start moving across your member, the tongues being warm and wet and , despite their thinness, were tender and squishable in a strange kind of way. You’d feel as you cock and balls were slowly covered in drool, wiping and drifting across your skin and making it wetter and wetter by the moment, your legs twitching until the green woman grabbed ahold of your legs, making sure that you couldn’t escape their grasp as they did so. The woman’s panting would grow faster, the warm breath gliding across your balls slowly swamping them whilst the tongue would keep gliding against them, cradling your balls somewhat and massaging them, moving them up and down them as she would do so, the red one noticing this.

The woman’s tongues would start moving faster and faster by the second, a ruthless assault occurring all over your member as the drool dripped all over the place, making a small puddle on the floor as she did so. You’d then feel as the green woman’s claws dug into your legs, clutching ahold of them and throwing you to the ground, a Yelp escaping your mouth as the red one would let a growl before the green one would jump away from your legs, the red smiler clutching your legs and starting to open her mouth once again. You’d look down for a couple seconds as an ass would block your face, the green woman's pussy fluids dripping onto your face before crashing down upon it, letting you gasp out for a moment before you groaned when you felt a wet mouth pushing against your member.

You’d feel as the warm mouth would surround your member, the tongue pushing against your base as she slurped away at your cock, closing her mouth and pulling up before slamming back down against it again. You’d feel as her balls would slap against the woman’s snap before she proceeded to start letting her tongue start stretching out from her mouth and around your balls, starting to rub against them until they were coiled around them, rubbing up against them and massaging them somewhat. The woman let out a series of groans and grumbles out into the air as she would clearly enjoy herself, her arms scraping down your legs as she would do so with you trying to regulate your breathing against the other woman’s cunt as it had started to be rubbed across your mouth.

With no choice but to pleasure the woman under the fear of death, you opened your mouth and pushed your tongue to her pussy, hearing her let out a sigh into the air as you’d finally get to pleasuring her. You’d try and grab ahold of her thighs to get more leverage before she proceeded to push her feet down onto your arms, making sure that you couldn’t escape her despite not really having any intention too at this point, the woman flicking her legs off into the air before digging them into the ground again. However, you then felt as the red one removed her mouth from your cock, letting out a gasp out into the air as she would do so before hear her turn herself around and jam your cock between her cheeks, the green one pulling herself off your face as she did so.

You’d then feel as the green one would jam her ass against your own, their tails wrapping against one another as they’d start moving up your cock, massaging your member in her asscheeks as she would do so. You’d feel as the softness would push against your member, pushing against the veins in your member as both of their pussies would drip against your member, lubing it up and making it so that they were growing faster and faster by the moment until they were blurs around your member. The pleasure would also blur, growing faster and faster and faster by the second, your tongue hanging out as your legs attempted to twitch underneath her, the woman knowing they didn’t need to restrain your legs this time around given everything.

That was when you felt as the throbbing started to move through your member, getting more and more intense extremely rapidly as they pushed themselves further against your cock, making you gasp out into the air as you did so. Then you’d feel as the pressure would start building up and, due to the speed that they were going,the pressure built up very quickly, your teeth biting into your lips as they’d both wait for you to start cumming with you holding it in as much as possible out of spite. Eventually it got all to much for you and you proceeded to start cumming all over their asscheeks, the women never stopping their moments to presumably milk as much cum out of you as possible, the women growling out into the air as they would do so and doing so eagerly.

With that ropes would start spraying out of your member, the ropes covering their asscheeks as they would do so, the ropes growing larger and giving their asses even more of a glazing as they would do beforehand. It would get to the point where you’d reach the peak of your orgasm, a massive amount of ropes escaping your member and coating their cheeks, both of the women letting out a few sighs as they would do so, your cock still throbbing against the air as she would do so, claws scratching eagerly at your skin. Eventually your orgasm would start to come to an end, the ropes getting smaller and smaller until they turned into the last few drops, dripping down onto the floor as you’d place your head down onto the floor, feeling exhausted as you’d feel them leave your hips.

With that you’d look up to see that both of them were bent up in front of you, the arms folded under their heads and back arched as their asses were pointed into the air, clearly giving you a choice between the two. With that you’d glance between the two of the,trying to figure out what choice to make before you figured that you should go with the red one, mainly due to the fact that she hadn’t sat on your face, your body moving over to her own and your hands grabbing ahold of her ass, feeling as the soft flesh push against your fingers. It would take a couple moments as you glanced at the other one, seeing that she didn’t seem really offended about the entire thing before you moved your hips backwards, lining up with her pussy before plunging yourself inside of her.

You groaned out into the air as you felt her warmth around your cock, the woman’s inner walls clenching around it as the pussy fluids dripping against your thighs and your balls as you started to pull backwards. You’d feel as inch after inch of your member would escape her pussy. The feeling of warmth and pussy fluids dripping off your cock until you got to the point where you reached the point where the tip of your member rested against her lips with you watching as she clenched and rubbed against your tip. You’d let her keep doing this for several moments, bathing in pleasure that was finally in control before you slammed yourself inside of her again, both of you letting out a moan as you grasped at her asscheeks, the woman’s fingers pushing and rubbing against them.

You’d repeat this process several items over, moving backwards and forwards slowly but roughly as your hands would start moving down your body, the woman letting out a series of growls out into the air as you did so. You’d slowly move one of your hands over to her fat breasts, grabbing hold of the tit and clutching it in your hands and giving it a grope as you’d feel her tail starting to wind across your chest and abdomen, both of you trying to stop one another to escape and not wanting to. The woman moved her head so that she could face you somewhat, the woman’s mouth opening up to reveal her tongue once again before stuffing it inside of your mouth, parting your lips as she would do so with you this time actively fighting back against her this time around, much to her arousal.

That was when you decided to start going faster against her asscheeks, the sounds of clapping growing louder and louder into the air as she would do so, groans pushing into your mouth from the woman in the process. You’d move in a pair of jagged, brutal motions against her hips, moving out into the air before ramming against her hips again, the woman’s hands scratching and pushing against the floor as you’d hear the sound of a growl behind you, the green one seemingly getting more and more annoyed by the moment. That was when you felt a warmth move behind you, your eyes locking onto the sister behind you, her mouth slowly filling up with drool as she would seem to process what she was going to do with you as you kept thrusting against her.

You’d feel as her tongue would slither across your balls, slowly traveling across them and adding a brand new layer of fluids to the entire mess as she would do so, a puddle appearing on the floor as she would do so. The woman wrapped her tongue around your balls in such a way that they were cradling your balls somewhat, curling around your balls as she did so, the woman clenching and twisting against them as she would do so, making them shift and push against your member as she did so. You’d feel a new fire be lit inside to you due to the new pleasure that had been introduced to the equation with you groaning out into the air as you’d feel your hips grow even faster than beforehand, another moan escaping the red woman’s mouth as you’d do so.

At this point the pleasure that was moving through your member began to blur once again, the entire of your cock practically vibrating with pleasure as you kept groping and rubbing against her body as she would do so. You’d deepen the kiss with her again, clutching ahold of her head and slamming it down onto you as she would let out a gasp into the air, her tongue covering your teeth and your upper mouth as you’d suddenly feel the warmth around your balls become unpresent. That was when you felt her tongue start pushing itself against your asshole, slithering all around it as you suddenly felt your cock throb way more rapidly and a pressure appear way more quickly to the point you couldn’t take it anymore and proceeded to slam yourself inside of the red woman.

A massive bundle of ropes escaped your member, spraying out across her insides and covering them as more and more ropes would push out of your cock and coated her walls, coating more and more with each robe thrown. They would keep growing until they reached their peak, a humongous amount of rum spraying from your cock and inside of her, making sure to coat her inner walls and most likely her womb as well, the woman pulling her tongue from your mouth as she gasped you into the air as she did so. After that your orgasm would come to an end, slightly slower then the first time around but it still ended rather rapidly, the last few ropes escaping your member before stopping entirely with you nearly collapsing onto her back as sweat dripped down your body.

You’d let out a couple of groans for several seconds as you rubbed your head before you were tackled right to the ground, the sounds of the green woman groaning out into the air, echoing across the seemingly endless hallway as she did so. With that she grabbed ahold of your ankles and would proceed to pull them backwards to your head, the woman letting out a few growls as she would move her pussy over your member, the fluids dripping over it as she looked into your eye with an eager hunger to them. From there she would raise her hips into the air, the woman’s tail moving from side to side by the moment before she proceeded to ram her hips down onto your waist, a groan escaping your mouth and a moan escaping her own as she would start having sex with you.

She would proceed to start bouncing on your cock, going just as rough as she was going on you as she raised her mouth up into the air and moaned into the air as she would do so, the woman’s fluids bridging you and her pussy together. You’d feel as she’d move up to your tip, the woman’s clenching her inner walls against your member as she would do so, the pleasure seemingly being even more intense then before due to the fact that she hopped right on your dick after her sister was done with it. She’d slam back down again, making your entire body shake somewhat as she would raise herself up again, the other woman twisting her head over to watch you as she would ride you some more, the woman still keeping your legs in place as she did so. 

You’d feel as drool would start to fall from her face and onto your own, beads of it dripping off her snout before she would start opening her mouth to reveal her tongue to you, the organ flicking around the air in the process. With that you opened your mouth, already knowing that resistance would make it worse for you as she would start to move closer and closer to your own, eventually moving her snout as she was clipped right into your mouth, her tongue writhing around your teeth as she did so. She’d cover the woman’s teeth with your drool before she wrapped her tongue around your own, no resistance coming from you as she would gasp into the air some more, her tail shaking around the air wildly as she would do so, her eyes flicking from the sounds of it.

With the kiss fully completed she started moving faster than she had done beforehand,the woman’s hips starting to blur in the air as she would do so, her body and breathing growing warmer and warmer as she did so. You’d feel  as the woman would ram her inner walls against your member as she would do so, clenching and rubbing against your cock as she would do so, rubbing and grinding against the tip of your member as she would glance around the room somewhat as she did so. The woman’s pussy fluids would start splashing across your stomach and thighs, the woman herself clearly enjoying how hard she riding you, her tongue twitching are you’d hear a second moan escaping across the air, your eyes moving out of the lust coma to search for the source of the sound.

You’d eventually find the source of the moaning which turned out to be her own sister, the woman staring at the lewd display that her sister was a part off with her legs spread and her fingers pushing into her pussy. You’d be able to force out the sound of the woman moaning into your mouth to hear her sisters moans more clearly, those moans being somewhat softer than her sisters which made sense since her sister seemed much less likely to pin you down and pound you into the carpet. Either way, it was clear that she was enjoying herself since she was going a mile a minute with her hand, slamming it into her pussy as fluids would drip all over the place before your gaze was averted due to a growl coming from the green one, the woman groaning eagerly as she got your attention back.

With that she’d start going even faster against your hips, making sure that she was the Center of attention in all of this as her body would sway all over the place, her breasts swinging around as she did so. Her claws would dig deeper and deeper into your skin as she would keep riding you, your balls slapping against her asscheeks as she pulled away from your mouth, panting into your face for a brief moment and  letting you get rid of the numbness that was moving around your mouth as she did so.  With that she would start kissing you again, the woman tongue wrapping your own again as everything started to blur from the pleasure and the movements the woman was creating. 

That was when you felt as you started to throb inside of her again, your orgasm growing closer and closer for the third time today, your cock pushing against her inner walls which responded by pushing back against it, groaning as she did so. You’d feel as pressure grow more intense by the moment, slowly dragging up your member and across your veins, quickly approaching the point that you couldn’t hold it in anymore and you didn’t really want to hold it in any more as you would do so. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, gasping out into the air and starting to cum inside of her, the woman responding to this by slamming down inside of your cock and clenching around your member as she did so, making sure that not a single drop of cum escaped as she did so.

Ropes would start to push deep inside of her pussy, the woman pulling out of your mouth soon afterwards and groaning into the air as she would do so, practically howling into the air as she would do so. More and more ropes pushed inside of her, covering her inner walls before a massive wave of ropes pushed deep inside of her, no doubt pushing into her womb as you’d let out a groan, sweat dripping down onto your skin and onto the floor as the orgasm would wind you somewhat as she would do so. Your orgasm would come to an end after a long while,the sat ropes firing and laying across her inner walls, the last drops falling down onto your member, the woman almost falling onto the floor due to how pleasured she was, gasping into the air as she would do so.

Eventually she would pull herself off your cock, the woman groaning as she would fall next to your sister, your eyes looking back at them as you realized that you were going to have to look after them in the future. That was a while ago now, days were hard to keep track off in a place with no windows, after all, and you were sitting back at your outpost, having built it up quite a bit more since that day with it being a small house to look after more than anything else, the occasional person walking in. As soon as you thought about it a person would walk in, just as confused as everyone else was by the look of him where you had a conversation with him, offering him enough supplies to get him through the next days and off he went, leaving you be as you looked down under your desk.

And there were green and red, lapping away at your cock, something that you had gotten used to since they had been doing it for years now, their bodies covered in cum as they’d let out a giggle at you. Time would go on and on and your outpost would grow and grow, various people coming and going and with you even fighting off a few monsters from time to time that threatened not just you but also the family that you within although tonight you decided to simply shut the doors and say that you were closed. Still, no one came today either, your door having been sealed with various bars of metal that didn’t let anything in as you hidden within the middle of the compound, the doors being shut as you’d rest between your twin wives, smiling as you would do so.

There you would lay beside them, their tongues lazily flicking in and out of your mouth as they would groan into the air, the woman clearly enjoying themselves as they would go about rubbing their pregnant stomachs, the children being another pair of many that you had with the twin wives of your dreams. To the side of you your children played, said children mostly having their mothers features with a few of your own as they would playfully fight with one another on the floor with you can’t help but thinking that this place as more of a paradise then you could have every imagined.


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