Slumber part 4 (OC)

 Sandra had always been alone as long as she could remember which was a pretty long time given that she was a ghost but she was hardly expecting someone to come waltzing into her life, let alone a person that was willing to treat her like a lover since most people were scared of even looking at her. That’s why she was so lucky to have you walking into her life, buying out the building that she had made her residence in, ghosts don’t have to pay rent or anything like that anyways, and not greeting her with the usual screaming and running out of the building and instead having a strange sense of certainty about her and talking to her instead, the woman being happy she had finally had someone to snuggle up and talk about movies with. From there she felt her feelings starting to escalate for you, going from viewing you as a friend to viewing you as something much more than that but she didn’t try and follow through on them at first, fearing that you’d reject her since she wasn’t exactly human in both form and species until she managed to bring it up in conversation one night.

She hadn’t felt so relieved as when you said that it didn’t matter how she looked and you loved her for the way she was, the woman deciding that she might as well bed you right there and then, much to her excitement. From there the rest was history, the dog woman waiting for you every day before you got  home and your night often being filled by the ghost woman snuggling up to you on the sofa whilst watching a movie and having sex with each other, sometimes using one of the many forms she was able to take. There had been a couple times where they had got interrupted of course with Sandra remembering that one time a burglar had broken in and she’d taken her red form to scare him off and let him ram into a lamppost, but other then that things had gone pretty smoothly.

She, of course, never really got the chance to hang out with anyone else since you didn’t really bring anyone back to your place most of the time and she never went out due to the fact that she was a ghost. So, when you came back from work one day in October, telling her that you had been invited to a halloween party and she had been invited as well, she was rather ecstatic especially since that you told her that she was going to be able to go as herself since everyone’s would assume her looks were just a costume.Sandra was less convinced by this especially if she got excited and switched forms by accident or started hovering in the air when she’d forgot that she was playing human so, when you’d go off to work, she’d sneak off to the local farm to grab some materials.

After an hour or so of clutching at straw and tearing at burlap potato sacks,she would proceed to hover herself back home and start to create her costume, using your laptop to look up sewing tutorials on the internet as she did so. After several hours of trial and error and a lot of straw being littered across the floor, she would make her outfit up, a scarecrow style recreation of herself of which she could wear to make herself look like she was just a normal human and not some kind of wolf ghost. She would show this to you by sitting down in the living room using the suit, the woman staying still as you arrived before moving her head to face you, nearly breaking into chuckles halfway through and completely losing it once she got her head all the way around to face you.

A few more moments of joking around later and you decided that using the scarecrow costume was a pretty good idea with Sandra chuckling happily as she would do so, wondering what you’d be wearing as your outfit. The ghost woman was pretty shocked when it turns out that you had been doing some diy work as well, creating a makeshift set of armor out of some fabric and metal bits you had stolen from the dumpster next to where you worked as well as a bike Helena, eventually creating a version of the knight from dead by daylight. With her costume all plugged up and her knight in less then shining armor in tow, the Halloween party had arrived and Sandra had finally got out of the house for once, the woman smiling underneath her hay covered mask as she walked with you.

As Sandra walked to the house she couldn’t help but feel more and more nervous as time went on, wondering if people would think that she was a freak and if they’d hurt you if they found out she wasn’t human under all of this. By the time that she got to the door she was terrified, half wanting to just run off and hide in some field somewhere as you knocked the door, the sound of shouting occurring due to the loud music that was pumping through the house before someone clutched ahold of the door and opened it. There stood a guy with one arm,the man himself wearing a jacket and trousers that he had drenched in some kind of red substance to emulate blood and wearing a mask made to look like skin,the man grabbing ahold of the mask and lifting it up, making it so the door was leant on his shoulder stump with the man being larger then both Anon and her by a long mile.

“Anon! Looking good, dude!” He said before he turned his head to Sandra, pointing at her as he would do so. “And you must be the mythical Sandra I’ve heard so much about! Nice costume! Names Darren, by the way.” He said as he used his free hand to place his mask back on his head.

“Thanks… and nice to know Anon talks about me as well!” She said, rather happy her boyfriend has been talking so much about her.

“Oh he never shuts up about you, whatever you do with him must be mind blowing!” He said before he turned his head to the side. “HEY, CINDY! CAN YOU HOLD THE DOOR FOR ME?” He shouted, clearly getting fed up with having to lean the door on himself. After a few moments a pair of pale hands would reach around and clutch the door, opening it some more to reveal a girl that was smaller then Sandra was, the woman herself having done her makeup to make herself look more gaunt and pale then she was, the woman’s long hair moving down her back, the woman wearing a stained patients outfit like that you’d see in a hospital.

“What would you do without me, eh?” She said, both of them chuckling somewhat before she turned to Sandra and you, a smile moving across her face as she would do so. “Nice costumes, the both of you. Now, come on in, it’s bloody freezing out.” She said as she waited for you both to come in with you going first and Sandra following you through, Cindy shutting the door behind them as you and the disguised woman walked into the party, loud music blaring across the air as Darren walked in. “Now, let me get the two of you a drink.” He said as he walked off as you turned to Sandra, peeling the metal covered motorcycle helmet upwards to show your face to her and smiling at her, the woman smiling at you as well even if you couldn’t see it underneath her hay and burlap outfit.

“Seems like we’re gonna have a good time! And people are loving your outfit as well!” You said, the woman chucking back at you as she would get handed her drink, the woman taking a sip of it as she would do so.

“Certainly seems like they are so let’s hope we have a real good time.” She said as she would see as someone would walk by your side,that someone being female as she suddenly felt a slight bit of fear moving across her body. With that she’d suddenly clutch ahold of your arm and would push her face outwards, letting out a deep and beastial growl out into the air as she would do so which would cause the other woman to back away from you both, the wolf woman only realizing what she had done only after she had done it. With that she would feel both embarrassment and a slight sense of comedy moving across her before she’d let out a chuckle with you doing the same soon afterwards, you and the wolf women both taking a sip as you’d do so.

At first she was rather nervous about the entire thing, waving to people as they walked by and they,for the most part, waved back with one of them even high fiving her which was pretty fun and made her decide to loosen up a bit. With that she started playing games with everyone, watching people singing into the karaoke machine that they had hooked up against the wall and playing twister which was a lot harder to do when your limbs were covered in hay and burlap but she gave it a decent try at the very least. Now she had been drinking away, having a few drinks down the snout of her mask as she would walk away from you for a moment or two before someone else walked up to you, the man himself wearing some ragged clothes and having a haircut that could only be described as godawful.

“Hey, how’s things going with ya? Nice costume, what are you, some kind of wolf or something?” He Asked, his accent being somewhat thick as she would go to respond to him, taking the last sip of her drink as she did so.

“It’s more of a scarecrow than anything else.” She said as she would wave her cup around somewhat, lamenting that it was empty more than anything else which the man would notice as he glanced down at the cup.

“Seems like you’re out. Wanna come with me to the bedroom and I’ll go ahead and hook you up?” He asked Sandra,the wolf woman  responding with a nod as the man would lead the way, the woman following him into the dark bedroom. “Here you go, one beer, fresh from the freezer.” He said, passing her the opened beer as he would do so, the woman clutching the drink in her hands and taking a couple chugs out of it as she would do so, the man starting to talk to her about something she couldn’t quite make out. In fact, she couldn’t really make out much anymore,her eyes blurring somewhat as her mouth would start feeling dryer and dryer, her eyes blurring somewhat as she would attempt to rub her eyes through the fabric, failing as she would do so.

“Hey, looks like you need to lay down, don’t you?” The man would ask, his tone sounding a lot less kind as Sandra would try and push him away, mumbling something with her dry and useless tongue  as she felt her body getting stiffer and stiffer. She was soon pushed into the bed as the room would blur and spin around her in the process, the man looming over her with a half drunken grin on his face, the man speaking louder and slowly enough that she could understand what she was saying. “Don’t you worry yourself. By the time I’m done, I’ll be all that you’ll be able to think about.” He said, her already cold blood running even colder as she’d try and wiggle away from the man, finding herself unable to as her muscles in her legs would simply become unable to move, her arms feeling like as if they could be buried underneath a mound of snow as he’d loom above her, grinning eagerly.

With that she would feel as his hands would move across her stomach somewhat before moving up to her breasts, resting against them and starting to grope at them with Sandra feeling as if she would scream the building down if she could scream. “Now, lets see what’s under that mask of yours, shall we?” He said as he grabbed ahold of the muzzle of the mask, letting it rest in his hands as he would try and lift it up only for a metal covered hand to grab ahold of his shoulder.  The man’s eyes would widen as he would feel the metal hand clutching against his shoulder and his eyes would widen even more when he realized who that arm was attached too, the man turning around and taking his hands away from her body as she realized that younhad just come to save her.

“L-listen, this is not what it looks like-it’s, uh, um…” he would say, spluttering over his own words as Sandra would watch you stare down at the man, your fist clenched in rage before the man eventually spluttered something that could resemble a excuse. “S-She wanted this to happen, my guy, what could I say?” Said the man with Sandra figuring that you had heard more than enough as you raised  your hand into the air and rammed it into his face, hitting him with such force that he fell off the bed and onto the floor. Sandra would watch as you’d walk over to the man laying down on the floor, attempting to get herself to sit up straight before you rammed your foot into his skull, a scream echoing out across the air as the door would swing open and Darren would walk in and look at the situation that was unfolding.

“Anon, what the fuck is going on?” He asked with Cindy walking in along with him to join her boyfriend.

“That piece of shit tried to rape my girlfriend!” You shouted as Darren would look over to Sandra, the dog woman nodding at him as he’d let out a sigh and an annoyed growl in the process.

“For fucks sa-, Cindy, get the door whilst I drag this cunt out the house.” He said, Cindy speaking in a tone that Sandra couldn’t pick up in her current state as he went to grab the guy by the leg.

“What are you gonna do to me, you’ve only got one arm…” the man said through a jaw that Sandra could tell that had been fucked up by a punch.

“Listen, I’ve got a gun in the shed and if you don’t shut up I’ll be giving you a demonstration of what it can do.” He said as he quickly went about dragging the man out of the building, leaving Sandra alone with you as he did so.

“Hey, he didn’t do anything to you, did he?” You asked, Sandra attempting to speak only to find her tongue sticking to her mouth before she would shake her head no with you breathing out in relief before you asked your next question. “Can you get up?” You asked again as Sandra decided that she may as well try and get up, moving her arms to the mattress to try and get up only for her limbs to feel like they were made out of jam, the woman letting herself just shake her head again as you’d nod. “Alright, hold onto my shoulder, I’ll carry you home.” You said as you put Sandra into your arms, the woman feeling as you’d cling to her limp yet still body, her head aching somewhat as she was carried over to the door, where Darren was talking to Cindy about something before Darren turned his head to you and Sandra, walking towards you as he did so.

“Hey, I’m sorry that this happened,Anon. It’s just a good thing you looked for her when you did.” He said, having taken the mask off and seemingly discarded it somewhere as you nodded right back at him.

“It’s fine, man, it ain’t your fault. Me and Sandra are going to get going now, I think she needs to rest through whatever he gave to her.” You explained as Sandra would look on, her eyes staring up at your blurred armored face and smiling slightly.

“No problem, my man. We’d drive you home but Cindy’s drunk too much and the last time I drove I had two arms.” He said, trying to bring some levity to the situation as he’d open the door up. “Seriously though, give us a text when you get back, Cindy’ll be worried sick otherwise.” He said with Sandra assuming that you’d have to do that since she currently could barely see, let alone do anything like text.

“Sure thing. Right, I’ll get going now, see you soon, Darren.” You said as Sandra felt as you’d leave the house, mostly telling due to the fact that the lighting would change as you’d walk her home, the woman wiggling around slightly as you did so. Sandra only knew when you had managed to her her home when she flew her suit starting to warm up from the light cold again before you took the suit head off her, the woman’s vision blurring due to not being used to seeing without her mask in her drugged up state. With that you’d slip the rest of her outfit off her before she felt you move her over to the bed, lifting up the covers and placing her inside of them before you said something to her she couldn’t understand, the woman nodding as if to pretend that she heard before she fell unconscious.

Sandra would feel as she went out of unconsciousness again, the woman’s eyes snapping open as she would stretch all her limbs slightly, sighing in relief as they were back to full operational order as she pulled her head off the bed. Despite the fact that her head felt kinda heavy and bad, she’d suddenly be snapped out of that when she smelt something being prepared in the kitchen, the woman's dry mouth starting to water when she realized that it was bacon that was being cooked. With that she would steadily move herself off the bed, the woman’s feet hitting against the ground as she would walk over to the door, the woman sniffing the bacon to keep herself upright before she grabbed her bedroom door and opened it, smiling at what she would see when she did so.

It was you, cooking up breakfast on the kitchen counter with some butter being left  on the desk, toast cooking away in the toaster and two pans being equipped to cook up some eggs and bacon, the smells tangling in the air in the process. “Oh, you’re awake! Good thing too, I was nearly done cooking it all up! There’s some juice on the side if you want a drink as well!” You said, the woman letting out a slightly tired nod into the air as she grabbed ahold of the juice amd started drinking it, finishing the cup in a few moments as her mouth suddenly felt a lot less dry. By the time she was done you were starting to dish up her breakfast, the woman staring at you, licking her lips subconsciously as you placed the plate down with Sandra not really knowing where to start.

Sandra figured that to say she was eating the food was an understatement where she was utterly devouring the food,mouthfuls of bacon being washed down with finely buttered bread and soft and fluffy eggs. By the time she was done her plate consisted of nothing but crumbs and various puddles of oil and grease and left her with a ever so slight stomach ache as her insides tried to process all the food she had taken as she got up from her seat,stumbling around in her loose feeling legs as she did so. With that she would stare at you for several moments, the woman not really knowing what to say next before she proceeded to leap at you and place you into a hug, your eyes widening as you’d look down to see her head pointed upwards as she hugged you.

“Thank you… for saving me, y’know?” She said, feeling like she has to explain why she was saying thank you as she’d see you try to speak, the woman responding by opening her mouth which would make you hold your tongue somewhat. “And sorry, about being so careless. I never should have run off with that guy.” She said, her back shivering at the mere mention of him before you’d start to speak.

“You’ve got nothing to apologize for, Sandra. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. I was the one who left you alone, after all.” You’d say in response, the woman shaking her head somewhat as she would do so.

“It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know he was there in the first place. Besides, other than that I actually enjoyed myself, it seems people really liked the scarecrow outfit!” She said, a smile moving across her snout as a smile moved across your own face. With that she would proceed to move her hands up to your back and then to your neck, the woman looking up at you as she would get on the tips of her toes, eventually figuring that she should rest her muzzle by your ear as she would do so. “How about I give you a reward for saving me, handsome?” She said as she slid her legs against your own, the woman hinting at what she wanted as she watched you look rather apprehensive about the entire thing, the woman staring at you somewhat confused as you’d go to speak.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Given, y’know, last night?” You asked, Sasha feeling as her expression softened somewhat as she would do.

“Listen, I can feel that horrid man’s fingers all over my body after last night. What better way to get rid of it than with you?” She asked as she’d watch you think for a second before you would respond.

“Sure,that sounds alright to me. So what are you planning then?” You asked as she would point to the bedroom, the woman pointing her head to her outfit of which you had left on the sofa as she would go to instruct you.

“Well just go and wear some worn clothes and pretend to be a farmer for me!” She said as she would grab ahold of he’d suit and started to undo the buttons that were keeping it together at the back, smiling as she looked back at you. “Hope you’re ready for one of your scarecrows to come to life, Anon!” She said with a smile as you walked off to your room, the woman hastily placing the hay filled costume over her body,the woman being pretty much naked already so she didn’t have to change.  Eventually she would grab ahold of her stuffed head, smirking to herself as she would proceed to push the mask onto her head, the woman having to flick her ears a few times to make sure they weren’t inside out before she proceeded to start wandering towards the bedroom.

She would wander inside of the room, looking through the eyes that she had sown into the head at you to see that you had got some raggedy trousers and shirt on, the woman waiting for you to say something as she did so. “W-what are you supposed to be?” You asked her, the woman being able to tell that you weren’t scared since you were a terrible actor but she would proceed to let her body stiffen up like they were made out of wood and she’d begin to shamble towards you, groaning as she did so. She would slowly wander over to you, letting her now intentionally rictus body loom over you for several moments as she then slowly got onto the bed with you, letting her body go limp so she would pin you down, the woman attempting to figure out what s scarecrow would want as she would do so.

“Give meeee… your… fluids…” She said, imagining that’s what a scarecrow would want from a human being as she’d move her hand over to your trousers, jankily dragging them to your knees as she would let out a few gasps as she did so. With that she would push down the hay stuffed trousers somewhat, the woman pushing them down just below the meatiest area of your thighs, the woman’s pussy starting to drip onto your now more exposed cock as she would gaze down at you, her actual eyes between large empty ones. She then proceeded to let her hips hanging up in the air for several moments, the woman emulating a series of groans before she slammed down onto your cock, a moan escaping the muzzle of your mask as she felt your cock inside of her.

With that she would proceed to start riding your cock, resting at the base of your member as she would groan out into the air, the woman’s inner walls clenching against your cock as she started moving upwards across your cock. She’d keep gliding slowly, letting out a few pants underneath her hay muzzle as she tried to keep herself under control, the woman’s tongue lashing against her teeth before she reached the tip of your member where she would stay for several moments. After she clenched around your tip enough times before she proceeded to slam herself down onto your hips again, groaning out as she would do so as a wet clap echoed out across the air, the woman clenching around your member hard as she would do so, enjoying herself quite a lot as she did so.

She would repeat the process several times over, getting used to the feeling of you inside of her as she did so, the woman wondering what she could do to spice this up a bit since she couldn’t really kiss you with the helmet on her. “Sooo...warmmmmm...” She would say, the woman mumbling through her mask somewhat as she would do so, drool dripping down from the sides of her mouth and onto the burlap of the mask's insides, the woman stretching out her limbs as she would do so. With that she would go about grabbing ahold of your arms, wrapping her fingers around your wrists as she would rest her body against your own some more, the woman feeling your warm heart beating through the burlap as she opened her mouth to go about speaking again.

“Need… more… warmth…” She would mutter out, trying not to sound too aroused as she started to go faster against your hips, the woman speeding up gradually before she would reach the speed she desired to go. She would drift in two motions at first, one going up and the other going down, but this would quickly move into one circular motion going up and down your member due to the fact she was somewhat restricted by the fact that she was wearing a suit but she had to admit the pleasure of it made it all the more worth it. Eventually, when she got used to the feeling, the woman would proceed to start clenching around your cock, wrapping around your member although most the time she did it so that she could push against your tip,causing you to gasp as she did so.

She could feel her body getting warmer and warmer against her skin, partualy due to the fact that she was wearing the suit and partly due to the lust that was flooding through her body, the woman trembling somewhat as she did so. She proceeded to move her arms up into the air again before directing them downwards onto the mattress, the woman letting out a gasp as she wrapped around your body, making sure that you were in her grasp as she would do so. Then her legs would start wrapping around them, the woman letting out a slightly harsh groan as she did so as she looked into your eyes lovingly, her hips starting to slow down somewhat before she proceeded to go even faster against you, the woman moaning out into the air as she did so.

She would move the hips as fast as she would go, the woman’s padded hips ramming against your own at full force, the woman nearly bouncing off you several times, with you only staying inside due to the fact that she had reduced the leverage her hips had. Either way you could also feel her insides clench around your member as she slammed against you, the woman herself moaning and panting through the muzzle to the point where some of the drool had soaked inside of the hay filled suit in the process. It was growing hotter and hotter as she did so, the woman wanting to take her helmet off and let the fresh air hit her face but she didn’t want to break the illusion somewhat so she kept her mask on and kept groaning out into the air eagerly as she did so.

With that she would feel as you’d  start throbbing  inside of her, pushing against her inner walls somewhat which would respond by clenching back around your member, the woman letting out a groan as she realized that you were getting close to cumming. You’d feel as the pressure would move across your tip, slowly traveling down it until it got to the point where you could barely hold it in any longer  with you trying to keep it inside of you for her sake as well as your own. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, grunting out into the air before you started to cum inside of her, both of you moaning as she let her hips slam down onto your own, clamping her pussy shut so your cum wouldn’t escape her as you orgasmed, the woman clutching ahold of your back as she did so.

Ropes would start spraying out of your cock and would push deep inside of her,covering her inner walls in your cum as you did so, more and more ropes escaping you by the moment as she gasped into the mask. She’d feel as the ropes grew stronger before a massive amount of ropes escaped your cock, covering her inner walls in their totality as she would do so, the woman feeling as your heart raced in your chest as you groaned out into the air as she would do so. Eventually your orgasm would stop,the woman letting out a gasp as she felt the last drops pushed inside of her, the woman collapsing onto your body as she did so, her hands grabbing ahold of the head of the costume and pulling it off, her skeletal face appearing from underneath.

“Well, t-that was pretty great, wasn’t it?” She asked, the woman pulling herself off your member and falling onto her back next to you, feeling so much better, so much cleaner.

“It certainly was.” You said, breathing heavily as she would slip out of the outfit, your head turning to her and smiling as you did so. “Wanna play some Mario?” He asked, the woman thinking that all there was to really do was the dishes, and who would want to do their dishes anyway?

“Yeah, Mario sounds good to me!”


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