BloodLines (Vampire)

 You had expected many things when waking up in the morning but what you didn't expect was for village to be invaded by vampires nor did you expect for the vampires to break into your house and kidnap you with you now being firmly tied up in the middle of some kind of ballroom like fresh meat. You had no idea where these vampires had even came from especially given that they had apparently surprised the military and gone on a rampage through the country with your village having been right on the frontline before you got dragged off and by the time you woke up the vampires had declared their taken land as Transyvania and declaring that they’ll celebrate the occasion by feeding off the blood of their first conquests. You could feel the rope burning up against your wrists as you would try and break out of your binds, looking down at the wood that they had placed you on, a stone altar being drilled into the side of it as the would stare at you with eager eyes and hungry mouths as you noticed one in the distance,  still staring you but seemingly doing it with more curiosity then hunger.

Suddenly you would hear as someone would walk onto the wood before a cold hand found itself on your bare shoulder, a blade finding itself resting against the other one before you started to hear a voice behind you. “Ladies, Gentlemen, boys and bloodthirsty girls of all ages! Today is a glorious day for all vampirekind! Today is a day where we have taken back the righteous ground of Transylvania which belongs to us, not these mere humans!” The voice would shout, a particularly angry hiss coming from them whenever they mentioned humans. “So we shall enjoy our return with a feast of blood and bone from those who stole our rightful land from us!” He said as the vampires would start huddling around the altar, panting and gasping out into the air  as if they were starving.

“Starting with you, human!” The voice said as the blade was moved from your shoulders and right over your heart, the vampire playing with the knife in their hands as they would let out a chuckle to themselves.  “Now, my fellow vampires, feast!” The vampire would shout as it would raise the blade into the air, any attempt to escape your binds being absolutely useless as the crowd would start to change and smile at your incoming death all except for that vampire that you had noticed before. She seemed to be more worried about your eventual death especially as the knife would start to fall from the sky and towards your chest with you swearing it was almost like time was slowing down before the blade hit your skin, cutting it ever so slightly before you heard a shout. 

“STOP! STOP THIS AT ONCE!” The voice would shout as the blade came to a immediate halt before being pulled away from your chest, hisses of confusion as the vampire who was staring at you walked towards you, parting the crowd as she did so. 

“Madam Pitrous? What is the meaning of this?” The vampire behind you would hiss as she would let out a hiss back, Madam Pitrous staring up at you as she would do so, the vampires around her seeming more confused than even you.

“Let him go. Now.” She would explain, the vampire seeming confused as they would let out a hiss before slipping the knife between the rope and your skin, twisting the knife and cutting away the rope as they spoke.

“As you command,Madam.” The voice would say as you were let out of your bounds, nearly collapsing into the stone altar before the other vampire caught you, managing to get you up onto your feet as you finally got a good look at Madam Pitrous for the first time.

The first place that you looked wa she’s head which you could only describe as a mixture of a bat and a wolf, a pair of long, canine-like eyes sticking out of her head, the woman entirely lacking eyes before your eyes moved down her snout, showing off her skeletal nostrils and those sharp and seeming blood sucking teeth. Then you’d proceed to start looking down her slim body, realizing it was both larger  then the average human being and also significantly slimmer with what you assumed to be ribs being visible, her stomach and slides entirely exposed due to the face that her clothes only covered her nipples, her sides and some of her back, her long and sharp fingers now interlocking with your own. The woman’s hips had a slight bit more meat then the rest of her although this was helped by the fact that she was wearing move clothes when she was when on her upper half, the tight clothes pushing against her pale flesh as her long legs would curl down into her high heels, of which seemed to be quite a bit taller then any human pair you had ever seen. 

You were quickly whisked out of the crowd, the vampires talking among themselves before you saw a carriage in the distance, one that you were promptly pushed into, sitting down on the rather lavish seating in the process. You’d hear her click and the carriage would start moving as she would seemingly pat you down, making several worried noises before she would hug you and then place you back down onto the chair where she’d start to speak, letting out a hiss as she would do so. “Oh, sweetheart! They didn’t hurt you too much, did they?” She asked as she would make herself nice and close to you, her muzzle placed right next to your face before you shook your head, the woman letting out a sigh of relief as her hand would place right next to her chest.

“What a relief! Anyways, you won’t need to worry about them now, you’re in Madam Pitrous’s care now!” She would say as she patted your head and would turn to face the driver with you doing the same with much confusion on your face. After that the trip was quiet and slow with you not exchanging much with the vampire other than a side glances as she would humm to herself with you noticing that you were approaching a rather large and very well ordained mansion with the building being so tall it blocked the moon somewhat. Eventually your reach the gothic gates of the mansion, the doors swinging open out of their own accord before the carriage would grind to a halt, the woman getting up and opening the carriage doors before she offered you her hand.

“Come, follow me.” She would say in a much softer voice than you were used to with you deciding that you may as well clutch her hand and let her lead you into the mansion, the woman seeming happy with herself in the process. The woman would lead you in from the cold with you letting out a relieved sigh when you felt the heat hit your skin, stretching out your arms and legs somewhat as you would walk, the woman taking you deep in the mansion before you’d see a serial staircase in the distance. Eventually you found yourself going up the stairs, traveling up them at a rather rapid pace before you proceeded to reach a door, entering to see that it seemed to be a very expansive bedroom, covered in gold and various other valuables and jewels.

“This is mine, and now your humble abode! Please, make yourself at home!” She Said as she would drift around the area as you stayed frozen in the middle with you deciding that you should sit on the bed, feeling the softness underneath you before you spoke.

“So, why did you choose me then? Y’know, out of all the people there? Not that I’m not thankful, I am, I just want to know why.” You said as she would stop for a moment before walking over to you, throwing her heels to the ground as she did so.

“Well,you reminded me of someone, if you must know. You remind me of my husband, before he was slain and then I realized something when that brute cut your chest.” She said as she put a finger to the cut, massaging it gently as she did so. “I could smell him in your blood, mixed in with the rest of the people who have joined my bloodline.” She said as she would slowly moved her hand over your chest and up to your chin, clutching ahold of your chin as she would let out a deep hiss from her mouth. You’d notice her tongue writhe around her mouth as she would start moving closer to you, seeming “staring” into your eyes despite the fact that she didn’t have any eyes, the woman gasping as she would start to push her muzzle against your lips before her tongue pushed into your mouth, starting the kiss.

You could feel as the tongue would slowly wrap around your own, moving both deliberately and passionately as she would pull you closer against her, her hand moving across the back of your head and clutching a hold of it in the process. The kiss would only grow warmer and more passionate as time would go on, her steamy breath pushing out into your mouth and tangling with your tongue all whilst her other hand would find itself on your chest before moving down your skin in an almost zigzag pattern. Eventually she would reach your underwear where she would proceed to start groping at your rapidly growing bulge as she would push against you so much that you were pushed onto the bed, the woman pulling off your face as she would start to speak again.

“Sorry for being so upfront, but I truly can’t resist you, blood of my blood.” She said as she would let out a growl into the air before clutching ahold of your underwear before slowly pulling them down, your cock popping out in the process. “Mmph, impressive. Anyways, I am yearning for us to get more intimate, so let’s go ahead and start.” She said as she peeled off her panties, seeing how wet they were as they were brought down to her ankles, the woman raising her hips up into the air right above your cock. She would rest there for a couple moments, fluids dripping from her pussy and all over your member before she would crane her spine up a bit before she proceeded to slam herself down onto your cock, both you and the woman groaning out in pleasure as she would do so.

The woman’s hands would grope around the air for several moments before she would eventually grab ahold of your shoulders, the woman panting into the air as her tongue hung out of her boney snout somewhat. She would eventually manage to grapple ahold of her lust and started to calm herself, going back her more uptight demeanor as she did so, finding the strength to start moving up your cock again, the woman going as slow as she possibly could to savor every last moment. The woman would eventually reach the tip of your cock before she proceeded to slam herself down onto your cock again, the woman seemingly being unable to wait before taking the full length of your dick, her fingers caressing your shoulders before moving up to your head.

She would repeat the process repeatedly, moving up and down your cock eagerly as she would proceed to move her hands from your shoulders and onto your head, clutching ahold of it eagerly as her mouth would start opening again. She dived forward and would give you a kiss, her tongue wrapping around your own in moments as she would gasp and groan into the air wildly, the woman seeming to be getting into the swing of things when it came to her lust, the burning growing inside of her more and more by the moment. You could feel the heat on your breath, burning away at your gums and mouth as you felt her small yet perky tits pushed against your chest, the woman’s nipples being nice and hard as she would wiggle slightly against your body.

After a few seconds you’d feel as she would start going faster against your cock,the woman’s hips seemingly growing impatient as she would slam down with surprising force given how slender she was. You could also feel as her pussy would start to clench and run around your cock, grinding into your most sensitive areas as you moaned into her mouth, the woman eventually pulling herself out of your mouth, spit covering the sides of your cheeks as she panted into the air, fogging up the air as she did so. “Mmmph,  hundreds of years, I waited for this moment! This...experience!” She would cry out as she moaned into the air, slamming and pushing against you as her pussy fluids would splash all over your hips due to the intensity of her thrusts.

“Mmmph, it’s so good to have you back in my life! So freeing, so filling!” She would say, each sentence punctuated by a particularly hard thrust as she would let out a long and steady breath into the air. “I can taste him in you,rolling along my tongue! I need you now more then I’ve ever  needed you before!” She would say as she cupped your chin, her other hand moving down to your chest and pressing on it as you felt her entire body getting warmer and warmer, beads I’d sweat pooling against her skin in the process. You could sense that she was going to go faster against you with you imagining that her eyes would be filled with lust if she had any eyes inside of her empty black sockets to begin with, the woman’s tongue managing to find itself back in her mouth in the process.

Before you knew it she was going so fast against your cock that you could barely comprehend it, the pleasure running through your body so quickly that you could feel yourself twitching inside of her tight pussy due to it. Her hips were almost like a blur as they glided across your member, her hands digging so deeply into your flesh that they were almost cutting through it which you were nervous about given that she was a vampire but she had shown restraint so far when it came to biting. The woman’s moans and the lewd sounds of cold flesh against warm flesh would echo out across the room, the woman not being subtle about telling the world about how much she loved being with you as she would clench around your cock a couple of times, gasping as she did so.

You would then feel as your cock would start throbbing inside of her, pushing up against her wet inner walls as her mouth would clench shut, the woman’s thrusts becoming ever so slightly faster then they were beforehand. You could also feel the pressure rapidly growing by the moment, getting harder and harder to keep inside of you between her furious thrusts and her cries and moans above you, your hands shooting up and clutching ahold of her thighs as your heart beat heavy in your chest. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, letting go off all of that pressure and starting to shoot ropes inside of her, covering her inner walls as she would clamp against your cock like a vice, her hips slamming down against you and pinning you down to the bed, ensuring you couldn’t escape, not that you would want too.

The first few ropes were spontaneous, shooting rapidly out of your cock and slowly pushing up and up her inner walls before your orgasm would grow more rhythmic as well as shooting larger ropes of cum out in the process. Eventually your orgasm would reach its peak, a tremendous amount of cum pushing out of your cock and pushing deeply into her insides, causing her to practically howl into the air whilst you felt as if it had winded you somewhat, a wave of tiredness moving over you as your orgasm began to wind down. The ropes would grow smaller and smaller to the point where the drops of cum would drip across her inner walls, the woman briefly holding herself up with her hands on your chest before she let her arms buckle, her thin body falling onto your own.

“That was, Mmmph, the closest thing to heaven that I think that I’m ever going to get…” She said with an aroused chuckle as she would pull herself off your cock, a mixture of cum and pussy fluids dripping from her before she looked at your face. “My, I forgot just how tired you humans can be. Let me just snuggle up to you and then you can rest peacefully.” She would say in a softer and happier tone, adjusting your body so that your head was pushed against her chest and the pillow. You’d then feel as her arms would wrap around you as she would hold you close to her, your eyes growing heavier and heavier as you decided to take your advice and rest against her body, eventually falling to slumber with what seemed to be your new wife by your side.


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