Love is love (OC)

 The light of the screens would hiss against the air as you stayed slumped within your swivel seat, throwing another crisp into your mouth as you’d tap a couple buttons on the keyboard, watching as the screens would flicker through to another part of the abandoned park as you contemplated about why you even needed to do this job in the first place. You had been looking for a job for a couple of weeks beforehand, eventually finding a job listing for a night security position at a place called Love Land, a abandoned theme park that was on the edge of the city and, since you had bills to pay, you put your name in and, the next day, you woke up to see that you had been accepted for the job. You drive to the theme park that night, moving into the empty car park and walking to the gates, seeing the rusted fence that was keeping the tree park for being broken into, a note being left on the door to tell you where your keys were with you grabbing ahold of them, unlocking the security doors before going inside and watching the security cameras which was when you saw just how destroyed the place was.

The place has been broken down over the short time that no one was maintaining it, the various doors falling off their own hinges , most of the roofs having some kind of holes in them and all of the rides mechanics having been rusted in place. One of the places that was notably destroyed was the tunnel of love with the water having been drained from it to reveal the rusted machinery as well as a whole lot of stains on every single object on the building with you swearing that you could see stains all over the floor. After a few hours of waiting around for something to happen and then nothing promptly happening, you went back home before you proceeded to figure out why it was about to be abandoned, getting a rather large shock when it turned out those stains that were all over the floor were blood.

Turns out there was a cult operating around the area, one that was about to get caught and, as such, decided to make the final sacrifice of their own souls and decided to perform a mass suicide in order to achieve it. With that they drained the water from the lake of the love tunnel before laying themselves down on the mechanisms track before turning on the ride, the mechanical boats running them over, ripping the bodies apart like they were made out of paper from the autopsy photos that you had seen. This, to put it gently, caused a tremendous shitstorm about the safety of the amusement park especially since a mass break in had just happened and as such the place was shut down, never opening again due to this which explained why the place was such a mess.

Tonight was a usual night, consisting of you sitting down on and staring at a bunch of screens and hoping for something to happen as you then suddenly saw movement on the screen, flicking that camera onto the main screen as you did so. It seemed like there were three teenagers wandering into the place, a smile moving across your face as you had finally been granted a chance to do your job, grabbing ahold of your torch and running out to the location that you had last seen them. By the time you had got to the place that you had last seen them they had scattered, rust and rotting wood surrounding you as you wondered where they could have possibly gone too only to get a hint in a pair of screams that echoed through the rotting guts of the park.

You’d move towards the screams, hearing as the screams would grow more quiet before simply disappearing in its entirety,the air growing thin as you eventually found the teenagers and, by extension, why they were screaming. It seemed they were screaming because something was chopping them to bits, their limbs having been chopped apart with broken bones and torn apart flesh piled all over the place, a trail of bloodied footprints leading towards the third one with you moving past the varying parts and limbs that littered the floor. Eventually you’d see that the prints led into an old hut, which was as battered and broken and everything else that inhabited this place and as such you ran to the door, feeling as water would ooze out from the job and against your hand as you did so.

You would twist the lock and throw the door open, hearing the sound of the door ripping open, the nails shifting around in the wood and dislodging the entire door somewhat as you looked around the area for the teenager being choked. You’d hear more gargling escape across the air before you found that there was a door hiding a room with you clutching ahold of the knob and trying to twist it open, revealing that it seemed like it was barricaded from the other side as you figured that you didn’t have much time to figure out a way around the door, instead deciding to just kick it down. You backed up and slammed your foot into it, the sound of the rotting wood snapping and falling to the ground as the door falls off it’s hinges silencing everything with you shining your torch inside of the room to see the teenager in the grasp of something a lot bigger than it was.

It took you a few moments before you realized that it was someone in the costume of one of the mascots with your eyes first moving to her head which was that of a pink teddy pair, the mouth being agape with the darkness consuming whatever was inside with you feeling rather unnerved as you saw tuff of stuffing coming out of the head and ear. With that your eyes would move to her torso, a pair of white love hearts being placed on her shoulders before your eyes locked onto her chest seeing as the pink became white with a pair of more purple love hearts with you noticing that the woman’s hands were more stumps with white claws coming out of it, a rather large cleaver being placed inside of her hands. Your eyes moved down to her lower half to see another heart where her womb would be before you looked to her pussy seeing that there was a zipper running right across it, the zipper pussy being nestled between her thighs with her feet being nubs pressed against the ground.

She would stare at you for several moments, her eyes staring into your own as she’d twist her hand, the sound of snapping echoing out across the air as the body went limp, the woman throwing the corpse to the ground with a thump. With that she would start staring at you for a couple moments before she proceeded to start walking towards you with you turning around and running away, not getting paid enough to fend yourself off against some kind of psychotic beast in a suit. You’d get yourself out of the cabin, hearing the sound of the blade swinging across the air and hitting the top of the wood as you would do so, the woman letting out a couple of chuckles to herself as she would keep running after you, the woman seeming to be just as fast as you were.

However, your escape would soon come to an end when your leg hit against a discarded metal bar that was on the floor, swinging down and ramming against the ground as you’d hear the footsteps grow closer and closer. Eventually you’d proceed to feel as a shadow would loom over you before she would grab ahold of of you, the clawed hands clutching around your arms before she would flip you over with you seeing that her eyes were glowing a deep red now, meaning that whoever she was, she wasn’t exactly human. With that she would proceed to let her legs fall down against your waist, the soft hips pushing down against your body so that you couldn't escape her as you’d try and push her away, your hands accidentally landing on her soft breasts and giving them a accidental grope before she looked down at you as she did so.

“Love?” She said in a raspy yet feminine voice before she would grab ahold of your arms, clutching them at the wrists before pushing them to the floor, the woman glaring into your eyes as she would do so. She would then let out choking sounds, the sounds being wet and long as drool would start escaping her mouth, spit falling from her mouth and onto the floor as you’d realize that a series of tongues pushed out of the hole, groaning more and more as you’d wonder what the hell she was planning to do with them. With that she would proceed to ram her tongues downwards, the wet tips pushing down into your lips as she would slowly force them open, shoving her tongues deep into your mouth, slowly pushing them deeper and deeper as she’d push you into a monstrous kiss.

You’d groan out into the air as she would feel as the tongue would start wiping across your teeth, drool dripping from your teeth before she would proceed to push her tongues deeper and deeper inside of you. Eventually she would get to the point that you were getting choked  on her spit and drool as you coughed and sputtered into the air, trying to pull away from her before she would twist her head somewhat as if she was confused about how you were choking to death on her spit. Suddenly you felt as she would remove her tongues from your mouth, the woman groaning out into the air as you coughed before she lifted her arm up into the air, the blade shining into the moonlight as you’d watch as she would then proceed to bring it down against your body.

With that she would proceed to cut right through your clothes, the fabric tearing in half before she’d turn the blade around and drive the blade the other way, cutting another slither of cloth off, the woman repeating the process until you were entirely naked. With that she would grab the zipper at the middle of her crotch before she pulled it down, the woman’s hole opening up before she would raise her hips above your member, the woman letting out a few more groans as she kept your arms clutched in her hands. With that she would rest her waist in the air for several moments, the woman still looking down at you as the last couple of tongues moved back into her mouth before she rammed her hips down into your member, both of you groaning as she would do so.

The woman groaned out into the air as you would feel her fall down onto your waist, the woman letting out a slight groan as the soft fabric pushed against your skin, the woman letting out a few more groans as she started to pull up her hips. You’d feel as her warm and wet lips would push against your cock, the woman’s pussy occasionally clenching around your member as she would keep raising her hips upwards which was when she reached your tip which was when she would stop moving. She waited for several moments although you couldn’t tell as to why, wondering if she was waiting for some kind of reaction from you or maybe waiting for another chest grope before she’d suddenly bring her hips down onto your own, making you moan out into the air yet again.

She would repeat this process several times over, moving up your cock and then moving back down it again with you letting out a groan with each thrust that she made, noting she was surprisingly heavy for a mascot suit. You’d attempt to move your arms out of her grasp but any attempt of actually doing this was met with her putting even more pressure on your arms as if she was threatening to snap them clean off your body as you wiggled around some more, failing to stop her as you did so. With that she would proceed to move her body so that she was laying against you, the woman’s soft tits now pushing against your chest and her beady eyes staring right back at you, the woman moaning out into the air as she began to go faster against your cock.

With that she would no longer rest at the base or tip of your cock, the woman simply moving in a pair of quick and jagged motions up and down your member, the bear still staring at you with those beady eyes of hers. You could feel each and every time those soft lips clenched against your member, the lips wrapping around your base as if they were kissing them, all before they’d be dragged a couple of centimeters up your cock before they were unclenches although it wasn’t only that part of her pussy that was wrapping around you. Her inner walls also clenched against your member, rubbing everywhere from your tip to your base, pushing against the most sensitive areas as any attempt to wiggle out of her grasp as her relentless thrusting continued against you.

With very little choice about what you could do, you’d soon realize that you were able to move your legs somewhat, deciding to see if you were able to stop her hips with that or if you were simply unable to. With that you’d flick your legs upwards into the air before wrapping them around her waist, feeling the soft fur of her back against your skin and she slammed herself into you, the woman not making much of a sound as you did this although you did slow her down ever so slightly. This was something that the woman very clearly didn’t like that much as she would soon proceed to start clutching your wrists even tighter then she had done before, a few more guttural sounds escaping her mouth before she would start moving even faster against your member. 

At this point it was like she was trying to rapidly destroy your hips, slamming and pushing against your crotch so much that she was bouncing off it, all whilst seemingly not losing any form of stamina and strength. Eventually you’d hear a guttural sound echo out across the air as her tongues would start re-emerging again, playing around with one another before they would proceed to slam themselves into your mouth, slowly writhing deep inside of your mouth as she would do so. You felt almost lightheaded as the reduced your breathing even more then they were doing before due to the fact her hips were knocking the air out of you with each thrust, drool pooling out of both of your mouths as you felt the woman’s hips nuzzle against your own somewhat.

That was when you started throbbing inside of her, your orgasm growing closer with each thrust as she would ride you, your throbbing pushing against her inner walls of which pushed back against your member, making the entire thing even more pleasurable. With that you then feel as the pressure would start building up across your member, starting off at the tip at first before growing stronger and stronger by the moment, eventually getting to the point that it was unbearable to hold onto anymore. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, relenting to the woman’s furious assault on your body and cumming inside of her, a massive amount of ropes spraying out of your cock and into her as she rammed her hips down onto your member, finally not moving for once.

You’d feel the first load escape from your member, a massive amount of ropes spraying out from it and covering her inner walls, the cum staining them as the ropes started to grow more powerful and, therefore, grow longer. Eventually your orgasm would go about and reach its peak, a massive series of ropes spraying out of your member and inside of her, traveling to her deepest reaches as she would do so, the woman letting out a few uttering of the word love as you’d fill her to the brim. It was at that point the orgasm would come to an end, the ropes growing lesser and lesser before stopping in its entirety, the last couple drops dripping out of your cock and down her inner walls, the woman waiting for a couple of seconds before she started to move her hips again.

This would start a hours long ordeal of being fucked and fucked again, climaxing inside of the woman over and over again, your cock twitching inside of her which each orgasm as she’d murmur more declarations of love to you. It got to the point where you had lost count over how many orgasm you had as you would give up more and more over time, your body growing warmer and warmer by the moment as sweat dripped from your skin, your limbs growing limbs in her grasp. Eventually she’d stop, the woman’s hips coming down against your crotch with a light thumbs as a horde of tongues escaped your mouth, the woman groaning somewhat as she pulled herself your now exhausted cock, your eyes looking up at her and blurring somewhat due to the strain of it all.

She’d look down upon you for several moments before she grabbed ahold of her blade again, wrenching it out of the ground as wood fell onto the floor with you assuming she was just going to kill you until she grabbed your arm and turned around, starting to walk out of the cabin with you clutched in her fluffy hands. With that you’d start drifting in and out of consciousness, the entire world going dark every few moments before becoming bright again as you were dragged deeper into love land and towards your fate, knowing that, no matter what, you’d become another name in a long list of many to be lost in the depths of love land, never to be seen again by anyone but her,


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