Gracie of god (Female Erickson/Gracie)

 You were certainly a long way from Boston now especially given the contrast in temperature that was around you, the heat of the nuked out city and the constant feeling of sand inching against your skin replaced with the feeling of the misty skies of far harbor pushing against your face and arms. You had left Boston for a couple reasons but the main one was to figure out what the hell was left of the world outside of Boston and if any faction had got any closer to ruling over the entire country yet or if everything was still near collapse like everything else was and it turned out that, yes, everything was still in a semi collapsed state with some people not bothering to even pick the bones up off the floor. Either way, when you had actually managed to get to the coast you were shocked to find that there was a functioning port and, supposedly, actual ferries to take you to an island known as far harbor, something that interested you quite a bit as you went searching for some caps to give.

However, on the way there you had managed to gain yourself a companion known as Dogmeat, a surprisingly unmutated German Shepherd who had managed to find you where you were being attacked by insects in the desert. After you realized his good of a fighter the dog was and how much it clearly wanted to eat some meat and, as such, you grabbed ahold of some meat in your bag and coaxed the dog towards you, the hound drifting over to you slowly before eating the meat that you had given her. Eventually you had dogmeat by your side and since then you and him have been rather inseparable, the dog attacking anyone that would come near you which certainly helped during most conflicts as you gained more and more caps to get on the ferry over to the harbor.

Eventually you had a bucketload of caps to spend which would certainly be enough to bribe the ferryman across and, with that, you managed to get yourself on the ferry to far harbor with dogmeat firmly by your side. The ocean was choppy, the waves battering against the hull of the ship and causing you to shift from side to side, rain dripping down against the sides of the ship as you headed towards your destination with you thanking god that you didn’t have anything resembling sea sickness. Eventually the ship would come to a stop, grinding against the side of the harbor before ropes were placed onto the harbor's edge to keep the ship tethered to it before you got out of the ship and onto the island, wanting to investigate all that was out there as you did so.

Of course, despite the welcome change in environment from burnt out ruins to somewhat wet and misty ruins, there were always some radiated horrors that were right around the corner, simply waiting to turn around and start ripping you apart like it was nothing. One of these were the fog lurkers, beings much like the mirelurks on the mainland but instead of coming from crabs they seemed to have come from lobsters and as such seems thinner and faster then their inland counterparts. There were also the anglers, things that seemed to almost be fish people in how they were structured but unfortunately they had the mind of a beast, making them near impossibly hostile to you and trying to rip you apart with you and dogmeat quickly taking care of them as you did so.

However, since far harbor was an actual settlement, this meant that you did have some allies that weren’t crab people with one super mutant known as Erickson being the one that you were closest to. You had already had some exploits with super mutants before, especially female ones like Erickson with you recalling all the fun times you had with Strong as you would do so, with the man trade that Erickson seemed to be into was the animal trade, trading people mutated hounds but only with people she trusted and, since you were a outsider, you weren’t exactly trusted. However you did have dogmeat with you and she seemed to enjoy watching you feed the scrappy mutt as well as watching you play around with him when you weren’t going out and attacking the hordes of crustaceans that were around this place, the fog hiding many a beast.

You had gone out hunting again and now you were coming back with quite a lot to sell especially given that you got quite a bit of angler flesh with you as well of which you intended to sell off after eating some yourself. Either way you could feel as the fog would close in around your the drifting mist shifting across your skin and clothes as you’d hear dogmeat pant against the air somewhat before you saw a familiar and large figure in the distance, the woman becoming more detailed the closer she got to you. Eventually you’d get close enough to her to see her in full, craining your head up at the woman so that you could see her face as you started to take in each and every detail that her body provided, a smile moving across your face somewhat as you did so. 

The first place that you looked was her head, seeing that it was covered in the pelt of a wolf that she had killed which hid some of her face somewhat although you could still see her eyes staring back to you somewhat as you’d do so, the womans green certainly being a change from the blue of the ocean that as around you. The woman’s muscular build filled up the clothes that she had on, the pelt that she was using as a makeshift skirt straining against her rather large hips and the almost Roman chest piece that she had on did very little to keep her huge breasts inside of the fabric, the woman wearing a necklace of the teeth of beasts around her neck which only helped show off her tits even more. Like almost every super mutant in the wasteland, the woman was both taller than you by a couple of feet and very much muscular, the woman’s arms legs and abs being toned as she would look down at you, starting to speak with you as she would do so.

“Ah, Anon, you’re exactly the person I wanted to see.” She said as she looked down at you, a smile moving across your face as she would do so.

“Oh, and what is that then?” You asked, wondering where this was heading.

“Well, I’ve come to a decision about selling animals to you. Given how well you have treated your hound, I’ve decided that I desire to sell you my Gracie.” She said, much to your shock as you’d nod.

“Excellent! Name your price and go and get her, I’ll go and grab the caps.” You said, the woman nodding and giving you a price as she walked off to get the animal, your hand reaching into your pockets to get the caps needed before she arrived with the dog. Gracie herself was very much like her owner in a lot of ways, having a green and hairless body as well as being stocky and muscular, the torso of the beast being much more rectangular shaped compared to dogmeat's smoother, more rounded frame. Her muzzle and legs were short, leading to her having a waddle across rhe ground somewhat and her tail was rather non existent, the lack of lips on the beast meaning that you could see a selection of large, knife-like teeth sticking out of her jawline as she walked over to you.

“Here she is, dear ol Gracie! Got the caps for her?” She asked with taking the satchel of caps that you had set out off her and giving them to her, the woman smirking as she opened the back, eventually placing it on her belt. “There we go! Now, mind if I take you aside for a moment? I’ve got a technique to show you on how I train my hounds.” She said with you nodding, figuring it would be good to know how to retrain the dog that you were buying as you walked over to the woman. As soon as you got out of earshot of the two dogs, you’d suddenly feel as she grabbed hold of your legs, pushing you backwards and ramming you into the ground as she would do so, the woman spreading your legs as you attempted to ask her about what she was doing.

“Hey, just be quiet and let this happen. Besides, I’ve seen how you’ve looked at me anyway.”  She said with a chuckle as she would grab ahold of your belt and took it off with a finger, flinging it into the sand as she would do so. Soon your trousers and underwear were down to your ankles and your cock was out, looming over her face somewhat as her warm and misty breathing would push all over your member, the woman’s tongue slowly rolling out of her mouth slightly as she did so. With that she would proceed to move her mouth up to your tip, the woman looking at it for several moments before she would go about puckering her lips up and slowly lowering herself onto it, letting the tip rest against it before ramming down your member as she did so.

You’d groan as you’d feel her hit your base, your cock resting against her massive tongue as she would proceed to move her lips up your member, going nice and slowly as her tongue slithered out of the side of her mouth. With that she would start wrapping her tongue around your cock, the tip of her tongue tracing the veins that were currently flaring up on your member before she reached your tip, the woman resting there for several moments as she would eventually pop off your member. From there she would pant for several moments, the woman stretching her arms somewhat as she would look at you and grin, the woman getting up off the ground only to turn around, starting to speak to you again as she would do so, the floor creaking under her weight.

“Now that you’re ready, it’s time for you to get hands on with your training.” She said as she took off her skirt, the woman’s pussy dripping all over her thighs before she would get on her hands and knees in front of you with it being clear what she wanted. With that you decided that you might as well go about doing what she wanted you to do, grabbing ahold of her waist before you would start moving your hips backwards, the woman letting out a couple of pants into the air as you looked across her muscular back. After a few more seconds of anticipation you’d proceed to let your hips fall forward, the air drifting across your waist and thighs before ramming right into her pussy, the warmth enveloping you as you’d let out a slight pant as your training had now just started.

You’d groan out into the air as you felt her warm insides clench and push against your member, a slight amount of drool pooling at the edge of your tongue as you’d get used to just how hot her insides were. With that you’d start moving your hips backwards, the woman shaking them from side to side somewhat as you’d do so as if to taunt you about fucking her as your hands would peel back from her waist and onto her asscheeks, giving the firm green cheeks a rather plentiful grope as you would do so. Eventually you stopped moving, feeling as you tip would keep you held within her lower lips before you would let out another grunt and moved forward, ramming your hips against her own, a meaty clap echoing out across the air as you’d feel her body shiver slightly.

You’d repeat this process, moving backward nice and slowly and punctuating your movements with one definite hit against her ass, hearing as she groaned and gasped out across the air as she would do so. Your thrusts would get harder each time, hitting against her leathery skin as your body started to bend itself downwards against her so that you were resting against her back, getting more leverage from the woman as you moved your hand away from the asscheeks that it was grasping ahold off. Your hand moved over to her side before moving itself downwards across her abs and onto her breasts, your hand clutching ahold of it as she’d groan out into the air, her nipple rapidly growing harder underneath your palm as she would do so, her gasps sounding out frequently.

With that you’d start to go faster against her large frame and muscular body, letting out a couple groans as you’d ram against her asscheeks, feeling as the warmth would start blurring around your cock somewhat as she would do so. You’d no longer take it slow on her, instead going rather quickly against her body which may have meant that you’d no longer wait inside of her and bathe in the pleasure of what had occurred as a result but you instead were taking in a new shower of pressure. Since you were thrusting against her pretty hard you could feel as her inner walls would clench across your member with each thrust that you made, the woman’s loud groans causing her to scratch down against the wood she was on as she would do so, your hands clutching her hard.

You could feel her body get warmer and warmer as time continued, the heat resonating off her skin and causing you to sweat somewhat as your hands would grow more and more aggressive, your other hand starting to slither down her body. Your hand moved over to her other breast, groping and clutching away at it as your palm pushed into her nipple, grinding against the hard bit of flesh like a stone would grind against a grinder, the woman’s moans getting somewhat shriller as a result. You’d soon have to move your legs a bit, mainly due to the fact that they were bending against her body somewhat and as such you spread then a bit more and got onto your toes, grinding them into the ground as your hips moved upwards across the air and started to go even faster.

Your hips were like a tornado against her rear, ramming and slapping against her as she’d moan wildly into the air with you wondering if having sex with the hounds would cause less howling more than anything else. Her inner walls were now clenching wildly as all times, the wet walls clenching and rubbing against your most sensitive areas at a near constant rate, the woman seemingly trying to make you cum as quickly as possible,a long groan escaping her mouth which steamed up the air slightly. You’d move your head somewhat so that it was resting on her shoulder so that you could get a good look at her face, the woman opening her mouth and letting her tongue roll out of her mouth, spit dripping down against the floor as her eyes nearly rolled into her head. 

With that you’d start feeling as your cock would throb against her, pushing up against her inner walls which responded by clenching around your member, pussy fluids dripping down your thighs as she would do so. Pressure would then start building up at the tip of your member, growing heavier and more intense by the second as you’d try and keep it held in, wanting for this to go in as long as possible as it got more and more unbearable, your teeth grinding against one another in the process. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and proceeded to cum inside of her, letting out a rather furious groan into the air as you’d do so, the woman doing the same as you hilted yourself inside of her, the woman’s pussy lips clenching around your own as she would do so.

Ropes started to escape your member, shooting out of your cock and covering her inner walls easily, the ropes growing stronger after the first volley, the trend only continuing to grow stronger and stronger. Your orgasm would reach its peak reasonably quickly, a massive amount of ropes escaping your member and pushing inside of her, spreading across her inner walls and possibly even hitting against the deepest reaches of her as you’d feel your heart skip a beat somewhat as you did so. Eventually your orgasm would come to a end, the woman feeling as your ropes grew weaker and weaker before they turned into a few droplets, dripping against the walls of her insides as you felt your legs buckle somewhat, feeling rather exhausted about what has just happened as you did so.

“There we go… seems like you’ve trained yourself up rather well.” She said as you pulled yourself away from her hips, hearing as she’d let out a sigh as she would smirk and get up off the ground, the woman chuckling as she did so. “Now, let’s see if you’re up to the real thing, shall we? Oh Gracie, it’s training time!” She shouted and within a few seconds you’d hear some dark grumbling and breathing echoing out across the air and then you’d see Gracie bouncing towards you, slobber dripping down her mouth as she did so. With that she would proceed to look at her owner, her ass shifting from side to side before she would proceed to spread her legs somewhat, revealing her fortune cookie like pussy to you as she did so, the dog eager to get her training done.

With a slight bit of hesitation you’d kneel down somewhat, getting down on the dogs level as you’d do so, your cock resting against the air and still dripping with the super mutant's fluids as you’d eventually decide to commit. Your hands moved over to her waist, taking the stocky waist in your hands as you’d hear her pant and groan into the air, excitedly wanting you to fuck end as you adjusted your cock so that it was poking against her warm and wet lips, feeling as they throbbed against your member somewhat as they did so. With that you’d proceed to start pushing down against them, feeling as her inner walls would clench in anticipation about what was to come before you thrusted inside of her completely, the woman letting out a rather loud grunt as she did so. 

With that you’d slowly slide your cock down her inner walls, feeling as the walls would rub against your cock due to how tight she was before you hilted against your base, letting out a sigh as you tried to adjust to this as you’d do so. You then proceeded to move your hips backwards, letting the natural gravity and weight of your bodies compared to her shift you out of her, your knees digging against the dirt as you’d feel a fresh and very much warm layer of fluids dripping down across your cock as she did so. You’d only stop the natural gravity of things when you removed almost all of you from her pussy, letting yourself rest your tip inside of her before ramming back inside of her again, going somewhat slower then you did with the woman die to her smaller size.

You’d start repeating this process but you’d start going faster slowly, your movements growing less and less janky and machine-like as time would go on with the hope being that it would eventually grow smoother. Gracie seemed to be enjoying herself, the dog panting and grunting to herself happily and, although her face certainly wasn’t the most expressive, she seemed to be happy enough with you moving your hand away from her body and placing it down on the ground in front of you. The woman’s mouth would open and move to your hands but she, thankfully, wasn’t doing it to bite your hands off but instead of licking away at them, her wide and wet tongues pushing against your skin, moving across every inch of your skin as she would enjoy herself.

You’d keep moving faster and faster against her, watching as the woman's ears would start to fold back somewhat,  the pleasure becoming more and more intense for the woman as she rubbed against the floor slightly. You’d see her legs spread themselves somewhat, the woman’s feet grinding and digging down into the ground, a plentiful amount of drool dripping out of your mouth and onto the floor, making a small puddle in its wake as you’d do so, a eager gargle escaping her mouth as she did so. You’d look up at her owner, seeing that she was seemingly rather impressed by the display as she kept nodding in your direction in response, leaving you to have sex with her. 

Meanwhile you’d feel as her inner walls would clench around your member, rubbing against her inner walls as you’d do so which would make the experience much more pleasurable even though your cock was overstimulated somewhat by the entire thing. You’d feel as her pussy fluids would splatter against your waist and thighs, dripping down across the floor as you’d hear the moaning from the dog growing louder and louder as you’d do so, your body shifting one again in the process. You’d move your legs so that they were above her own and moved your arms closer to her face, the woman panting out wildly as she kept licking away at your skin, the woman’s eyes darting around the area as if she knew what was going to coming next and was excited about it,

That was when you felt yourself throbbing inside of her, confirming what was going to happen next as your cock rubbed against her inner walls which would clench and rub back, making an already tight hole even tighter. You’d then feel the pressure start moving across your member, the pressure moving a lot faster then beforehand as you’d get closer to cumming a lot faster,everyone in the room seemingly getting rather excited to see you cum inside of her, especially the hound herself. Eventually everyone would get to see what they wanted to see as you began to cum inside of her, the woman groaning out across the air as you hilted inside of her, feeling as her inner walls grabbing at your member as ropes started to spray out of it as she did so.

A massive amount of ropes would spray out of your member,covering her inner walls pretty easily with the larger ropes starting to push down into her womb, filling it up as she would do so, panting as she would do so. When you reached your peak a massive amount of ropes would spray out of your member, spraying inside of her and filling her up to the point that the later ropes would cover your thighs, the woman shaking somewhat as she would let out a howl of delight into the air. After that your orgasms would come to a end, mere drops of cum dripping from your member by the time that it was over, a thick substance dripping out of her insides and onto the floor as you’d pull away, the dog panting eagerly as you went to sit down in order to catch your breath.

It seems,however, that you wouldn’t go about taking breaths for long when you felt a hand grab ahold of your leg and move it aside, seeing as Erickson pulled your legs apart with Gracie following suit, moving into a space that she had made. “Now , let me show you a little something that I taught Gracie here, shall I?” She asked as you would simply nod in her direction, her mouth opening to reveal her tongue with Gracie taking notice and doing the same as she moved your cock to their two mouths. You’d see as the tongues would slowly slither out of her mouth and across your member, slowly curling across it before Erickson would start moving down the left side of your member, gasping out across the air as you felt the warmth return to your cock once again.

You’d feel as they would go about tandem with one another, one of their mouths moving down your member and the other moving up, the hounds muzzle meaning that Erickson could suck your cock easily enough. You’d watch as their tongues moved across your member, shifting around it more and more whilst long tongues pushed against your veins and glands, making sure to glance over all the pleasurable areas that they could as they would do so, the hand that was on your thigh gripping into it. You’d shift your legs slightly to give them a better view of your cock before you’d realize that it had also meant that your balls were in full view of the two mutated women, particularly Gracie who proceeded to jolt herself downwards to your balls, groaning as she did so.

You’d feel as the warm tongue would lash and push against your balls, doing it as gently as a wild beast could as she would do so with you looking at Erickson who was moving faster across your member, moaning into it eagerly as she would do so. Eventually it would get to the point where she was moving extremely rapidly across your cock,gargling your member as she gasped and moaned before she would suddenly pop off your member, clicking your fingers as she would do so. “Come here, Gracie, Anon’s got a treat for you!” She said as you’d watch as Gracie would proceed to flick her head up into the air, seeing what was happening and starting to get herself into position.

You’d watch as Gracie would open her mouth, the drool attaching to either side of her mouth as her tongue would hang out with it being clear that she was waiting for you to cum into her mouth as your cock ended up twitching in the air. That was until you felt as her hand would start wrapping around your member, the woman grinning as she would start moving her hand up and down your member, drifting up your member and massaging the tip for a few moments as she would do so, pre dripping out across her fingers as she did so. You’d then feel as a second hand would enter the fray, moving to your balls and starting to massage them, making sure that her palm was cradling her balls as she would start moving her fingers across your testicles as she would do so.

The woman would start off slow and she would start moving faster once again, the woman’s hands slowly speeding up more and more by the second and eventually becoming a blur across your member. You’d feel as the pleasure would intensity before dying down ever so slightly before it would increase once again, the pre dripping faster and faster by the second, your balls hitting against the side of her hand as you kept groaning into the air and embracing the pleasure as she would do so. You’d also feel as her hands would start massaging and rubbing against your balls more and more, only making you feel even more pleasure then you had done beforehand.

That was when you felt yourself throbbing inside of her hands for the third time today, your cock pushing against her hand that clenched against it when she felt it, the woman looking between your eyes and your member as she did so. The pressure would push against your member once again, digging into your tip and growing more  and more intense by the moment before you’d feel it rush against your entire member rapidly, getting to the point where keeping it inside your member would actually be painful for you. With that you decided that you couldn’t take it anymore, a breath of fresh air escaping your mouth as ropes started to escape your member, the hound being very eager to take them judging by the way that she was panting out into the air in glee. 

With that you watched as the ropes escaped your members with you being shocked that you had enough cum in you at this point, more and more ropes splattering the woman’s tongue as the ropes grew stronger and stronger. The peak would rapidly arrive, a massive burst of cum escaping your member and spraying all over the hounds tongue, messily spraying across the organ and covering her face as she would groan across the air, the other woman simply watching it happen with a smirk across her face. The orgasm came to a end after that, the last couple ropes spraying across your member and the last few drops pushing into her throat, leaving you sat there with a smirk on your face  as she would swallow up the rest of your cum with eager glee.

After a few moments of resting against the walls you’d get yourself up off the ground, pulling up your trousers and grabbing ahold of your belt from the other side of the room and putting it on, placing your fingers over to your mouth and whistling across the air as you’d do so, your two dogs coming by your side as you did so. “Right, I’m going to get going now, Erickson but hopefully I’ll see you soon.” You said as the woman smiled and nodded at you with you turned around and walking away and back into the harbor again, feeling as the fog would push over you as you thought about getting some more mutants in the future, once you dropped Gracie off at one of your settlements.


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